libraries gets installed in "lib64" instead of "lib". sets automatically LIB_SUFFIX for cmake.
coriolis2.spec modificated to uses lib64 on 64 bits.
- Change: In the CMakeLists.txt, in all the install commands remove all
the leading "/" as they prevents the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to be took
into account. It was nevertheless working because was
using DESTDIR which is prepended anyway.
* ./goodies:
- Change: In, no longer uses the DESTDIR but instead
- Change: Rename COpenCellDialog in OpenCellDialog.
- Change: In CgtMain, now the save parameter must be supplied with a design
name. The same should be different from the input one to avoid overwrites.
- New: SaveCellDialog to write back the Cell. Currently only writes the
layout view.
- Bug: In top CMakeLists.txt the SETUP_PROJECT_PATHS was not inserting
X_USER_TOP *before* X_TOP, thus potentially allowing an obsolete
system-wide configuration to shadow an up-to-date local one.
* ./unicorn:
- New: "--show-conf" options to dump the current configuration.
- Change: Adaptation to cmake 2.8. No more "add_subdirectory()" when
the sub directory doesn't hold a CMakeList.txt.
For "add_definition()", set policy 00005 to NEW.
- Change: Integrate IO extenal libraries.
- Change: Small compatibilities between "size_t" and "unsigned int"
under 64 bits.
- Change: Temporarily disable Equinox/Solstice in unicorn.
- SVN MOVE: Source tree simplification & uniformisation. Now all tools
are at the same level, directly under the root of the repository.
No more "coriolis/src".