When displaying big designs, the drawing was very slow because all
the graphical objects were browsed *before* deciding if they were
big enough for display. So we introduce a new mode of working of
the QuadTree to that the ones with areas *below* a certain thresold
just get skipped. Of course, the previous behavior must be preserved
(when the threhsold is zero or negative) as most of the time, we
*want* *all* the objects under an area, not only the biggest ones.
For now, in CellWidget, the visibility threshold is set to 20 pixels.
With this, we can display the Libre-SOC "test_issuer" of 100Kgates
in between 20 to 30s.
* New: In Hurricane::QuadTree_GosUnder collection & locator, add a
"threshold" argument so that QuadTree which both area sides are
below that lenght will be ignored (no walkthrough at all).
Zero (or negative) threshold means that no QuadTree will be
pruned, we get back to the previous behavior.
* New: In Hurricane::Slice::getComponentsUnder(), add the threshold
argument (with a default to 0).
* New: In Hurricane::Cell::getInstancesUnder(), add the threshold
argument (with a default to 0).
* New: In Hurricane::Query, added support for the threshold parameter.
In doQuery(), instances that have *both* side under the threshold
are pruned (slightly different from QuadTree areas).
* New: In Hurricane::CellWidget::_redraw(), set the visibility
threshold to 20 pixels (arbitrary, must be parametrized).
* New: In Hurricane::Cell, added destroyPhysical() method.
Remove *all* physical components and the DeepNets (so make
a virtual *unflatten*) in the correct dependency order.
In particular, RoutingPads, that relies on Occurrence over
physical components must be destroyeds *before* the entity
they are based on is destroyed.
In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts
where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is
the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to
the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep
than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections
related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related
to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist".
The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy).
* Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and
for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again.
* New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to
create dummies around the capacity matrix.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace
them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have
two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the
Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist".
* Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into
"TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to
TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over
non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks
as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells
from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped
even from already placed instances.
* Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the
Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to
have it as positional parameter.
* Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/ClockTree.py, Leaf to TerminalInstance
* Bug: In CRL/python/helpers/__init__.py, in textPythonTrace(), when an
ErrorMessage was catched, the trace parameter was not correctly
extracted leading to an "exception in exception".
* New: In Isobar/PyCell, exported Cell::getNonLeafInstanceOccurrences()
* New: In Isobar/PyTransformation, type is now built so the tp_compare
is linked to the C++ operator==().
* Change: In Hurricane::SelectionModel, Hurricane::SelectionWidget and
CellWidget, no longer use Occurrences but directly the Selector property.
We also use the Selector to know if an Occurrence is selected by
looking at that property on it's Quark. This avoid a very lengthy
search in vector when there is many elements (say > 10000).
NOTE: This is a bad implementation as there is a confusion between
beeing selected (that is, having a Selector property attached to
an Occurrence Quark) and being actually displayed as selected.
This lead to awkward implatation of the various "toggle" methods.
Have to rethink that more clearly later.
* Bug: In CRL::Histogram, the non-inline template full specialisation
of Measure<Histogram> must not be put in the header but in the module
to avoid multiple definition and link failure. They are actually
real, classic functions.
* New: In Analog, added Analog::ResitorFamily & Analog::Resistor classes.
* New: In Analog, added inspector support for all Parameter classes.
* New: In Analog, new FloatParameter class (for resistor value).
* New: In CRL/etc/scn6m_deep_09/devices.py, added resistor device.
* New: In Oroshi, support for Resistors, stub for ResistorSnake generator.
* New: In Bora::DNodeSets, added support for Resistor devices.
* Change: In Bora::DSlicingNode, rename setNFing()/getNFing() into
setBoxSetIndex()/getBoxSetIndex() for semantic coherency.
* New: In Karakaze/python/AnalogDesign.py, added support for Resistor.
Change in addDevice(), the span which was only meaningful for
transistor devices is replaced by a parameter argument.
The parameter argument has to be consistent with the device type.
* New: In Isobar::PyCell, export the isRouted() and setRouted() to the
Python interface.
* Bug: In CRL::Entity::parseEntity(), check that the closing parenthesis
is the last character of the net name. Issue a more relevant error
* In Anabatic::NetBuilder::_do_xG() and all other unimplemented methods,
throw an error if called from a derived classes instead of just
issuing a message in the debug stream. Avoid later core dumps...
* In Anabatic::NetBuilderHV, implement the builders for GCells with
one pin. Needed to support chip/corona routing.
* Bug: In Cumulus/plugins/Chip.py, check that coronaCk exists before
using it.
* New: In Cumulus/plugins/PadsCorona/Side._placePad(), when routing
a design with symbolic pads, export the chip external "pad"
connectors to be able to perform a lvx (otherwise cougar do not
create external nets).
In Corona._createCoreWire(), set the minimal gap between the pads
and the corona to 6 pitches. Empirical value to avoid DRC errors
with symbolic pads (pxlib).
When successufully done, mark the Corona cell as routed.
* Bug: In Cumulus/plugins/Core2Chip.IoNet, the regex for vectorizet net
was wrong, it was allowing only one digit in the index.
* Bug: In Cumulus/plugins/Core2Chip.cmos, correct management of
pad & corona clock nets. Correct connexion between vdde/vddi.
* Bug: In Unicorn/cgt.py, forgot to execute scripts when in text mode.
* Change: In Hurricane Commons.h, even when cdebug print nothing, it slow
down the program (three times for Kite!). Create a macro cdebug_log
which calls cdebug *only* if the debug level is active.
