* Change: In Hurricane::NetAlias, store additional data in NetAliasName,
the external status of the former Net. When a Net::merge() is
performed, we must keep track of whether the merged (destroyed)
one was external and keep that information.
Add NetAliasHook::isExternal() & NetAliasHook::setExternal()
virtual methods.
* Change: In Net::getNet() add a new optional argument to allow the
search of the net name in *internal* aliases. Otherwise only the
aliases tagged as *external* will be searched.
It was a bug that, when looking for a Plug master net by name
we got an homonymous internal net. In that case we must only
look for net that are (or where) part of the interface.
* New: In Vhdl::VectorSignal, when a vector contains only one bit,
unvectorize it, like when it is non-contiguous (we use the
isCountiguous() method to carry that information).
* New: In Vhdl::VhdlEntity, Catalog::State and NamingScheme, added
a flag UniquifyUpperCase to uniquify the names in uppercases.
In case of a clash with the same name in lowercase.
Prepend 'u' before all previously uppercased letter. For
example 'VexRiscV' becomes 'uvexuriscuv' (urgh!).
The Catalog flags is exported to Python for use by the blif2vst
* Change: In BlifParser, Model::newOne() and Model::newZero(), return
a new gate each time it is called instead of making just one for
each Model. This way, if two outside nets are connected to one
or zero they do not get merged (should work, but will be less
* Bug: In BlifParser, Model::connectSubckts(), when looking for the
master net in the instances models (by name), limit the search
to the *external* aliases names.
* Change: In NamingScheme::vlogTovhdl(), reactivate the removal of
two consecutive '_'.
* Change: In cumulus/bin/blif2vst.py, prefix the master cells
(i.e. components) with 'cmpt_' to avoid clash names with signals
in VHDL.
* Bug: In HyperNet_ComponentOccurrences::Locator::progress(), (Collection
locator), the _netOccurrenceLocator (which progess along the various
Net occurrences of the HyperNet) was not in synch with the
_componentOccurrence locator of the current net. It was pointing
to the *next* net occurrence.
The result was the generation of a path for the net commponents
that was incorrect (it was the path of the *next* net occurrence),
and making Occurrence constructor throw an exception.
* Change: In Cell::flattenNets(), DeepNet::_createRoutingPads(),
Occurrence::Occurrence() and UpdateSession, added even more trace
* Bug: In RoutingPad::setExternalComponent(), we where always forcing
the materialization of the RoutingPad (QuadTree insertion). Now
respect the Go::enableAutoMaterialization() state.
Forcing the materialization is equivalent to having an
UpdateSession. So when creating large amount of RoutingPads it did
result in huge slow down, like in HFNS algorithms.
With this modification we go down from 6h+ to 4m for the ls180.
* New: In Query & QueryStack, add a new stop criterion "stopCellFlags"
based on the flags of the instances master cell. The instance will
still be processed, but not it's childs. Typically used to stop
exploring on "AbstractedSupply" cells.
Exported in the Python interface.
* New: In Cell::Flags, new value "AbstractedSupply" to mark Cells from
which an abstract has been built for supplies & blockages. But *not*
for common nets. Helps reduce the recursion through the hierarchy
when building supply line in FlattenPower.
Export setter/getter in the Python interface.
* New: In Instance, add a "PruneMaster" filter to stop hierarchical
exploration on instances which master cells have at least one of
the given flags set.
* Change: In NetExternalcomponents::isInternal(), use "const Component*"
instead of "Component*".
* Bug: In Cell::Flags, the NoFlags must be *zero*, not *one*! And we
can reclaim that bit for future use.
* Cleanup: In Hurricane::Cell, remove changeQuadTree() related methods.
Fusing various Cell's QuadTree is not a viable idea.
* Cleanup: In Hurricane::Instance, remove no longer used "_flags"
The policy about how to create slots was not completly clear.
Now, only add *pointers* or *references* to class attributes,
never do a "copy by value". Reflect that change in SlotTemplate<>
various partial specializations.
Hammer in your head that in C++ functions templates do not allow
for partial specialization. So write only *one* template for
::getSlot<>() (refdefinition simply got ignoreds, at least with gcc).
* Bug: In Slot, only one template for getSlot<> (see above).
Adjust SlotTemplates<> to provides partial specialization only for:
* "const Data&".
* "Data*".
* "const Data*".
* "Data* const"
* "Record*".
* Bug: In Instance::_getRecord(), suppress slot based on transient
values "XCenter" & "YCenter".
* Bug: In CRL::ToolEngine::_getRecord(), suppress slot "Name" based
on a transient value.
* Change: In ::getRecord(std::list<Elementt>*) (and variant), pass
all elements to ::getSlot() as (const Element*).
* Change: In Hurricane::QuadTree_GosUnder::Locator::progress(), directly
prune the elements which sizes are under the threshold. This allows
the too small Instances to be directly skipped. This was the key
point slowing the walktrough. We were systematically going through
all the instances (that is consistent with the perf traces).
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell_OccurrencesUnder, add a threshold parameter
to pass on the QuadTree (through getInstancesUnder()).
