Initial import of stratus1
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
COMMAND sw_vers -productVersion
IF(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?")
ELSE(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?")
SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "i386;ppc") # for QT4.5 32bits on snow leopard
ENDIF(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?")
# This macro has to be included in all the tools CMakeLists.txt as it's
# the sole means of localizing other tools/projects.
IF( NOT("$ENV{${project}_TOP}" STREQUAL "") )
MESSAGE("-- ${project}_TOP is set to $ENV{${project}_TOP}")
SET(PROJECT_MODULE_PATH "${DESTDIR}$ENV{${project}_TOP}/share/cmake/Modules/")
ENDIF( NOT("$ENV{${project}_TOP}" STREQUAL "") )
IF( NOT("$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}" STREQUAL "") )
MESSAGE("-- ${project}_USER_TOP is set to $ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}")
SET(PROJECT_MODULE_PATH "${DESTDIR}$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}/share/cmake/Modules/")
ENDIF( NOT("$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}" STREQUAL "") )
MESSAGE("-- Using system-wide /etc.")
SET(SYS_CONF_DIR "/etc" CACHE STRING "System configuration directory (/etc)" FORCE)
MESSAGE("-- Using install tree /etc.")
SET(SYS_CONF_DIR "etc" CACHE STRING "System configuration directory (/etc)" FORCE)
@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
# -*- Perl -*-
#LaTeX2HTML Version 96.1 : dot.latex2html-init
### Command Line Argument Defaults #######################################
$MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH = 4; # Stop making separate files at this depth
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$EXTERNAL_IMAGES = 0; # 1 = leave the images outside the document
$ASCII_MODE = 0; # 1 = do not use any icons or internal images
# 1 = use links to external postscript images rather than inlined bitmap
# images.
#$TITLE = "Titre"; # The default is "No Title"
$DESTDIR = ''; # Put the result in this directory
# When this is set, the generated HTML files will be placed in the
# current directory. If set to 0 the default behaviour is to create (or reuse)
# another file directory.
# Supply your own string if you don't like the default <Name> <Date>
$ADDRESS = "<I>$address_data[0] <BR>\n$address_data[1]</I>";
$NO_NAVIGATION = 0; # 1 = do not put a navigation panel at the top of each page
# Put navigation links at the top of each page.
# If the page exceeds $WORDS_IN_PAGE number of words then put one at the bottom of the page.
# Put a link to the index page in the navigation panel
# Put a link to the table of contents in the navigation panel
# Put a link to the next logical page in the navigation panel
# Put a link to the previous logical page in the navigation panel
$INFO = 0; # 0 = do not make a "About this document..." section
# Reuse images generated during previous runs
$REUSE = 2;
# When this is 1, the section numbers are shown. The section numbers should
# then match those that would have bee produced by LaTeX.
# The correct section numbers are obtained from the $FILE.aux file generated
# by LaTeX.
# Hiding the seciton numbers encourages use of particular sections
# as standalone documents. In this case the cross reference to a section
# is shown using the default symbol rather than the section number.
### Other global variables ###############################################
$CHILDLINE = "<BR> <HR>\n";
# This is the line width measured in pixels and it is used to right justify
# equations and equation arrays;
$LINE_WIDTH = 500;
# Used in conjunction with AUTO_NAVIGATION
#$WORDS_IN_PAGE = 300; !!!
# Affects ONLY the way accents are processed
$default_language = 'english';
# The value of this variable determines how many words to use in each
# title that is added to the navigation panel (see below)
# This number will determine the size of the equations, special characters,
# and anything which will be converted into an inlined image
# *except* "image generating environments" such as "figure", "table"
# or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.
# This number will determine the size of
# image generating environments such as "figure", "table" or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.
# If this is set then intermediate files are left for later inspection.
# This includes $$_images.tex and $$_images.log created during image
# conversion.
# Caution: Intermediate files can be *enormous*.
$DEBUG = 0;
