2.6 KiB
The goal of this example is just to make a first step into the software. The .blif contains only an inverter. The .xml is currently on which means that the size depends on the .blif. Since the .blif is almost empty, only 1 CLB will be generated.

Schematic of the FPGA generated during example_1. The CLB integrates a 4-inputs LUT, a FF and a MUX.
Things to understand in this example
Everything won't be explained in detail but few important structures (some common with the VPR project) are to be explained in order to build good architectures.
... add models such as the io pads.
... all tech and spice parameters are defined here.
... define the Basic Elements of the architecture and the modules that cannot
be generated (i.e. the Flip-Flop) but need to be called.
... complex blocks
... here we define the hierarchy of the primitive blocks and interconnect them
... defines the primitive block
Example_2's goal is to introduce the slices, the interconnections which can be generated from it and the manual mode of the layout. In this case, we generate a 3x3 FPGA with 4 slices. The LUTs are 6-inputs ones similarly to the ones used in the industry. There is a feedback-loop from the output of the slices to the input MUXs

Schematic showing the CLB generated in this example.
Things to understand in this example
<layout width="3" height="3"/> <!-- Manual mode of the layout allowing us to choose the number of CLBs -->
<complete name="crossbar" input="clb.I fle[3:0].out" output="fle[3:0].in" spice_model_name="mux_2level">
<!-- Defines how we apply the feedback on the inputs of the slices -->
<delay_constant max="53.44e-12" in_port="clb.I" out_port="fle[3:0].in" />
<delay_constant max="53.44e-12" in_port="fle[3:0].out" out_port="fle[3:0].in" />