* Change: In Hurricane, in Flags add operator overload for "int" type
and not only "unsigned int". Otherwise the compiler complaints about
ambiguous overload when using enum values which are considered as
Simpler code for the BaseFlags::contains() method.
Added implicit conversion from BaseFlags toward bool type.
* Change: In Hurricane, in Commons, complete replacement of the previous
two trace systems (trace & ltrace) by a stream-based one.
As it is a true object it is much less fragile than the one based
on defines (but maybe a little slower).
Define a reservation table for the trace levels for all the
Coriolis & Chams components.
* Change: All tools, use the new trace system.
* New: In Hurricane, in Cell & Instance, add the ability to merge the
QuadTree when *second level* instances of a Cell are placed in
the same space as the top Cell. This is the case of a deeply
hierarchical design made of only standard cells that are to
be placed in a "flat" manner.
The design is uniquified then the intermediate instances models,
which should be unique at that point have their QuadTree merged
through a call to Instance::slaveAbutmentBox(). That method will
make the model of the instance use the QuadTree of the Cell to
which the instance belong. The instance model no longer posseses
a dedicated QuadTree. As a corollary the abutment box of both
Cell are kept identical and the Instance has it's transformation
set to (0,0,ID).
Remark: when we talk about "QuadTree", we mean in fact the
QuadTree for the instances *and* the SliceMap (Layer+QuadTree).
Consequence in Query: when going through the resulting
"flattened" QuadTree we will find objects with an incomplete
Path du to the fact that we didn't have to explore their
Instance/Cell level to reach them. The shunted part of the
Path is stored in the Go master Cell in the _shuntedPath
attribute. This also affect the displayed depth of hierarchy,
but not too badly.
* New: In Hurricane, in Cell, new methods:
- Cell::updatePlacedFlag() : set the placement flags.
- Cell::isUnique() : one or less instance.
- Cell::isUniquified() : is the result of an uniquification.
- Cell::isUniquifyMaster() : is the reference cell of the
* Change: In Hurricane, in Cell::Uniquify(), uniquify a Cell only
if it is unplaced. We do not need to duplicate placed Cells
(see datapathes).
* New: In Hurricane, In NetAlias & Net, add an AliasList collection to
iterate over all the aliases names (this *not* include the main
net name).
* New: In Hurricane, In Cell, Instance & Net add support for cloning and
uniquification (update documentation).
All Cells that are uniquified from a given model are kept in an
Uniquify relation. This relation allows to get all the clones and
generate unique clone names by adding a "_uXX" suffix.
* Bug: In Hurricane, the Cell::_isFlattenLeaf attribute was not initialized
in the constructor.
* Change: In CRL Core, in AllianceFramework::getCell(), no longer destroy
a partially loaded Cell in case of parser failure, let the incomplete
Cell be.
* New: In CRL Core, in ApParser, if all the instances are placed, sets the
Cell::Placed flag.
* Change: In CRL Core, in BlifParser, complete rewrite of the parser.
Not so good an idea afterwards...
* New: In Etesian, uniquify the design before placing.
* Change: In Kite, display the list of unrouted wired after all other
* Change: In Isobar, the Python interface was not exactly mirroring the
C++ one, now it is the case. The Python code should look likes almost
exactly like the C++ one, the only differences remaining being due
to the languages respective syntaxes. Note that in the case of
constructor functions, it leads to a slightly longer notation in
Python that it could have been (mimic the ".create()" static
member). Main modifications:
1. Mirror the static constructor syntax with create():
Cell( ... ) ==> Cell.create( ... )
2. Correct hierarchy for constants in Instance, Net, Pin
& Transformation. For example:
==> Hurricane.Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED
==> Hurricane.Transformation.Orientation.ID
Hurricane.TypeLOGICAL ==> Hurricane.Net.Type.LOGICAL
Hurricane.DirectionIN ==> Hurricane.Net.Direction.IN
* Change: In CRL Core, correction to match the improved Python API
in the configutation helpers.
* Change: In Cumulus, correction to match the improved Python API.
* Change: In Stratus, correction to match the improved Python API.
* Change: In Documenation, update for the new Python interface
(both user's guide & examples).
* Note: We must port those changes into Chams for it to continue
to run.
* Change: In Documenation, update the Python script support part.
- New: In PyDataBase, added method for getDB (the correct name, as alias)
and getRootLibrary().
- New: In PyComponent, added support for the optional BasicLayer argument
of getBoundingBox().
- New: In PyEntity, added support for conversion to/from RoutingPad.
- New: In PyHyperNet, added support for getNetOccurrences().
- New: In PyLibrary, added support for getLibrary().
- New: In NetExternalComponents, added support for setExternal().
- A complete sweep of cleanup to suppress allmost all compiler warnings.
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane:
- New: Documentation cleanup and update, particularly on the new Layer
derived classes.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane,
- New: Creation of new methods, more explicit on DbU. Based on a to/from
naming scheme.
- New: Python support extented to include all objects needed to configure
through python scripts.
- Change: Finally understood what's causing the _XOPEN_SOURCE redefinition.
Basically the Python.h must be included first before any other
include. The type-puned problem will remains still (that is a Python
problem, not our own).
- Change: In DisplayStyle, uses shared_ptr for DrawingStyle instead of
custom made reference count.
I rewrited everything like it was in Coriolis-1 (PyType_create) and reuse the precedent hierarchical system (PyTypeInheritedObjectDefinition)
With all these changes Pharos is able to run the same script several times without any error (and not only 7 times before crash)
Maybe there are still some bugs but it seems ok for the moment :D.