remove simulation settings from openfpga arch XML
update travis to split CI tests fix errors in travis configuration fixing travis errors in scripts keep fixing travis fix travis on bug fixing in travis CI bug fix in travis regression test run fixing bugs in the travis scripts bug fix in travis script: remove in regression test call keep bug fixing in travis
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,105 +14,99 @@ cache:
# Currently sudo is not required, NO ENV is used
# Supported Operating systems
# - linux
# - osx
# Create a matrix to branch the building environment
- os: linux
# Compiler is specified in ./travis/
sudo: false
dist: bionic
compiler: g++-8
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test # For newer GCC
- llvm_toolchain-trusty-7
- autoconf
- automake
- bash
- bison
- build-essential
- cmake
- ctags
- curl
- doxygen
- flex
- fontconfig
- g++-8
- gcc-8
- gdb
- git
- gperf
- iverilog
- libcairo2-dev
- libevent-dev
- libfontconfig1-dev
- liblist-moreutils-perl
- libncurses5-dev
- libx11-dev
- libxft-dev
- libxml++2.6-dev
- perl
- python
- python-lxml
- texinfo
- time
- valgrind
- zip
- qt5-default
- clang-format-7
# - os: osx
# osx_image: xcode10.2 # we target latest MacOS Mojave
# sudo: true
# compiler: gcc-4.9 # Use clang instead of gcc in MacOS
# addons:
# homebrew:
# packages:
# - bison
# - cmake
# - ctags
# - flex
# - fontconfig
# - git
# - gcc@6
# - gcc@4.9
# - gawk
# - icarus-verilog
# - libxml++
# - qt5
dist: bionic
compiler: g++-8
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test # For newer GCC
- llvm_toolchain-trusty-7
- autoconf
- automake
- bash
- bison
- build-essential
- cmake
- ctags
- curl
- doxygen
- flex
- fontconfig
- g++-8
- gcc-8
- gdb
- git
- gperf
- iverilog
- libcairo2-dev
- libevent-dev
- libfontconfig1-dev
- liblist-moreutils-perl
- libncurses5-dev
- libx11-dev
- libxft-dev
- libxml++2.6-dev
- perl
- python
- python-lxml
- texinfo
- time
- valgrind
- zip
- qt5-default
- clang-format-7
#- os: osx
# osx_image: xcode10.2 # we target latest MacOS Mojave
# sudo: true
# compiler: gcc-4.9 # Use clang instead of gcc in MacOS
# addons:
# homebrew:
# packages:
# - bison
# - cmake
# - ctags
# - flex
# - fontconfig
# - git
# - gcc@6
# - gcc@4.9
# - gawk
# - icarus-verilog
# - libxml++
# - qt5
- source .travis/
- DEPS_DIR="${HOME}/deps"
- mkdir -p ${DEPS_DIR} && cd ${DEPS_DIR}
- |
if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]]; then
mkdir -p cmake && travis_retry wget --no-clobber --no-check-certificate --quiet -O - ${CMAKE_URL} | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C cmake
export PATH=${DEPS_DIR}/cmake/bin:${PATH}
echo ${PATH}
brew install cmake || brew upgrade cmake
- cmake --version
- cd -
- source .travis/
- name: Test
if: type != cron
- stage: Test
name: "OpenFPGA + VPR7 regression tests"
- source .travis/
- source .travis/
- stage: Test
name: "OpenFPGA + VPR8 regression tests"
- source .travis/
- source .travis/
# - .travis/
# - .travis/
- .travis/
#- .travis/
- true
- .travis/
- .travis/
secure: 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
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
source .travis/
set -e
start_section "" "${GREEN}Building..${NC}"
mkdir build
cd build
if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'osx' ]]; then
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
make -j16
end_section ""
@ -4,18 +4,19 @@ source .travis/
set -e
## Install necessary package which is not available on Travis CI
#export DEPS_DIR="${HOME}/deps"
#mkdir -p ${DEPS_DIR} && cd ${DEPS_DIR}
## Install CMake
#if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]]; then
# export CMAKE_URL=""
# mkdir -p cmake && travis_retry wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O - ${CMAKE_URL} | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C cmake
# export PATH=${DEPS_DIR}/cmake/bin:${PATH}
# echo ${PATH}
# brew install cmake || brew upgrade cmake
# cmake --version
export DEPS_DIR="${HOME}/deps"
mkdir -p ${DEPS_DIR} && cd ${DEPS_DIR}
# Install CMake
if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]]; then
export CMAKE_URL=""
mkdir -p cmake && travis_retry wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O - ${CMAKE_URL} | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C cmake
export PATH=${DEPS_DIR}/cmake/bin:${PATH}
echo ${PATH}
brew install cmake || brew upgrade cmake
cmake --version
cd -
## Install latest iVerilog. Since no deb is provided, compile from source codes
#if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]]; then
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
set -e
start_section "OpenFPGA+VPR7.TaskTun" "${GREEN}..Running_Regression..${NC}"
# OpenFPGA with VPR7
echo -e "Testing single-mode architectures";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ single_mode --debug --show_thread_logs
