Allow building statically via the "static" build tag #371

carlosmn merged 2 commits from static-dynamic into master 2017-04-14 06:11:29 -05:00
carlosmn commented 2017-04-14 05:44:11 -05:00 (Migrated from

This hopes to aid in the tension between providing the latest but also being able to provide something that is installable without compilation of libgit2.

In order to keep up with the latest you need to compile, which means going outside of the Go tools. It is then not much of an extra step to run make or perform these steps yourself. If you have a different kind of building, you can also pass in the flag yourself.

If you're not interested in that but want to use a released version installed on the system, you already had to use the versioned branches, as even master before would just update from one to the other, requiring extra steps to handle that.

New versioned branches that come out of this will also have this capability which should make it easier to use a released version but ship git2go as a single library instead of relying on libgit2 being installed on the target system.

This hopes to aid in the tension between providing the latest but also being able to provide something that is installable without compilation of libgit2. In order to keep up with the latest you need to compile, which means going outside of the Go tools. It is then not much of an extra step to run `make` or perform these steps yourself. If you have a different kind of building, you can also pass in the flag yourself. If you're not interested in that but want to use a released version installed on the system, you already had to use the versioned branches, as even `master` before would just update from one to the other, requiring extra steps to handle that. New versioned branches that come out of this will also have this capability which should make it easier to use a released version but ship git2go as a single library instead of relying on libgit2 being installed on the target system.
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Reference: jcarr/git2go#371
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