2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* The XML parser processes an XML file into a tree data structure composed of *
* ezxml_t nodes . Each ezxml_t node represents an XML element . For example *
* < a > < b / > < / a > will generate two ezxml_t nodes . One called " a " and its *
* child " b " . Each ezxml_t node can contain various XML data such as attribute *
* information and text content . The XML parser provides several functions to *
* help the developer build , traverse , and free this ezxml_t tree . *
* *
* The function ezxml_parse_file reads in an architecture file . *
* *
* The function FindElement returns a child ezxml_t node for a given ezxml_t *
* node that matches a name provided by the developer . *
* *
* The function FreeNode frees a child ezxml_t node . All children nodes must *
* be freed before the parent can be freed . *
* *
* The function FindProperty is used to extract attributes from an ezxml_t node . *
* The corresponding ezxml_set_attr is used to then free an attribute after it *
* is read . We have several helper functions that perform this common *
* read / store / free operation in one step such as GetIntProperty and *
* GetFloatProperty . *
* *
* Because of how the XML tree traversal works , we free everything when we ' re *
* done reading an architecture file to make sure that there isn ' t some part *
* of the architecture file that got missed . *
# include <string.h>
# include <assert.h>
# include "util.h"
# include "arch_types.h"
# include "ReadLine.h"
# include "ezxml.h"
# include "read_xml_arch_file.h"
# include "read_xml_util.h"
# include "read_xml_spice.h"
/* mrFPGA: Xifan TANG*/
# include "read_xml_mrfpga.h"
/* END */
enum Fc_type {
} ;
/* This identifies the t_type_ptr of an IO block */
static t_type_ptr IO_TYPE = NULL ;
/* This identifies the t_type_ptr of an Empty block */
static t_type_ptr EMPTY_TYPE = NULL ;
/* This identifies the t_type_ptr of the default logic block */
static t_type_ptr FILL_TYPE = NULL ;
/* Describes the different types of CLBs available */
static struct s_type_descriptor * cb_type_descriptors ;
/* Function prototypes */
/* Populate data */
static void SetupEmptyType ( void ) ;
static void SetupPinLocationsAndPinClasses ( ezxml_t Locations ,
t_type_descriptor * Type ) ;
static void SetupGridLocations ( ezxml_t Locations , t_type_descriptor * Type ) ;
#if 0
static void SetupTypeTiming ( ezxml_t timing ,
t_type_descriptor * Type ) ;
# endif
/* Process XML hiearchy */
static void ProcessPb_Type ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_pb_type * pb_type ,
t_mode * mode , boolean do_spice ) ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePort ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_port * port ,
e_power_estimation_method power_method ) ;
static void ProcessPinToPinAnnotations ( ezxml_t parent ,
t_pin_to_pin_annotation * annotation ) ;
static void ProcessInterconnect ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_mode * mode ) ;
static void ProcessMode ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_mode * mode ,
boolean * default_leakage_mode , boolean do_spice ) ;
static void Process_Fc ( ezxml_t Node , t_type_descriptor * Type ) ;
static void ProcessComplexBlockProps ( ezxml_t Node , t_type_descriptor * Type ) ;
static void ProcessChanWidthDistr ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node ,
OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) ;
static void ProcessChanWidthDistrDir ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP t_chan * chan ) ;
static void ProcessModels ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) ;
static void ProcessLayout ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) ;
static void ProcessDevice ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP struct s_arch * arch ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) ;
static void alloc_and_load_default_child_for_pb_type ( INOUTP t_pb_type * pb_type ,
char * new_name , t_pb_type * copy ) ;
static void ProcessLutClass ( INOUTP t_pb_type * lut_pb_type ) ;
static void ProcessMemoryClass ( INOUTP t_pb_type * mem_pb_type ) ;
static void ProcessComplexBlocks ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node ,
OUTP t_type_descriptor * * Types , OUTP int * NumTypes ,
INP boolean timing_enabled , boolean do_spice ) ;
static void ProcessSwitches ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node ,
OUTP struct s_switch_inf * * Switches , OUTP int * NumSwitches ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) ;
static void ProcessDirects ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , OUTP t_direct_inf * * Directs ,
OUTP int * NumDirects , INP boolean timing_enabled ) ;
static void ProcessSegments ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent ,
OUTP struct s_segment_inf * * Segs , OUTP int * NumSegs ,
INP struct s_switch_inf * Switches , INP int NumSwitches ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) ;
static void ProcessCB_SB ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , INOUTP boolean * list ,
INP int len ) ;
static void ProcessPower ( INOUTP ezxml_t parent ,
INOUTP t_power_arch * power_arch , INP t_type_descriptor * Types ,
INP int NumTypes ) ;
static void ProcessClocks ( ezxml_t Parent , t_clock_arch * clocks ) ;
static void CreateModelLibrary ( OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) ;
static void UpdateAndCheckModels ( INOUTP struct s_arch * arch ) ;
static void SyncModelsPbTypes ( INOUTP struct s_arch * arch ,
INP t_type_descriptor * Types , INP int NumTypes ) ;
static void SyncModelsPbTypes_rec ( INOUTP struct s_arch * arch ,
INP t_pb_type * pb_type ) ;
static void PrintPb_types_rec ( INP FILE * Echo , INP const t_pb_type * pb_type ,
int level ) ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePowerEstMethod ( ezxml_t Parent , t_pb_type * pb_type ) ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePort_Power ( ezxml_t Parent , t_port * port ,
e_power_estimation_method power_method ) ;
e_power_estimation_method power_method_inherited (
e_power_estimation_method parent_power_method ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern support*/
static void ProcessSwitchSegmentPatterns ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent ,
OUTP int * num_swseg_pattern ,
OUTP t_swseg_pattern_inf * * swseg_patterns ,
INP int num_switches ,
INP struct s_switch_inf * switches ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: Pin Equivalence Auto-Detection */
void SetupPinEquivalenceAutoDetect ( ezxml_t Parent , t_type_descriptor * Type ) ;
/* Sets up the pinloc map and pin classes for the type. Unlinks the loc nodes
* from the XML tree .
* Pins and pin classses must already be setup by SetupPinClasses */
static void SetupPinLocationsAndPinClasses ( ezxml_t Locations ,
t_type_descriptor * Type ) {
int i , j , k , Count , Len ;
int capacity , pin_count ;
int num_class ;
const char * Prop ;
ezxml_t Cur , Prev ;
char * * Tokens , * * CurTokens ;
capacity = Type - > capacity ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Locations , " pattern " , TRUE ) ;
if ( strcmp ( Prop , " spread " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > pin_location_distribution = E_SPREAD_PIN_DISTR ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " custom " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > pin_location_distribution = E_CUSTOM_PIN_DISTR ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] %s is an invalid pin location pattern. \n " ,
Locations - > line , Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Locations , " pattern " , NULL ) ;
/* mrFPGA */
Type - > pin_index_per_side = ( int * ) my_malloc ( Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( int ) ) ;
Type - > pin_ptc_to_side = ( int * ) my_malloc ( Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( int ) ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < Type - > num_pins ; + + k )
Type - > pin_index_per_side [ k ] = 0 ;
Type - > pin_ptc_to_side [ k ] = 0 ;
/* end */
/* Alloc and clear pin locations */
Type - > pinloc = ( int * * * ) my_malloc ( Type - > height * sizeof ( int * * ) ) ;
Type - > pin_height = ( int * ) my_calloc ( Type - > num_pins , sizeof ( int ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < Type - > height ; + + i ) {
Type - > pinloc [ i ] = ( int * * ) my_malloc ( 4 * sizeof ( int * ) ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; + + j ) {
Type - > pinloc [ i ] [ j ] = ( int * ) my_malloc (
Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( int ) ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < Type - > num_pins ; + + k ) {
Type - > pinloc [ i ] [ j ] [ k ] = 0 ;
/* mrFPGA */
Type - > pin_index_per_side [ i ] = 0 ;
Type - > pin_ptc_to_side [ i ] = 0 ;
/* end */
Type - > pin_loc_assignments = ( char * * * * ) my_malloc (
Type - > height * sizeof ( char * * * ) ) ;
Type - > num_pin_loc_assignments = ( int * * ) my_malloc (
Type - > height * sizeof ( int * ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < Type - > height ; i + + ) {
Type - > pin_loc_assignments [ i ] = ( char * * * ) my_calloc ( 4 , sizeof ( char * * ) ) ;
Type - > num_pin_loc_assignments [ i ] = ( int * ) my_calloc ( 4 , sizeof ( int ) ) ;
/* Load the pin locations */
if ( Type - > pin_location_distribution = = E_CUSTOM_PIN_DISTR ) {
Cur = Locations - > child ;
while ( Cur ) {
CheckElement ( Cur , " loc " ) ;
/* Get offset */
i = GetIntProperty ( Cur , " offset " , FALSE , 0 ) ;
if ( ( i < 0 ) | | ( i > = Type - > height ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] %d is an invalid offset for type '%s'. \n " ,
Cur - > line , i , Type - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Get side */
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " side " , TRUE ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " left " ) ) {
j = LEFT ;
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " top " ) ) {
j = TOP ;
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " right " ) ) {
j = RIGHT ;
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " bottom " ) ) {
j = BOTTOM ;
else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] '%s' is not a valid side. \n " , Cur - > line ,
Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " side " , NULL ) ;
/* Check location is on perimeter */
if ( ( TOP = = j ) & & ( i ! = ( Type - > height - 1 ) ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Locations are only allowed on large block "
" perimeter. 'top' side should be at offset %d only. \n " ,
Cur - > line , ( Type - > height - 1 ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( BOTTOM = = j ) & & ( i ! = 0 ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Locations are only allowed on large block "
" perimeter. 'bottom' side should be at offset 0 only. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Go through lists of pins */
CountTokensInString ( Cur - > txt , & Count , & Len ) ;
Type - > num_pin_loc_assignments [ i ] [ j ] = Count ;
if ( Count > 0 ) {
Tokens = GetNodeTokens ( Cur ) ;
CurTokens = Tokens ;
Type - > pin_loc_assignments [ i ] [ j ] = ( char * * ) my_calloc ( Count ,
sizeof ( char * ) ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < Count ; k + + ) {
/* Store location assignment */
Type - > pin_loc_assignments [ i ] [ j ] [ k ] = my_strdup ( * CurTokens ) ;
/* Advance through list of pins in this location */
+ + CurTokens ;
FreeTokens ( & Tokens ) ;
Prev = Cur ;
Cur = Cur - > next ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
/* Setup pin classes */
num_class = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < Type - > pb_type - > num_ports ; i + + ) {
if ( Type - > pb_type - > ports [ i ] . equivalent ) {
num_class + = capacity ;
} else {
num_class + = capacity * Type - > pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ;
Type - > class_inf = ( struct s_class * ) my_calloc ( num_class ,
sizeof ( struct s_class ) ) ;
Type - > num_class = num_class ;
Type - > pin_class = ( int * ) my_malloc ( Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( int ) * capacity ) ;
Type - > is_global_pin = ( boolean * ) my_malloc (
Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( boolean ) * capacity ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < Type - > num_pins * capacity ; i + + ) {
Type - > pin_class [ i ] = OPEN ;
Type - > is_global_pin [ i ] = ( boolean ) OPEN ;
pin_count = 0 ;
/* Equivalent pins share the same class, non-equivalent pins belong to different pin classes */
num_class = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < capacity ; + + i ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < Type - > pb_type - > num_ports ; + + j ) {
if ( Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . equivalent ) {
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . num_pins =
Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . num_pins ;
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . pinlist = ( int * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( int ) * Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . num_pins ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . num_pins ; + + k ) {
if ( ! Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . equivalent ) {
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . num_pins = 1 ;
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . pinlist = ( int * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( int ) * 1 ) ;
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . pinlist [ 0 ] = pin_count ;
} else {
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . pinlist [ k ] = pin_count ;
if ( Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . type = = IN_PORT ) {
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . type = RECEIVER ;
} else {
assert ( Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . type = = OUT_PORT ) ;
Type - > class_inf [ num_class ] . type = DRIVER ;
Type - > pin_class [ pin_count ] = num_class ;
Type - > is_global_pin [ pin_count ] =
( boolean ) ( Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . is_clock
| | Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . is_non_clock_global ) ;
pin_count + + ;
if ( ! Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . equivalent ) {
num_class + + ;
if ( Type - > pb_type - > ports [ j ] . equivalent ) {
num_class + + ;
assert ( num_class = = Type - > num_class ) ;
assert ( pin_count = = Type - > num_pins ) ;
/* Sets up the grid_loc_def for the type. Unlinks the loc nodes
* from the XML tree . */
static void SetupGridLocations ( ezxml_t Locations , t_type_descriptor * Type ) {
int i ;
ezxml_t Cur , Prev ;
const char * Prop ;
Type - > num_grid_loc_def = CountChildren ( Locations , " loc " , 1 ) ;
Type - > grid_loc_def = ( struct s_grid_loc_def * ) my_calloc (
Type - > num_grid_loc_def , sizeof ( struct s_grid_loc_def ) ) ;
/* Load the pin locations */
Cur = Locations - > child ;
i = 0 ;
while ( Cur ) {
CheckElement ( Cur , " loc " ) ;
/* loc index */
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " type " , TRUE ) ;
if ( Prop ) {
if ( strcmp ( Prop , " perimeter " ) = = 0 ) {
if ( Type - > num_grid_loc_def ! = 1 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Another loc specified for perimeter. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . grid_loc_type = BOUNDARY ;
assert ( IO_TYPE = = Type ) ;
/* IO goes to boundary */
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " fill " ) = = 0 ) {
if ( Type - > num_grid_loc_def ! = 1 | | FILL_TYPE ! = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Another loc specified for fill. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . grid_loc_type = FILL ;
FILL_TYPE = Type ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " col " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . grid_loc_type = COL_REPEAT ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " rel " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . grid_loc_type = COL_REL ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Unknown grid location type '%s' for type '%s'. \n " ,
Cur - > line , Prop , Type - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " type " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " start " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . grid_loc_type = = COL_REPEAT ) {
if ( Prop = = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] grid location property 'start' must be specified for grid location type 'col'. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . start_col = my_atoi ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " start " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] grid location property 'start' valid for grid location type 'col' only. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " repeat " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . grid_loc_type = = COL_REPEAT ) {
if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . repeat = my_atoi ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " repeat " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] grid location property 'repeat' valid for grid location type 'col' only. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " pos " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . grid_loc_type = = COL_REL ) {
if ( Prop = = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] grid location property 'pos' must be specified for grid location type 'rel'. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . col_rel = ( float ) atof ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " pos " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] grid location property 'pos' valid for grid location type 'rel' only. \n " ,
Cur - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Type - > grid_loc_def [ i ] . priority = GetIntProperty ( Cur , " priority " , FALSE ,
1 ) ;
Prev = Cur ;
Cur = Cur - > next ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
i + + ;
static void ProcessPinToPinAnnotations ( ezxml_t Parent ,
t_pin_to_pin_annotation * annotation ) {
int i = 0 ;
const char * Prop ;
if ( FindProperty ( Parent , " max " , FALSE ) ) {
i + + ;
if ( FindProperty ( Parent , " min " , FALSE ) ) {
i + + ;
if ( FindProperty ( Parent , " type " , FALSE ) ) {
i + + ;
if ( FindProperty ( Parent , " value " , FALSE ) ) {
i + + ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " C_constant " )
| | 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " C_matrix " )
| | 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " pack_pattern " ) ) {
i = 1 ;
/* Xifan TANG: FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " mode_select " ) ) {
i = 1 ;
/* END FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
annotation - > num_value_prop_pairs = i ;
annotation - > prop = ( int * ) my_calloc ( i , sizeof ( int ) ) ;
annotation - > value = ( char * * ) my_calloc ( i , sizeof ( char * ) ) ;
/* Todo: This is slow, I should use a case lookup */
i = 0 ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " delay_constant " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CONSTANT ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " max " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ) {
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_MAX ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " max " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " min " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ) {
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_MIN ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " min " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
annotation - > line_num = Parent - > line ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " in_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " in_port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " out_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > output_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " out_port " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " delay_matrix " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_MATRIX ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " type " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Parent - > txt ) ;
ezxml_set_txt ( Parent , " " ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " max " ) ) {
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_MAX ;
} else {
assert ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " min " ) ) ;
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_MIN ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " type " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " in_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " in_port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " out_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > output_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " out_port " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " C_constant " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CAPACITANCE ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CONSTANT ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " C " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " C " , NULL ) ;
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CAPACITANCE_C ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " in_port " , FALSE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " in_port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " out_port " , FALSE ) ;
