* New: In vlsisapd/PyConfiguration, add asDouble() to the Parameter
Python wrapper.
* New: In CRLCore/helpers/overlay, add support for float parameters
in configuratuon.
* Test: post-receive hook on server should send mail [1].
* New: In VLSISAPD, in Parameter, callback have now a tag, which the
pointer to the caller. This allow for the callback removal when
the caller is destroyed.
* New: In VLSISAPD, in WidgetDescription, when associated to a parameter,
the destructor must remove the associated callback function on
the Parameter.
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for Configuration, separated
from vlsisapd, as the support is not available at this point.
JSON support for Configuration, Parameter & LayoutDescription.
* Change: In Hurricane, in JsonStack, the stack of JsonObjects has been
displaced here from HurricaneHandler. This way, all
JsonObject::toData() can access the JsonOjects in the context
of the parser.
* New: In Hurricane, in DBo::toJson() added support for Entity by
reference (ids).
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for all Layer sub-class types.
* New: In Hurricane, in Technology, export the Layers, but must be
sorted by increasing mask value.
* New: In Hurricane, in Entity, added support for Entity by reference (ids).
* New: In Hurricane, in DataBase, added technology full support.
* New: In Hurricane, In JsonNet, move the ring rebuild management from
JsonStack to JsonNet.
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for NetAlias, NetExternalcomponents
(not cleanly implemented as a Relation).
* New: In Hurricane, new method Cell::fromJson() to load a cell from
a JSON file.
* New: In Hurricane, In Graphics, make it an observable, for when JSON
fully reload the graphic state, it must be able to notify other
objects (namely the Controller).
* New: In Hurricane, in ControllerWidget, observe the Graphics to regenerate
the palette as needed. New method ControllerTab::graphicsUpdated().
* New: In Hurricane, in RawDrawingStyle added a destructor to release the
Qt pen/brush. Added JSON support for HSVr, DrawingStyle, DrawingGroup,
& DisplayStyle.
* New: In Hurricane, in GraphicsWidget, rewrite correctly the readGraphics()
to erase the previous widgets and re-create the new ones.
* New: In Hurricane, in PaletteWidget, correct re-creation of the layout/widgets
in case of Graphics change.
* New: In CRL Core, in System, register the parameters callbacks with
the address of the object, for later deletion.
* New: In CRL Core, in AllianceFramework, make it observable, to notify
library changes. For the AllianceFramework creation, now allow to
completly bypass the Python initialization system, when we expect
to restore it from a full blob. Added methods to sets the default
RoutingGauge & CellGauge.
* New: In CRL Core, added JSON suppport for CellGauge, RoutingLayerGauge
& RoutingGauge.
* New: In CRL Core, in LibraryManager, oberver AllianceFramework, to update
the list of libraries in case of change (for JSON full reload).
* New: In CRL Core, created a LibraryManager widget. It provides a
composite information based on what is present, for each
Alliance library:
1. - A Cell in memory, without Catalog::State.
2. - A Catalog::State, with or whithout the Cell in memory.
3. - The files of the Cell in the librariy's directory.
4. - A file with a format referenced for one of the importers.
File type recognition is based *only* on the file extension,
so it may easily confused. Be careful about what you put in
the library's directory.
One of the big limitation is that it will not display Hurricane
libraries that do not have the AllianceLibrary extension.
This widget is put in a separate library <libmanager>, included
in the default CRLCORE_LIBRARIES.
* Change: In CRL Core, in State (through the loader), now sets the
InMemory flag (event if nobody uses it yet...). Display it in
the state _getString().
In AllianceFramework, new getAllianceLibraries() method.
In CatalogExtension, make the static method "get()" publicly
accessible, for sometimes we want the whole State.
* Bug: In vlsisapd, in Path, the pathcache was not rebuild when it
should, leading to incorrect results.
* New: In vlsisapd, in Path, added a listdir() method to access the
contents of a directory and a stat() method to poll the status
of a file/directory.
Rename the ".string()" method in ".toString()" to avoid
tricky name resolution with std::string, refactor in all the
other tools.
* Change: In Hurricane, in Controller, no longer oversize the fonts
of the table's headers.
* New: In Unicorn, in UnicornGui, integrate LibraryManager.
* New: In VLSISAPD, in Configuration, add a new priority level UserFile
to distinguish between the system configuration files and the user's
configuration files (which take precedence).
* New: In Hurricane, in Script (Python), improve the API to be able
to support Chams (and remove the duplicate capability from it).
Add separate functions to perform the initialize/run(s)/finalize
cycle step by step.
* Change: In CRL Core, rename real technology <hcmos9> to <hcmos9gp>,
it's offcial name from CMP/ST. This is the 130nm.
Move the reading of the symbolic & real technologies names from
coriolisInit.py to helpers.__init__.py, to be shared with
To avoid a clash of names inside of helpers, the two variables
of techno.py are renamed "symbolicTechnology" and "realTechnology".
