180 lines
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180 lines
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Architecture file translated from ifar repository N04K04L01.FC15FO25.AREA1DELAY1.CMOS90NM.BPTM
Simple architecture file for vpr version 8 consisting of clusters of BLEs, each BLE contains a 4-LUT+FF pair. Delay models from 90nm PTM.
ODIN II specific config begins
Describes the types of user-specified netlist blocks (in blif, this corresponds to
".model [type_of_block]") that this architecture supports.
Note: This simple architecture needs no models defined here. Basic LUTs, I/Os, and flip-flops are not included here as there are
already special structures in blif (.names, .input, .output, and .latch) that describe them.
<!-- ODIN II specific config ends -->
<!-- Physical descriptions begin -->
<auto_layout aspect_ratio="1.000000">
<!--Perimeter of 'io' blocks with 'EMPTY' blocks at corners-->
<perimeter type="io" priority="100"/>
<corners type="EMPTY" priority="101"/>
<!--Fill with 'clb'-->
<fill type="clb" priority="10"/>
<sizing R_minW_nmos="6065.520020" R_minW_pmos="18138.500000"/>
<area grid_logic_tile_area="7238.080078"/>
<x distr="uniform" peak="1.000000"/>
<y distr="uniform" peak="1.000000"/>
<switch_block type="wilton" fs="3"/>
<connection_block input_switch_name="ipin_cblock"/>
<switch type="mux" name="0" R="0.000000" Cin="0.000000e+00" Cout="0.000000e+00" Tdel="7.958000e-11" mux_trans_size="2.074780" buf_size="19.261999"/>
<!--switch ipin_cblock resistance set to yeild for 4x minimum drive strength buffer-->
<switch type="mux" name="ipin_cblock" R="1516.380005" Cout="0." Cin="0.000000e+00" Tdel="7.362000e-11" mux_trans_size="1.240240" buf_size="auto"/>
<segment freq="1.000000" length="4" type="unidir" Rmetal="0.000000" Cmetal="0.000000e+00">
<mux name="0"/>
<sb type="pattern">1 1 1 1 1</sb>
<cb type="pattern">1 1 1 1</cb>
<!-- Define I/O pads begin -->
<!-- Capacity is a unique property of I/Os, it is the maximum number of I/Os that can be placed at the same (X,Y) location on the FPGA -->
<pb_type name="io" capacity="1">
<input name="outpad" num_pins="1"/>
<output name="inpad" num_pins="1"/>
<clock name="clock" num_pins="1"/>
<!-- IOs can operate as either inputs or outputs.
Delays below come from Ian Kuon. They are small, so they should be interpreted as
the delays to and from registers in the I/O (and generally I/Os are registered
today and that is when you timing analyze them.
<mode name="inpad">
<pb_type name="inpad" blif_model=".input" num_pb="1">
<output name="inpad" num_pins="1"/>
<direct name="inpad" input="inpad.inpad" output="io.inpad">
<delay_constant max="9.492000e-11" in_port="inpad.inpad" out_port="io.inpad"/>
<mode name="outpad">
<pb_type name="outpad" blif_model=".output" num_pb="1">
<input name="outpad" num_pins="1"/>
<direct name="outpad" input="io.outpad" output="outpad.outpad">
<delay_constant max="2.675000e-11" in_port="io.outpad" out_port="outpad.outpad"/>
<!-- Every input pin is driven by 15% of the tracks in a channel, every output pin is driven by 10% of the tracks in a channel -->
<fc in_type="frac" in_val="0.15" out_type="frac" out_val="0.10"/>
<!-- IOs go on the periphery of the FPGA, for consistency,
make it physically equivalent on all sides so that only one definition of I/Os is needed.
If I do not make a physically equivalent definition, then I need to define 4 different I/Os, one for each side of the FPGA
<pinlocations pattern="custom">
<loc side="left">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<loc side="top">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<loc side="right">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<loc side="bottom">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<power method="ignore"/>
<!-- Define I/O pads ends -->
<!-- Define general purpose logic block (CLB) begin -->
<pb_type name="clb">
<input name="I" num_pins="10"/>
<output name="O" num_pins="1"/>
<clock name="clk" num_pins="1"/>
<!-- Describe basic logic element. -->
<!-- Define 4-LUT mode -->
<pb_type name="ble4" num_pb="1">
<input name="in" num_pins="4"/>
<output name="out" num_pins="1"/>
<clock name="clk" num_pins="1"/>
<!-- Define LUT -->
<pb_type name="lut4" blif_model=".names" num_pb="1" class="lut">
<input name="in" num_pins="4" port_class="lut_in"/>
<output name="out" num_pins="1" port_class="lut_out"/>
<!-- LUT timing using delay matrix -->
<delay_matrix type="max" in_port="lut4.in" out_port="lut4.out">
<!-- Define flip-flop -->
<pb_type name="ff" blif_model=".latch" num_pb="1" class="flipflop">
<input name="D" num_pins="1" port_class="D"/>
<output name="Q" num_pins="1" port_class="Q"/>
<clock name="clk" num_pins="1" port_class="clock"/>
<T_setup value="2.160000e-10" port="ff.D" clock="clk"/>
<T_clock_to_Q max="1.426000e-10" port="ff.Q" clock="clk"/>
<direct name="direct1" input="ble4.in" output="lut4[0:0].in"/>
<direct name="direct2" input="lut4.out" output="ff.D">
<!-- Advanced user option that tells CAD tool to find LUT+FF pairs in netlist -->
<pack_pattern name="ble6" in_port="lut4.out" out_port="ff.D"/>
<direct name="direct3" input="ble4.clk" output="ff.clk"/>
<mux name="mux1" input="ff.Q lut4.out" output="ble4.out">
<!-- 4-LUT mode definition end -->
<!-- Keyword 'complete' indicates a fully connected crossbar to get logical equivalence at inputs of CLB
here, the crossbar takes input from the clb and the feedback output from the ble.
crossbar output goes to the ble input. -->
<complete name="crossbar" input="clb.I ble4[0:0].out" output="ble4[0:0].in">
<delay_constant max="5.735000e-11" in_port="clb.I" out_port="ble4[0:0].in" />
<delay_constant max="5.428000e-11" in_port="ble4[0:0].out" out_port="ble4[0:0].in" />
<complete name="clks" input="clb.clk" output="ble4[0:0].clk">
<direct name="clbouts1" input="ble4[0:0].out" output="clb.O"/>
<!-- Every input pin is driven by 15% of the tracks in a channel, every output pin is driven by 25% of the tracks in a channel -->
<fc in_type="frac" in_val="0.15" out_type="frac" out_val="0.25"/>
<pinlocations pattern="spread"/>
<!-- Define general purpose logic block (CLB) ends -->