- Bug: In CellWidget, the drawRulers was copying an enlarged redrawArea into
the Selection Plane causing the selection to deseapear gradually when
slowly shifting.
- New: In PaletteWidget: allow to select the number of rows of the grid
widget (up to "infinite", meaning one column). Allow to hide entire
groups in the widget.
- Change: Consistent encapsulation of "_active" in Command and all it's derived
- New: support for Rulers. Start drawing by pressing Shift+L.Button, finish
by pressing it again. To cancel a Ruler press Shift+R.Button.
Drawing style support also added : "text.ruler". Rulers are always
visibles (display threshold sets to zero), only the numbers of graduations
displayeds changes (at least 5 pixels between two graduations).
- Bug : In Timer.h, forgot to declare the specialized getString()
template, thus preventing the timer to be correctly display in
output streams.
- Bug : In CellWidget::_redraw(), uses "paintersBegin()" instead of
"painterBegin()" (whithout the "s"). The former open painters for
both normal & selection planes which are subsequently accessed by
"setPen()". The laters opens only the normal plane painter resulting
in warnings for the selection plane painter (shows only from Qt 4.5).
- New : In CellWidget, ability to support the physical grid (not only the
symbolic grid). Added selection symbolic/real in the DisplayFilter.
- Change : add to Technology and all the Layers sub-classes a
"_onDbuChange(float)" method.
This is due to the fact that the symbolic technology is loaded first
into the DataBase (needed for defining the BasicLayer ordering) along with
all the symbolic dimensions for the symbolic Layers. Only afterward, we
load the real technology (hcmos9 for instance) which will sets the
"grids per lambda" factor to it's true value, changing the meaning of
the already loaded symbolic values. Then, it is necessary to scale those
values so they are coherent with the new "GPL" factor, hence the
"_onDbuChange()" function.
render all symbolic coordinates false...
- Change: in CellWidget::DrawingPlane, complete replacement of hard-coded
numeric indexes by the PlaneId enum values.
- Change: in SelectionWidget, filter on the Occurrence name instead of the
path name. Todo: add a radio button to select on witch column we sort.
- Bug: in SelectionWidget, when the filter is active, remap the index
of the toggled occurrence through the filter.
* ./hurricane,
./coriolis/src/kite :
- Change: documentation building with doxygen is now optional and disabled
by default. To enable documentation generation run cmake with the
following argument :
Or edit the cmake cache variable "BUILD_DOC".
- Bug: destructor of Technology was destroying some Layers twice. Destruction
of Layer was done by a loop over a multimap<> that could contains more
than one entry of a Layer... Now using a loop over the IntrusiveMap.
- Change: Reorganization of NetExternalComponents property, all functions
are now static functions members as the property name.
- Bug: in CellViewer::setCell(), do not try to get the name of the cell if
it's a NULL pointer... Solve the cyclop "empty cell" coredump problem.
- New feature : dbo_destroy<> a shared_ptr<> that calls the destroy method
of an object, specially tailored for DBo. Application in Cyclop.
- Bug: correction of the bad keyPress event handling in InspectorWidget
(had to press twice the key for the action to be transmitted).
Uses an eventFilter() at InspectorWidget instead of a keyPressEvent()
overload. The keyPress event is first received by the QTableView then
transmitted to the upper level. The eventFilter allows the InspectorWidget
to catch the event *before* it gets to QTableView (but let pass thoses
it don't want).
- Bug: idem for SeletionWidget.
- Change: do not draw the rectangular area of AreaCommand until it is bigger
than a given threshold (programmable). Affect ZoomCommand and
SelectCommand. ZoomCommand no longer issue a warning when the zoom is
to small.
- New feature: fit to net in the NetlistWidget. Uses simple contextual menu,
another way to avoid overloading keyPressEvent().
- Change: in Query, the filter has now it's own subtype: Query::Mask.
- Change: enhancement for the "start" model of signal propagation, used to
re-implement the DisplayFilterWidget.
- Change: more clear policy for signal emission: a signal must be emitted
by any "setter" method (setStartLevel(), setStopLevel(), ...). Has to
be enforced for all setter (work in progress).