annotation - > output_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " out_port " , NULL ) ;
assert (
annotation - > output_pins ! = NULL | | annotation - > input_pins ! = NULL ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " C_matrix " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CAPACITANCE ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_MATRIX ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Parent - > txt ) ;
ezxml_set_txt ( Parent , " " ) ;
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CAPACITANCE_C ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " in_port " , FALSE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " in_port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " out_port " , FALSE ) ;
annotation - > output_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " out_port " , NULL ) ;
assert (
annotation - > output_pins ! = NULL | | annotation - > input_pins ! = NULL ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " T_setup " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CONSTANT ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " value " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_TSETUP ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " value " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " clock " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > clock = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " clock " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " T_clock_to_Q " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CONSTANT ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " max " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ) {
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_CLOCK_TO_Q_MAX ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " max " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " min " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ) {
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_CLOCK_TO_Q_MIN ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " min " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " clock " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > clock = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " clock " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " T_hold " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CONSTANT ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " value " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_DELAY_THOLD ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " value " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " clock " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > clock = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " clock " , NULL ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " pack_pattern " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_PACK_PATTERN ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CONSTANT ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " name " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_PACK_PATTERN_NAME ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " name " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " in_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " in_port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " out_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > output_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " out_port " , NULL ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " mode_select " ) ) {
annotation - > type = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_MODE_SELECT ;
annotation - > format = E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_CONSTANT ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " mode_name " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > prop [ i ] = ( int ) E_ANNOT_PIN_TO_PIN_MODE_SELECT_MODE_NAME ;
annotation - > value [ i ] = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " mode_name " , NULL ) ;
i + + ;
/* Normal process for in_port and out_port */
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " in_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > input_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " in_port " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " out_port " , TRUE ) ;
annotation - > output_pins = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " out_port " , NULL ) ;
/* END FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Unknown port type %s in %s in %s " , Parent - > line ,
Parent - > name , Parent - > parent - > name ,
Parent - > parent - > parent - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
assert ( i = = annotation - > num_value_prop_pairs ) ;
static t_port * findPortByName ( const char * name , t_pb_type * pb_type ,
int * high_index , int * low_index ) {
t_port * port ;
int i ;
unsigned int high ;
unsigned int low ;
unsigned int bracket_pos ;
unsigned int colon_pos ;
bracket_pos = strcspn ( name , " [ " ) ;
/* Find port by name */
port = NULL ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pb_type - > num_ports ; i + + ) {
char * compare_to = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . name ;
if ( strlen ( compare_to ) = = bracket_pos
& & strncmp ( name , compare_to , bracket_pos ) = = 0 ) {
port = & pb_type - > ports [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( i > = pb_type - > num_ports ) {
return NULL ;
/* Get indices */
if ( strlen ( name ) > bracket_pos ) {
high = atoi ( & name [ bracket_pos + 1 ] ) ;
colon_pos = strcspn ( name , " : " ) ;
if ( colon_pos < strlen ( name ) ) {
low = atoi ( & name [ colon_pos + 1 ] ) ;
} else {
low = high ;
} else {
high = port - > num_pins - 1 ;
low = 0 ;
if ( high_index & & low_index ) {
* high_index = high ;
* low_index = low ;
return port ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePowerPinToggle ( ezxml_t parent , t_pb_type * pb_type ) {
ezxml_t cur , prev ;
const char * prop ;
t_port * port ;
int high , low ;
cur = FindFirstElement ( parent , " port " , FALSE ) ;
while ( cur ) {
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " name " , TRUE ) ;
port = findPortByName ( prop , pb_type , & high , & low ) ;
if ( ! port ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Could not find port '%s' needed for energy per toggle. " ,
prop ) ;
return ;
if ( high ! = port - > num_pins - 1 | | low ! = 0 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Pin-toggle does not support pin indices (%s) " , prop ) ;
if ( port - > port_power - > pin_toggle_initialized ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Duplicate pin-toggle energy for port '%s' " , port - > name ) ;
port - > port_power - > pin_toggle_initialized = TRUE ;
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " name " , NULL ) ;
/* Get energy per toggle */
port - > port_power - > energy_per_toggle = GetFloatProperty ( cur ,
" energy_per_toggle " , TRUE , 0. ) ;
/* Get scaled by factor */
boolean reverse_scaled = FALSE ;
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " scaled_by_static_prob " , FALSE ) ;
if ( ! prop ) {
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " scaled_by_static_prob_n " , FALSE ) ;
if ( prop ) {
reverse_scaled = TRUE ;
if ( prop ) {
port - > port_power - > scaled_by_port = findPortByName ( prop , pb_type ,
& high , & low ) ;
if ( high ! = low ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Pin-toggle 'scaled_by_static_prob' must be a single pin (%s) " ,
prop ) ;
return ;
port - > port_power - > scaled_by_port_pin_idx = high ;
port - > port_power - > reverse_scaled = reverse_scaled ;
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " scaled_by_static_prob " , NULL ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " scaled_by_static_prob_n " , NULL ) ;
prev = cur ;
cur = cur - > next ;
FreeNode ( prev ) ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePower ( ezxml_t Parent , t_pb_type * pb_type ) {
ezxml_t cur , child ;
boolean require_dynamic_absolute = FALSE ;
boolean require_static_absolute = FALSE ;
boolean require_dynamic_C_internal = FALSE ;
cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " power " , FALSE ) ;
if ( ! cur ) {
return ;
switch ( pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method ) {
ProcessPb_TypePowerPinToggle ( cur , pb_type ) ;
require_static_absolute = TRUE ;
break ;
require_dynamic_C_internal = TRUE ;
require_static_absolute = TRUE ;
break ;
require_dynamic_absolute = TRUE ;
require_static_absolute = TRUE ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( require_static_absolute ) {
child = FindElement ( cur , " static_power " , TRUE ) ;
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > absolute_power_per_instance . leakage =
GetFloatProperty ( child , " power_per_instance " , TRUE , 0. ) ;
FreeNode ( child ) ;
if ( require_dynamic_absolute ) {
child = FindElement ( cur , " dynamic_power " , TRUE ) ;
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > absolute_power_per_instance . dynamic =
GetFloatProperty ( child , " power_per_instance " , TRUE , 0. ) ;
FreeNode ( child ) ;
if ( require_dynamic_C_internal ) {
child = FindElement ( cur , " dynamic_power " , TRUE ) ;
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > C_internal = GetFloatProperty ( child ,
" C_internal " , TRUE , 0. ) ;
FreeNode ( child ) ;
if ( cur ) {
FreeNode ( cur ) ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePowerEstMethod ( ezxml_t Parent , t_pb_type * pb_type ) {
ezxml_t cur ;
const char * prop ;
e_power_estimation_method parent_power_method ;
prop = NULL ;
cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " power " , FALSE ) ;
if ( cur ) {
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " method " , FALSE ) ;
if ( pb_type - > parent_mode & & pb_type - > parent_mode - > parent_pb_type ) {
parent_power_method =
pb_type - > parent_mode - > parent_pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method ;
} else {
parent_power_method = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES ;
if ( ! prop ) {
/* default method is auto-size */
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = power_method_inherited (
parent_power_method ) ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " auto-size " ) = = 0 ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " specify-size " ) = = 0 ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = POWER_METHOD_SPECIFY_SIZES ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " pin-toggle " ) = = 0 ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = POWER_METHOD_TOGGLE_PINS ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " c-internal " ) = = 0 ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = POWER_METHOD_C_INTERNAL ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " absolute " ) = = 0 ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = POWER_METHOD_ABSOLUTE ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " ignore " ) = = 0 ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = POWER_METHOD_IGNORE ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " sum-of-children " ) = = 0 ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = POWER_METHOD_SUM_OF_CHILDREN ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Invalid power estimation method for pb_type '%s' " ,
pb_type - > name ) ;
if ( prop ) {
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " method " , NULL ) ;
/* Takes in a pb_type, allocates and loads data for it and recurses downwards */
static void ProcessPb_Type ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_pb_type * pb_type ,
t_mode * mode , boolean do_spice ) {
int num_ports , i , j , k , num_annotations ;
const char * Prop ;
ezxml_t Cur , Prev ;
char * class_name ;
pb_type - > parent_mode = mode ;
if ( mode ! = NULL & & mode - > parent_pb_type ! = NULL ) {
pb_type - > depth = mode - > parent_pb_type - > depth + 1 ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " name " , TRUE ) ;
pb_type - > name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " name " , NULL ) ;
} else {
pb_type - > depth = 0 ;
/* same name as type */
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " blif_model " , FALSE ) ;
pb_type - > blif_model = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " blif_model " , NULL ) ;
pb_type - > class_type = UNKNOWN_CLASS ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " class " , FALSE ) ;
class_name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
if ( class_name ) {
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " class " , NULL ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( class_name , " lut " ) ) {
pb_type - > class_type = LUT_CLASS ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( class_name , " flipflop " ) ) {
pb_type - > class_type = LATCH_CLASS ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( class_name , " memory " ) ) {
pb_type - > class_type = MEMORY_CLASS ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Unknown class %s in pb_type %s \n " , Parent - > line ,
class_name , pb_type - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
free ( class_name ) ;
if ( mode = = NULL ) {
pb_type - > num_pb = 1 ;
} else {
pb_type - > num_pb = GetIntProperty ( Parent , " num_pb " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* Xifan TANG: FPGA_SPICE, multi-mode support */
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " physical_pb_type_name " , FALSE ) ;
pb_type - > physical_pb_type_name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " physical_pb_type_name " , NULL ) ;
pb_type - > physical_pb_type_index_factor = GetFloatProperty ( Parent , " physical_pb_type_index_factor " , FALSE , 1.0 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " physical_pb_type_index_factor " , NULL ) ;
pb_type - > physical_pb_type_index_offset = GetIntProperty ( Parent , " physical_pb_type_index_offset " , FALSE , 0 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " physical_pb_type_index_offset " , NULL ) ;
/* END */
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
assert ( pb_type - > num_pb > 0 ) ;
num_ports = 0 ;
num_ports + = CountChildren ( Parent , " input " , 0 ) ;
num_ports + = CountChildren ( Parent , " output " , 0 ) ;
num_ports + = CountChildren ( Parent , " clock " , 0 ) ;
pb_type - > ports = ( t_port * ) my_calloc ( num_ports , sizeof ( t_port ) ) ;
pb_type - > num_ports = num_ports ;
/* Initialize Power Structure */
pb_type - > pb_type_power = ( t_pb_type_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_pb_type_power ) ) ;
ProcessPb_TypePowerEstMethod ( Parent , pb_type ) ;
/* process ports */
j = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
if ( i = = 0 ) {
k = 0 ;
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " input " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( i = = 1 ) {
k = 0 ;
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " output " , FALSE ) ;
} else {
k = 0 ;
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " clock " , FALSE ) ;
while ( Cur ! = NULL ) {
ProcessPb_TypePort ( Cur , & pb_type - > ports [ j ] ,
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method ) ;
pb_type - > ports [ j ] . parent_pb_type = pb_type ;
pb_type - > ports [ j ] . index = j ;
pb_type - > ports [ j ] . port_index_by_type = k ;
/* get next iteration */
Prev = Cur ;
Cur = Cur - > next ;
j + + ;
k + + ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
assert ( j = = num_ports ) ;
/* Count stats on the number of each type of pin */
pb_type - > num_clock_pins = pb_type - > num_input_pins =
pb_type - > num_output_pins = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pb_type - > num_ports ; i + + ) {
if ( pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type = = IN_PORT
& & pb_type - > ports [ i ] . is_clock = = FALSE ) {
pb_type - > num_input_pins + = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ;
} else if ( pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type = = OUT_PORT ) {
assert ( pb_type - > ports [ i ] . is_clock = = FALSE ) ;
pb_type - > num_output_pins + = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ;
} else {
assert (
pb_type - > ports [ i ] . is_clock & & pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type = = IN_PORT ) ;
pb_type - > num_clock_pins + = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ;
/* set max_internal_delay if exist */
pb_type - > max_internal_delay = UNDEFINED ;
Cur = FindElement ( Parent , " max_internal_delay " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
pb_type - > max_internal_delay = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " value " , TRUE ,
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
pb_type - > annotations = NULL ;
pb_type - > num_annotations = 0 ;
i = 0 ;
/* Spice Model Support: Xifan TANG
* We should have a spice_model_name if this mode defines the transistor - level circuit design
* Since this is a leaf node
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
pb_type - > spice_model_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Parent , " spice_model_name " , FALSE ) ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
pb_type - > spice_model = NULL ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " spice_model_name " , NULL ) ;
/* Multi-mode CLB support:
* We can read the mode configuration bits if they are defined
pb_type - > mode_bits = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Parent , " mode_bits " , FALSE ) ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " mode_bits " , NULL ) ;
/* Multi-mode CLB support:
* Specify the offset in sram bits of a spice_model
* This will determine which SRAMs will be configured by this pb_type configuration bits
pb_type - > spice_model_sram_offset = GetIntProperty ( Parent , " spice_model_sram_offset " , FALSE , 0 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " spice_model_sram_offset " , NULL ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* End Spice Model Support*/
/* Determine if this is a leaf or container pb_type */
if ( pb_type - > blif_model ! = NULL ) {
/* Process delay and capacitance annotations */
num_annotations = 0 ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Parent , " delay_constant " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Parent , " delay_matrix " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Parent , " C_constant " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Parent , " C_matrix " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Parent , " T_setup " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Parent , " T_clock_to_Q " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Parent , " T_hold " , 0 ) ;
pb_type - > annotations = ( t_pin_to_pin_annotation * ) my_calloc (
num_annotations , sizeof ( t_pin_to_pin_annotation ) ) ;
pb_type - > num_annotations = num_annotations ;
j = 0 ;
Cur = NULL ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i + + ) {
if ( i = = 0 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " delay_constant " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( i = = 1 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " delay_matrix " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( i = = 2 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " C_constant " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( i = = 3 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " C_matrix " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( i = = 4 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " T_setup " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( i = = 5 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " T_clock_to_Q " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( i = = 6 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " T_hold " , FALSE ) ;
while ( Cur ! = NULL ) {
ProcessPinToPinAnnotations ( Cur , & pb_type - > annotations [ j ] ) ;
/* get next iteration */
Prev = Cur ;
Cur = Cur - > next ;
j + + ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
assert ( j = = num_annotations ) ;
/* leaf pb_type, if special known class, then read class lib otherwise treat as primitive */
if ( pb_type - > class_type = = LUT_CLASS ) {
ProcessLutClass ( pb_type ) ;
} else if ( pb_type - > class_type = = MEMORY_CLASS ) {
ProcessMemoryClass ( pb_type ) ;
} else {
/* other leaf pb_type do not have modes */
pb_type - > num_modes = 0 ;
assert ( CountChildren ( Parent , " mode " , 0 ) = = 0 ) ;
} else {
boolean default_leakage_mode = FALSE ;
/* container pb_type, process modes */
assert ( pb_type - > class_type = = UNKNOWN_CLASS ) ;
pb_type - > num_modes = CountChildren ( Parent , " mode " , 0 ) ;
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > leakage_default_mode = 0 ;
if ( pb_type - > num_modes = = 0 ) {
/* The pb_type operates in an implied one mode */
pb_type - > num_modes = 1 ;
pb_type - > modes = ( t_mode * ) my_calloc ( pb_type - > num_modes ,
sizeof ( t_mode ) ) ;
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . parent_pb_type = pb_type ;
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . index = i ;
/* Spice Model Support: Xifan TANG
* We don ' t need to search the spice_model_mode_name at this level .
* There is only one mode , so it should herit .