# If both of the following two variables are set then the "Up" button
# of the navigation panel in the first node/page of a converted document
# will point to $EXTERNAL_UP_LINK. $EXTERNAL_UP_TITLE should be set
# to some text which describes this external link.
# If this is set then the resulting HTML will look marginally better if viewed
# with Netscape.
# Valid paper sizes are "letter", "legal", "a4","a3","a2" and "a0"
# Paper sizes has no effect other than in the time it takes to create inlined
# images and in whether large images can be created at all ie
# - larger paper sizes *MAY* help with large image problems
# - smaller paper sizes are quicker to handle
$PAPERSIZE = "a4";
# Replace "english" with another language in order to tell LaTeX2HTML that you
# want some generated section titles (eg "Table of Contents" or "References")
# to appear in a different language. Currently only "english" and "french"
# is supported but it is very easy to add your own. See the example in the
# file "latex2html.config"
$TITLES_LANGUAGE = "english";
### Navigation Panel ##########################################################
# The navigation panel is constructed out of buttons and section titles.
# These can be configured in any combination with arbitrary text and
# HTML tags interspersed between them.
# The buttons available are:
# $PREVIOUS - points to the previous section
# $UP - points up to the "parent" section
# $NEXT - points to the next section
# $NEXT_GROUP - points to the next "group" section
# $PREVIOUS_GROUP - points to the previous "group" section
# $CONTENTS - points to the contents page if there is one
# $INDEX - points to the index page if there is one
# If the corresponding section exists the button will contain an
# active link to that section. If the corresponding section does
# not exist the button will be inactive.
# Also for each of the $PREVIOUS $UP $NEXT $NEXT_GROUP and $PREVIOUS_GROUP
# buttons there are equivalent $PREVIOUS_TITLE, $UP_TITLE, etc variables
# which contain the titles of their corresponding sections.
# Each title is empty if there is no corresponding section.
# The subroutine below constructs the navigation panels in each page.
# Feel free to mix and match buttons, titles, your own text, your logos,
# and arbitrary HTML (the "." is the Perl concatenation operator).
@my_icon_tags = ();
$my_icon_tags{'next'} = 'Next Page';
$my_icon_tags{'next_page'} = 'Next Page';
$my_icon_tags{'previous'} = 'Previous Page';
$my_icon_tags{'previous_page'} = 'Previous Page';
$my_icon_tags{'up'} = 'Up One Level';
$my_icon_tags{'contents'} = 'Contents';
$my_icon_tags{'index'} = 'Index';
$my_icon_tags{'modules'} = 'Module Index';
@my_icon_names = ();
$my_icon_names{'previous_page'} = 'prev';
$my_icon_names{'next_page'} = 'next';
sub get_my_icon($) {
my $icon_file;
my $name = @_[0];
my $text = $my_icon_tags{$name};
if ($my_icon_names{$name}) {
$name = $my_icon_names{$name};
if ($text eq '') {
$name = 'blank';
$icon_file = $name . "." . $IMAGE_TYPE;
$used_icons{$icon_file} = 1;
return "<img src=\"$name.$IMAGE_TYPE\"\n border=\"0\""
. " height=\"32\"\n alt=\"$text\" width=\"32\">";
sub use_my_icon($) {
my $s = @_[0];
if ($s =~ /\<tex2html_([a-z_]+)_visible_mark\>/) {
my $r = get_my_icon($1);
$s =~ s/\<tex2html_[a-z_]+_visible_mark\>/$r/;
return $s;
sub make_top_nav_panel() {
my $s;
$s = ('<table align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">'
#. "\n<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> $t_title </th></tr>"
. "\n<tr>"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B>Previous</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B>Next</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "$NEXT_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr></table>\n"
. "<hr>\n"
# remove these; they are unnecessary and cause errors from validation
$s =~ s/ NAME="tex2html\d+"\n */ /g;
return $s;
sub make_bot_nav_panel() {
my $s;
$s = ('<hr><table align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">'
#. "\n<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> $t_title </th></tr>"
. "\n<tr>"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B>Previous</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B>Next</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "$NEXT_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr></table>\n"
. "<hr>\n"
# remove these; they are unnecessary and cause errors from validation
$s =~ s/ NAME="tex2html\d+"\n */ /g;
return $s;
sub top_navigation_panel {
return "\n"
. make_top_nav_panel()
. "<br>\n";
sub bot_navigation_panel {
return "\n<p>\n"
. make_bot_nav_panel()
. "\n";
$ADDRESS = "Sophie <small>BELLOEIL</small><br>20051116.1";
$used_icons{"home." . $IMAGE_TYPE} = 1;
1; # This must be the last line
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
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Inst ( model
, name
, param = myParam
, map = myMap
Instantiation of an instance. The type of the instance is given by the \verb-model- parameter. The connexions are made thanks to the \verb-map- parameters.