Needed for the CellWidget selection to have the same problem as
the display itself (select only what is displayed).
* New: In Hurricane::CellView, add two new parameters:
1. "viewer.minimumSize" set the original size of the window, in pixels.
(doubled for HiDPI).
2. "viewer.pixelThreshold", the size, in pixels, under which
components/instances will not be displayeds.
* New: In CRL/etc/cmos.misc.py, added parameters "viewer.minimumSize"
and "viewer.pixelsThreshold".
* Change: In Hurricane::Contact, as it is the base class of Pin, a
width *or* height can rightfully be null (according to the
Pin orientation).
Put the check in a Contact::_postCheck() function.
* Change: In Hurricane::Contact, replace all the "const DbU::Unit&"
parameters by simply "DbU::Unit".
* Change: In Hurricane::Pin, add a dedicated _postCheck() function.
* Change: In Hurricane::Contact::Contact(), check width & hieight of
the contact against the minimal size, if below, bellow a warning
and increase the dimension.
May too paranoid when used on turn in same metal (no cut).
* New: In Hurricane::Layer, add support for a minimal area (given in
microns). Exported in the Python interface.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::bloatStackedStrap(), method to
enlarge too small vertically stacked VIAs. For now just create
a square ensuring the minimal area. Potentially cause DRC error in
some cases so needs to be refined.
* New: In Anabatic::_gutAnabatic(), check for too little stacked VIAs
and display a report.
* Change: In documentation/build.py, more PEP8 & Python 3 future compliance.
Correct copy of the tools HTML docs on my laptop, to have a full
offline copy of the doc.
* New: In documentation/contents/pages/check-toolkit, duplicate the doc
from alliance-check-toolkit README. Seems it has been inadvertently
removed at some point (?). Have to be careful to maintain in synch
with the toolkit.
* Change: <tool>/doc/*/SoC.css, use Roboto fonts when availables.
* Update: Commit the whole pre-generated docs (Doxygen, Pelican).
* Change: In CellWidget::drawGrid(), for the "super-grid", now use
lines instead of small crosses. The super-grid is set to 10 point
of the snap grid in all cases (symbolic, real, foundry grid).
* New: Export CellWidget::setDbuMode() to CellViewer, and into it's
Python wrapper.
* Bug: In CellWidget::setCell(), keep the dbuMode when loading a new
cell instead of reverting to default.
* New: In Hurricane::NetRoutingProperty, add and change the meaning
of the following flags:
- ManualGlobalRoute : now means that a global routing *trunk*
is present, made of "gmetalh", "gmetalv" & "gcontact".
- Manualdetailroute : added, get the former meaning of
ManualGlobalRoute, that is, the detailed routing is
already present for this net, but can be changed by the
detailed router. Implies that it respect the Terminal,
HTee & VTee structuration.
* New: Add Anabatic::Diskstra::loadFixedGlobal(), to account
a manually global net into the edges capacities.
* New: In Anabatic::Edges::ripup(), exclude manually global routed
segments from the ripup. Change the segment sorting function
so that thoses segments are put in head of list (considered
as "smaller").
* Change: In AnabaticEngine::setupPreRouteds(), now detect manual
global routed and manual detail routed signals, and tag them
* New: In AnabaticEngine::Configuration & Session, add proxies
for the global routing layers ("gmetalh", "gmetalv", "gcontact").
* New: In Anabatic::Constants, add flags for global fixed and
detail routed nets.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::updateEstimateDensity(), now use int64_t
for flute coordinates.
* New: Add CRL::RoutingGauge::hasLayer(), to know if a layer is
managed by the gauge (comparison by mask).
* Change: In Hurricane::RoutingPad::getPlugOccurrence(), it was
forbidden to rebuild the Occurrence over anything other than
Plug. But as we now also uses Pins, it becomes useful to
rebuild the Occurrence on a Pin. The name of the function
stays, even if its less meaningful now.
* Bug: In Isobar::PyOccurrence, use "compare by value" instead of
"compare by pointer" for the Python comparison function. So we
really can compare identical Occurrences.
* New: In Isobar::PyPoint, export the "manhattanDistance()" function.
* New: In Isobal::PyCellViewer, add the following funtions to the
exported interface:
- "select()"
- "unselect()"
- "unselectAll()"
- "reframe()"
- "setShowSelection()"
So now we can easily highlight components from Python (to ease
* New: In Hurricane::CellViewer, create a proxy for the CellWidget
"reframe()" function.
When displaying big designs, the drawing was very slow because all
the graphical objects were browsed *before* deciding if they were
big enough for display. So we introduce a new mode of working of
the QuadTree to that the ones with areas *below* a certain thresold
just get skipped. Of course, the previous behavior must be preserved
(when the threhsold is zero or negative) as most of the time, we
*want* *all* the objects under an area, not only the biggest ones.
For now, in CellWidget, the visibility threshold is set to 20 pixels.
With this, we can display the Libre-SOC "test_issuer" of 100Kgates
in between 20 to 30s.
* New: In Hurricane::QuadTree_GosUnder collection & locator, add a
"threshold" argument so that QuadTree which both area sides are
below that lenght will be ignored (no walkthrough at all).
