fix chunk create return values #67

jezell merged 1 commits from chunk-create-fix into master 2014-03-17 10:04:05 -05:00
jezell commented 2014-03-17 00:13:44 -05:00 (Migrated from

libgit2 docs look incorrect:

"When there is no more data to stream, callback should return

  1. This will prevent it from being invoked anymore."

Testing and a look at blob.c seems to confirm result should be 0 when there is no more data, -1 if error, and otherwise length of data copied to buffer.

libgit2 docs look incorrect: "When there is no more data to stream, callback should return 1. This will prevent it from being invoked anymore." Testing and a look at blob.c seems to confirm result should be 0 when there is no more data, -1 if error, and otherwise length of data copied to buffer.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#67
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