* Change: In all tools, FindTOOL.cmake, no longer use LIB_SUFFIX to
search for tool libraries but try "lib64/" then "lib/".
* Change: In bootstrap/socInstaller.py, take Debian 10 into account.
* Change: In bootstrap/docker, move from Debian 9 to Debian 10.
- Change: New structure for the installation & CMake system.
* Tools are now grouped in "projects". There are three projects:
1. - IO: Standalones parsers/drivers (IO_USER_TOP, IO_TOP).
2. - Coriolis: Base & digital tools (CORIOLIS_USER_TOP, CORIOLIS_TOP).
3. - Chams: Analogic tools (CHAMS_USER_TOP, CHAMS_TOP).
Each *project* has a two "TOP" environement variables, for
example: IO_TOP and IO_USER_TOP. Thoses variables are the only
ones useds to locate the tool (CMake modules, headers & libraries).
The local path always takes precedence over the global one.
The localisation process occurs in each tool top CMakeLists.txt
where the macro SETUP_PROJECT_PATH is to be defined. There is no
way to put it in a shared includes file as it's the macro precisely
used to locates the includes... You have to call the macro once for
each project you wants to uses:
* In FindTOOL.cmake, supress the <TOOL>_DIR_SEARCH and uses the
* buildCoriolis.py modificated according to the new "TOP" scheme.
- SVN MOVE: Source tree simplification & uniformisation. Now all tools
are at the same level, directly under the root of the repository.
No more "coriolis/src".