\item \verb-model- : Name of the mastercell of the instance to create (mandatory argument)
\item \verb-name- : Name of the instance (optional)\\
When this argument is not defined, the instance has a name created by default. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a layout as well. Indeed, the placement of the instances is much easier when the conceptor has chosen himself the name f the instances.
\item \verb-param- : Dictionnary for parameters of the mastercell (optional : only for mastercells which require it)
\item \verb-map- : Dictionnary for connexions in order to make the netlist\\
\item \verb-_name- : Name of the instance (the name given as parameter if there's one, a name created otherwise)
\item \verb-_model- : Name of the model given as argument
\item \verb-_real_model- : Name of the model created thanks to \verb-_model- and all the parameters
\item \verb-_map- : Dictionnary \verb-map- given at the instanciation
\item \verb-_param- : Dictionnary \verb-param- given at the instanciation
\item \verb-_st_cell- : The stratus cell which the instance is instanciated in
\item \verb-_st_masterCell- : The stratus master cell of the instance\\
\indent For placement :
\item \verb-_plac- : tells if the instance is placed or not (UNPLACED by default)
\item \verb-_x-, \verb-_y- : the coordinates of the instance (only for placed instances)
\item \verb-_sym- : the symetry of the instance (only for placed instances)\\
\indent And, in connection with Hurricane :
\item \verb-_hur_instance- : The hurricane instance (None by default)
\item \verb-_hur_masterCell- : The Hurricane master cell of the instance (None by default)
\item Delete : Deletion of the Hurricane instance
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
class myClass ( Model ) :
exemple = myClass ( name, param )
Every cell made is a class herited from class \verb-Model-.\\
\indent Some methods have to be created, like \verb-Interface-, \verb-Netlist- ... Some methods are inherited from the class \verb-Model-.
\item \verb-name- : The name of the cell (which is the name of the files which will be created)
\item \verb-param- : A dictionnary which gives all the parameters useful in order to create the cell
\item \verb-_name- : Name of the cell
\item \verb-_st_insts- : List of all the instances of the cell
\item \verb-_st_ports- : List of all the external nets of the cell (except for alimentations and clock)
\item \verb-_st_sigs- : List of all the internal nets of the cell
\item \verb-_st_vdds-, \verb-_st_vsss- : Two tabs of the nets which are instancied as \verb-VddIn- and \verb-VssIn-
\item \verb-_st_cks- : List of all the nets which are instancied as \verb-CkIn-
\item \verb-_st_merge- : List of all the internal nets which have to be merged
\item \verb-_param- : The map given as argument at the creation of the cell
\item \verb-_underCells- : List of all the instances which are cells that have to be created
\item \verb-_and-, \verb-_or-, \verb-_xor-, \verb-_not-, \verb-_buff-, \verb-_mux-, \verb-_reg-, \verb-_shift-, \verb-_comp-, \verb-_add-, \verb-_mult-, \verb-_div- : tells which generator to use when using overloard
\item \verb-_NB_INST- : The number of instances of the cell (useful in order to automatically give a name to the instances)
\item \verb-_TAB_NETS_OUT- and \verb-_TAB_NETS_CAT- : Lists of all the nets automatically created
\item \verb-_insref- : The reference instance (for placement)\\
\indent And, in connection with Hurricane :
\item \verb-_hur_cell- : The hurricane cell (None by default)
\item \verb-_db- : The database
\item \verb-_lib0- : \verb-self._db.Get_CATA_LIB ( 0 )-
\item \verb-_nb_alims_verticales-, \verb-_nb_pins-, \verb-_nb_vdd_pins-, \verb-_nb_vss_pins-, \verb-standard_instances_list-, \verb-pad_north-, \verb-pad_south-, \verb-pad_east-, \verb-pad_west- : all place and route stuffs ...