- Change: re-implemenation of the delayed refresh mechanism. No more flags
propaged througout the functions calls but a session mechanism instead.
See CellWidget::openRefreshSession() & CellWidget::closeRefreshSession().
Nothing is actually drawn until the last session is closed.
Session mechanism can be invoked by signals/slots, see NetlistWidget.
- Change: less dangerous key mapping:
'z' : zoom in.
'm' : zoom out.
'CTRL+z' : previous zoom level.
'CTRL+m' : next zoom level.
'CTRL+Up' : back in hierarchy.
'CTRL+Down' : go down in hierarchy.
'SHIFT+Up' : back in hierarchy stack.
'SHIFT+Down' : go down in hierarchy stack.
- Change: simpler implementation of the occurence selection mechanims
between SelectionPopup, SelectCommand, SelectionWidget & CellWidget.
Consistent (identical) names of signal/slots : selectionToggled() and
- Change: disable QApplication::processEvent() has it seems to slow down
display refreshment on Mac OS. This may be a side effect of another
problem not yet diagnosed.
- New feature: CellWidget internal state enhancement : now manage an
history of scales (through 'u' & 'd').
- New feature: hierarchical exploration through 'CTRL+u' & 'CTRL+d'.
On second though, what a bad key mapping. To be corrected soon...
- New feature: CellWidget now store it's internal state in a separate
nested object CellWidgetState. The State is work in progress, currently
is store the Cell*, showSelection, cumulativeSelection, selection
criterions and showBoundaries. showBoundaries may evolve to be stored
as part of the Palette's state.
- Change: implement the "start" propagation model signal/slot for
showSelection, cumulativeSelection & showBoundaries. The main concern
is to avoid signals loop. See SelectionWidget::setShowSelection(bool)
for an example.
- Change: supress the minimumSize of the SelectionWidget (200 pixels is a
waste of space when the Path is empty).
- Optimization: rework the display speed and display policies. Now redraw
requests no longer interrupt themselves, provoking a lagging effect but
a more fluid display (Events interruption is working nonetheless).
Small rework on RedrawManger: more meaningful attributes names and
code simplification.
The previous behavior can be re-enabled with the ALLOW_REQUEST_INTERRUPT
Try to reduce to the min the number of pixmap copy, less calls to
DrawingPlanes & repaint.
The hurricaneAMS transview so regain it's previous fluidity when
parameters are changed.
- Change: the _stripWidth can now be adjusted.
- Note on profiling: sysprof, or rusage do not take account for operations
outside the processus, so for example, when a pixmap copy is done, it
doesn't show any cost in the processus but it's paid in Xorg.
The operation seems to be fast while it's slower instead.
- Moved "CBanner" to "Banner", cleaned up, relooked, renamed functions, reorganised.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/ccore/ToolEngine.cpp
- Renamed CEngine to ToolEngine, cleaned up, relooked. All fonctions as static
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/ccore/Memory.cpp
- Renamed CMemory to Memory (as for Timer), minimal cleanup.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/ccore/crlcore/*.h
- Change anti-double inclusion constants from __XX_H__ to __CRL_XX_H__
(that is: include namespace) to avoid potential constant clashes with
other pieces of software.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/ccore/Utilities.cpp
- Finish porting of all features from CUtils. Simplificated mstream using
member templates. Speedup mstream by using static_cast instead of
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/ccore/Environment.cpp
- Now read CORIOLIS_TOP from UNIX environment instead of hard-coded
directory (to my personnal installation...). See new method
"loadFromShell()", needs to be extended to all other variables.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane/BasicLayer.{h,cpp}
- Suppress all graphics related members from Layer.
- Adding realName member for symbolic to real transformation.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer/CellWidget.cpp
Bug: Now uses display threshold from Graphics (DisplayStyle) instead
of layer. Now layers appears/diseapears while zooming/unzooming.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- Separating clearly symbolic technology form real technology.
- Various file renaming.
* ./hurricane/src :
- Complete include re-organisation.
include/hurricane/*.h : kernel.
include/hurricane/viewer/*.h : hviewer.
include/hurricane/inspector/*.h : hinspector.