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* We need to identify the physical mode that refers to physical design interests */
pb_type - > idle_mode_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Parent , " idle_mode_name " , FALSE ) ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " idle_mode_name " , NULL ) ;
if ( NULL = = pb_type - > idle_mode_name ) {
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
pb_type - > idle_mode_name = my_strdup ( pb_type - > name ) ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* Only when the parent mode is a physical mode, we can do this */
pb_type - > physical_mode_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Parent , " physical_mode_name " , FALSE ) ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " physical_mode_name " , NULL ) ;
if ( ( ( NULL = = pb_type - > physical_mode_name ) & & ( NULL = = pb_type - > parent_mode ) )
| | ( ( NULL = = pb_type - > physical_mode_name ) & & ( NULL ! = pb_type - > parent_mode ) & & ( 1 = = pb_type - > parent_mode - > define_physical_mode ) ) ) {
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
pb_type - > physical_mode_name = my_strdup ( pb_type - > name ) ;
ProcessMode ( Parent , & pb_type - > modes [ i ] , & default_leakage_mode , do_spice ) ;
i + + ;
} else {
/* Spice Model Support: Xifan TANG
* We don ' t need to search the spice_model_mode_name at this level .
* There is only one mode , so it should herit .
if ( FindProperty ( Parent , " idle_mode_name " , do_spice ) ) {
pb_type - > idle_mode_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Parent , " idle_mode_name " , TRUE ) ) ;
} else if ( do_spice ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " [LINE %d]Pb_Type has more than 1 mode, should define a idle_mode_name. \n " , Parent - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " idle_mode_name " , NULL ) ;
/* We need to identify the physical mode that refers to physical design interests */
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
pb_type - > physical_mode_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Parent , " physical_mode_name " , FALSE ) ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " physical_mode_name " , NULL ) ;
pb_type - > modes = ( t_mode * ) my_calloc ( pb_type - > num_modes ,
sizeof ( t_mode ) ) ;
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " mode " , TRUE ) ;
/* Spice Model Support:
* If we have multiple mode , it is necessary to check which one
* defines the actual transistor - level circuit design
while ( Cur ! = NULL ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Cur - > name , " mode " ) ) {
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . parent_pb_type = pb_type ;
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . index = i ;
ProcessMode ( Cur , & pb_type - > modes [ i ] , & default_leakage_mode , do_spice ) ;
if ( default_leakage_mode ) {
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > leakage_default_mode = i ;
/* get next iteration */
Prev = Cur ;
Cur = Cur - > next ;
i + + ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
assert ( i = = pb_type - > num_modes ) ;
ProcessPb_TypePower ( Parent , pb_type ) ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePort_Power ( ezxml_t Parent , t_port * port ,
e_power_estimation_method power_method ) {
ezxml_t cur ;
const char * prop ;
2019-05-03 19:56:03 -05:00
boolean wire_defined = FALSE ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
port - > port_power = ( t_port_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_port_power ) ) ;
if ( power_method = = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES ) {
port - > port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_AUTO ;
port - > port_power - > buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_AUTO ;
} else if ( power_method = = POWER_METHOD_SPECIFY_SIZES ) {
port - > port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_IGNORED ;
port - > port_power - > buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_NONE ;
cur = FindElement ( Parent , " power " , FALSE ) ;
if ( cur ) {
/* Wire capacitance */
/* Absolute C provided */
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " wire_capacitance " , FALSE ) ;
if ( prop ) {
if ( ! ( power_method = = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES
| | power_method = = POWER_METHOD_SPECIFY_SIZES ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Wire capacitance defined for port '%s'. This is an invalid option for the parent pb_type '%s' power estimation method. " ,
port - > name , port - > parent_pb_type - > name ) ;
} else {
wire_defined = TRUE ;
port - > port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_C ;
port - > port_power - > wire . C = ( float ) atof ( prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " wire_capacitance " , NULL ) ;
/* Wire absolute length provided */
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " wire_length " , FALSE ) ;
if ( prop ) {
if ( ! ( power_method = = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES
| | power_method = = POWER_METHOD_SPECIFY_SIZES ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Wire length defined for port '%s'. This is an invalid option for the parent pb_type '%s' power estimation method. " ,
port - > name , port - > parent_pb_type - > name ) ;
} else if ( wire_defined ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Multiple wire properties defined for port '%s', pb_type '%s'. " ,
port - > name , port - > parent_pb_type - > name ) ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " auto " ) = = 0 ) {
wire_defined = TRUE ;
port - > port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_AUTO ;
} else {
wire_defined = TRUE ;
port - > port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_ABSOLUTE_LENGTH ;
port - > port_power - > wire . absolute_length = ( float ) atof ( prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " wire_length " , NULL ) ;
/* Wire relative length provided */
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " wire_relative_length " , FALSE ) ;
if ( prop ) {
if ( ! ( power_method = = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES
| | power_method = = POWER_METHOD_SPECIFY_SIZES ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Wire relative length defined for port '%s'. This is an invalid option for the parent pb_type '%s' power estimation method. " ,
port - > name , port - > parent_pb_type - > name ) ;
} else if ( wire_defined ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Multiple wire properties defined for port '%s', pb_type '%s'. " ,
port - > name , port - > parent_pb_type - > name ) ;
} else {
wire_defined = TRUE ;
port - > port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_RELATIVE_LENGTH ;
port - > port_power - > wire . relative_length = ( float ) atof ( prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " wire_relative_length " , NULL ) ;
/* Buffer Size */
prop = FindProperty ( cur , " buffer_size " , FALSE ) ;
if ( prop ) {
if ( ! ( power_method = = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES
| | power_method = = POWER_METHOD_SPECIFY_SIZES ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Buffer size defined for port '%s'. This is an invalid option for the parent pb_type '%s' power estimation method. " ,
port - > name , port - > parent_pb_type - > name ) ;
} else if ( strcmp ( prop , " auto " ) = = 0 ) {
port - > port_power - > buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_AUTO ;
} else {
port - > port_power - > buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_ABSOLUTE_SIZE ;
port - > port_power - > buffer_size = ( float ) atof ( prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( cur , " buffer_size " , NULL ) ;
FreeNode ( cur ) ;
static void ProcessPb_TypePort ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_port * port ,
e_power_estimation_method power_method ) {
const char * Prop ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " name " , TRUE ) ;
port - > name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " name " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " port_class " , FALSE ) ;
port - > port_class = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " port_class " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " chain " , FALSE ) ;
port - > chain_name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " chain " , NULL ) ;
port - > equivalent = GetBooleanProperty ( Parent , " equivalent " , FALSE , FALSE ) ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " equivalent " , NULL ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
port - > num_pins = GetIntProperty ( Parent , " num_pins " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
port - > is_non_clock_global = GetBooleanProperty ( Parent ,
" is_non_clock_global " , FALSE , FALSE ) ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* FPGA-SPICE multi-mode CLB support */
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " physical_mode_pin " , FALSE ) ;
port - > physical_mode_pin = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " physical_mode_pin " , NULL ) ;
port - > physical_mode_pin_rotate_offset = GetIntProperty ( Parent , " physical_mode_pin_rotate_offset " , FALSE , 0 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " physical_mode_pin_rotate_offset " , NULL ) ;
/* END */
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " input " ) ) {
port - > type = IN_PORT ;
port - > is_clock = FALSE ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " output " ) ) {
port - > type = OUT_PORT ;
port - > is_clock = FALSE ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " clock " ) ) {
port - > type = IN_PORT ;
port - > is_clock = TRUE ;
if ( port - > is_non_clock_global = = TRUE ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Port %s cannot be both a clock and a non-clock simultaneously \n " ,
Parent - > line , Parent - > name ) ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " [LINE %d] Unknown port type %s " ,
Parent - > line , Parent - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ProcessPb_TypePort_Power ( Parent , port , power_method ) ;
static void ProcessInterconnect ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_mode * mode ) {
int num_interconnect = 0 ;
int i , j , k , L_index , num_annotations ;
const char * Prop ;
ezxml_t Cur , Prev ;
ezxml_t Cur2 , Prev2 ;
num_interconnect + = CountChildren ( Parent , " complete " , 0 ) ;
num_interconnect + = CountChildren ( Parent , " direct " , 0 ) ;
num_interconnect + = CountChildren ( Parent , " mux " , 0 ) ;
mode - > num_interconnect = num_interconnect ;
mode - > interconnect = ( t_interconnect * ) my_calloc ( num_interconnect ,
sizeof ( t_interconnect ) ) ;
i = 0 ;
for ( L_index = 0 ; L_index < 3 ; L_index + + ) {
if ( L_index = = 0 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " complete " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( L_index = = 1 ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " direct " , FALSE ) ;
} else {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " mux " , FALSE ) ;
while ( Cur ! = NULL ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Cur - > name , " complete " ) ) {
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . type = COMPLETE_INTERC ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Cur - > name , " direct " ) ) {
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . type = DIRECT_INTERC ;
} else {
assert ( 0 = = strcmp ( Cur - > name , " mux " ) ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . type = MUX_INTERC ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* Xifan TANG: SPICE Support */
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " spice_model_name " , FALSE ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* Default spice_model will be define later*/
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . spice_model_name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . spice_model = NULL ;
/* Initialize*/
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . fan_in = 0 ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . fan_out = 0 ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . num_mux = 0 ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " spice_model_name " , NULL ) ;
/* Get sram offset */
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . spice_model_sram_offset = GetIntProperty ( Cur , " spice_model_sram_offset " , FALSE , 0 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " spice_model_sram_offset " , NULL ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* END */
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . line_num = Cur - > line ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . parent_mode_index = mode - > index ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . parent_mode = mode ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " input " , TRUE ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . input_string = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " input " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " output " , TRUE ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . output_string = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " output " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " name " , TRUE ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " name " , NULL ) ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* Baudouin Chauviere: SDC generation */
/* Check if property exists */
2019-05-03 11:42:35 -05:00
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " loop_breaker " , FALSE ) ;
if ( NULL ! = Prop ) {
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* Check if property exists and is true */
/*if (0 == strcmp(Prop,"TRUE") || 0 == strcmp(Prop,"true")) {*/
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Cur - > name , " direct " ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [Line %d] loop_breaker not supported for '%s'. \n " ,
Parent - > line , Cur - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . loop_breaker_string = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " loop_breaker " , NULL ) ;
2019-05-03 15:00:06 -05:00
2019-05-06 13:52:49 -05:00
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " loop_breaker_delay_before " , FALSE ) ;
2019-05-03 15:00:06 -05:00
if ( NULL ! = Cur2 ) {
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur2 , " min " , FALSE ) ;
if ( NULL ! = Prop ) {
2019-05-06 13:52:49 -05:00
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . loop_breaker_delay_before_min = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
2019-05-03 15:00:06 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur2 , " min " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur2 , " max " , FALSE ) ;
if ( NULL ! = Prop ) {
2019-05-06 13:52:49 -05:00
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . loop_breaker_delay_before_max = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
2019-05-03 15:00:06 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur2 , " max " , NULL ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur2 ) ;
2019-05-06 13:52:49 -05:00
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " loop_breaker_delay_after " , FALSE ) ;
2019-05-03 15:00:06 -05:00
if ( NULL ! = Cur2 ) {
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur2 , " min " , FALSE ) ;
if ( NULL ! = Prop ) {
2019-05-06 13:52:49 -05:00
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . loop_breaker_delay_after_min = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
2019-05-03 15:00:06 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur2 , " min " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur2 , " max " , FALSE ) ;
if ( NULL ! = Prop ) {
2019-05-06 13:52:49 -05:00
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . loop_breaker_delay_after_max = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
2019-05-03 15:00:06 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur2 , " max " , NULL ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur2 ) ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* END */
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* Process delay and capacitance annotations */
num_annotations = 0 ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Cur , " delay_constant " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Cur , " delay_matrix " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Cur , " C_constant " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Cur , " C_matrix " , 0 ) ;
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Cur , " pack_pattern " , 0 ) ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* Xifan TANG: FPGA-SPICE, mode select description for multi-mode CLB */
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
num_annotations + = CountChildren ( Cur , " mode_select " , 0 ) ;
/* END FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
2019-04-26 15:07:44 -05:00
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . annotations =
( t_pin_to_pin_annotation * ) my_calloc ( num_annotations ,
sizeof ( t_pin_to_pin_annotation ) ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . num_annotations = num_annotations ;
k = 0 ;
Cur2 = NULL ;
/* Xifan TANG: FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
/* for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { */
2019-04-26 15:07:44 -05:00
/* for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { */
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* END FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
2019-04-26 15:07:44 -05:00
/* Baudouin Chauviere: loop_breaker for CLB */
for ( j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j + + ) {
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
if ( j = = 0 ) {
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " delay_constant " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( j = = 1 ) {
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " delay_matrix " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( j = = 2 ) {
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " C_constant " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( j = = 3 ) {
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " C_matrix " , FALSE ) ;
} else if ( j = = 4 ) {
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " pack_pattern " , FALSE ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
} else if ( j = = 5 ) {
Cur2 = FindFirstElement ( Cur , " mode_select " , FALSE ) ;
/* END FPGA-SPICE, mode select description */
while ( Cur2 ! = NULL ) {
ProcessPinToPinAnnotations ( Cur2 ,
& ( mode - > interconnect [ i ] . annotations [ k ] ) ) ;
/* get next iteration */
Prev2 = Cur2 ;
Cur2 = Cur2 - > next ;
k + + ;
FreeNode ( Prev2 ) ;
assert ( k = = num_annotations ) ;
/* Power */
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . interconnect_power =
( t_interconnect_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_interconnect_power ) ) ;
mode - > interconnect [ i ] . interconnect_power - > port_info_initialized =
//ProcessInterconnectMuxArch(Cur, &mode->interconnect[i]);
/* get next iteration */
Prev = Cur ;
Cur = Cur - > next ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
i + + ;
assert ( i = = num_interconnect ) ;
static void ProcessMode ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , t_mode * mode ,
boolean * default_leakage_mode , boolean do_spice ) {
int i ;
const char * Prop ;
ezxml_t Cur , Prev ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Parent - > name , " pb_type " ) ) {
/* implied mode */
mode - > name = my_strdup ( mode - > parent_pb_type - > name ) ;
} else {
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " name " , TRUE ) ;
mode - > name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " name " , NULL ) ;
/* Spice Model Support: Xifan TANG
* We don ' t need to search the idle_mode_name at this level .