Move python init system from crlcore/src/crlcore to crlcore/python.
* New: In CRL Core, In Utilities, add site-packages/pharos to the
* Change: In Kite, move python init system from kite/src/init to
* Change: In bootstrap, in ccb & builder, build by default with Qt4 and
provide a --qt5 command line switch to enable Qt5.
FindBootstrap.cmake now provides a qtX_wrap_cpp() macros to be
independant of the version of Qt being used.
Add all thoses options to the graphical interface to the builder.
* Change: In all the tools using Qt, switch to the qtX_*() macros from
* Change: In Hurricane, in CellViewer, revert to the Qt4 way of connecting
signal/slots for backward compatibility.
* Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold
for both METAL2 & METAL3.
In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l).
In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V.
* Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a
boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets.
* Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings
for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()).
* Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect
that was causing ungraceful messages.
* Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string
name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities.
Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment:
* Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to
deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly
erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly
processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent
state when stoping at a breakpoint.
* Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event
loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event
loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when
waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>).
* Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to
execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/
"catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch.
* New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from
<katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any
number of Obervers.
* New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently
emit two kind of signals:
- Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change.
- Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed.
* New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the
Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once).
In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of
Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances
are also invalidated.
Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated
Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer.
The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which
are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from
the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised
of anything referring to the Cell for that matter.
Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change,
observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it
should be unificated.
* Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the
cell is modificated (also update the palette).
Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions.
* Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and
cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers.
* Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper
method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able
to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and
Support for RoutingGauge in P&R:
* Bug: In <placeandroute.py>, the connection from the internal power
ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers
leading to a gap.
* Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based
on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name
* Change: In <placeandroute.py>, support for 2 routing metal only
(3 metal in the technology).
* Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation
on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals
(METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
Update to Qt 5:
* Change: Now requires at least cmake 2.8.9.
* Change: CMakeLists.txt needs small changes. Qt modules must be found
one by one (Core, Gui, Widgets). Must add "set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)"
in the top file and replace "qt4" prefix in macros by "qt5".
Added simpler macro "setup_qt()" in FindBootstrap.cmake.
* Change: No longer need to include <QGtkStyle> is is choosen by default
according to the current desktop environment.
* Change: In <hurricane>, In HApplication, launch ExceptionWidget when
a std::exception is catched instead of silently discarting it.
New placer Tool: Etesian
* New: <etesian> analytical placer. Encapsulate Coloquinte from
Gabriel Gouvine.
* New: in <documentation>, add stub demonstration ToolEngine <smurf>.
Needs to be commented.
* New: in <boostrap> and <unicorn>, added support for Etesian, the new
analytic placer. The tool itself will be added in the next commit.
* Bug: in <CellWidget>, when shifting the display buffer, we no longer
can copy the buffer on itself (we should never have). Now go through
a temporary one (PlaneId::AutoCopy) which is added to the
DrawingPlanes. Affect "goLeft()" and "goUp()".
* Bug: In <CellWidget>, remove the WA_PaintOnScreen flag/attribute.
When it's on, no PaintEvent is transmitted to the CellWidget
when it's the central widget of the <CellViewer> (QMainWindow).
It's something I still don't understand from the doc of Qt.
* Change: In <AreaCommand>, use the PlaneId enumeration instead of a
anonymous numerical index.
* Change: In <HApplication>, no longer catch and silently discard
standartd exceptions but launch the ExceptionWidget...
Suppress the now deprecated constructor with "Type" argument.
* Change: In <SelectionModel>, the "reset()" method is deprecated in
Qt5, instead enclose the "clear()" by a "beginResetModel()" and
"endResetModel()" pair.
* New: In <crlcore>, add support for ISPD05 benchmarks (in Bookshelf
format). Forked from ISPD04 and not finished yet.
* Change: In <Mauka>, distinguish the Action string identifier from
* New: In <unicorn>, add entry for ISPD05 loader. Add entry for
<Etesian> analytic placer.
* New: in <bootstrap>: add support for devtoolset-2 in ccb. Run the
cmake commands through 'scl', set shell environment variables
system path search.
* Change: In various flex scanners add the %nounput to suppress
compiler warnings.
* Change: Little cleanup for g++ 4.8.1 as it's more strict.
* Change: In various top CMakeLists.txt, suppress extraneous '/'
after DESTDIR.
- New: Path module to provide a ligthweight alternative to boost::filesystem.
The compatibility change in boost was giving more and more touble and was
not worth it. Path is aimed to provides the same services, but with a
better portability.
- A complete sweep of cleanup to suppress allmost all compiler warnings.
* ./vlsisapd/openchams:
- Change: Completly remove Name as std::string are shared. Also impact
amsCore (OpenChamsParser/OpenChamsDriver).
* ./vlsisapd/configuration:
- Bug: Python.h must be included first (see Isobar comment).