Includes have been moved into subdirectories of .cpp files (as in
- Now you must include files like this :
#include <hurricane/Layer.h>
#include <hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h>
#include <hurricane/inspector/HInspector.h>
- Suppressed viewer specific include path in FindHURRICANE.cmake.
- Re-enabled documentation, with dot disabled as it seems to slow down
* ./crlcore/src/crlcore :
- Adapted to new Hurricane include scheme. Corrected bugs in it's own
include files (noticeably "Utilities.h").
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane :
- Added (empty) directories "html" & "latex". Those directories are
created by doxygen, but as they are used in the CMakeList.txt, they
must be present even before the fisrt run of cmake (otherwise cmake
choke on them).
- Doxygen sets to only generate html & pdf (through LaTeX) documentation.
- All ".dox" files corrected to suit the new function members naming
scheme (some work may remains in code examples).
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane/src/hurricane/Layer.{h.cpp}
- Changed "Type" to "Material" to fit better the OpenAccess semantic.
Introduce Material meanings : pWell, nWell, pImplant, nImplant
active, metal, cut, obstacle & other.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- Switched to the generic layer model. Updated technology XML configuration
files, technology parser & AP parser/driver.
- Note that the representation of transistors visually changes as it's now
modelled with Implant + Active.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- CompositeLayer replaced by 5 kind of symbolic layers :
RegularLayer (1 BasicLayer)
DiffusionLayer (2 or 3 BasicLayers: active+implant,well)
TransistorLayer (3 or 4 BasicLayers: poly+active+implant,well)
ContactLayer (4 or 5 BasicLayers: metal+cut+active+implant,well)
ViaLayer (3 BasicLayers: metal0+cut0+metal1)
- To better follow the OpenAccess semantic, the "obstacle" Material type
is renommed to "blockage".
- NB: doxygen documentation is not up-to-date and issue warnings.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- Migrate from CompositeLayer to the various SymbolicLayers.
- Symbolic rules are now closer to the reality so that a Cell displayed
with Hurricane should look identical to the Graal one.
- Complete rewrite of the AP parser. Much simplificated, do not try to
merge/articulates segments. This ensure a true rendering of the
Cell. Especially do not create contact to anchor diffusion segments,
which leads to very strange randering (DRC error as well).
* ./hurricane :
- Unit evolution to allow Symbolic (lamda) and Real (grid founder) mixing.
All functions related to Unit translations are now grouped under
the "DbU" class (another tribute to OpenAccess). "DbU" contains
only static attributes (constants) and methods. Unit itself becomes
a typedef inside this class, hence the file renaming from Unit.{h,cpp}
to DbU.{h.cpp}. Have to replace all instances of "Unit" by "DbU::Unit".
- Doc will be updated shortly.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- New AP parser : simplificated, no longer try to re-articulates segments.
More accurate representation of standart cell innards.
- More accurate symbolic extentions rules.
- Propagated changes from Hurricane about Unit/DbU.
* ./hurricane/src :
- Rename "pyext" to "isobar".
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane :
- Documentation of DbU, replacing documentation of Unit.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane/hurricane/DBo.h :
- Property set is now a mutable member, allowing const DBo to changes
their properties. Strange side effect on SlotAdapter in which we
need to declare two separate templates, one for const type and
another for non-const type.
- _getTypeName() defined to prevents noisy error message when a
derived class (from DBo) do not want to implement support for
the inspector.
Derrick Release !!
* ./hurricane/src
- Simplification of the Inspector internal mechanism. Simple, but with
more templates, means a slower compilation.
- The DbU::Unit problem : DbU::Unit are only typedef over long type,
so we cannot create a specific overload for them. Uses "getValueRecord()"
instead of "getRecord()"
- For HInspectorWidget add a "getClone()" method. Also add a global
object counter (for Record too) to track down memory leaks.
- Big rewrite of the HInspectorWidget : now do not leak memory like hell,
and only kept allocated the current Record and not the full stack
of them (instead, we stack Slots which are ligthweigh objects).
- Rename of "real" unit to "grid" unit.