#python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ s298
echo -e "Testing multi-mode architectures";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ multi_mode --maxthreads 4 --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing compact routing techniques";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ compact_routing --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing tileable architectures";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ tileable_routing --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing Verilog generation with explicit port mapping ";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ explicit_verilog --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing Verilog generation with grid pin duplication ";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ duplicate_grid_pin --debug --show_thread_logs
end_section "OpenFPGA+VPR7.TaskTun"
@ -1,46 +1,9 @@
source .travis/
set -e
start_section "" "${GREEN}Building..${NC}"
mkdir build
cd build
if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'osx' ]]; then
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
make -j16
end_section ""
start_section "OpenFPGA.TaskTun" "${GREEN}..Running_Regression..${NC}"
cd -
# OpenFPGA with VPR7
echo -e "Testing single-mode architectures";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ single_mode --debug --show_thread_logs
#python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ s298
echo -e "Testing multi-mode architectures";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ multi_mode --maxthreads 4 --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing compact routing techniques";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ compact_routing --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing tileable architectures";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ tileable_routing --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing Verilog generation with explicit port mapping ";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ explicit_verilog --debug --show_thread_logs
echo -e "Testing Verilog generation with grid pin duplication ";
python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/ duplicate_grid_pin --debug --show_thread_logs
# OpenFPGA Shell with VPR8
@ -193,36 +193,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -193,36 +193,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -193,36 +193,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="500e6" num_cycles="10" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="300e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -194,36 +194,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -194,36 +194,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -193,36 +193,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -194,36 +194,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -224,37 +224,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<!--operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -249,37 +249,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -266,37 +266,3 @@
<!-- END physical pb_type binding in complex block memory -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -278,37 +278,3 @@
<!-- END physical pb_type binding in complex block memory -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -249,37 +249,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -252,37 +252,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -258,37 +258,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -253,37 +253,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block CLB -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -337,37 +337,3 @@
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -224,37 +224,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -224,37 +224,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -228,37 +228,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -216,37 +216,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
@ -215,37 +215,3 @@
<!-- End physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
<operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<!--operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<programming frequency="100e6"/>
<operating_condition temperature="25"/>
<output_log verbose="false" captab="false"/>
<accuracy type="abs" value="1e-13"/>
<runtime fast_simulation="true"/>
<monte_carlo num_simulation_points="2"/>
<rise upper_thres_pct="0.95" lower_thres_pct="0.05"/>
<fall upper_thres_pct="0.05" lower_thres_pct="0.95"/>
<rise input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<fall input_thres_pct="0.5" output_thres_pct="0.5"/>
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="20e-12" />
<rise slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
<fall slew_type="abs" slew_time="25e-12" />
Reference in New Issue