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package gui
import (
// import "regexp"
_ ""
func initUI(name string, callback func(*GuiBox) *GuiBox) {
ui.Main(func() {
log.Println("gui.initUI() inside ui.Main()")
box := InitWindow(nil, "StartNewWindow"+name, 0)
box = callback(box)
window := box.Window
log.Println("StartNewWindow() box =", box)
func StartNewWindow(bg bool, name string, axis int, callback func(*GuiBox) *GuiBox) {
log.Println("StartNewWindow() ui.Main() Create a new window")
if bg {
go initUI(name, callback)
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // this might make it more stable on windows?
} else {
initUI(name, callback)
func MessageWindow(gw *GuiWindow, msg1 string, msg2 string) {
ui.MsgBox(gw.UiWindow, msg1, msg2)
func ErrorWindow(gw *GuiWindow, msg1 string, msg2 string) {
ui.MsgBoxError(gw.UiWindow, msg1, msg2)
// This creates a new 'window' (which is just a tab in the window)
// This is this way because on Linux you can have more than one
// actual window but that does not appear to work on the MacOS or Windows
func InitWindow(gw *GuiWindow, name string, axis int) *GuiBox {
log.Println("InitGuiWindow() START")
var box *GuiBox
if gw == nil {
box = mapWindow(nil, name, Config.Height, Config.Width)
} else {
box = mapWindow(gw.UiWindow, name, Config.Height, Config.Width)
// box.Window = &newGuiWindow
newGuiWindow := box.Window
// This is the first window. One must create it here
if gw == nil {
log.Println("initWindow() ADDING ui.NewWindow()")
2021-10-07 02:23:04 -05:00
w := uiNewWindow(name, Config.Height, Config.Width)
newGuiWindow.UiWindow = w
// newGuiWindow.UiWindow.SetTitle("test")
2021-10-07 02:23:04 -05:00
w.OnClosing(func(*ui.Window) bool {
log.Println("initTabWindow() OnClosing() THIS WINDOW IS CLOSING newGuiWindow=", newGuiWindow)
// newGuiWindow.UiWindow.Destroy()
if Config.Exit == nil {
} else {
// allow a custom exit function
return true
newGuiWindow.UiTab = ui.NewTab()
tmp := 0
newGuiWindow.TabNumber = &tmp
} else {
newGuiWindow.UiWindow = gw.UiWindow
newGuiWindow.UiTab = gw.UiTab
newGuiWindow.BoxMap = make(map[string]*GuiBox)
newGuiWindow.EntryMap = make(map[string]*GuiEntry)
// Data.Windows = append(Data.Windows, &newGuiWindow)
if newGuiWindow.UiTab == nil {
tabnum := 0
newGuiWindow.TabNumber = &tabnum
} else {
tabnum := newGuiWindow.UiTab.NumPages()
newGuiWindow.TabNumber = &tabnum
Data.WindowMap[newGuiWindow.Name] = newGuiWindow
log.Println("InitGuiWindow() END *GuiWindow =", newGuiWindow)
return box
func DeleteWindow(name string) {
log.Println("gui.DeleteWindow() START name =", name)
window := Data.WindowMap[name]
if window == nil {
log.Println("gui.DeleteWindow() NO WINDOW WITH name =", name)
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() MAP: ", name)
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes()\ =", window.Name)
if window.TabNumber == nil {
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() \tWindows.TabNumber = nil")
tab := *window.TabNumber
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() \tWindows.TabNumber =", tab)
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() \tSHOULD DELETE TAB", tab, "HERE")
delete(Data.WindowMap, name)
// renumber tabs here
for name, window := range Data.WindowMap {
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() MAP: ", name)
if window.TabNumber == nil {
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() \tWindows.TabNumber = nil")
} else {
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() \tWindows.TabNumber =", *window.TabNumber)
if tab < *window.TabNumber {
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() \tSubtracting 1 from TabNumber")
*window.TabNumber -= 1
log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes() \tWindows.TabNumber is now =", *window.TabNumber)
func CreateWindow(title string, tabname string, x int, y int, custom func() ui.Control) *GuiBox {
box := CreateBlankWindow(title, x, y)
box.InitTab(title, custom)
return box
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func uiNewWindow(title string, x int, y int) *ui.Window {
var node Node
node.Name = title
node.Width = x
node.Height = y
Data.NodeMap[title] = &node
w := ui.NewWindow(title, x, y, false)
w.OnClosing(func(*ui.Window) bool {
log.Println("ui.Window().OnClosing() IS EMPTY FOR window name =", title)
return true
return w
func CreateBlankWindow(title string, x int, y int) *GuiBox {
box := mapWindow(nil, title, x, y)
log.Println("gui.CreateBlankWindow() title = box.Name =", box.Name)
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window := uiNewWindow(box.Name, x, y)
ui.OnShouldQuit(func() bool {
log.Println("createWindow().Destroy()", box.Name)
return true
box.Window.UiWindow = window
return box
func InitBlankWindow() ui.Control {
hbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox()
return hbox
var master = 0
func mapWindow(window *ui.Window, title string, x int, y int) *GuiBox {
log.Println("gui.WindowMap START title =", title)
if Data.WindowMap[title] != nil {
log.Println("Data.WindowMap[title] already exists title =", title)
master = master + 1
title = title + " jcarr " + strconv.Itoa(master)
if Data.WindowMap[title] != nil {
log.Println("Data.WindowMap[title] already exists title =", title)
panic("Data.WindowMap[newGuiWindow.Name] already exists")
return nil
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log.Println("gui.WindowMap START title =", title)
var newGuiWindow GuiWindow
newGuiWindow.Width = x
newGuiWindow.Height = y
newGuiWindow.Name = title
newGuiWindow.UiWindow = window
newGuiWindow.BoxMap = make(map[string]*GuiBox)
newGuiWindow.EntryMap = make(map[string]*GuiEntry)
Data.WindowMap[newGuiWindow.Name] = &newGuiWindow
var box GuiBox
box.Window = &newGuiWindow
box.Name = title
newGuiWindow.BoxMap["jcarrInitTest"] = &box
return &box
func NewWindow(title string, x int, y int) *GuiBox {
box := mapWindow(nil, title, x, y)
log.Println("gui.NewWindow() title = box.Name =", box.Name)
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window := uiNewWindow(box.Name, x, y)
ui.OnShouldQuit(func() bool {
log.Println("createWindow().Destroy()", box.Name)
return true
box.Window.UiWindow = window
return box