- New conversion function "getPhysicalsPerGrid()" and associated
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- Synchronise with the Hurricane modifications.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane/DbU.{h,cpp} :
- Add forgotten converter function physicalToGrid(), physical units to
founder grid units.
* ./hurricane/src/hinspector :
- Added history support, and ability to move through the history stack.
- Fork support : by typing 'O' (capitalized 'o' letter) you can open
a new inspector on the current record.
* ./hurricane/src/hinspector :cla
- No more extra arguments in HInspectorWidget & RecordModel constructors.
Valid values have to be sets through setRootRecord() & setSlot().
- Key for forking sub-inspector is now *minus* 'o'.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug: very tricky one. Do not emit "layoutAboutToChange()" signal
after destroying the Record used by the RecordModel but before
setting a new one and not setting the _record field to NULL.
Now setRootRecord() should work more than once.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- API : in CellWidget & CellViewer constructors now only takes the
parent QWidget.
- Renaming coordinates translation functions for more clarity.
- Adding a StatusBar showing mouse coordinates.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Grid & Spot support (adjusted display threshold).
- Added new copyToScreen() functions for _drawingBuffer to screen refreshment
or partial copy (useful for Spot).
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New Widget policy : a widget do not generate other widget : applied to
CellWidget which no longer supplies Palette & StatusBar.
API note: to associate a HPalette to a CellWidget (that is be able
to select layer) you have to call "bindToPalette()" on the CellWidget.
- Hurricane reusable widget names prefixed by 'H' : HMousePosition and
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature : support for highlighted selection with decent refresh time.
To active selection mode, use the 's' key or the "View" menu.
- New feature : HNetlist to browse a Cell's Netlist. HNetlist can be used
with any NetInformations derived class, allowing the user to enrich
the HNetlist displayed fields. For an example, have a look at
- Added proper licence header to all file.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- New feature : geometrical Query with callback fonctions "a la" OpenAccess.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Uses Query to draw display.
- Bug : when drawing segments as lines (width inferior to 1 pixel)
uses an alternate Pen which is one pixel wide and SolidLine styled,
avoiding strange orange lines... Mechanism implemented in sub-class
- Make selection always visible regardless the zoom level.
- CellWidget names it's most importants childs QWidget (mostly menus)
for later retrieval in customized sub-classes.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/cyclop :
- Created a simple derived class from CellViewer. Example of customisation
of CellWidget.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug : now CellViewer can start with a NULL Cell, note that in this
case all displacement/zooming function of CellWidget became uneffective.
(display only a black screen)
- New widget : HGraphics to select the layout graphic's theme.
- New widget : HDisplayFilter to select displayed hierarchical levels.
- Distinguish between Close (one viewer) & Exit (all viewers).
- Small enhancments of DisplayStyle (Description & darkening).
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/ccore :
- Xml display parser takes account of DisplayStyle description & darkening.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/cyclop :
- Enhanced COpenCellDialog : ability to open in a new Viewer.
- Bug : now Cyclop can start on a NULL Cell.
- Half Bug : when a Cell is loaded at start, call show() *before* setCell()
so all internal widget resizing due to the insertion of the toolbar,
menbar palette ... takes places before the Cell fit. Now the loaded
cell appears correctly fitted.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature : Command support. Move command is now implemenented as a
Command and no longer built into the CellWidget. ZoomCommand implemented.
- New feature : SelectCommand support along with new HSelection widget to
browse the current selection. Selection is automatically kept up to
- Note : Selection Browser & Netlist Browser pointer in the CellViewer are
resets to NULL on widget destruction by closing. We do not want to keep
big widget hiden. The are allocateds on demand.
- New feature : progessive grid. First display 5x5 then 5x5 + 1x1.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug : default argument to setWeight() sould be QFont::Normal and not "-1".
Shows in Qt debug mode (catched by an assert).
- Bug : SelectCommand now keep the Selection check button in sync.
- Change : Palette doesn't show at start.
* ./hurricane :
- Now choice between static and dynamic linking. Note that thoses options are
mutually exclusives.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- New choice between static and dynamic linking.
- New feature : XmlParser optional warning when file not found (default is
to warn).
