add a button in two plugins at the same time!
added a button in andlabs/ui & gocui
attempt a common widget struct between wit/gui & the plugins
start handling missing plugins
rename Makefile command examples
remote examples used for testing
filename improvements
golang src code uses lowercase and _ in filenames
fix crash when button click function == nil
fix wrong name 'gocli' -> 'gocui'
keep fighting with goreadme generated
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>
pass a name to gocui.AddButton()
cleaner plugin usage
add the start to golang plugin
plugin stuff in a single file
added a button correctly
andlabs/ui added a button via plugin to gocli
hot diggity!
trying to invoke a gocli plugin function from the andlabs ui
load the plugin
hide more debugging output
turn off all output
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>
totally minimize helloworld demo
try to make a button plugin example
debug changes
final changes before attempting to use a golang plugin
actually running gocui as a plugin
add gocli-as-plugin example
try to convert the go-cui toolkit into a plugin
doc updates
make a minimal console gui
Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>