Katabatic - Routing Toolbox

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
|\CGCellTopologyBuild the wiring for a Net inside a GCell (internal)
\NKatabaticThe namespace dedicated to Katabatic
 oCBaseObserverObserver Design Pattern, Observer part
 oCObserverObserver Design Pattern, Observer part
 oCObservableObserver Design Pattern, Subject part
 oCAutoContactAbstract base class for AutoContact
 oCLocatorHelperLocator Helper Collection's Locators
 oCAutoContactTerminalAutoContact Terminal (S/T is a Terminal)
 oCAutoContactTurnAutoContact Turn (one H, one V)
 oCAutoContactHTeeAutoContact H-Tee (two H, one V)
 oCAutoContactVTeeAutoContact V-Tee (one H, two V)
 oCAutoSegmentAbstract base class for AutoSegment
 oCAutoSegments_OnContactAll AutoSegment anchored on a Contact
 oCAutoSegments_AlignedsAll aligned AutoSegment of a set
 oCAutoSegments_PerpandicularsAll perpandicular AutoSegment to a set of aligneds
 oCAutoSegments_AnchorOnGCellAll AutoSegment Beginning and/or Stopping in a GCell
 oCAutoSegments_IsAccountableFilter to select accoutable AutoSegment
 oCAutoSegments_InDirectionFilter to select AutoSegment in a given direction
 oCAutoHorizontalConcrete Horizontal AutoSegment
 oCAutoVerticalConcrete Vertical AutoSegment
 oCGCellRouting Global Cell
 |oCCompareByDensityGCell Density Comparison Functor
 |oCCompareByIndexGCell Index Comparison Functor
 |\CKeyGCell Key - Density Cache
 oCGCellDensitySetGCell Set, sorted by density
 oCBaseGridAbstract Base Class for Irregular Grid
 |\CAxisGraduations on a BaseGrid Axis (H or V)
 oCGridTemplate Class for Regular Grid
 oCGCellGridGCell Grid
 oCSessionModification Session for Katabatic
 oCChipToolsUtilities for Chip Level Design
 \CKatabaticEngineThe Katabatic Tool

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