Zero (or negative) threshold means that no QuadTree will be
pruned, we get back to the previous behavior.
* New: In Hurricane::Slice::getComponentsUnder(), add the threshold
argument (with a default to 0).
* New: In Hurricane::Cell::getInstancesUnder(), add the threshold
argument (with a default to 0).
* New: In Hurricane::Query, added support for the threshold parameter.
In doQuery(), instances that have *both* side under the threshold
are pruned (slightly different from QuadTree areas).
* New: In Hurricane::CellWidget::_redraw(), set the visibility
threshold to 20 pixels (arbitrary, must be parametrized).
* New: In Hurricane::Cell, added destroyPhysical() method.
Remove *all* physical components and the DeepNets (so make
a virtual *unflatten*) in the correct dependency order.
In particular, RoutingPads, that relies on Occurrence over
physical components must be destroyeds *before* the entity
they are based on is destroyed.
* New: In CRL::PyAllianceFramework, export getCatalog(), in PyCatalog,
export the getState(name) method and add a PyCatalog_Link().
In PyCatalogState, add PyCatalogState_Link(), cannot use the
macro because of the C++ name resolution operator (Catalog::State).
* New: In Isobar, export the RoutingPads collection to the Python interface.
* New: In Hurricane::Net, export the getRoutingPads() method to the
Python interface (hence the need of the previous export).
* Bug: In Anabatic::Configuration::selectRpComponent(), always select
the Pin as the best component. It is mandatory for a block that
we pick up the terminal at the periphery and not one deep inside
the block.
* Bug: In Hurricane::RoutingPad::setOnBestcomponent(), same rule as
in Anabatic, if there is any, the Pin must always be the best
RoutingPad component.
* Bug: In Hurricane/Commons.h, modify the getRecord<>() templates so
that for both vector<Element> and vector<Element*>, the individual
record created for each element are donne with pointers. That is,
for the vector<Element> case, we take a pointer.
As a general policy, except for the POD types, always use pointers
or references to data in the records/inspector. Never uses values
that can call the copy constructor.
Suppress INSPECTOR_PV_SUPPORT() macro, keep only
Provide value support only for getString<>() template.
This value & copy constructor problem was causing a crash when
trying to inspect Hurricane::AnalogCellExtension.
* New: In Hurricane::Technology, change the API of the PhysicalRule,
now we can only create/get PhysicalRule, but setting the value of
the rule itself must be done on the rule.
Enhance PhysicalRule to provide for stepped rules, non isotropic
and ratio rules.
Merge TwoLayersPhysicalrule in PhysicalRule, much simpler to
suppress the management of derived classes. That means that we
loose a little memory as some fields are mutually exclusive.
Not a problem considering that there will not be so many of thoses
* New: In CRL/helpers.analogtechno.py, enhanced DTR support for rules
('minSpacing' , 'metal1', ((0.4,20.0), (0.8,1000.0)), Length, 'REF.1')
('minEnclosure', 'metal1', 'cut1', (0.2,0.3) , Length, 'REF.2')
('minDensity' , 'metal1', 0.30 , Unit , 'REF.3')
The DTR parser has been updated, but not the oroshi.dtr Rule
cache for analog components. Given a rule name, the value used
will be the horizontal one of the first step.
* Change: In hurricane/doc/hurricane, re-generate the documentation
with updated support for Technology & PhysicalRule.
* Change: In Hurricane::ExceptionWidget,
- Use a QTextLabel instead of a QLabel, make it "look like" a QLabel.
- Always display using text mode. Not HTML (to preserve indentation).
- Make the text of the error message selectable.
- Make it resizable.
* New: In Analog, new Parameter derived class "StringParameter",
to support strings. Also added to the Python interface.
* New: In Analog::Transistor, added StringParameters for specifying
track positions. They are named "G.t", "S.t", "D.t" and "B.t".
* New: In Oroshi/wip_transistor.py, now read the track positionning
devices parameters.
* New: In Karakaze/AnalogDesign.doDevice(), read an optional 14th
parameter holding the track positions (example in ADC-SAR).
* Bug: In Bora::SlicingNode::clearGlobalRouting(), as we are unrouting the
cell, the flags set up by Katana must be reset. The Cell is no longer
"Terminal" and it's nets are "Un-flattened".
* Bug: In Hurricane::NetRoutingState::getSymValue(), outrageously bad
computation of the symmetric coordinate when the value was superior
to the axis... (shame on me).
* Change: In Anabatic::Disjkstra::load(), for symmetrically paired nets,
check that the axis of symmetry is *outside* the searchArea.
Otherwise, the two mirrored areas overlaps and the two nets will
unescapably be on top of each other. Issue a warning but still
* Change: In Anabatic::Vertex::isRestricted(), allow perpandicular
wire to go through struts or thin (less than one routing pitch)
node. May have to recheck in the future and restrict to struts
* Bug: In Bora::HVSlicingNode::updateSymNetAxis(), rescursive call in
child node was not systematically done (bad curly brace position).
Also checks that symmetries are not empty before accessing the
front element (one less core dump).