2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
* This function includes the writer for generating exchangeable
* information, in order to interface different simulators
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <map>
#include "ini.h"
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_assert.h"
#include "vtr_time.h"
2020-04-15 21:53:37 -05:00
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
2021-06-25 11:33:29 -05:00
#include "openfpga_scale.h"
2020-04-15 21:53:37 -05:00
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
2020-07-01 14:07:39 -05:00
#include "openfpga_reserved_words.h"
#include "openfpga_naming.h"
2020-04-15 21:53:37 -05:00
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
#include "simulation_utils.h"
#include "verilog_constants.h"
2020-09-20 13:58:55 -05:00
#include "verilog_simulation_info_writer.h"
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Top-level function to write an ini file which contains exchangeable
* information, in order to interface different Verilog simulators
void print_verilog_simulation_info(const std::string& ini_fname,
2021-06-25 11:10:16 -05:00
const VerilogTestbenchOption& options,
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
const std::string& circuit_name,
const std::string& src_dir,
2020-07-01 14:07:39 -05:00
const AtomContext& atom_ctx,
const PlacementContext& place_ctx,
const IoLocationMap& io_location_map,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const e_config_protocol_type& config_protocol_type,
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
const size_t& num_program_clock_cycles,
const int& num_operating_clock_cycles,
const float& prog_clock_freq,
const float& op_clock_freq) {
std::string timer_message = std::string("Write exchangeable file containing simulation information '") + ini_fname + std::string("'");
2020-04-15 21:53:37 -05:00
std::string ini_dir_path = format_dir_path(find_path_dir_name(ini_fname));
/* Create directories */
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
/* Start time count */
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer(timer_message);
/* Use default name if user does not provide one */
VTR_ASSERT(true != ini_fname.empty());
mINI::INIStructure ini;
2021-06-25 11:10:16 -05:00
/* Compute simulation time period: full testbench and pre-configured testbench has different length
* Currently, we only support the two types. And one of them must be enabled when outputting this file
float simulation_time_period = 0.;
if (options.print_top_testbench()) {
2021-06-25 11:33:29 -05:00
simulation_time_period = find_simulation_time_period(options.time_unit(),
2021-06-25 11:10:16 -05:00
1. / prog_clock_freq,
1. / op_clock_freq);
} else {
simulation_time_period = find_operating_phase_simulation_time(1.,
2021-06-25 11:33:29 -05:00
2021-06-25 11:10:16 -05:00
1. / op_clock_freq,
2021-06-25 11:33:29 -05:00
2021-06-25 11:10:16 -05:00
/* Identify the testbench file name depending on the type */
std::string top_tb_name;
if (options.print_top_testbench()) {
top_tb_name = circuit_name + std::string(AUTOCHECK_TOP_TESTBENCH_VERILOG_FILE_POSTFIX);
} else {
top_tb_name = circuit_name + std::string(FORMAL_RANDOM_TOP_TESTBENCH_POSTFIX);
2020-07-01 14:07:39 -05:00
/* Basic information */
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["PROJECTNAME "] = "ModelSimProject";
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["BENCHMARK "] = circuit_name;
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ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["TOP_TB"] = top_tb_name;
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["SIMTIME "] = std::to_string(simulation_time_period);
2021-06-25 11:33:29 -05:00
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["UNIT "] = unit_to_string(options.time_unit());
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["VERILOG_PATH "] = std::string(src_dir);
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2020-09-20 13:58:55 -05:00
2020-07-02 13:26:59 -05:00
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["CONFIG_PROTOCOL"] = std::string(CONFIG_PROTOCOL_TYPE_STRING[config_protocol_type]);
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
2020-07-01 14:07:39 -05:00
/* Information required by UVM */
if (CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED == config_protocol_type) {
/* Find the top_module */
ModuleId top_module = module_manager.find_module(generate_fpga_top_module_name());
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(top_module));
/* Address port */
ModulePortId addr_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(top_module,
BasicPort addr_port = module_manager.module_port(top_module, addr_port_id);
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["ADDR_WIDTH"] = std::to_string(addr_port.get_width());
/* I/O port */
std::vector<BasicPort> module_io_ports = module_manager.module_ports_by_type(top_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIO_PORT);
size_t total_gpio_width = 0;
for (const BasicPort& module_io_port : module_io_ports) {
total_gpio_width += module_io_port.get_width();
2020-07-01 14:39:12 -05:00
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"]["GPIO_WIDTH"] = std::to_string(total_gpio_width);
2020-07-01 14:07:39 -05:00
/* I/O direction map:
* - '0' output
* - '1' input
* For unused ports, by default we assume it is configured as inputs
* TODO: this should be reworked to be consistent with bitstream
2020-11-02 19:27:34 -06:00
for (const BasicPort& module_io_port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(top_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIO_PORT)) {
std::string io_direction(module_io_port.get_width(), '1');
for (const AtomBlockId& atom_blk : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
/* Bypass non-I/O atom blocks ! */
if ( (AtomBlockType::INPAD != atom_ctx.nlist.block_type(atom_blk))
&& (AtomBlockType::OUTPAD != atom_ctx.nlist.block_type(atom_blk)) ) {
/* Find the index of the mapped GPIO in top-level FPGA fabric */
size_t io_index = io_location_map.io_index(place_ctx.block_locs[atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(atom_blk)].loc.x,
if (size_t(-1) == io_index) {
if (AtomBlockType::INPAD == atom_ctx.nlist.block_type(atom_blk)) {
io_direction[io_index] = '1';
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(AtomBlockType::OUTPAD == atom_ctx.nlist.block_type(atom_blk));
io_direction[io_index] = '0';
std::string io_tag = "IO" + module_io_port.get_name();
/* Organize the vector to string */
ini["SIMULATION_DECK"][io_tag] = io_direction;
2020-07-01 14:07:39 -05:00
2020-02-27 19:01:47 -06:00
mINI::INIFile file(ini_fname);
file.generate(ini, true);
} /* end namespace openfpga */