- New feature : now read environment from user's optional configuration file :
- Potential bug : when loading/parsing file, the XmlReader hangs if the opened
file is a directory, and QFile allows directory opening :-(
* ./hurricane/src/viewer :
- New features : advanced selection widget/commands. Communications between
CellWidget, HSelectionPopup, HSelection & SelectCommand mostly done
through signal/slots (better undersdanding of the possibilities).
- Change : debug menu is hidden by default.
- Change : in all the QTableView rows are now correctly resized, even when
filtering is active (new forceRowHeight() slot). I'm pretty sure there's
a better way to handle this, but I haven't found it for now.
- Change : small naming normalisation in all those TableView.
* ./hurricane/src/viewer :
- New feature : display instances names (vertical on bottom left corner
of the AB). New CellWidget capability : drawText(). Small modification
of styles & display.xml to distinguish between different kind of texts.
(instances name, master cell names, ...).
- New feature : do not create color, pen & brush at start in Graphics/
DisplayStyles. Now for the graphics to be used it must be enabled with
a call to "Graphics::enable()" *AFTER* allocating the QApplication.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/cyclop :
- New argument "--text" to check pure text mode.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane/Name.h
./hurricane/src/hurricane/Name.cpp :
- New feature : Allocate a static member "_emptyName" which could be used
to manage effeciently empty Name (for functions returning reference on
Name, by example).
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane/Property.h
./hurricane/src/hurricane/Property.cpp :
- Change : Now StandardPrivateProperty & StandardSharedProperty templates
systematically uses static member for the property's name. This leads
to suppress the "const Name&" argument when creating a property, and
the _name member is no longer present in each object instance.
- Change : Property must now be created/get through static methods :
StandardPrivateProperty<Value>::get ( DBo* );
StandardPrivateProperty<Value>::create ( DBo* );
StandardPrivateProperty<Value>::create ( DBo*, const Value& );
Note that, as before, the Value type must provide a default constructor
and a copy constructor.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer/DisplayStyle.cpp :
Bug : early Graphics::enable() no longer makes application crash.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/properties :
- Complete redesign of properties managment. Individual properties relateds
to the same concept and DBo* are now grouped together into an
"ExtensionDatas" which is nested into a specific "Extension" Property.
The various datas can be accessed through static methods of the Extention
object. Two Extension have been created :
a. LefDefExtensionDatas / LefDefExtension (on Cell*) : holds convert
factors & Ioc orders (if any).
b. NetExtensionDatas/NetExtension (on Net*) : holds various Port names,
currently only one Name at the same time is managed.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/lefdef :
- Change : re-enable and big cleanup of the LEF/DEF parsers drivers. Currently
only the DEF parser is enabled.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/AllianceFramework.cpp :
- New : Ability to pre-load all cells from a library.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/cyclop :
- New : Ability to choose the input format "on the fly".
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane/ExtensionSlice.h
./hurricane/src/hurricane/ExtensionGo.cpp :
- New : support for user-based Gos & Slices. A normal slice is a couple
(Layer,QuadTree) while a ExtensionSlice is a couple (Name,Quadtree).
Note that for efficiency ExtensionSlices also uses a mask bitmap.
This new feature implies modifications of the Cell QuadTrees and
the Query callback/class. CellWidget & Palette also updated to allow
the drawing of thoses new slices.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore/src/cyclop/DemoGo.{h,cpp} :
- Example : how to construct & uses an ExtensionGo (draw a thick red
box around the Cell's abutment box).
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- New : Mask object to manage masks.
- New : BasicLayer ordering & connectivity is managed.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- New : DebugSession for a selective trace activation, based on "symbols",
that is, void pointers to objects.
- New : ExtensionGos are now selectables (integrated to the
Cell_OccurrencesUnder collection). Note that they are manageds as Gos
and *not* ExtensionGos.
- New : Bug flavor of Exception (sibling of Error & Warning).
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Change : ExtensionGos are now hidden by default.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- Technology directly avalaible in RoutingGauge.
- _viaLayers table in RoutingGauge to manage METAL/METAL connexity.