- Change: New "readFromFile()" Configuration method.
- New: In TabDescription, add an "id" field, to be used for filtering
by the file drivers.
- New: in LayoutDescription::writeToStream(), adds a filtering over
the tabs id (same fonctionality as for the parameters).
- New: PyConfiguration extension, build using boost::python.
Not finished yet.
- Bug: In LayoutDescription::buildWidget(), when the parameter associated
to a widget is not found, to not try to adds it. Print a nice error
message and do not core dump...
- New: In Parameter, adds a priority for all the mutators method calls.
Allows to sets values according to where they came from instead of
only taking the last change. This is needed because we cannot ensure
that the last sets value is the truly wanted one. Four priorities
are avalaibles (in increasing order):
1. - ApplicationBuiltin (the default).
2. - ConfigurationFile (currently: the XML parser).
3. - CommandLine (supplied by the command line, see Unicorn).
4. - Interactive (changed through ConfigurationWidget).
- New: In ConfigurationWidget, hideTabs()/showTabs() to explicitly select
which tabs are displayeds or hidden. Two modes are avalaibles:
Incremental and Exact. In Exact mode only hidden tabs are hiddens and
only shown tabs are shown.
- Change: In ConfigurationWidget/ConfTabWidget/ParameterWidget, no longer
relies on the Widget parent/child tree to find the ConfigurationWidget
from a ParameterWidget (consequence of the hide/show capability which
is implemented by cutting off hidden tabs). Adds an explicit attribute.
- Change: In ConfigurationWidget, two separate signals for "confOk" and
"needRestart", rewrite of the "apply clicked" method.
- Bug: In LogEntry::restore(), uses correct flags on Paramater::setString().
- Change: Internal rewrite of the check function, now named _doChange()
and shared by all mutators.
- Change: Logs now contains entries with the last correct value and are
able to restore that value.
- Change: LogWidget simplificated, only one message label. But now two
buttons (Continue/Cancel).
- Change: In ConfigurationWidget, two steps validation "mustExist" then
- New: Attributes "needRestart", "mustExist", "isFile" and "isPath".
- New: Display a warning message when a parameter with mustExist or
needRestart is modificated.
- New: In ConfigurationWidget, method selectTab() to select the current
displayed tab.
- Change: In Configuration::writeToFile() and writeToStream(), adds a
third parameter telling which parameter to save. It's a semicolon
separated list of parameter head id. Example: "kite;mauka".
- Bug: In FilePathEdit, do not sets the file/path if the Dialog has been
- Bug: In FilePathEdit, do not uses the native dialog (called by static
methods) when under Linux/GtkStyle as the native widget seems to be
badly linked (bug in GtkStyle?).
- New: Integrate the FilePathEdit widget, courtesy of D. Dupuis.
- Bug: In ConfEditorMain, new boolean switch to allow disable of GtkStyle
which make FilePathEdit to coredump (Linux feature only!).
- New: In Configuration, write methods are ables to completly drive the
XML file (values & layout), selectable through flags.
- New: In ConfigurationWidget, the Apply button is now outside the
tabs. Also adds two modes: Embedded & StandAlone with different sets
of buttons.
- Bug: In Configuration::writeToStream(), percentage parameters values where
incorrectly written (divideds by 100).
- Bug: In ConfEditorMain, read the "dot" configuration file *after* the
system one.
- Change: New problem identified with the Python modules: each module seems
to be built as a complete binary, so all the static C++ initializers are
allocated in each module. In particular the C++ tree inheritance is built
for *each* module so we cannot longer uses the typeid() comparisons
across modules... It was used by boost::program_options to perform is
casts with boost::any and was starting throwing exceptions because of
bad casts. program_option was first initialized in "configuration"
first included by PyViewer then in PyCRL (see Utilities.cpp).
A first solution is to re-order the import of Python modules in
stratus1/st_model so that CRL is imported first.
The second is to not not link "configuration" with boost::program_option
as only the binary vlsisapd-conf-editor needs it.
That is a serious problem of which we must be aware and can cause further
strange behaviors.
Debug code used to diagnostic has been kept commented in the sources a
it may be needed again :-(
This behavior do not affect our singletons because they are part of
dynamic libraries that seems to be correctly shared between the various
Python modules.
* ./vlsisapd:
- Change: In Configuration CMakeLists.txt, add Boost_LIBRARIES only on the
target_link_libraries() of the binary, not the libraries, as they are
not needed there and cause later trouble.
- Library linking: there must not be "target_link_library()" for libraries,
only when building binaries. Avoid clashes between static module
or class variables, and strange reinitialisation of those variables.
- Change: Boost is now always linked staticly.
- New: More thorough type checking of parameter's type while setting/
- New: In Parameter, callback mechanism (trimmed down Observer pattern)
to uses whenever Qt signal/slots are not used. This is needed to
maintain data coherency througout the software.