139 lines
3.6 KiB
139 lines
3.6 KiB
// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// this function uses the mouse position to highlight & unhighlight things
// this is run every time the user moves the mouse over the terminal window
func mouseMove(g *gocui.Gui) {
mx, my := g.MousePosition()
for _, view := range g.Views() {
view.Highlight = false
if v, err := g.ViewByPosition(mx, my); err == nil {
v.Highlight = true
func msgDown(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
initialMouseX, initialMouseY = g.MousePosition()
log(true, "msgDown() X,Y", initialMouseX, initialMouseY)
if vx, vy, _, _, err := g.ViewPosition("msg"); err == nil {
xOffset = initialMouseX - vx
yOffset = initialMouseY - vy
msgMouseDown = true
return nil
func hideDDview() error {
w, h := me.baseGui.MousePosition()
log(true, "hide dropdown menu() view msgMouseDown (w,h) =", w, h)
if (me.ddview == nil) {
return gocui.ErrUnknownView
if (me.ddview.tk.v == nil) {
return gocui.ErrUnknownView
return nil
func showDDview() error {
w, h := me.baseGui.MousePosition()
log(true, "show dropdown menu() view msgMouseDown (w,h) =", w, h)
if (me.ddview == nil) {
return gocui.ErrUnknownView
if (me.ddview.tk.v == nil) {
return gocui.ErrUnknownView
return nil
func mouseUp(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
w, h := g.MousePosition()
log(true, "mouseUp() view msgMouseDown (check here for dropdown menu click) (w,h) =", w, h)
if (me.ddClicked) {
log(true, "mouseUp() ddview is the thing that was clicked", w, h)
log(true, "mouseUp() find out what the string is here", w, h, me.ddview.tk.gocuiSize.h1)
if (me.ddNode != nil) {
value := h - me.ddview.tk.gocuiSize.h0 - 1
log(true, "mouseUp() me.ddview.tk.gocuiSize.h1 =", me.ddview.tk.gocuiSize.h1)
log(true, "mouseUp() me.ddNode.vals =", me.ddNode.vals)
valsLen := len(me.ddNode.vals)
log(true, "mouseUp() value =", value, "valsLen =", valsLen)
log(true, "mouseUp() me.ddNode.vals =", me.ddNode.vals)
if ((value >= 0) && (value < valsLen)) {
str := me.ddNode.vals[value]
log(true, "mouseUp() value =", value, "str =", str)
// if there is a drop down view active, treat it like a dialog box and close it
if (hideDDview() == nil) {
return nil
if msgMouseDown {
msgMouseDown = false
if movingMsg {
movingMsg = false
return nil
} else {
} else if globalMouseDown {
globalMouseDown = false
return nil
func mouseDown(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
mx, my := g.MousePosition()
if vx0, vy0, vx1, vy1, err := g.ViewPosition("msg"); err == nil {
if mx >= vx0 && mx <= vx1 && my >= vy0 && my <= vy1 {
return msgDown(g, v)
globalMouseDown = true
maxX, _ := g.Size()
test := findUnderMouse()
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Mouse really down at: %d,%d", mx, my) + "foobar"
if (test == me.ddview) {
if (me.ddview.Visible()) {
log(true, "hide DDview() Mouse really down at:", mx, my)
} else {
log(true, "show DDview() Mouse really down at:", mx, my)
return nil
x := mx - len(msg)/2
if x < 0 {
x = 0
} else if x+len(msg)+1 > maxX-1 {
x = maxX - 1 - len(msg) - 1
log(true, "mouseDown() about to write out message to 'globalDown' view. msg =", msg)
if v, err := g.SetView("globalDown", x, my-1, x+len(msg)+1, my+1, 0); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, gocui.ErrUnknownView) {
return err
return nil