We make the bypass implementation a little simpler
by inferring the flag field position from available
reflect information and more robust by checking
that the flags that are set actually match the
semantics we expect.
We can restrict the use of unsafe to a single function: flagField.
Also make this project compatible with running Travis CI on
forks - the go_import_path directive tells Travis to clone to
$GOPATH/src/github.com/davecgh/go-spew even if the remote user is
DisablePointerAddresses: Specifies whether to disable the printing of
pointer addresses.
DisableCapacities specifies whether to disable the printing of capacities
for arrays, slices, maps and channels.
These are useful when diffing data structures in tests. Printing pointers
and capacities would otherwise lead to false negatives.
This adds a new build tag named "safe" which serves the exact same
purpose as the current "disableunsafe" tag. This is being done, as
recommended by @shurcooL, since it is emerging as the standard way to do
it in several high profile packages, it mirrors the "unsafe" package
nicely, it is shorter, and users generally seem to prefer it.
However, to avoid breaking existing infrastructure, the disableunsafe
tag is still available and simply is being deprecated.
This commit adds logic to gracefully the internal reflect.Value flag bit
changes as of golang commit adf9b30e5594 while maintaining support all
the back to Go 1.0.
It accomplishes this by adding code to the init time inspection to
detect the change and set the flag positions accordingly.
While here, also removes a TODO comment since it was already done
This commit adds support for compiling spew without the unsafe package.
When compiled without the unsafe package, some of the more advanced
features such as invoking stringers on pointers from non-pointer
variables and unexported struct fields are not available.
By default, spew will be compiled in the limited mode for Google App
Engine since the unsafe package is not available there. Additionally,
spew can be compiled without the unsafe package manually by specifying
the "disableunsafe" build tag.
Finally, a new package-level constant named "UnsafeDisabled" has been
exposed which can be used to programmatically determine if spew was
compiled with access to the unsafe package.
If enabled by flags, try to use methods to stringify map keys and sort on that.
If we can't use primitive sorting and we can't use methods, we can still fall
back on spew itself. If SpewKeys is enabled, use Sprintf("%#v") to generate a
string and sort by that.
This will allow the command to update the package if an old one happens to
be present while still fetching it if it's missing.
Suggested by @shurcooL in #28.
This commit modifies the unsafeReflectValue function to recognize
reference types even when the indirection flag is not set for the series
of golang commits after ecccf07e7f9d and before 82f48826c6c7 which
introduced the additional scalar field in the reflect.Value struct. That
additional field has since been removed, but the intention of this code is
to work properly across all Go versions and other packages make use of the
Thanks to @shurcooL for providing example code which wasn't working
properly with the function when it was exported and therefore being called
in ways which spew itself does not.
This commit adds logic to gracefully handle the new internal reflect.Value
structure on tip as of golang commit 82f48826c6c7 as well as the internal
reflect.Value flag bit changes as of golang commit 90a7c3c86944.
It accomplishes this by doing some inspection at init time and choosing
the appropriate offsets and flag positions accordingly. There was some
previous logic which dealt with a similar issue for golang commit
ecccf07e7f9d. However, since the more recent commits essentially reverted
the change and also modify the flag bit positions, it made more sense to
rework the detection logic. In particular, the new logic examines the
size of the reflect.Value struct to determine the difference and extracts
the kind from the flags to determine if the flags have been changed.
As a result, this commit allows spew to work properly with tip all the
back to Go 1.0.