Can contains NULL in case of non-contiguous metals.
- Contants are moved into a Constant top-level namespace named
- RoutingLayerGauge no longer checks for BasicLayer (could be
* ./coriolis/src/nimbus :
- Uses Constant namespace.
* ./coriolis/src/knik :
- Edges are now drawed as true colored edges between two vertexes,
and not as sides of the GCell.
* ./coriolis/src/katabatic :
- Initial portage from Coriolis 1. AutoContacts resizing is still to be
* ./coriolis/src/unicorn :
- Bug : bad libraries depndencies in CMakeList.txt.
- Added Katabatic tool.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- Bug : double deletion of ExtensionSlice, one in Cell and one in
ExtensionGo::unmaterialize() when the last ExtensionGo is removed.
Keep the one in unmaterialize.
- Bug : missing "_preDestroy()" in ExtensionGo (not really a bug but may
be useful in the future).
- Modification : begin to uses "ltrace(level)" instead of "trace()".
Levels affecteds to Hurricane are 0-10 (the lowest).
* ./coriolis/src/katabatic :
- New : create a Configuration object to group all that's related to
configuration (RoutingGauge ...).
- Finished porting :
a. - AutoContact resizing.
b. - Structure stripping to get back to Hurricane.
- Todo : AutoContact removal from the GCell lists whenever destructed.
In combination with "engineDelete" to speedup the destruction
process. Not a priority as we never destruct AutoContacts for now.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- Bug : memory leak in Query.h. When we do try a levelDown() remove the
Instance locator that have been created (and is not valid).
- To trace the numbers of Instances Locator add a counter inside the
QuadTree. The code is commented but could be useful in case of
another memory leak...
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature : first try at a more ergonomic interface. The "Controller",
a simple Tabbed window for managing all settings.
Reorganize the way things are selected (Nets, Area, single), aglomerated
Use a "logical" progression Netlist -> Selection -> Inspector.
- In CellWiddget, new Selection managment mecanism to ensure persistent
Selection across cell modifications.
New signals/slots to manage Cell modification :
a. - cellPreModificated() : must be launched *before* the Cell modification
by the tool about to modify it.
b. - cellPostModificated() : must be lauched *after* the Cell modification
This mecanism may be amended to automatically fit with the UpdateSessions.
- Cleanup (part 1) : more consistent name for widgets, replace the 'H' prefix by
a "Widget" suffix. Objects are modified by not filenames yet (due to svn not
liking file renaming and modications at the same time).
- Improved support for static building in CMakeList.txt.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug : InspectorWidget was using Record from Occurrences in the SelectionWidget.
but those Occurences were created on the fly by the CellWidget/Selectors.
So, whenever the selection changes the Occurrence may diseapear leaving a
bad Record in the InspectorWidget (core dump).
Now, the TabInspector keep a copy of the Inspected occurrence, so it
can go through any selection change.
In addition, the InspectorWidget could be passed Occurrence that it keeps
local copy along with Record*.
- New Feature : internal, first step toward an extensible ControllerWidget :
now all Tab are derived classes of ControllerTab.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature : full uses of SelectionModel in NetlistWidget, allow multiple
selection. New option to automatically select Nets from the Netlist
browser into the SelectionWidget (temporarily set up in cumulative
- Rename : SelectorCommand into SelectorCriterion (file name renaming in
next commit).
- Reorganisazion : in CellWidget, SelectorCommand/SelectorCriterions operations
are gathered in a single object : SelectionCriterions.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Rename : SelectorCommand into SelectorCriterion (file part).
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug: Bad detection of libraries in HURRICANE_CHECK_LIBRARY macro.
- New feature : add a "selectable" characteric on drawable objects. Allows
to selectively select objects through dragging. Note that it's implemented
in term of BasicLayer & ExtensionGo. If an object (Component) has a Layer
composed of more than one BasicLayer it will become selectable as soon as
one of it's BasicLayer is selectable.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- New feature : remove Hurricane's original basic Timer and replace it with
the one from Coriolis/crlcore. Added ability to get the elapsed time
without stopping the timer.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature : complete redesign of the drawing refreshment loop. Now there's
a "secondary" loop managed by the "RedrawManager" object which bufferize
the redraw requests. The "_redraw()" function has been made interruptible
at coarse level (between layer).