* The mode should herit the define_spice_model from its parent
if ( do_spice ) {
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( mode - > name , mode - > parent_pb_type - > idle_mode_name ) ) {
if ( NULL = = mode - > parent_pb_type - > parent_mode ) {
mode - > define_idle_mode = 1 ;
} else {
mode - > define_idle_mode = mode - > parent_pb_type - > parent_mode - > define_idle_mode ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
} else {
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
mode - > define_idle_mode = 0 ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* For physical design mode
* This is different from idle mode :
* If the parent is not a physical mode , then this is definitely not a physical mode
if ( NULL = = mode - > parent_pb_type - > physical_mode_name ) {
mode - > define_physical_mode = 0 ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
} else {
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( mode - > name , mode - > parent_pb_type - > physical_mode_name ) ) {
if ( NULL = = mode - > parent_pb_type - > parent_mode ) {
mode - > define_physical_mode = 1 ;
} else {
mode - > define_physical_mode = mode - > parent_pb_type - > parent_mode - > define_physical_mode ;
} else {
mode - > define_physical_mode = 0 ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
2018-08-01 15:04:28 -05:00
/* Spice Model Support: Xifan TANG
* More option : specify if this mode is available during packing
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
mode - > disabled_in_packing = FALSE ; /* Default should be FALSE */
if ( NULL ! = mode - > parent_pb_type - > parent_mode ) {
/* If the parent mode is disabled in packing, all the child mode should be disabled as well */
mode - > disabled_in_packing = mode - > parent_pb_type - > parent_mode - > disabled_in_packing ;
/* Override if the user specify */
mode - > disabled_in_packing = GetBooleanProperty ( Parent , " disabled_in_packing " , FALSE , mode - > disabled_in_packing ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* END */
mode - > num_pb_type_children = CountChildren ( Parent , " pb_type " , 0 ) ;
if ( mode - > num_pb_type_children > 0 ) {
mode - > pb_type_children = ( t_pb_type * ) my_calloc (
mode - > num_pb_type_children , sizeof ( t_pb_type ) ) ;
i = 0 ;
Cur = FindFirstElement ( Parent , " pb_type " , TRUE ) ;
while ( Cur ! = NULL ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Cur - > name , " pb_type " ) ) {
ProcessPb_Type ( Cur , & mode - > pb_type_children [ i ] , mode , do_spice ) ;
/* get next iteration */
Prev = Cur ;
Cur = Cur - > next ;
i + + ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
} else {
mode - > pb_type_children = NULL ;
/* Allocate power structure */
mode - > mode_power = ( t_mode_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_mode_power ) ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( Parent , " interconnect " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessInterconnect ( Cur , mode ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Takes in the node ptr for the 'fc_in' and 'fc_out' elements and initializes
* the appropriate fields of type . Unlinks the contents of the nodes . */
static void Process_Fc ( ezxml_t Node , t_type_descriptor * Type ) {
enum Fc_type def_type_in , def_type_out , ovr_type ;
const char * Prop , * Prop2 ;
char * port_name ;
float def_in_val , def_out_val , ovr_val ;
int ipin , iclass , end_pin_index , start_pin_index , match_count ;
int iport , iport_pin , curr_pin , port_found ;
ezxml_t Child , Junk ;
def_type_in = FC_FRAC ;
def_type_out = FC_FRAC ;
def_in_val = OPEN ;
def_out_val = OPEN ;
Type - > is_Fc_frac = ( boolean * ) my_malloc ( Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( boolean ) ) ;
Type - > is_Fc_full_flex = ( boolean * ) my_malloc (
Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( boolean ) ) ;
Type - > Fc = ( float * ) my_malloc ( Type - > num_pins * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
/* Load the default fc_in, if specified */
Prop = FindProperty ( Node , " default_in_type " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " abs " ) ) {
def_type_in = FC_ABS ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " frac " ) ) {
def_type_in = FC_FRAC ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " full " ) ) {
def_type_in = FC_FULL ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid type '%s' for Fc. Only abs, frac "
" and full are allowed. \n " , Node - > line , Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
switch ( def_type_in ) {
case FC_FULL :
def_in_val = 0.0 ;
break ;
case FC_ABS :
case FC_FRAC :
Prop2 = FindProperty ( Node , " default_in_val " , TRUE ) ;
def_in_val = ( float ) atof ( Prop2 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " default_in_val " , NULL ) ;
break ;
default :
def_in_val = - 1 ;
/* Release the property */
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " default_in_type " , NULL ) ;
/* Load the default fc_out, if specified */
Prop = FindProperty ( Node , " default_out_type " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " abs " ) ) {
def_type_out = FC_ABS ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " frac " ) ) {
def_type_out = FC_FRAC ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop , " full " ) ) {
def_type_out = FC_FULL ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid type '%s' for Fc. Only abs, frac "
" and full are allowed. \n " , Node - > line , Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
switch ( def_type_out ) {
case FC_FULL :
def_out_val = 0.0 ;
break ;
case FC_ABS :
case FC_FRAC :
Prop2 = FindProperty ( Node , " default_out_val " , TRUE ) ;
def_out_val = ( float ) atof ( Prop2 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " default_out_val " , NULL ) ;
break ;
default :
def_out_val = - 1 ;
/* Release the property */
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " default_out_type " , NULL ) ;
/* Go though all the pins in Type, assign def_in_val and def_out_val *
* to entries in Type - > Fc array corresponding to input pins and output *
* pins . Also sets up the type of fc of the pin in the boolean arrays */
for ( ipin = 0 ; ipin < Type - > num_pins ; ipin + + ) {
iclass = Type - > pin_class [ ipin ] ;
if ( Type - > class_inf [ iclass ] . type = = DRIVER ) {
Type - > Fc [ ipin ] = def_out_val ;
Type - > is_Fc_full_flex [ ipin ] =
( def_type_out = = FC_FULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
Type - > is_Fc_frac [ ipin ] = ( def_type_out = = FC_FRAC ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
} else if ( Type - > class_inf [ iclass ] . type = = RECEIVER ) {
Type - > Fc [ ipin ] = def_in_val ;
Type - > is_Fc_full_flex [ ipin ] =
( def_type_in = = FC_FULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
Type - > is_Fc_frac [ ipin ] = ( def_type_in = = FC_FRAC ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
} else {
Type - > Fc [ ipin ] = - 1 ;
Type - > is_Fc_full_flex [ ipin ] = FALSE ;
Type - > is_Fc_frac [ ipin ] = FALSE ;
/* Now, check for pin-based fc override - look for pin child. */
Child = ezxml_child ( Node , " pin " ) ;
while ( Child ! = NULL ) {
/* Get all the properties of the child first */
Prop = FindProperty ( Child , " name " , TRUE ) ;
if ( Prop = = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " [LINE %d] Pin child with no name "
" is not allowed. \n " , Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Child , " name " , NULL ) ;
Prop2 = FindProperty ( Child , " fc_type " , TRUE ) ;
if ( Prop2 ! = NULL ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop2 , " abs " ) ) {
ovr_type = FC_ABS ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop2 , " frac " ) ) {
ovr_type = FC_FRAC ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( Prop2 , " full " ) ) {
ovr_type = FC_FULL ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid type '%s' for Fc. Only abs, frac "
" and full are allowed. \n " , Child - > line , Prop2 ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
switch ( ovr_type ) {
case FC_FULL :
ovr_val = 0.0 ;
break ;
case FC_ABS :
case FC_FRAC :
Prop2 = FindProperty ( Child , " fc_val " , TRUE ) ;
if ( Prop2 = = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Pin child with no fc_val specified "
" is not allowed. \n " , Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ovr_val = ( float ) atof ( Prop2 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Child , " fc_val " , NULL ) ;
break ;
default :
ovr_val = - 1 ;
/* Release the property */
ezxml_set_attr ( Child , " fc_type " , NULL ) ;
port_name = NULL ;
/* Search for the child pin in Type and overwrites the default values */
/* Check whether the name is in the format of "<port_name>" or *
* " <port_name> [start_index:end_index] " by looking for the symbol ' [ ' */
Prop2 = strstr ( Prop , " [ " ) ;
if ( Prop2 = = NULL ) {
/* Format "port_name" , Prop stores the port_name */
end_pin_index = start_pin_index = - 1 ;
} else {
/* Format "port_name [start_index:end_index]" */
match_count = sscanf ( Prop , " %s [%d:%d] " , port_name ,
& end_pin_index , & start_pin_index ) ;
Prop = port_name ;
if ( match_count ! = 3
| | ( match_count ! = 1 & & port_name = = NULL ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid name for pin child, "
" name should be in the format \" port_name \" or "
" \" port_name [end_pin_index:start_pin_index] \" , "
" The end_pin_index and start_pin_index can be the same. \n " ,
Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( end_pin_index < 0 | | start_pin_index < 0 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] The pin_index should not "
" be a negative value. \n " , Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( end_pin_index < start_pin_index ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] The end_pin_index should "
" be not be less than start_pin_index. \n " ,
Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Find the matching port_name in Type */
/* TODO: Check for pins assigned more than one override fc's - right now assigning the last value specified. */
iport_pin = 0 ;
port_found = FALSE ;
for ( iport = 0 ;
( ( iport < Type - > pb_type - > num_ports ) & & ( port_found = = FALSE ) ) ;
iport + + ) {
if ( strcmp ( Prop , Type - > pb_type - > ports [ iport ] . name ) = = 0 ) {
/* This is the port, the start_pin_index and end_pin_index offset starts
* here . The indices are inclusive . */
port_found = TRUE ;
if ( end_pin_index > Type - > pb_type - > ports [ iport ] . num_pins ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] The end_pin_index for this port: %d "
" cannot be greater than the number of pins in this port: %d. \n " ,
Child - > line , end_pin_index ,
Type - > pb_type - > ports [ iport ] . num_pins ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
// The pin indices is not specified - override whole port.
if ( end_pin_index = = - 1 & & start_pin_index = = - 1 ) {
start_pin_index = 0 ;
// Minus one since it is going to be assessed inclusively.
end_pin_index = Type - > pb_type - > ports [ iport ] . num_pins
- 1 ;
/* Go through the pins in the port from start_pin_index to end_pin_index
* and overwrite the default fc_val and fc_type with the values parsed in
* from above . */
for ( curr_pin = start_pin_index ; curr_pin < = end_pin_index ;
curr_pin + + ) {
// Check whether the value had been overwritten
if ( ovr_val ! = Type - > Fc [ iport_pin + curr_pin ]
| | Type - > is_Fc_full_flex [ iport_pin
+ curr_pin ]
! = ( ovr_type = = FC_FULL ) ? TRUE :
| | Type - > is_Fc_frac [ iport_pin + curr_pin ]
! = ( ovr_type = = FC_FRAC ) ?
Type - > Fc [ iport_pin + curr_pin ] = ovr_val ;
Type - > is_Fc_full_flex [ iport_pin + curr_pin ] =
( ovr_type = = FC_FULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
Type - > is_Fc_frac [ iport_pin + curr_pin ] =
( ovr_type = = FC_FRAC ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Multiple Fc override detected! \n " ,
Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
} else {
/* This is not the matching port, move the iport_pin index forward. */
iport_pin + = Type - > pb_type - > ports [ iport ] . num_pins ;
} /* Finish going through all the ports in pb_type looking for the pin child's port. */
/* The override pin child is not in any of the ports in pb_type. */
if ( port_found = = FALSE ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " [LINE %d] The port \" %s \" "
" cannot be found. \n " , Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* End of case where fc_type of pin_child is specified. */
} else {
/* fc_type of pin_child is not specified. Error out. */
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Pin child with no fc_type specified "
" is not allowed. \n " , Child - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Find next child and frees up the current child. */
Junk = Child ;
Child = ezxml_next ( Child ) ;
FreeNode ( Junk ) ;
} /* End of processing pin children */
/* Thie processes attributes of the 'type' tag and then unlinks them */
static void ProcessComplexBlockProps ( ezxml_t Node , t_type_descriptor * Type ) {
const char * Prop ;
/* Load type name */
Prop = FindProperty ( Node , " name " , TRUE ) ;
Type - > name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " name " , NULL ) ;
/* Load properties */
Type - > capacity = GetIntProperty ( Node , " capacity " , FALSE , 1 ) ; /* TODO: Any block with capacity > 1 that is not I/O has not been tested, must test */
Type - > height = GetIntProperty ( Node , " height " , FALSE , 1 ) ;
Type - > area = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " area " , FALSE , UNDEFINED ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: add opin_to_cb support */
Type - > opin_to_cb = GetBooleanProperty ( Node , " opin_to_cb " , FALSE , FALSE ) ;
if ( atof ( Prop ) < 0 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Area for type %s must be non-negative \n " , Node - > line ,
Type - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Takes in node pointing to <models> and loads all the
* child type objects . Unlinks the entire < models > node
* when complete . */
static void ProcessModels ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) {
const char * Prop ;
ezxml_t child ;
ezxml_t p ;
ezxml_t junk ;
ezxml_t junkp ;
t_model * temp ;
t_model_ports * tp ;
int L_index ;
arch - > models = NULL ;
child = ezxml_child ( Node , " model " ) ;
while ( child ! = NULL ) {
temp = ( t_model * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_model ) ) ;
temp - > used = 0 ;
temp - > inputs = temp - > outputs = NULL ;
temp - > instances = NULL ;
Prop = FindProperty ( child , " name " , TRUE ) ;
temp - > name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( child , " name " , NULL ) ;
temp - > pb_types = NULL ;
temp - > index = L_index ;
L_index + + ;
/* Process the inputs */
p = ezxml_child ( child , " input_ports " ) ;
junkp = p ;
if ( p = = NULL )
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Required input ports not found for element '%s'. \n " ,
temp - > name ) ;
p = ezxml_child ( p , " port " ) ;
if ( p ! = NULL ) {
while ( p ! = NULL ) {
tp = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( p , " name " , TRUE ) ;
tp - > name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( p , " name " , NULL ) ;
tp - > size = - 1 ; /* determined later by pb_types */
tp - > min_size = - 1 ; /* determined later by pb_types */
tp - > next = temp - > inputs ;
tp - > dir = IN_PORT ;
tp - > is_non_clock_global = GetBooleanProperty ( p ,
" is_non_clock_global " , FALSE , FALSE ) ;
tp - > is_clock = FALSE ;
Prop = FindProperty ( p , " is_clock " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop & & my_atoi ( Prop ) ! = 0 ) {
tp - > is_clock = TRUE ;
ezxml_set_attr ( p , " is_clock " , NULL ) ;
if ( tp - > is_clock = = TRUE & & tp - > is_non_clock_global = = TRUE ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Signal cannot be both a clock and a non-clock signal simultaneously \n " ,
p - > line ) ;
temp - > inputs = tp ;
junk = p ;
p = ezxml_next ( p ) ;
FreeNode ( junk ) ;
} else /* No input ports? */
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Required input ports not found for element '%s'. \n " ,
temp - > name ) ;
FreeNode ( junkp ) ;
/* Process the outputs */
p = ezxml_child ( child , " output_ports " ) ;
junkp = p ;
if ( p = = NULL )
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Required output ports not found for element '%s'. \n " ,
temp - > name ) ;
p = ezxml_child ( p , " port " ) ;
if ( p ! = NULL ) {
while ( p ! = NULL ) {
tp = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( p , " name " , TRUE ) ;
tp - > name = my_strdup ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( p , " name " , NULL ) ;
tp - > size = - 1 ; /* determined later by pb_types */
tp - > min_size = - 1 ; /* determined later by pb_types */
tp - > next = temp - > outputs ;
tp - > dir = OUT_PORT ;
temp - > outputs = tp ;
junk = p ;
p = ezxml_next ( p ) ;
FreeNode ( junk ) ;
} else /* No output ports? */
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Required output ports not found for element '%s'. \n " ,
temp - > name ) ;
FreeNode ( junkp ) ;
/* Find the next model */
temp - > next = arch - > models ;
arch - > models = temp ;
junk = child ;
child = ezxml_next ( child ) ;
FreeNode ( junk ) ;
return ;
/* Takes in node pointing to <layout> and loads all the
* child type objects . Unlinks the entire < layout > node
* when complete . */
static void ProcessLayout ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) {
const char * Prop ;
arch - > clb_grid . IsAuto = TRUE ;
/* Load width and height if applicable */
Prop = FindProperty ( Node , " width " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
arch - > clb_grid . IsAuto = FALSE ;
arch - > clb_grid . W = my_atoi ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " width " , NULL ) ;
arch - > clb_grid . H = GetIntProperty ( Node , " height " , TRUE , UNDEFINED ) ;
/* Load aspect ratio if applicable */
Prop = FindProperty ( Node , " auto " , arch - > clb_grid . IsAuto ) ;
if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
if ( arch - > clb_grid . IsAuto = = FALSE ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Auto-sizing, width and height cannot be specified \n " ) ;
arch - > clb_grid . Aspect = ( float ) atof ( Prop ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " auto " , NULL ) ;
if ( arch - > clb_grid . Aspect < = 0 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Grid aspect ratio is less than or equal to zero %g \n " ,
arch - > clb_grid . Aspect ) ;
/* Takes in node pointing to <device> and loads all the
* child type objects . Unlinks the entire < device > node
* when complete . */
static void ProcessDevice ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP struct s_arch * arch ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) {
const char * Prop ;
ezxml_t Cur ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " sizing " , TRUE ) ;
arch - > R_minW_nmos = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " R_minW_nmos " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
arch - > R_minW_pmos = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " R_minW_pmos " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
arch - > ipin_mux_trans_size = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " ipin_mux_trans_size " ,
FALSE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " timing " , timing_enabled ) ;
if ( Cur ! = NULL ) {
arch - > C_ipin_cblock = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " C_ipin_cblock " , FALSE , 0 ) ;
arch - > T_ipin_cblock = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " T_ipin_cblock " , FALSE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " area " , TRUE ) ;
arch - > grid_logic_tile_area = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " grid_logic_tile_area " ,
FALSE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
// Xifan TANG: SRAM and SPICE Support
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " sram " , arch - > read_xml_spice ) ;
if ( NULL ! = Cur ) {
ProcessSpiceSRAM ( Cur , arch ) ;
// END
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " chan_width_distr " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ! = NULL ) {
ProcessChanWidthDistr ( Cur , arch ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " switch_block " , TRUE ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " type " , TRUE ) ;
if ( strcmp ( Prop , " wilton " ) = = 0 ) {
