Mark some symbols to be deprecated #minor #698

lhchavez merged 1 commits from deprecated-symbols into master 2020-12-05 09:23:45 -06:00
lhchavez commented 2020-12-05 08:50:37 -06:00 (Migrated from

This change introduces the file deprecated.go, which contains any
constants, functions, and types that are slated to be deprecated in the
next major release.

These symbols are deprecated because they refer to old spellings in
pre-1.0 libgit2. This also makes the build be done with the
-DDEPRECATE_HARD flag to avoid regressions.

This, together with
gorelease[1] should
make releases safer going forward.

1: More information about how that works at

This change introduces the file deprecated.go, which contains any constants, functions, and types that are slated to be deprecated in the next major release. These symbols are deprecated because they refer to old spellings in pre-1.0 libgit2. This also makes the build be done with the `-DDEPRECATE_HARD` flag to avoid regressions. This, together with [gorelease]([1] should make releases safer going forward. 1: More information about how that works at
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#698
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