added signal gen regression test to shell script
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,35 +38,26 @@ module bitstream_loader(
wire bram_output;
assign config_chain_head = bram_output;
RAMB18E1 #(
// Address Collision Mode: "PERFORMANCE" or "DELAYED_WRITE"
// Collision check: Values ("ALL", "WARNING_ONLY", "GENERATE_X_ONLY" or "NONE")
// RAM Mode: "SDP" or "TDP"
// READ_WIDTH_A/B, WRITE_WIDTH_A/B: Read/write width per port
.READ_WIDTH_A(1), // 0-72
.READ_WIDTH_B(0), // 0-18
.WRITE_WIDTH_A(0), // 0-18
.WRITE_WIDTH_B(0), // 0-72
@ -75,92 +66,20 @@ module bitstream_loader(
// RSTREG_PRIORITY_A, RSTREG_PRIORITY_B: Reset or enable priority ("RSTREG" or "REGCE")
// SRVAL_A, SRVAL_B: Set/reset value for output
// Simulation Device: Must be set to "7SERIES" for simulation behavior
// WriteMode: Value on output upon a write ("WRITE_FIRST", "READ_FIRST", or "NO_CHANGE")
RAMB18E1_inst (
EFX_RAM_5K_inst (
// Port A Data: 16-bit (each) output: Port A data
.DOADO(bram_output), // 16-bit output: A port data/LSB data
.DOPADOP(), // 2-bit output: A port parity/LSB parity
// Port B Data: 16-bit (each) output: Port B data
.DOBDO(), // 16-bit output: B port data/MSB data
.DOPBDOP(), // 2-bit output: B port parity/MSB parity
// Port A Address/Control Signals: 14-bit (each) input: Port A address and control signals (read port
// when RAM_MODE="SDP")
.ADDRARDADDR(bram_addr), // 14-bit input: A port address/Read address
.CLKARDCLK(~prog_clk), // 1-bit input: A port clock/Read clock
.ENARDEN(1'b1), // 1-bit input: A port enable/Read enable
.REGCEAREGCE(1'b1), // 1-bit input: A port register enable/Register enable
.RSTRAMARSTRAM(0), // 1-bit input: A port set/reset
.RSTREGARSTREG(0), // 1-bit input: A port register set/reset
.WEA(2'b00), // 2-bit input: A port write enable
// Port A Data: 16-bit (each) input: Port A data
.DIADI(0), // 16-bit input: A port data/LSB data
.DIPADIP(0), // 2-bit input: A port parity/LSB parity
// Port B Address/Control Signals: 14-bit (each) input: Port B address and control signals (write port
// when RAM_MODE="SDP")
.ADDRBWRADDR(0), // 14-bit input: B port address/Write address
.CLKBWRCLK(0), // 1-bit input: B port clock/Write clock
.ENBWREN(0), // 1-bit input: B port enable/Write enable
.REGCEB(0), // 1-bit input: B port register enable
.RSTRAMB(0), // 1-bit input: B port set/reset
.RSTREGB(0), // 1-bit input: B port register set/reset
.WEBWE(0), // 4-bit input: B port write enable/Write enable
// Port B Data: 16-bit (each) input: Port B data
.DIBDI(0), // 16-bit input: B port data/MSB data
.DIPBDIP(0) // 2-bit input: B port parity/MSB parity
.WDATA(0), // Write data
.WADDR(0), // Write address
.WE(0), // Write enable
@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ run-task benchmark_sweep/mac_units --debug --show_thread_logs
# Otherwise, it will fail
run-task benchmark_sweep/mcnc_big20 --debug --show_thread_logs
#python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ mcnc_big20 --run_sim
run-task benchmark_sweep/signal_gen --debug --show_thread_logs
Reference in New Issue