arch - > SBType = WILTON ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " universal " ) = = 0 ) {
arch - > SBType = UNIVERSAL ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " subset " ) = = 0 ) {
arch - > SBType = SUBSET ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Unknown property %s for switch block type x \n " ,
Cur - > line , Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " type " , NULL ) ;
arch - > Fs = GetIntProperty ( Cur , " fs " , TRUE , 3 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Takes in node pointing to <chan_width_distr> and loads all the
* child type objects . Unlinks the entire < chan_width_distr > node
* when complete . */
static void ProcessChanWidthDistr ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node ,
OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) {
ezxml_t Cur ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " io " , TRUE ) ;
arch - > Chans . chan_width_io = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " width " , TRUE , UNDEFINED ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " x " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessChanWidthDistrDir ( Cur , & arch - > Chans . chan_x_dist ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( Node , " y " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessChanWidthDistrDir ( Cur , & arch - > Chans . chan_y_dist ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Takes in node within <chan_width_distr> and loads all the
* child type objects . Unlinks the entire node when complete . */
static void ProcessChanWidthDistrDir ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , OUTP t_chan * chan ) {
const char * Prop ;
boolean hasXpeak , hasWidth , hasDc ;
hasXpeak = hasWidth = hasDc = FALSE ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Node , " distr " , TRUE ) ;
if ( strcmp ( Prop , " uniform " ) = = 0 ) {
chan - > type = UNIFORM ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " gaussian " ) = = 0 ) {
chan - > type = GAUSSIAN ;
hasXpeak = hasWidth = hasDc = TRUE ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " pulse " ) = = 0 ) {
chan - > type = PULSE ;
hasXpeak = hasWidth = hasDc = TRUE ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " delta " ) = = 0 ) {
hasXpeak = hasDc = TRUE ;
chan - > type = DELTA ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Unknown property %s for chan_width_distr x \n " ,
Node - > line , Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " distr " , NULL ) ;
chan - > peak = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " peak " , TRUE , UNDEFINED ) ;
chan - > width = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " width " , hasWidth , 0 ) ;
chan - > xpeak = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " xpeak " , hasXpeak , 0 ) ;
chan - > dc = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " dc " , hasDc , 0 ) ;
static void SetupEmptyType ( void ) {
t_type_descriptor * type ;
type = & cb_type_descriptors [ EMPTY_TYPE - > index ] ;
type - > name = " <EMPTY> " ;
type - > num_pins = 0 ;
type - > height = 1 ;
type - > capacity = 0 ;
type - > num_drivers = 0 ;
type - > num_receivers = 0 ;
type - > pinloc = NULL ;
type - > num_class = 0 ;
type - > class_inf = NULL ;
type - > pin_class = NULL ;
type - > is_global_pin = NULL ;
type - > is_Fc_frac = NULL ;
type - > is_Fc_full_flex = NULL ;
type - > Fc = NULL ;
type - > pb_type = NULL ;
type - > area = UNDEFINED ;
/* Used as lost area filler, no definition */
type - > grid_loc_def = NULL ;
type - > num_grid_loc_def = 0 ;
static void alloc_and_load_default_child_for_pb_type ( INOUTP t_pb_type * pb_type ,
char * new_name , t_pb_type * copy ) {
int i , j ;
char * dot ;
assert ( pb_type - > blif_model ! = NULL ) ;
copy - > name = my_strdup ( new_name ) ;
copy - > blif_model = my_strdup ( pb_type - > blif_model ) ;
copy - > class_type = pb_type - > class_type ;
copy - > depth = pb_type - > depth ;
copy - > model = pb_type - > model ;
copy - > modes = NULL ;
copy - > num_modes = 0 ;
copy - > num_clock_pins = pb_type - > num_clock_pins ;
copy - > num_input_pins = pb_type - > num_input_pins ;
copy - > num_output_pins = pb_type - > num_output_pins ;
copy - > num_pb = 1 ;
/* Power */
copy - > pb_type_power = ( t_pb_type_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_pb_type_power ) ) ;
copy - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = power_method_inherited (
pb_type - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method ) ;
/* Ports */
copy - > num_ports = pb_type - > num_ports ;
copy - > ports = ( t_port * ) my_calloc ( pb_type - > num_ports , sizeof ( t_port ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pb_type - > num_ports ; i + + ) {
copy - > ports [ i ] . is_clock = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . is_clock ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . model_port = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . model_port ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . type = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . num_pins = pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . parent_pb_type = copy ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . name = my_strdup ( pb_type - > ports [ i ] . name ) ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . port_class = my_strdup ( pb_type - > ports [ i ] . port_class ) ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . port_power = ( t_port_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_port_power ) ) ;
if ( copy - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method = = POWER_METHOD_AUTO_SIZES ) {
copy - > ports [ i ] . port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_AUTO ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . port_power - > buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_AUTO ;
} else if ( copy - > pb_type_power - > estimation_method
copy - > ports [ i ] . port_power - > wire_type = POWER_WIRE_TYPE_IGNORED ;
copy - > ports [ i ] . port_power - > buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_NONE ;
copy - > max_internal_delay = pb_type - > max_internal_delay ;
copy - > annotations = ( t_pin_to_pin_annotation * ) my_calloc (
pb_type - > num_annotations , sizeof ( t_pin_to_pin_annotation ) ) ;
copy - > num_annotations = pb_type - > num_annotations ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < copy - > num_annotations ; i + + ) {
copy - > annotations [ i ] . clock = my_strdup ( pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . clock ) ;
dot = strstr ( pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins , " . " ) ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins = ( char * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( char ) * ( strlen ( new_name ) + strlen ( dot ) + 1 ) ) ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
strcat ( copy - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins , new_name ) ;
strcat ( copy - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins , dot ) ;
if ( pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins ! = NULL ) {
dot = strstr ( pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins , " . " ) ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins = ( char * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( char ) * ( strlen ( new_name ) + strlen ( dot ) + 1 ) ) ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
strcat ( copy - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins , new_name ) ;
strcat ( copy - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins , dot ) ;
} else {
copy - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins = NULL ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . line_num = pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . line_num ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . format = pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . format ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . type = pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . type ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs =
pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . prop = ( int * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( int ) * pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ) ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . value = ( char * * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( char * ) * pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ; j + + ) {
copy - > annotations [ i ] . prop [ j ] = pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . prop [ j ] ;
copy - > annotations [ i ] . value [ j ] = my_strdup (
pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . value [ j ] ) ;
/* populate special lut class */
void ProcessLutClass ( INOUTP t_pb_type * lut_pb_type ) {
char * default_name ;
t_port * in_port ;
t_port * out_port ;
int i , j ;
if ( strcmp ( lut_pb_type - > name , " lut " ) ! = 0 ) {
default_name = my_strdup ( " lut " ) ;
} else {
default_name = my_strdup ( " lut_child " ) ;
lut_pb_type - > num_modes = 2 ;
lut_pb_type - > pb_type_power - > leakage_default_mode = 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes = ( t_mode * ) my_calloc ( lut_pb_type - > num_modes ,
sizeof ( t_mode ) ) ;
/* First mode, route_through */
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . name = my_strdup ( " wire " ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . parent_pb_type = lut_pb_type ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . index = 0 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . num_pb_type_children = 0 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . mode_power = ( t_mode_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_mode_power ) ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: LUT default idle mode */
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . define_idle_mode = 0 ;
/* Xifan TANG: LUT default physical mode: special for LUT: mode 1 should never to be true */
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . define_physical_mode = FALSE ;
/* END */
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* Process interconnect */
/* TODO: add timing annotations to route-through */
assert ( lut_pb_type - > num_ports = = 2 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( lut_pb_type - > ports [ 0 ] . port_class , " lut_in " ) = = 0 ) {
assert ( strcmp ( lut_pb_type - > ports [ 1 ] . port_class , " lut_out " ) = = 0 ) ;
in_port = & lut_pb_type - > ports [ 0 ] ;
out_port = & lut_pb_type - > ports [ 1 ] ;
} else {
assert ( strcmp ( lut_pb_type - > ports [ 0 ] . port_class , " lut_out " ) = = 0 ) ;
assert ( strcmp ( lut_pb_type - > ports [ 1 ] . port_class , " lut_in " ) = = 0 ) ;
out_port = & lut_pb_type - > ports [ 0 ] ;
in_port = & lut_pb_type - > ports [ 1 ] ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . num_interconnect = 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect = ( t_interconnect * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_interconnect ) ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . name = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( lut_pb_type - > name ) + 10 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . name , " complete:%s " ,
lut_pb_type - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . type = COMPLETE_INTERC ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . input_string = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( lut_pb_type - > name ) + strlen ( in_port - > name ) + 2 ,
sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . input_string , " %s.%s " ,
lut_pb_type - > name , in_port - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . output_string = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( lut_pb_type - > name ) + strlen ( out_port - > name ) + 2 ,
sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . output_string , " %s.%s " ,
lut_pb_type - > name , out_port - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . parent_mode_index = 0 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . parent_mode = & lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . interconnect_power =
( t_interconnect_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_interconnect_power ) ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations =
( t_pin_to_pin_annotation * ) my_calloc ( lut_pb_type - > num_annotations ,
sizeof ( t_pin_to_pin_annotation ) ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . num_annotations =
lut_pb_type - > num_annotations ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . num_annotations ;
i + + ) {
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . clock = my_strdup (
lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . clock ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . input_pins =
my_strdup ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . output_pins =
my_strdup ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . line_num =
lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . line_num ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . format =
lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . format ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . type =
lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . type ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs =
lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . prop =
( int * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( int )
* lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . value =
( char * * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( char * )
* lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ; j + + ) {
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . prop [ j ] =
lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . prop [ j ] ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . annotations [ i ] . value [ j ] =
my_strdup ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . value [ j ] ) ;
/* Second mode, LUT */
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . name = my_strdup ( lut_pb_type - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . parent_pb_type = lut_pb_type ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . index = 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . num_pb_type_children = 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . mode_power = ( t_mode_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_mode_power ) ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . pb_type_children = ( t_pb_type * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_pb_type ) ) ;
alloc_and_load_default_child_for_pb_type ( lut_pb_type , default_name ,
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . pb_type_children ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: LUT default idle mode */
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . define_idle_mode = 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . define_physical_mode = lut_pb_type - > parent_mode - > define_physical_mode ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* moved annotations to child so delete old annotations */
for ( i = 0 ; i < lut_pb_type - > num_annotations ; i + + ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . num_value_prop_pairs ; j + + ) {
free ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . value [ j ] ) ;
free ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . value ) ;
free ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . prop ) ;
if ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins ) {
free ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . input_pins ) ;
if ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins ) {
free ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . output_pins ) ;
if ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . clock ) {
free ( lut_pb_type - > annotations [ i ] . clock ) ;
lut_pb_type - > num_annotations = 0 ;
free ( lut_pb_type - > annotations ) ;
lut_pb_type - > annotations = NULL ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . depth = lut_pb_type - > depth + 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . parent_mode =
& lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] ;
/* Process interconnect */
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . num_interconnect = 2 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect = ( t_interconnect * ) my_calloc ( 2 ,
sizeof ( t_interconnect ) ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . name = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( lut_pb_type - > name ) + 10 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . name , " direct:%s " ,
lut_pb_type - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . type = DIRECT_INTERC ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . input_string = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( lut_pb_type - > name ) + strlen ( in_port - > name ) + 2 ,
sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . input_string , " %s.%s " ,
lut_pb_type - > name , in_port - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . output_string = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( default_name ) + strlen ( in_port - > name ) + 2 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . output_string , " %s.%s " ,
default_name , in_port - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . infer_annotations = TRUE ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . parent_mode_index = 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . parent_mode = & lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 0 ] . interconnect_power =
( t_interconnect_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_interconnect_power ) ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . name = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( lut_pb_type - > name ) + 11 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . name , " direct:%s " ,
lut_pb_type - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . type = DIRECT_INTERC ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . input_string = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( default_name ) + strlen ( out_port - > name ) + 4 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . input_string , " %s.%s " ,
default_name , out_port - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . output_string = ( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( lut_pb_type - > name ) + strlen ( out_port - > name )
+ strlen ( in_port - > name ) + 2 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . output_string , " %s.%s " ,
lut_pb_type - > name , out_port - > name ) ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . infer_annotations = TRUE ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . parent_mode_index = 1 ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . parent_mode = & lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] ;
lut_pb_type - > modes [ 1 ] . interconnect [ 1 ] . interconnect_power =
( t_interconnect_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_interconnect_power ) ) ;
free ( default_name ) ;
free ( lut_pb_type - > blif_model ) ;
lut_pb_type - > blif_model = NULL ;
lut_pb_type - > model = NULL ;
/* populate special memory class */
static void ProcessMemoryClass ( INOUTP t_pb_type * mem_pb_type ) {
char * default_name ;
char * input_name , * input_port_name , * output_name , * output_port_name ;
int i , j , i_inter , num_pb ;
if ( strcmp ( mem_pb_type - > name , " memory_slice " ) ! = 0 ) {
default_name = my_strdup ( " memory_slice " ) ;
} else {
default_name = my_strdup ( " memory_slice_1bit " ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes = ( t_mode * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_mode ) ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . name = my_strdup ( default_name ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . parent_pb_type = mem_pb_type ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . index = 0 ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . mode_power = ( t_mode_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_mode_power ) ) ;
num_pb = OPEN ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mem_pb_type - > num_ports ; i + + ) {
if ( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . port_class ! = NULL
