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package gui
// This is based off of the excellent example and documentation here:
// There truly are great people in this world.
// It's a pleasure to be here with all of you
import (
var err error
type Symbol any
type aplug struct {
// Ok bool
name string
filename string
plug *plugin.Plugin
sym *plugin.Symbol
LoadOk bool
InitOk bool
MainOk bool
Init func()
// TODO: make Main() main() and never allow the user to call it
// run plugin.Main() when the plugin is loaded
Main func(func ()) // this never returns. Each plugin must have it's own goroutine
Queue func(func ()) // Should this return right away? Should it wait (can it wait?)
Quit func()
// NewWindow func(*toolkit.Widget)
// simplifies passing to the plugin
Send func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget)
NewButton func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget)
NewGroup func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget)
NewCheckbox func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget)
NewTab func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget)
NewDropdown func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget)
AddDropdownName func(*toolkit.Widget, string)
SetDropdownName func(*toolkit.Widget, string)
SetDebugToolkit func(bool)
SetDebugChange func(bool)
ShowDebug func()
var allPlugins []*aplug
// loads and initializes a toolkit (andlabs/ui, gocui, etc)
func LoadToolkit(name string) bool {
var newPlug aplug
log(debugGui, "gui.LoadToolkit() START")
newPlug.LoadOk = false
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(debugGui, "gui.LoadToolkit() already loaded toolkit plugin =",
if ( == name) {
log(debugGui, "gui.LoadToolkit() SKIPPING")
return true
// locate the shared library file
filename := name + ".so"
loadPlugin(&newPlug, filename)
if (newPlug.plug == nil) {
return false
// newPlug.Ok = true = name
// deprecate Init(?)
newPlug.Init = loadFuncE(&newPlug, "Init")
// should make a goroutine that never exits
newPlug.Main = loadFuncF(&newPlug, "Main")
// should send things to the goroutine above
newPlug.Queue = loadFuncF(&newPlug, "Queue")
// unload the plugin and restore state
newPlug.Quit = loadFuncE(&newPlug, "Quit")
// Sends a widget (button, checkbox, etc) and it's parent widget
// This includes instructions like "Add", "Delete", "Disable", etc
newPlug.Send = loadFunc2(&newPlug, "Send")
// newPlug.NewGroup = loadFunc2(&newPlug, "NewGroup")
newPlug.NewDropdown = loadFunc2(&newPlug, "NewDropdown")
newPlug.AddDropdownName = loadFuncS(&newPlug, "AddDropdownName")
newPlug.SetDropdownName = loadFuncS(&newPlug, "SetDropdownName")
newPlug.SetDebugToolkit = loadFuncB(&newPlug, "SetDebugToolkit")
newPlug.SetDebugChange = loadFuncB(&newPlug, "SetDebugChange")
newPlug.ShowDebug = loadFuncE(&newPlug, "ShowDebug")
allPlugins = append(allPlugins, &newPlug)
log(debugGui, "gui.LoadToolkit() END",, filename)
newPlug.LoadOk = true
return true
// TODO: All these functions need to be done a smarter way
// but I haven't worked out the golang syntax to make it smarter
func loadFuncE(p *aplug, funcName string) func() {
var newfunc func()
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func())
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
func loadFunc1(p *aplug, funcName string) func(*toolkit.Widget) {
var newfunc func(*toolkit.Widget)
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func(*toolkit.Widget))
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
func loadFuncS(p *aplug, funcName string) func(*toolkit.Widget, string) {
var newfunc func(*toolkit.Widget, string)
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func(*toolkit.Widget, string))
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
func loadFuncB(p *aplug, funcName string) func(bool) {
var newfunc func(bool)
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func(bool))
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
func loadFunc2(p *aplug, funcName string) func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget) {
var newfunc func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget)
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func(*toolkit.Widget, *toolkit.Widget))
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
// This is probably dangerous and should never be done
// executing arbitrary functions will cause them to run inside the goroutine that
// the GUI toolkit itself is running in. TODO: move to channels here
func loadFuncF(p *aplug, funcName string) func(func ()) {
var newfunc func(func ())
var ok bool
var test plugin.Symbol
test, err = p.plug.Lookup(funcName)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "DID NOT FIND: name =", test, "err =", err)
return nil
newfunc, ok = test.(func(func ()))
if !ok {
log(debugGui, "function name =", funcName, "names didn't map correctly. Fix the plugin name =",
return nil
return newfunc
This searches in the following order for the plugin .so files:
func loadPlugin(p *aplug, name string) {
var filename string
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
// attempt to write out the file from the internal resource
filename = "toolkit/" + name
p.plug = loadfile(filename)
if (p.plug != nil) {
p.filename = filename
filename = homeDir + "/go/src/" + name
p.plug = loadfile(filename)
if (p.plug != nil) {
p.filename = filename
filename = "/usr/lib/go-gui/" + name
p.plug = loadfile(filename)
if (p.plug != nil) {
p.filename = filename
// load module
// 1. open the shared object file to load the symbols
func loadfile(filename string) *plugin.Plugin {
plug, err := plugin.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
log(debugGui, "plugin FAILED =", filename, err)
return nil
log(debugGui, "plugin WORKED =", filename)
return plug
// Sends a widget and what to do with it to the plugin
// parent = n, child = c
func send(p *Node, c *Node) {
for _, aplug := range allPlugins {
log(debugPlugin, "Send() aplug =",, "name =", c.widget.Name)
if (aplug.Send == nil) {
log(debugPlugin, "\tSend() failed (aplug.Selete = nil) for",
aplug.Send(&c.parent.widget, &c.widget)