Important note about the redrawing design : the QApplication::processEvents()
function cannot be called inside the paintEvent() functions/sub-functions.
So the drawing is separated from the paintEvent. The paintEvent() performs
only quick pixmap buffer copy. The _redraw() is triggered by the move/refresh
events bufferized by the RedrawManager, flush periodically the loop event
and send direct (not posted) paint events (repaint() call).
Another constraint is that the displayed Widget can only be painted during
the paintEvent(). Otherwise the painter refuses to initialize.
- Ergonomy : adopt more standard key/mouse bindings. No more CTRL key for zooming
(too small zooms are rejecteds, thresold at 10x10 pixels). Continuous move
is enabled with SPACE+mouse.
* ./coriolis/src/unicorn :
- Reorganisation : Unicorn is now supplied as a separate library. Due to a limitation
of cmake the binary can no longer be named "unicorn" as it conflicts with the
library name. So it's been renamed into unimain (better candidates?)
* Merry Christmas & Fuck Numericable.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- New feature: Display support for Rubber, three modes of representation : centric,
barycentric and (pseudo) steiner.
- New feature: ability to generate pdf/ps snapshot using QPrinter. Can perform
an exact snapshot or print a synthetic A4 (choice hard-wired for now).
- Change: display styles reorganisation, recreation of the "Alliance Graal" look.
- New feature: darkening managment at CellWidget level, to allow Extension to
darken when unselecteds.
- New feature: ExtentionGo are now managed by the selection redraw function.
- New feature: Selector set is now sorted by object type, this allow to speedup
the redraw function which will now perform only one loop.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- Bug : Timer.h/.cpp, friend overload of the operator<<(ostream&) introduce
a ostream<<() function in the Hurricane namespace which prevent the
overload to resolve correctly under MacOS X (gcc 4.0).
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- New feature: support for breakpoints with a selectable stop level.
See Breakpoint.h. Graphical popup automatically when Graphics is
User can select what to do when a breakpoint is reached and valid
through a callback mechanism.
A disabled example is avalaible in GraphicKatabaticEngine.cpp.
- Ergonomy : reverse the zooming direction of the mouse weel (some said
it's like in MS Word...).
- Bug: accept zoom when bottom right is below lower left (absolute value).
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug: redraw the palette layer samples whenever the style changes. Uses a
new, more clear model to transmit signals. A star model where the
CellWidget is the center, signals propagate a void pointer which tells
the emitter to avoid looping. First a slave emit the signal to the
CellWidget. When the CellWidget receive the signal it's transmitted to
all slave widgets.
- New feature: ExceptionWidget (derived from QDialog) to display properly
catched exceptions. The Abort button of the Dialog forces the program
to core-dump with a SIGSEGV. The "Try to Continue" resumes the program,
which is higtly to crash anyway...
- New feature: a HApplication in replacement of the QApplication to catch
exceptions in the notify() function, that is exceptions that could be
throwed inside event handlers.
* ./coriolis/src/unicorn :
- New feature: making uses of HApplication.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- New feature: users can select it's preferred display style through the
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Change: BreakpointWidget is no longer modal, need to replace the ::exec()
by a custom made one.
* ./coriolis/src/katabatic :
- Supress the last remnants of Nimbus (used to build the GCell grid),
now read the grid cut lines from Katabatic.
* ./coriolis/src/unicorn :
- No more linking with Nimbus library.
* ./coriolis/src/katabatic :
- Bug: correctly build the GCell grid from Knik.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Change: make ExceptionWidget & BreakpointWidget non-resizables.
- Bug: redraw the palette layer samples whenever the style changes. Uses a
new, more clear model to transmit signals. A star model where the
CellWidget is the center, signals propagate a void pointer which tells
the emitter to avoid looping. First a slave emit the signal to the
CellWidget. When the CellWidget receive the signal it's transmitted to
all slave widgets.