& & strstr ( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . port_class , " data " )
= = mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . port_class ) {
if ( num_pb = = OPEN ) {
num_pb = mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ;
} else if ( num_pb ! = mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" memory %s has inconsistent number of data bits %d and %d \n " ,
mem_pb_type - > name , num_pb ,
mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . num_pb_type_children = 1 ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children = ( t_pb_type * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_pb_type ) ) ;
alloc_and_load_default_child_for_pb_type ( mem_pb_type , default_name ,
& mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . depth = mem_pb_type - > depth + 1 ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . parent_mode =
& mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . num_pb = num_pb ;
mem_pb_type - > num_modes = 1 ;
free ( mem_pb_type - > blif_model ) ;
mem_pb_type - > blif_model = NULL ;
mem_pb_type - > model = NULL ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . num_interconnect = mem_pb_type - > num_ports * num_pb ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect = ( t_interconnect * ) my_calloc (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . num_interconnect , sizeof ( t_interconnect ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . num_interconnect ; i + + ) {
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i ] . parent_mode_index = 0 ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i ] . parent_mode =
& mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] ;
2018-08-01 15:04:28 -05:00
/* Xifan TANG: Memory default idle mode */
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . define_idle_mode = 1 ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . define_physical_mode = mem_pb_type - > parent_mode - > define_physical_mode ;
2018-08-01 15:04:28 -05:00
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* Process interconnect */
i_inter = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mem_pb_type - > num_ports ; i + + ) {
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . type = DIRECT_INTERC ;
input_port_name = mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . name ;
output_port_name = mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . name ;
if ( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type = = IN_PORT ) {
input_name = mem_pb_type - > name ;
output_name = default_name ;
} else {
input_name = default_name ;
output_name = mem_pb_type - > name ;
if ( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . port_class ! = NULL
& & strstr ( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . port_class , " data " )
= = mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . port_class ) {
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . name =
( char * ) my_calloc ( i_inter / 10 + 8 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . name ,
" direct%d " , i_inter ) ;
if ( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type = = IN_PORT ) {
/* force data pins to be one bit wide and update stats */
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . ports [ i ] . num_pins = 1 ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . num_input_pins - =
( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins - 1 ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( input_name ) + strlen ( input_port_name )
+ 2 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string ,
" %s.%s " , input_name , input_port_name ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( output_name ) + strlen ( output_port_name )
+ 2 * ( 6 + num_pb / 10 ) , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string ,
" %s[%d:0].%s " , output_name , num_pb - 1 ,
output_port_name ) ;
} else {
/* force data pins to be one bit wide and update stats */
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . ports [ i ] . num_pins = 1 ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . pb_type_children [ 0 ] . num_output_pins - =
( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins - 1 ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( input_name ) + strlen ( input_port_name )
+ 2 * ( 6 + num_pb / 10 ) , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string ,
" %s[%d:0].%s " , input_name , num_pb - 1 , input_port_name ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( output_name ) + strlen ( output_port_name )
+ 2 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string ,
" %s.%s " , output_name , output_port_name ) ;
/* Allocate interconnect power structures */
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . interconnect_power =
( t_interconnect_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_interconnect_power ) ) ;
i_inter + + ;
} else {
for ( j = 0 ; j < num_pb ; j + + ) {
/* Anything that is not data must be an input */
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . name =
( char * ) my_calloc ( i_inter / 10 + j / 10 + 10 ,
sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf ( mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . name ,
" direct%d_%d " , i_inter , j ) ;
if ( mem_pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type = = IN_PORT ) {
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . type =
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( input_name ) + strlen ( input_port_name )
+ 2 , sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string ,
" %s.%s " , input_name , input_port_name ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( output_name )
+ strlen ( output_port_name )
+ 2 * ( 6 + num_pb / 10 ) ,
sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string ,
" %s[%d:%d].%s " , output_name , j , j ,
output_port_name ) ;
} else {
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . type =
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( input_name ) + strlen ( input_port_name )
+ 2 * ( 6 + num_pb / 10 ) ,
sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . input_string ,
" %s[%d:%d].%s " , input_name , j , j , input_port_name ) ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string =
( char * ) my_calloc (
strlen ( output_name )
+ strlen ( output_port_name ) + 2 ,
sizeof ( char ) ) ;
sprintf (
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . output_string ,
" %s.%s " , output_name , output_port_name ) ;
/* Allocate interconnect power structures */
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . interconnect [ i_inter ] . interconnect_power =
( t_interconnect_power * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_interconnect_power ) ) ;
i_inter + + ;
mem_pb_type - > modes [ 0 ] . num_interconnect = i_inter ;
free ( default_name ) ;
/* Takes in node pointing to <typelist> and loads all the
* child type objects . Unlinks the entire < typelist > node
* when complete . */
static void ProcessComplexBlocks ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node ,
OUTP t_type_descriptor * * Types , OUTP int * NumTypes ,
boolean timing_enabled , boolean do_spice ) {
ezxml_t CurType , Prev ;
ezxml_t Cur ;
t_type_descriptor * Type ;
int i ;
/* Alloc the type list. Need one additional t_type_desctiptors:
* 1 : empty psuedo - type
* NumTypes = CountChildren ( Node , " pb_type " , 1 ) + 1 ;
* Types = ( t_type_descriptor * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( t_type_descriptor ) * ( * NumTypes ) ) ;
cb_type_descriptors = * Types ;
EMPTY_TYPE = & cb_type_descriptors [ EMPTY_TYPE_INDEX ] ;
IO_TYPE = & cb_type_descriptors [ IO_TYPE_INDEX ] ;
cb_type_descriptors [ EMPTY_TYPE_INDEX ] . index = EMPTY_TYPE_INDEX ;
cb_type_descriptors [ IO_TYPE_INDEX ] . index = IO_TYPE_INDEX ;
SetupEmptyType ( ) ;
/* Process the types */
/* TODO: I should make this more flexible but release is soon and I don't have time so assert values for empty and io types*/
assert ( EMPTY_TYPE_INDEX = = 0 ) ;
assert ( IO_TYPE_INDEX = = 1 ) ;
i = 1 ; /* Skip over 'empty' type */
CurType = Node - > child ;
while ( CurType ) {
CheckElement ( CurType , " pb_type " ) ;
/* Alias to current type */
Type = & ( * Types ) [ i ] ;
/* Parses the properties fields of the type */
ProcessComplexBlockProps ( CurType , Type ) ;
/* Load pb_type info */
Type - > pb_type = ( t_pb_type * ) my_malloc ( sizeof ( t_pb_type ) ) ;
Type - > pb_type - > name = my_strdup ( Type - > name ) ;
if ( i = = IO_TYPE_INDEX ) {
if ( strcmp ( Type - > name , " io " ) ! = 0 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" First complex block must be named \" io \" and define the inputs and outputs for the FPGA " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ProcessPb_Type ( CurType , Type - > pb_type , NULL , do_spice ) ;
Type - > num_pins = Type - > capacity
* ( Type - > pb_type - > num_input_pins
+ Type - > pb_type - > num_output_pins
+ Type - > pb_type - > num_clock_pins ) ;
Type - > num_receivers = Type - > capacity * Type - > pb_type - > num_input_pins ;
Type - > num_drivers = Type - > capacity * Type - > pb_type - > num_output_pins ;
/* Xifan TANG: pin equivalence auto-detection */
if ( 1 = = CountChildren ( CurType , " pin_equivalence_auto_detect " , 0 ) ) {
Cur = FindFirstElement ( CurType , " pin_equivalence_auto_detect " , TRUE ) ;
SetupPinEquivalenceAutoDetect ( Cur , Type ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
} else {
assert ( 0 = = CountChildren ( CurType , " pin_equivalence_auto_detect " , 0 ) ) ;
/* Initialize */
Type - > input_ports_eq_auto_detect = FALSE ;
Type - > output_ports_eq_auto_detect = FALSE ;
/* Load pin names and classes and locations */
Cur = FindElement ( CurType , " pinlocations " , TRUE ) ;
SetupPinLocationsAndPinClasses ( Cur , Type ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
Cur = FindElement ( CurType , " gridlocations " , TRUE ) ;
SetupGridLocations ( Cur , Type ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Load Fc */
Cur = FindElement ( CurType , " fc " , TRUE ) ;
Process_Fc ( Cur , Type ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
#if 0
Cur = FindElement ( CurType , " timing " , timing_enabled ) ;
if ( Cur )
SetupTypeTiming ( Cur , Type ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
# endif
Type - > index = i ;
/* Type fully read */
+ + i ;
/* Free this node and get its next sibling node */
Prev = CurType ;
CurType = CurType - > next ;
FreeNode ( Prev ) ;
if ( FILL_TYPE = = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" grid location type 'fill' must be specified. \n " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Loads the given architecture file. Currently only
* handles type information */
void XmlReadArch ( INP const char * ArchFile , INP boolean timing_enabled ,
OUTP struct s_arch * arch , OUTP t_type_descriptor * * Types ,
OUTP int * NumTypes ) {
ezxml_t Cur , Next ;
const char * Prop ;
boolean power_reqd ;
/* Parse the file */
Cur = ezxml_parse_file ( ArchFile ) ;
if ( NULL = = Cur ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Unable to load architecture file '%s'. \n " , ArchFile ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Root node should be architecture */
CheckElement ( Cur , " architecture " ) ;
/* TODO: do version processing properly with string delimiting on the . */
Prop = FindProperty ( Cur , " version " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Prop ! = NULL ) {
if ( atof ( Prop ) > atof ( VPR_VERSION ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING ,
" This architecture version is for VPR %f while your current VPR version is " VPR_VERSION " , compatability issues may arise \n " ,
atof ( Prop ) ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Cur , " version " , NULL ) ;
/* Process models */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " models " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessModels ( Next , arch ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
CreateModelLibrary ( arch ) ;
/* Process layout */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " layout " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessLayout ( Next , arch ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* Process device */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " device " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessDevice ( Next , arch , timing_enabled ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: Connection Block Support*/
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " cblocks " , arch - > read_xml_spice ) ;
if ( Next ) {
ProcessSwitches ( Next , & ( arch - > cb_switches ) , & ( arch - > num_cb_switch ) ,
timing_enabled ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* end */
/* Xifan TANG: HSPICE Support*/
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " spice_settings " , arch - > read_xml_spice ) ; // Not mandatory options but we will check it later
if ( Next ) {
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
/* This information still needs to be read, even if it is just
* thrown away .
/* Allocate */
if ( TRUE = = arch - > read_xml_spice ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_INFO , " Parsing XML syntax for FPGA X2P... \n " ) ;
ProcessSpiceSettings ( Next , arch - > spice ) ;
} else {
t_spice * spice_fake = ( t_spice * ) my_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( t_spice ) ) ;
ProcessSpiceSettings ( Next , spice_fake ) ;
free ( spice_fake ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* end */
/* mrFPGA */
/* Process technology */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " mrFPGA_settings " , FALSE ) ;
ProcessTechnology ( Next , arch ) ;
if ( Next ) {
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* end */
/* Process types */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " complexblocklist " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessComplexBlocks ( Next , Types , NumTypes , timing_enabled , arch - > read_xml_spice ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* Process switches */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " switchlist " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessSwitches ( Next , & ( arch - > Switches ) , & ( arch - > num_switches ) ,
timing_enabled ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* Process segments. This depends on switches */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " segmentlist " , TRUE ) ;
ProcessSegments ( Next , & ( arch - > Segments ) , & ( arch - > num_segments ) ,
arch - > Switches , arch - > num_switches , timing_enabled ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/*Xifan TANG: switch_segment_pattern*/
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " switch_segment_patterns " , FALSE ) ; // FALSE: not mandatory required
if ( Next ) {
ProcessSwitchSegmentPatterns ( Next , & ( arch - > num_swseg_pattern ) , & ( arch - > swseg_patterns ) ,
arch - > num_switches , arch - > Switches , timing_enabled ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
} else { // Set 0
arch - > num_swseg_pattern = 0 ;
arch - > swseg_patterns = NULL ;
/* Process directs */
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " directlist " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Next ) {
ProcessDirects ( Next , & ( arch - > Directs ) , & ( arch - > num_directs ) ,
timing_enabled ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
/* Process architecture power information */
/* If arch->power has been initialized, meaning the user has requested power estimation,
* then the power architecture information is required .
if ( arch - > power ) {
power_reqd = TRUE ;
} else {
power_reqd = FALSE ;
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " power " , power_reqd ) ;
if ( Next ) {
if ( arch - > power ) {
ProcessPower ( Next , arch - > power , * Types , * NumTypes ) ;
} else {
/* This information still needs to be read, even if it is just
* thrown away .
t_power_arch * power_arch_fake = ( t_power_arch * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_power_arch ) ) ;
ProcessPower ( Next , power_arch_fake , * Types , * NumTypes ) ;
free ( power_arch_fake ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
// Process Clocks
Next = FindElement ( Cur , " clocks " , power_reqd ) ;
if ( Next ) {
if ( arch - > clocks ) {
ProcessClocks ( Next , arch - > clocks ) ;
} else {
/* This information still needs to be read, even if it is just
* thrown away .
t_clock_arch * clocks_fake = ( t_clock_arch * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_clock_arch ) ) ;
ProcessClocks ( Next , clocks_fake ) ;
free ( clocks_fake - > clock_inf ) ;
free ( clocks_fake ) ;
FreeNode ( Next ) ;
SyncModelsPbTypes ( arch , * Types , * NumTypes ) ;
UpdateAndCheckModels ( arch ) ;
/* Release the full XML tree */
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: read in switch_segment_patterns
* Current Support : pattern type = unbuf_sb seg_type = undir
* Switch should have at least one unbuf_mux
static void ProcessSwitchSegmentPatterns ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent ,
OUTP int * num_swseg_pattern ,
OUTP t_swseg_pattern_inf * * swseg_patterns ,
INP int num_switch ,
INP struct s_switch_inf * switches ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) {
int i , j ;
const char * tmp ;
const char * pattern_tag ;
ezxml_t SubElem ;
ezxml_t Node ;
/* Count the number of segs and check they are in fact
* of segment elements . */
( * num_swseg_pattern ) = 0 ;
/* if there is no input, return */
if ( NULL = = Parent ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) = NULL ;
return ;
/* Under switch_segment_patterns, count the number of patterns*/
( * num_swseg_pattern ) = CountChildren ( Parent , " pattern " , 0 ) ;
/* Alloc segment list */
( * swseg_patterns ) = NULL ;
if ( ( * num_swseg_pattern ) > 0 ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) = ( t_swseg_pattern_inf * ) my_malloc ( ( * num_swseg_pattern ) * sizeof ( t_swseg_pattern_inf ) ) ;
memset ( ( * swseg_patterns ) , 0 , ( ( * num_swseg_pattern ) * sizeof ( t_swseg_pattern_inf ) ) ) ;
/* Load the switch segment pattern. */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( * num_swseg_pattern ) ; + + i ) {
Node = ezxml_child ( Parent , " pattern " ) ;
/* Get segment type: support unbuf_sb */
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " type " , FALSE ) ;
( * swseg_patterns [ i ] ) . type = SWSEG_UNBUF_SB ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , " unbuf_sb " ) ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . type = SWSEG_UNBUF_SB ;
pattern_tag = " sb " ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , " unbuf_cb " ) ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . type = SWSEG_UNBUF_CB ;
pattern_tag = " cb " ;
} else { /*Invalid type!*/
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid switch segment pattern type '%s'. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " type " , NULL ) ;
/*Load segment length that the pattern will be applied*/
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " seg_length " , FALSE ) ;
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_length = 1 ; /* DEFAULT: seg_length = 1*/
if ( tmp ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_length = my_atoi ( tmp ) ;
if ( ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_length < 1 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid seg_length '%s'. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " seg_length " , NULL ) ;
/* Get the seg_type */
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_direction_type = UNI_DIRECTIONAL ; /*DEFAULT*/
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " seg_type " , TRUE ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , " bidir " ) ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_direction_type = BI_DIRECTIONAL ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , " unidir " ) ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_direction_type = UNI_DIRECTIONAL ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid seg_type '%s'. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " seg_type " , NULL ) ;
/*Only support unidirection*/
if ( UNI_DIRECTIONAL ! = ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_direction_type ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] seg_type should be unidir only! '%s'. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Get the wire and opin switches, or mux switch if unidir */