Methods of class \verb-Model- are listed below :
\item \verb-HurricanePlug- : Creates the Hurricane cell thanks to the stratus cell.\\Before calling this method, only the stratus cell is created, after this method, both cells are created. This method has to be called before View and Save, and before Layout.
\item \verb-View- : Opens/Refreshes the editor in order to see the created layout
\item \verb-Quit- : Finishes a cell without saving
\item \verb-Save- : Saves the created cell\\If several cells have been created, they are all going to be saved in separated files\\
Some of those methods have to be defined in order to create a new cell :
\item \verb-Interface- : Description of the external ports of the cell
\item \verb-Netlist- : Description of the netlist of the cell
\item \verb-Layout- : Description of the layout of the cell
\item \verb-Vbe- : Description of the behavior of the cell
\item \verb-Pattern- : Description of the patterns in order to test the cell
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
netInput = LogicIn ( name, arity )
Instanciation of net. Differents kind of nets are listed below :
\item \verb-LogicIn- : Creation of an input port
\item \verb-LogicOut- : Creation of an output port
\item \verb-LogicInOut- : Creation of an inout port
\item \verb-LogicUnknown- : Creation of an input/output port which direction is not defined
\item \verb-TriState- : Creation of a tristate port
\item \verb-CkIn- : Creation of a clock port
\item \verb-VddIn- : Creation of the vdd alimentation
\item \verb-VssIn- : Creation of the vss alimentation
\item \verb-Signal- : Creation of an internal net
\item \verb-name- : Name of the net (mandatory argument)
\item \verb-arity- : Arity of the net (mandatory argument)
\item \verb-indice- : For buses only : the LSB bit (optional argument : set to 0 by default)\\
\indent Only \verb-CkIn, -\verb-VddIn- and \verb-VssIn- do not have the same parameters : there is only the \verb-name- parameter (they are 1 bit nets).
\item \verb-_name- : Name of the net
\item \verb-_arity- : Arity of the net (by default set to 0)
\item \verb-_ind- : LSB of the net
\item \verb-_ext- : Tells if the net is external or not (True/False)
\item \verb-_direct- : If the net is external, tells the direction ("IN", "OUT", "INOUT", "TRISTATE", "UNKNOWN")
\item \verb-_h_type- : If the net is an alimentation or a clock, tells the type ("POWER", "GROUND", "CLOCK")
\item \verb-_type- : The arithmetic type of the net ( "nr" )
\item \verb-_st_cell- : The stratus cell which the net is instanciated in
\item \verb-_real_net- : If the net is a part of a net (Sig) it is the real net corresponding
\item \verb-_alias- : [] by default. When the net has an alias, it's a tab. Each element of the tab correspond to a bit of the net (from the LSB to the MSB), it'a a dictionnary : the only key is the net which this net is an alias from, the value is the bit of the net
\item \verb-_to_merge- : [] by default. The same as \_alias
\item \verb-_to_cat- : [] by default. The same as \_alias\\
\indent And, in connection with Hurricane :
\item \verb-_hur_net- : A tab with all the hurricane nets corresponding to the stratus net ; From the LSB to the MSB (for example, with a 1 bit net, one gets the hurricane net by doing : \verb-net._hur_net[0]- ).