- New feature: ExceptionWidget (derived from QDialog) to display properly
catched exceptions. The Abort button of the Dialog forces the program
to core-dump with a SIGSEGV. The "Try to Continue" resumes the program,
which is higtly to crash anyway...
- New feature: a HApplication in replacement of the QApplication to catch
exceptions in the notify() function, that is exceptions that could be
throwed inside event handlers.
- New feature: support for breakpoints with a selectable stop level.
See Breakpoint.h. Graphical popup automatically when Graphics is
User can select what to do when a breakpoint is reached and valid
through a callback mechanism.
A disabled example is avalaible in GraphicKatabaticEngine.cpp.
- Ergonomy : reverse the zooming direction of the mouse weel (some said
it's like in MS Word...).
- Bug: accept zoom when bottom right is below lower left (absolute value).
The dbuToDisplayRect function now has a boolean argument which is true by default and define the way the rectangle is passed to display.
If true, it's like we pass 2 corners to define the rectangle
If false, it's like we pass the bottom left corner, width and height (directly QT compliant)
- Bug : Timer.h/.cpp, friend overload of the operator<<(ostream&) introduce
a ostream<<() function in the Hurricane namespace which prevent the
overload to resolve correctly under MacOS X (gcc 4.0).
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
- New feature: Display support for Rubber, three modes of representation : centric,
barycentric and (pseudo) steiner.
- New feature: ability to generate pdf/ps snapshot using QPrinter. Can perform
an exact snapshot or print a synthetic A4 (choice hard-wired for now).
- Change: display styles reorganisation, recreation of the "Alliance Graal" look.
- New feature: darkening managment at CellWidget level, to allow Extension to
darken when unselecteds.
- New feature: ExtentionGo are now managed by the selection redraw function.
- New feature: Selector set is now sorted by object type, this allow to speedup
the redraw function which will now perform only one loop.
- New feature : remove Hurricane's original basic Timer and replace it with
the one from Coriolis/crlcore. Added ability to get the elapsed time
without stopping the timer.
* ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature : complete redesign of the drawing refreshment loop. Now there's
a "secondary" loop managed by the "RedrawManager" object which bufferize
the redraw requests. The "_redraw()" function has been made interruptible
at coarse level (between layer).
Important note about the redrawing design : the QApplication::processEvents()
function cannot be called inside the paintEvent() functions/sub-functions.
So the drawing is separated from the paintEvent. The paintEvent() performs
only quick pixmap buffer copy. The _redraw() is triggered by the move/refresh
events bufferized by the RedrawManager, flush periodically the loop event
and send direct (not posted) paint events (repaint() call).
Another constraint is that the displayed Widget can only be painted during
the paintEvent(). Otherwise the painter refuses to initialize.
- Ergonomy : adopt more standard key/mouse bindings. No more CTRL key for zooming
(too small zooms are rejecteds, thresold at 10x10 pixels). Continuous move
is enabled with SPACE+mouse.
* ./coriolis/src/unicorn :
- Reorganisation : Unicorn is now supplied as a separate library. Due to a limitation
of cmake the binary can no longer be named "unicorn" as it conflicts with the
library name. So it's been renamed into unimain (better candidates?)
- Bug: Bad detection of libraries in HURRICANE_CHECK_LIBRARY macro.
- New feature : add a "selectable" characteric on drawable objects. Allows
to selectively select objects through dragging. Note that it's implemented
in term of BasicLayer & ExtensionGo. If an object (Component) has a Layer
composed of more than one BasicLayer it will become selectable as soon as
one of it's BasicLayer is selectable.
Bug : make the Netlist Browser filter to work again. Have to ignore
the keyPressEvent in NetlistWidget (a bit counter-intuitive:
ignore event in NetlistWidget to have them accounteds in the
SortFilter children widget).
- New feature : full uses of SelectionModel in NetlistWidget, allow multiple
selection. New option to automatically select Nets from the Netlist
browser into the SelectionWidget (temporarily set up in cumulative
- Rename : SelectorCommand into SelectorCriterion (file name renaming in
next commit).
- Reorganisazion : in CellWidget, SelectorCommand/SelectorCriterions operations
are gathered in a single object : SelectionCriterions.