if ( UNI_DIRECTIONAL = = ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . seg_direction_type ) {
SubElem = FindElement ( Node , " unbuf_mux " , TRUE ) ;
tmp = FindProperty ( SubElem , " name " , TRUE ) ;
/* Match names */
for ( j = 0 ; j < num_switch ; + + j ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , switches [ j ] . name ) ) {
break ; /* End loop so j is where we want it */
if ( j > = num_switch ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] '%s' is not a valid mux name. \n " ,
SubElem - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . unbuf_switch = j ;
ezxml_set_attr ( SubElem , " name " , NULL ) ;
FreeNode ( SubElem ) ;
} else {
assert ( BI_DIRECTIONAL = = ( * swseg_patterns [ i ] ) . seg_direction_type ) ;
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] seg_type should be unidir only! '%s'. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Setup the pattern if they give one, otherwise use full */
/* Find the pattern length*/
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " pattern_length " , FALSE ) ;
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . pattern_length = 2 ; /* DEFAULT: seg_length = 2*/
if ( tmp ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . pattern_length = my_atoi ( tmp ) ;
if ( ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . pattern_length < 2 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid pattern_length '%s'. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " pattern_length " , NULL ) ;
/* Search a pattern_tag*/
/* For unbuf_sb, we expect sb or we make it full*/
SubElem = FindElement ( Node , pattern_tag , FALSE ) ;
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . patterns = ( boolean * ) my_malloc ( ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . pattern_length * sizeof ( boolean ) ) ;
/* DEFAULT: All is 1 */
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . pattern_length ; + + j ) {
( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . patterns [ j ] = TRUE ;
/* Load the pattern*/
if ( SubElem ) {
ProcessCB_SB ( SubElem , ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . patterns , ( * swseg_patterns ) [ i ] . pattern_length ) ;
FreeNode ( SubElem ) ;
FreeNode ( Node ) ;
static void ProcessSegments ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent ,
OUTP struct s_segment_inf * * Segs , OUTP int * NumSegs ,
INP struct s_switch_inf * Switches , INP int NumSwitches ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) {
int i , j , length ;
const char * tmp ;
ezxml_t SubElem ;
ezxml_t Node ;
/* Count the number of segs and check they are in fact
* of segment elements . */
* NumSegs = CountChildren ( Parent , " segment " , 1 ) ;
/* Alloc segment list */
* Segs = NULL ;
if ( * NumSegs > 0 ) {
* Segs = ( struct s_segment_inf * ) my_malloc (
* NumSegs * sizeof ( struct s_segment_inf ) ) ;
memset ( * Segs , 0 , ( * NumSegs * sizeof ( struct s_segment_inf ) ) ) ;
/* Load the segments. */
for ( i = 0 ; i < * NumSegs ; + + i ) {
Node = ezxml_child ( Parent , " segment " ) ;
/* Get segment length */
length = 1 ; /* DEFAULT */
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " length " , FALSE ) ;
if ( tmp ) {
if ( strcmp ( tmp , " longline " ) = = 0 ) {
( * Segs ) [ i ] . longline = TRUE ;
} else {
length = my_atoi ( tmp ) ;
( * Segs ) [ i ] . length = length ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " length " , NULL ) ;
/* Get the frequency */
( * Segs ) [ i ] . frequency = 1 ; /* DEFAULT */
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " freq " , FALSE ) ;
if ( tmp ) {
( * Segs ) [ i ] . frequency = ( int ) ( atof ( tmp ) * MAX_CHANNEL_WIDTH ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " freq " , NULL ) ;
/* Get timing info */
( * Segs ) [ i ] . Rmetal = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " Rmetal " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
( * Segs ) [ i ] . Cmetal = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " Cmetal " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: SPICE Model Support*/
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
( * Segs ) [ i ] . spice_model_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Node , " spice_model_name " , FALSE ) ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
( * Segs ) [ i ] . spice_model = NULL ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " spice_model_name " , NULL ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* Get Power info */
( * Segs ) [ i ] . Cmetal_per_m = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " Cmetal_per_m " , FALSE ,
0. ) ; */
/* Get the type */
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " type " , TRUE ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , " bidir " ) ) {
( * Segs ) [ i ] . directionality = BI_DIRECTIONAL ;
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , " unidir " ) ) {
( * Segs ) [ i ] . directionality = UNI_DIRECTIONAL ;
else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid switch type '%s'. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " type " , NULL ) ;
/* Get the wire and opin switches, or mux switch if unidir */
if ( UNI_DIRECTIONAL = = ( * Segs ) [ i ] . directionality ) {
SubElem = FindElement ( Node , " mux " , TRUE ) ;
tmp = FindProperty ( SubElem , " name " , TRUE ) ;
/* Match names */
for ( j = 0 ; j < NumSwitches ; + + j ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , Switches [ j ] . name ) ) {
break ; /* End loop so j is where we want it */
if ( j > = NumSwitches ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] '%s' is not a valid mux name. \n " ,
SubElem - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( SubElem , " name " , NULL ) ;
FreeNode ( SubElem ) ;
/* Unidir muxes must have the same switch
* for wire and opin fanin since there is
* really only the mux in unidir . */
( * Segs ) [ i ] . wire_switch = j ;
( * Segs ) [ i ] . opin_switch = j ;
else {
assert ( BI_DIRECTIONAL = = ( * Segs ) [ i ] . directionality ) ;
SubElem = FindElement ( Node , " wire_switch " , TRUE ) ;
tmp = FindProperty ( SubElem , " name " , TRUE ) ;
/* Match names */
for ( j = 0 ; j < NumSwitches ; + + j ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , Switches [ j ] . name ) ) {
break ; /* End loop so j is where we want it */
if ( j > = NumSwitches ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] '%s' is not a valid wire_switch name. \n " ,
SubElem - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
( * Segs ) [ i ] . wire_switch = j ;
ezxml_set_attr ( SubElem , " name " , NULL ) ;
FreeNode ( SubElem ) ;
SubElem = FindElement ( Node , " opin_switch " , TRUE ) ;
tmp = FindProperty ( SubElem , " name " , TRUE ) ;
/* Match names */
for ( j = 0 ; j < NumSwitches ; + + j ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , Switches [ j ] . name ) ) {
break ; /* End loop so j is where we want it */
if ( j > = NumSwitches ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] '%s' is not a valid opin_switch name. \n " ,
SubElem - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
( * Segs ) [ i ] . opin_switch = j ;
ezxml_set_attr ( SubElem , " name " , NULL ) ;
FreeNode ( SubElem ) ;
/* Setup the CB list if they give one, otherwise use full */
( * Segs ) [ i ] . cb_len = length ;
( * Segs ) [ i ] . cb = ( boolean * ) my_malloc ( length * sizeof ( boolean ) ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < length ; + + j ) {
( * Segs ) [ i ] . cb [ j ] = TRUE ;
SubElem = FindElement ( Node , " cb " , FALSE ) ;
if ( SubElem ) {
ProcessCB_SB ( SubElem , ( * Segs ) [ i ] . cb , length ) ;
FreeNode ( SubElem ) ;
/* Setup the SB list if they give one, otherwise use full */
( * Segs ) [ i ] . sb_len = ( length + 1 ) ;
( * Segs ) [ i ] . sb = ( boolean * ) my_malloc ( ( length + 1 ) * sizeof ( boolean ) ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( length + 1 ) ; + + j ) {
( * Segs ) [ i ] . sb [ j ] = TRUE ;
SubElem = FindElement ( Node , " sb " , FALSE ) ;
if ( SubElem ) {
ProcessCB_SB ( SubElem , ( * Segs ) [ i ] . sb , ( length + 1 ) ) ;
FreeNode ( SubElem ) ;
FreeNode ( Node ) ;
static void ProcessCB_SB ( INOUTP ezxml_t Node , INOUTP boolean * list ,
INP int len ) {
const char * tmp = NULL ;
int i ;
/* Check the type. We only support 'pattern' for now.
* Should add frac back eventually . */
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " type " , TRUE ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( tmp , " pattern " ) ) {
i = 0 ;
/* Get the content string */
tmp = Node - > txt ;
while ( * tmp ) {
switch ( * tmp ) {
case ' ' :
case ' \t ' :
case ' \n ' :
break ;
case ' T ' :
case ' 1 ' :
if ( i > = len ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] CB or SB depopulation is too long. It "
" should be (length) symbols for CBs and (length+1) "
" symbols for SBs. \n " , Node - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
list [ i ] = TRUE ;
+ + i ;
break ;
case ' F ' :
case ' 0 ' :
if ( i > = len ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] CB or SB depopulation is too long. It "
" should be (length) symbols for CBs and (length+1) "
" symbols for SBs. \n " , Node - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
list [ i ] = FALSE ;
+ + i ;
break ;
default :
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid character %c in CB or "
" SB depopulation list. \n " , Node - > line , * tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
+ + tmp ;
if ( i < len ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] CB or SB depopulation is too short. It "
" should be (length) symbols for CBs and (length+1) "
" symbols for SBs. \n " , Node - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Free content string */
ezxml_set_txt ( Node , " " ) ;
else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] '%s' is not a valid type for specifying "
" cb and sb depopulation. \n " , Node - > line , tmp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " type " , NULL ) ;
static void ProcessSwitches ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent ,
OUTP struct s_switch_inf * * Switches , OUTP int * NumSwitches ,
INP boolean timing_enabled ) {
int i , j ;
const char * type_name ;
const char * switch_name ;
const char * buf_size ;
const char * structure_type ;
boolean has_buf_size ;
ezxml_t Node ;
has_buf_size = FALSE ;
/* Count the children and check they are switches */
* NumSwitches = CountChildren ( Parent , " switch " , 1 ) ;
/* Alloc switch list */
* Switches = NULL ;
if ( * NumSwitches > 0 ) {
* Switches = ( struct s_switch_inf * ) my_malloc (
* NumSwitches * sizeof ( struct s_switch_inf ) ) ;
memset ( * Switches , 0 , ( * NumSwitches * sizeof ( struct s_switch_inf ) ) ) ;
/* Load the switches. */
for ( i = 0 ; i < * NumSwitches ; + + i ) {
Node = ezxml_child ( Parent , " switch " ) ;
switch_name = FindProperty ( Node , " name " , TRUE ) ;
type_name = FindProperty ( Node , " type " , TRUE ) ;
/* Check for switch name collisions */
for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; + + j ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( ( * Switches ) [ j ] . name , switch_name ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Two switches with the same name '%s' were "
" found. \n " , Node - > line , switch_name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . name = my_strdup ( switch_name ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " name " , NULL ) ;
/* Figure out the type of switch. */
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( type_name , " mux " ) ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . buffered = TRUE ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . type = " mux " ;
has_buf_size = TRUE ;
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( type_name , " pass_trans " ) ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . buffered = FALSE ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . type = " pass_trans " ;
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( type_name , " buffer " ) ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . buffered = TRUE ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . type = " buffer " ;
// Xifan TANG: new type : unbuf_mux
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( type_name , " unbuf_mux " ) ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . buffered = FALSE ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . type = " unbuf_mux " ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . buf_size = 0 ;
has_buf_size = FALSE ;
// END
else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Invalid switch type '%s'. \n " , Node - > line ,
type_name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " type " , NULL ) ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . R = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " R " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . Cin = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " Cin " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . Cout = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " Cout " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . Tdel = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " Tdel " , timing_enabled , 0 ) ;
// Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern support
( * Switches ) [ i ] . buf_size = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " buf_size " ,
has_buf_size , 0 ) ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . mux_trans_size = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " mux_trans_size " ,
FALSE , 1 ) ;
/* Xifan TANG: Spice Model Support */
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
( * Switches ) [ i ] . spice_model_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Node , " spice_model_name " , FALSE ) ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
( * Switches ) [ i ] . spice_model = NULL ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " spice_model_name " , NULL ) ;
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
/* Xifan TANG : Read in MUX structure*/
/* Default, we use tree */
structure_type = FindProperty ( Node , " structure " , FALSE ) ;
if ( NULL = = structure_type ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . structure = SPICE_MODEL_STRUCTURE_TREE ;
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_INFO , " FPGA-SPICE: Auto-assign structure type of Switch(name=%s) to default(=tree). \n " ,
( * Switches ) [ i ] . name ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( " one-level " , structure_type ) ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . structure = SPICE_MODEL_STRUCTURE_ONELEVEL ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( " multi-level " , structure_type ) ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . structure = SPICE_MODEL_STRUCTURE_MULTILEVEL ;
} else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( " tree " , structure_type ) ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . structure = SPICE_MODEL_STRUCTURE_TREE ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " structure " , NULL ) ;
if ( SPICE_MODEL_STRUCTURE_MULTILEVEL = = ( * Switches ) [ i ] . structure ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . switch_num_level = GetIntProperty ( Node , " num_level " , TRUE , 1 ) ;
if ( 1 = = ( * Switches ) [ i ] . switch_num_level ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . structure = SPICE_MODEL_STRUCTURE_ONELEVEL ;
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_INFO , " [LINE%d] Automatically convert switch structure from multi-level to one-level! \n Reason: Switch structure is defined to be multi-level but num of level is set to 1. \n " , Node - > line ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " num_level " , NULL ) ;
/* END */
buf_size = FindProperty ( Node , " power_buf_size " , FALSE ) ;
if ( buf_size = = NULL ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . power_buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_AUTO ;
} else if ( strcmp ( buf_size , " auto " ) = = 0 ) {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . power_buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_AUTO ;
} else {
( * Switches ) [ i ] . power_buffer_type = POWER_BUFFER_TYPE_ABSOLUTE_SIZE ;
( * Switches ) [ i ] . power_buffer_size = ( float ) atof ( buf_size ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " power_buf_size " , NULL ) ;
/* Remove the switch element from parse tree */
FreeNode ( Node ) ;
static void ProcessDirects ( INOUTP ezxml_t Parent , OUTP t_direct_inf * * Directs ,
OUTP int * NumDirects , INP boolean timing_enabled ) {
int i , j ;
const char * direct_name ;
const char * from_pin_name ;
const char * to_pin_name ;
ezxml_t Node ;
/* Count the children and check they are direct connections */
* NumDirects = CountChildren ( Parent , " direct " , 1 ) ;
/* Alloc direct list */
* Directs = NULL ;
if ( * NumDirects > 0 ) {
* Directs = ( t_direct_inf * ) my_malloc (
* NumDirects * sizeof ( t_direct_inf ) ) ;
memset ( * Directs , 0 , ( * NumDirects * sizeof ( t_direct_inf ) ) ) ;
/* Load the directs. */
for ( i = 0 ; i < * NumDirects ; + + i ) {
Node = ezxml_child ( Parent , " direct " ) ;
direct_name = FindProperty ( Node , " name " , TRUE ) ;
/* Check for direct name collisions */
for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; + + j ) {
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( ( * Directs ) [ j ] . name , direct_name ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] Two directs with the same name '%s' were "
" found. \n " , Node - > line , direct_name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
( * Directs ) [ i ] . name = my_strdup ( direct_name ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " name " , NULL ) ;
/* Figure out the source pin and sink pin name */
from_pin_name = FindProperty ( Node , " from_pin " , TRUE ) ;
to_pin_name = FindProperty ( Node , " to_pin " , TRUE ) ;
/* Check that to_pin and the from_pin are not the same */
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( to_pin_name , from_pin_name ) ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] The source pin and sink pin are the same: %s. \n " ,
Node - > line , to_pin_name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
( * Directs ) [ i ] . from_pin = my_strdup ( from_pin_name ) ;
( * Directs ) [ i ] . to_pin = my_strdup ( to_pin_name ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " from_pin " , NULL ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " to_pin " , NULL ) ;
( * Directs ) [ i ] . x_offset = GetIntProperty ( Node , " x_offset " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
( * Directs ) [ i ] . y_offset = GetIntProperty ( Node , " y_offset " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
( * Directs ) [ i ] . z_offset = GetIntProperty ( Node , " z_offset " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " x_offset " , NULL ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " y_offset " , NULL ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " z_offset " , NULL ) ;
/* Check that the direct chain connection is not zero in both direction */
if ( ( * Directs ) [ i ] . x_offset = = 0 & & ( * Directs ) [ i ] . y_offset = = 0 ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" [LINE %d] The x_offset and y_offset are both zero, "
" this is a length 0 direct chain connection. \n " ,
Node - > line ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
2018-08-09 12:27:16 -05:00
/* Spice Model Support: Xifan TANG
* We should have a spice_model_name for this direct connection
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
( * Directs ) [ i ] . spice_model_name = my_strdup ( FindProperty ( Node , " spice_model_name " , FALSE ) ) ;
2018-08-09 12:27:16 -05:00
( * Directs ) [ i ] . spice_model = NULL ;
2019-04-26 13:23:47 -05:00
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " spice_model_name " , NULL ) ;
2018-08-09 12:27:16 -05:00
2018-07-26 12:28:21 -05:00
( * Directs ) [ i ] . line = Node - > line ;
/* Should I check that the direct chain offset is not greater than the chip? How? */
/* Remove the direct element from parse tree */
FreeNode ( Node ) ;
static void CreateModelLibrary ( OUTP struct s_arch * arch ) {
t_model * model_library ;
model_library = ( t_model * ) my_calloc ( 4 , sizeof ( t_model ) ) ;
/* Origin input pads */
model_library [ 0 ] . name = my_strdup ( " input " ) ;
model_library [ 0 ] . index = 0 ;
model_library [ 0 ] . inputs = NULL ;