\item \verb-Buffer- : Instanciation of a Buffer
\item \verb-Shift- : Instanciation of a shifter
\item \verb-Mux- : Instanciation of a multiplexor
\item \verb-Reg- : Instanciation of a register
\item \verb-Eq/Ne- : Instanciation of comparison generator
\item \verb-Extend- : A net is extended
\item \verb-Alias- : A net is an alias of another net
\item \verb-Delete- : Deletion of the Hurricane nets\\
\indent And the overloards :
\item \_\_init\_\_ : Initialisation of nets
\item \_\_le\_\_ : initialisation of a net thanks to <= notation
\item \_\_getitem\_\_, \_\_geslice\_\_ : Creation of "Sig" nets : which are part of nets (use of \verb-[]- and \verb-[:]-)
\item \_\_and\_\_, \_\_or\_\_, \_\_xor\_\_, \_\_invert\_\_ : boolean operation with \&, |, \^ , ~
\item \_\_add\_\_, \_\_mul\_\_, \_\_div\_\_ : arithmetic operators with +, * and /
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
Stratus -- Procedural design language based upon \emph{Python}
\emph{Stratus} is a set of \emph{Python} methods/functions dedicated to procedural generation purposes. From a user point of view, \emph{Stratus} is a circuit's description language that allows \emph{Python} programming flow control, variable use, and specialized functions in order to handle vlsi objects.\\
\indent Based upon the \emph{Hurricane} data structures, the \emph{Stratus} language gives the user the ability to describe netlist and layout views.
\subsubsection{Creation of a cell}
A cell is a hierachical structural description of a circuit in terms of ports (I/Os), signals (nets) and instances :
\item Method \verb-Interface-
\item LogicIn
\item LogicOut
\item LogicInOut
\item TriState
\item VddIn
\item VssIn
\item Method \verb-Netlist-
\item Signal
\item Inst
\item Facilities : \&, |, +, Mux, Shift, Eq/Ne ...
\item Method \verb-Layout-
\item Place, PlaceTop, PlaceBottom, PlaceRight, PlaceLeft
\item SetRefIns
\item DefAb, ResizeAb
\item PlaceCentric
\item PlaceGlue, FillCell
\item PadNorth, PadSouth, PadEast, PadWest
\item AlimVerticalRail, AlimHorizontalRail
\item AlimConnectors
\item PowerRing
\item RouteCk
\item Method \verb-Pattern-
\item Method \verb-View-
\item Method \verb-Save-
\subsubsection{Syntax highlighting}
This chapter describes what to do to have the right syntax highlighting when using vi.
\item Commands to do when you want to change once the coloration of your file :
:syntax off
:source /asim/coriolis/share/etc/stratus.vim
\item Modification of your .vimrc in order to have the syntax highlighting each time you open a file :
syntax off
autocmd BufRead,BufNewfile *.py so /asim/coriolis/share/etc/stratus.vim
syntax on
\subsubsection{Environment variables}
\item CRL\_IN\_LO, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_OUT\_LO, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_IN\_PH, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_OUT\_PH, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_CATA\_LIB, default value : \verb-.-
\item CRL\_CATAL\_NAME, default value : \verb-CATAL-
A \emph{Stratus} file must have a .py extension and must begin as follow :
from stratus import *
\indent In order to execute a \emph{Stratus} file (named \verb-file- for example), one has two choices :
\indent Or :
chmod u+x
\indent The names used in \emph{Stratus}, as arguments to \emph{Stratus} functions, should be alphanumerical, including the underscore. The arguments of \emph{Stratus} are case sensitive, so \textsc{VDD} is not equivalent to \textsc{vdd}.\\
\indent Vectorized connectors or signal can be used using the \textsc{[n:m]} construct.\\
You can see a concrete example at : \hyperref[ref]{\emph{A concrete example}}{}{Example}{secexample}
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Place and Route}}{}{Place and Route}{secroute}
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\subsubsection{See Also}
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\title {Stratus Developper's Manual}
\author {Sophie Belloeil}
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\section{Class Model}
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# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
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. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
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#. "\n<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> $t_title </th></tr>"
. "\n<tr>"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B>Previous</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B>Next</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "$NEXT_TITLE" : " ")
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# remove these; they are unnecessary and cause errors from validation
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return "\n"
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sub bot_navigation_panel {
return "\n<p>\n"
. make_bot_nav_panel()
. "\n";
$ADDRESS = "Sophie <small>BELLOEIL</small><br>20051116.1";
$used_icons{"home." . $IMAGE_TYPE} = 1;
1; # This must be the last line
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*.log \
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*.toc \
*.aux \
*.bak \
stratus/*.html \
stratus/*.css \
stratus/*.pl \
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# -*- Perl -*-
#LaTeX2HTML Version 96.1 : dot.latex2html-init
### Command Line Argument Defaults #######################################
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# 1 = use links to external postscript images rather than inlined bitmap