model_library [ 0 ] . instances = NULL ;
model_library [ 0 ] . next = & model_library [ 1 ] ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs - > dir = OUT_PORT ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs - > name = my_strdup ( " inpad " ) ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs - > next = NULL ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs - > size = 1 ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs - > min_size = 1 ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs - > index = 0 ;
model_library [ 0 ] . outputs - > is_clock = FALSE ;
/* END Origin input pads */
/* Origin output pads */
model_library [ 1 ] . name = my_strdup ( " output " ) ;
model_library [ 1 ] . index = 1 ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs - > dir = IN_PORT ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs - > name = my_strdup ( " outpad " ) ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs - > next = NULL ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs - > size = 1 ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs - > min_size = 1 ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs - > index = 0 ;
model_library [ 1 ] . inputs - > is_clock = FALSE ;
model_library [ 1 ] . instances = NULL ;
model_library [ 1 ] . next = & model_library [ 2 ] ;
model_library [ 1 ] . outputs = NULL ;
/* END Origin output pads */
model_library [ 2 ] . name = my_strdup ( " latch " ) ;
model_library [ 2 ] . index = 2 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 2 ,
sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 0 ] . dir = IN_PORT ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 0 ] . name = my_strdup ( " D " ) ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 0 ] . next = & model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 0 ] . size = 1 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 0 ] . min_size = 1 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 0 ] . index = 0 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 0 ] . is_clock = FALSE ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] . dir = IN_PORT ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] . name = my_strdup ( " clk " ) ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] . next = NULL ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] . size = 1 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] . min_size = 1 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] . index = 0 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . inputs [ 1 ] . is_clock = TRUE ;
model_library [ 2 ] . instances = NULL ;
model_library [ 2 ] . next = & model_library [ 3 ] ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs - > dir = OUT_PORT ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs - > name = my_strdup ( " Q " ) ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs - > next = NULL ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs - > size = 1 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs - > min_size = 1 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs - > index = 0 ;
model_library [ 2 ] . outputs - > is_clock = FALSE ;
model_library [ 3 ] . name = my_strdup ( " names " ) ;
model_library [ 3 ] . index = 3 ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs - > dir = IN_PORT ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs - > name = my_strdup ( " in " ) ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs - > next = NULL ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs - > size = 1 ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs - > min_size = 1 ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs - > index = 0 ;
model_library [ 3 ] . inputs - > is_clock = FALSE ;
model_library [ 3 ] . instances = NULL ;
model_library [ 3 ] . next = NULL ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs = ( t_model_ports * ) my_calloc ( 1 ,
sizeof ( t_model_ports ) ) ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs - > dir = OUT_PORT ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs - > name = my_strdup ( " out " ) ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs - > next = NULL ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs - > size = 1 ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs - > min_size = 1 ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs - > index = 0 ;
model_library [ 3 ] . outputs - > is_clock = FALSE ;
arch - > model_library = model_library ;
static void SyncModelsPbTypes ( INOUTP struct s_arch * arch ,
INP t_type_descriptor * Types , INP int NumTypes ) {
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NumTypes ; i + + ) {
if ( Types [ i ] . pb_type ! = NULL ) {
SyncModelsPbTypes_rec ( arch , Types [ i ] . pb_type ) ;
static void SyncModelsPbTypes_rec ( INOUTP struct s_arch * arch ,
INOUTP t_pb_type * pb_type ) {
int i , j , p ;
t_model * model_match_prim , * cur_model ;
t_model_ports * model_port ;
struct s_linked_vptr * old ;
char * blif_model_name ;
boolean found ;
if ( pb_type - > blif_model ! = NULL ) {
/* get actual name of subckt */
if ( strstr ( pb_type - > blif_model , " .subckt " ) = = pb_type - > blif_model ) {
blif_model_name = strchr ( pb_type - > blif_model , ' ' ) ;
} else {
blif_model_name = strchr ( pb_type - > blif_model , ' . ' ) ;
if ( blif_model_name ) {
blif_model_name + + ; /* get character after the '.' or ' ' */
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" Unknown blif model %s in pb_type %s \n " ,
pb_type - > blif_model , pb_type - > name ) ;
/* There are two sets of models to consider, the standard library of models and the user defined models */
if ( ( strcmp ( blif_model_name , " input " ) = = 0 )
| | ( strcmp ( blif_model_name , " output " ) = = 0 )
| | ( strcmp ( blif_model_name , " names " ) = = 0 )
| | ( strcmp ( blif_model_name , " latch " ) = = 0 ) ) {
cur_model = arch - > model_library ;
} else {
cur_model = arch - > models ;
/* Determine the logical model to use */
found = FALSE ;
model_match_prim = NULL ;
while ( cur_model & & ! found ) {
/* blif model always starts with .subckt so need to skip first 8 characters */
if ( strcmp ( blif_model_name , cur_model - > name ) = = 0 ) {
found = TRUE ;
model_match_prim = cur_model ;
cur_model = cur_model - > next ;
if ( found ! = TRUE ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " No matching model for pb_type %s \n " ,
pb_type - > blif_model ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
pb_type - > model = model_match_prim ;
old = model_match_prim - > pb_types ;
model_match_prim - > pb_types = ( struct s_linked_vptr * ) my_malloc (
sizeof ( struct s_linked_vptr ) ) ;
model_match_prim - > pb_types - > next = old ;
model_match_prim - > pb_types - > data_vptr = pb_type ;
for ( p = 0 ; p < pb_type - > num_ports ; p + + ) {
found = FALSE ;
/* TODO: Parse error checking - check if INPUT matches INPUT and OUTPUT matches OUTPUT (not yet done) */
model_port = model_match_prim - > inputs ;
while ( model_port & & ! found ) {
if ( strcmp ( model_port - > name , pb_type - > ports [ p ] . name ) = = 0 ) {
if ( model_port - > size < pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins ) {
model_port - > size = pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins ;
if ( model_port - > min_size > pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins
| | model_port - > min_size = = - 1 ) {
model_port - > min_size = pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins ;
pb_type - > ports [ p ] . model_port = model_port ;
assert ( pb_type - > ports [ p ] . type = = model_port - > dir ) ;
assert ( pb_type - > ports [ p ] . is_clock = = model_port - > is_clock ) ;
found = TRUE ;
model_port = model_port - > next ;
model_port = model_match_prim - > outputs ;
while ( model_port & & ! found ) {
if ( strcmp ( model_port - > name , pb_type - > ports [ p ] . name ) = = 0 ) {
if ( model_port - > size < pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins ) {
model_port - > size = pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins ;
if ( model_port - > min_size > pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins
| | model_port - > min_size = = - 1 ) {
model_port - > min_size = pb_type - > ports [ p ] . num_pins ;
pb_type - > ports [ p ] . model_port = model_port ;
assert ( pb_type - > ports [ p ] . type = = model_port - > dir ) ;
found = TRUE ;
model_port = model_port - > next ;
if ( found ! = TRUE ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR ,
" No matching model port for port %s in pb_type %s \n " ,
pb_type - > ports [ p ] . name , pb_type - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
} else {
for ( i = 0 ; i < pb_type - > num_modes ; i + + ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < pb_type - > modes [ i ] . num_pb_type_children ; j + + ) {
SyncModelsPbTypes_rec ( arch ,
& ( pb_type - > modes [ i ] . pb_type_children [ j ] ) ) ;
static void UpdateAndCheckModels ( INOUTP struct s_arch * arch ) {
t_model * cur_model ;
t_model_ports * port ;
int i , j ;
cur_model = arch - > models ;
while ( cur_model ) {
if ( cur_model - > pb_types = = NULL ) {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " No pb_type found for model %s \n " ,
cur_model - > name ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
port = cur_model - > inputs ;
i = 0 ;
j = 0 ;
while ( port ) {
if ( port - > is_clock ) {
port - > index = i ;
i + + ;
} else {
port - > index = j ;
j + + ;
port = port - > next ;
port = cur_model - > outputs ;
i = 0 ;
while ( port ) {
port - > index = i ;
i + + ;
port = port - > next ;
cur_model = cur_model - > next ;
/* Output the data from architecture data so user can verify it
* was interpretted correctly . */
void EchoArch ( INP const char * EchoFile , INP const t_type_descriptor * Types ,
INP int NumTypes , struct s_arch * arch ) {
int i , j ;
FILE * Echo ;
t_model * cur_model ;
t_model_ports * model_port ;
struct s_linked_vptr * cur_vptr ;
Echo = my_fopen ( EchoFile , " w " , 0 ) ;
cur_model = NULL ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j + + ) {
if ( j = = 0 ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " Printing user models \n " ) ;
cur_model = arch - > models ;
} else if ( j = = 1 ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " Printing library models \n " ) ;
cur_model = arch - > model_library ;
while ( cur_model ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " Model: \" %s \" \n " , cur_model - > name ) ;
model_port = cur_model - > inputs ;
while ( model_port ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " \t Input Ports: \" %s \" \" %d \" min_size= \" %d \" \n " ,
model_port - > name , model_port - > size ,
model_port - > min_size ) ;
model_port = model_port - > next ;
model_port = cur_model - > outputs ;
while ( model_port ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " \t Output Ports: \" %s \" \" %d \" min_size= \" %d \" \n " ,
model_port - > name , model_port - > size ,
model_port - > min_size ) ;
model_port = model_port - > next ;
cur_vptr = cur_model - > pb_types ;
i = 0 ;
while ( cur_vptr ! = NULL ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " \t pb_type %d: \" %s \" \n " , i ,
( ( t_pb_type * ) cur_vptr - > data_vptr ) - > name ) ;
cur_vptr = cur_vptr - > next ;
i + + ;
cur_model = cur_model - > next ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NumTypes ; + + i ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " Type: \" %s \" \n " , Types [ i ] . name ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t capacity: %d \n " , Types [ i ] . capacity ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t height: %d \n " , Types [ i ] . height ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < Types [ i ] . num_pins ; j + + ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " \t is_Fc_frac: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t \t Pin number %d: %s \n " , j ,
( Types [ i ] . is_Fc_frac [ j ] ? " TRUE " : " FALSE " ) ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t is_Fc_full_flex: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t \t Pin number %d: %s \n " , j ,
( Types [ i ] . is_Fc_full_flex [ j ] ? " TRUE " : " FALSE " ) ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t Fc_val: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t Pin number %d: %f \n " , j , Types [ i ] . Fc [ j ] ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t num_drivers: %d \n " , Types [ i ] . num_drivers ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t num_receivers: %d \n " , Types [ i ] . num_receivers ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \t index: %d \n " , Types [ i ] . index ) ;
if ( Types [ i ] . pb_type ) {
PrintPb_types_rec ( Echo , Types [ i ] . pb_type , 2 ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " \n " ) ;
fclose ( Echo ) ;
static void PrintPb_types_rec ( INP FILE * Echo , INP const t_pb_type * pb_type ,
int level ) {
int i , j , k ;
char * tabs ;
tabs = ( char * ) my_malloc ( ( level + 1 ) * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < level ; i + + ) {
tabs [ i ] = ' \t ' ;
tabs [ level ] = ' \0 ' ;
fprintf ( Echo , " %spb_type name: %s \n " , tabs , pb_type - > name ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t blif_model: %s \n " , tabs , pb_type - > blif_model ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t class_type: %d \n " , tabs , pb_type - > class_type ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t num_modes: %d \n " , tabs , pb_type - > num_modes ) ;
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t num_ports: %d \n " , tabs , pb_type - > num_ports ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pb_type - > num_ports ; i + + ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t port %s type %d num_pins %d \n " , tabs ,
pb_type - > ports [ i ] . name , pb_type - > ports [ i ] . type ,
pb_type - > ports [ i ] . num_pins ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pb_type - > num_modes ; i + + ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t mode %s: \n " , tabs , pb_type - > modes [ i ] . name ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < pb_type - > modes [ i ] . num_pb_type_children ; j + + ) {
PrintPb_types_rec ( Echo , & pb_type - > modes [ i ] . pb_type_children [ j ] ,
level + 2 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < pb_type - > modes [ i ] . num_interconnect ; j + + ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t \t interconnect %d %s %s \n " , tabs ,
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . type ,
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . input_string ,
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . output_string ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . num_annotations ;
k + + ) {
fprintf ( Echo , " %s \t \t \t annotation %s %s %d: %s \n " , tabs ,
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . annotations [ k ] . input_pins ,
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . annotations [ k ] . output_pins ,
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . annotations [ k ] . format ,
pb_type - > modes [ i ] . interconnect [ j ] . annotations [ k ] . value [ 0 ] ) ;
free ( tabs ) ;
static void ProcessPower ( INOUTP ezxml_t parent ,
INOUTP t_power_arch * power_arch , INP t_type_descriptor * Types ,
INP int NumTypes ) {
ezxml_t Cur ;
/* Get the local interconnect capacitances */
power_arch - > local_interc_factor = 0.5 ;
Cur = FindElement ( parent , " local_interconnect " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
power_arch - > C_wire_local = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " C_wire " , FALSE , 0. ) ;
power_arch - > local_interc_factor = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " factor " , FALSE ,
0.5 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Get segment split */
power_arch - > seg_buffer_split = 1 ;
Cur = FindElement ( parent , " segment_buffer_split " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
power_arch - > seg_buffer_split = GetIntProperty ( Cur , " split_into " , TRUE ,
1 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
} */
/* Get logical effort factor */
power_arch - > logical_effort_factor = 4.0 ;
Cur = FindElement ( parent , " buffers " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
power_arch - > logical_effort_factor = GetFloatProperty ( Cur ,
" logical_effort_factor " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Get SRAM Size */
power_arch - > transistors_per_SRAM_bit = 6.0 ;
Cur = FindElement ( parent , " sram " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
power_arch - > transistors_per_SRAM_bit = GetFloatProperty ( Cur ,
" transistors_per_bit " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Get Mux transistor size */
power_arch - > mux_transistor_size = 1.0 ;
Cur = FindElement ( parent , " mux_transistor_size " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
power_arch - > mux_transistor_size = GetFloatProperty ( Cur ,
" mux_transistor_size " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Get FF size */
power_arch - > FF_size = 1.0 ;
Cur = FindElement ( parent , " FF_size " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
power_arch - > FF_size = GetFloatProperty ( Cur , " FF_size " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Get LUT transistor size */
power_arch - > LUT_transistor_size = 1.0 ;
Cur = FindElement ( parent , " LUT_transistor_size " , FALSE ) ;
if ( Cur ) {
power_arch - > LUT_transistor_size = GetFloatProperty ( Cur ,
" LUT_transistor_size " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Cur ) ;
/* Get the clock architcture */
static void ProcessClocks ( ezxml_t Parent , t_clock_arch * clocks ) {
ezxml_t Node ;
int i ;
const char * tmp ;
clocks - > num_global_clocks = CountChildren ( Parent , " clock " , 0 ) ;
/* Alloc the clockdetails */
clocks - > clock_inf = NULL ;
if ( clocks - > num_global_clocks > 0 ) {
clocks - > clock_inf = ( t_clock_network * ) my_malloc (
clocks - > num_global_clocks * sizeof ( t_clock_network ) ) ;
memset ( clocks - > clock_inf , 0 ,
clocks - > num_global_clocks * sizeof ( t_clock_network ) ) ;
/* Load the clock info. */
for ( i = 0 ; i < clocks - > num_global_clocks ; + + i ) {
/* get the next clock item */
Node = ezxml_child ( Parent , " clock " ) ;
tmp = FindProperty ( Node , " buffer_size " , TRUE ) ;
if ( strcmp ( tmp , " auto " ) = = 0 ) {
clocks - > clock_inf [ i ] . autosize_buffer = TRUE ;
} else {
clocks - > clock_inf [ i ] . autosize_buffer = FALSE ;
clocks - > clock_inf [ i ] . buffer_size = ( float ) atof ( tmp ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Node , " buffer_size " , NULL ) ;
clocks - > clock_inf [ i ] . C_wire = GetFloatProperty ( Node , " C_wire " , TRUE , 0 ) ;
FreeNode ( Node ) ;
e_power_estimation_method power_method_inherited (
e_power_estimation_method parent_power_method ) {
switch ( parent_power_method ) {
return parent_power_method ;
/* Just revert to the default */
default :
assert ( 0 ) ;
return POWER_METHOD_UNDEFINED ; // Should never get here, but avoids a compiler warning.
/* Xifan TANG: Pin Equivalence Auto-Detection */
void SetupPinEquivalenceAutoDetect ( ezxml_t Parent , t_type_descriptor * Type ) {
const char * Prop ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " input_ports " , TRUE ) ;
Type - > input_ports_eq_auto_detect = FALSE ;
if ( strcmp ( Prop , " on " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > input_ports_eq_auto_detect = TRUE ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " off " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > input_ports_eq_auto_detect = FALSE ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " [LINE %d] %s is an invalid pin equivalence auto detect attribute. \n " ,
Parent - > line , Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " input_ports " , NULL ) ;
Prop = FindProperty ( Parent , " output_ports " , TRUE ) ;
Type - > output_ports_eq_auto_detect = FALSE ;
if ( strcmp ( Prop , " on " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > output_ports_eq_auto_detect = TRUE ;
} else if ( strcmp ( Prop , " off " ) = = 0 ) {
Type - > output_ports_eq_auto_detect = FALSE ;
} else {
vpr_printf ( TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR , " [LINE %d] %s is an invalid pin equivalence auto detect attribute. \n " ,
Parent - > line , Prop ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
ezxml_set_attr ( Parent , " output_ports " , NULL ) ;
return ;