# images.
#$TITLE = "Titre"; # The default is "No Title"
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# When this is set, the generated HTML files will be placed in the
# current directory. If set to 0 the default behaviour is to create (or reuse)
# another file directory.
# Supply your own string if you don't like the default <Name> <Date>
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# then match those that would have bee produced by LaTeX.
# The correct section numbers are obtained from the $FILE.aux file generated
# by LaTeX.
# Hiding the seciton numbers encourages use of particular sections
# as standalone documents. In this case the cross reference to a section
# is shown using the default symbol rather than the section number.
### Other global variables ###############################################
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# Used in conjunction with AUTO_NAVIGATION
#$WORDS_IN_PAGE = 300; !!!
# Affects ONLY the way accents are processed
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# title that is added to the navigation panel (see below)
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# conversion.
# Caution: Intermediate files can be *enormous*.
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# to some text which describes this external link.
# If this is set then the resulting HTML will look marginally better if viewed
# with Netscape.
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# Paper sizes has no effect other than in the time it takes to create inlined
# images and in whether large images can be created at all ie
# - larger paper sizes *MAY* help with large image problems
# - smaller paper sizes are quicker to handle
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# Replace "english" with another language in order to tell LaTeX2HTML that you
# want some generated section titles (eg "Table of Contents" or "References")
# to appear in a different language. Currently only "english" and "french"
# is supported but it is very easy to add your own. See the example in the
# file "latex2html.config"
$TITLES_LANGUAGE = "english";
### Navigation Panel ##########################################################
# The navigation panel is constructed out of buttons and section titles.
# These can be configured in any combination with arbitrary text and
# HTML tags interspersed between them.
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# $PREVIOUS_GROUP - points to the previous "group" section
# $CONTENTS - points to the contents page if there is one
# $INDEX - points to the index page if there is one
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# active link to that section. If the corresponding section does
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# buttons there are equivalent $PREVIOUS_TITLE, $UP_TITLE, etc variables
# which contain the titles of their corresponding sections.
# Each title is empty if there is no corresponding section.
# The subroutine below constructs the navigation panels in each page.
# Feel free to mix and match buttons, titles, your own text, your logos,
# and arbitrary HTML (the "." is the Perl concatenation operator).
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#. "\n<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> $t_title </th></tr>"
. "\n<tr>"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B>Previous</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B>Next</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "$NEXT_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr></table>\n"
. "<hr>\n"
# remove these; they are unnecessary and cause errors from validation
$s =~ s/ NAME="tex2html\d+"\n */ /g;
return $s;
sub make_bot_nav_panel() {
my $s;
$s = ('<hr><table align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">'
#. "\n<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> $t_title </th></tr>"
. "\n<tr>"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B>Previous</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B>Next</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "$NEXT_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr></table>\n"
. "<hr>\n"
# remove these; they are unnecessary and cause errors from validation
$s =~ s/ NAME="tex2html\d+"\n */ /g;
return $s;
sub top_navigation_panel {
return "\n"
. make_top_nav_panel()
. "<br>\n";
sub bot_navigation_panel {
return "\n<p>\n"
. make_bot_nav_panel()
. "\n";
$ADDRESS = "Sophie <small>BELLOEIL</small><br>20051116.1";
$used_icons{"home." . $IMAGE_TYPE} = 1;
1; # This must be the last line
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<LI><A CLASS="entry" HREF="stratusdev/index.html">Stratus Dev</A><BR>Stratus Developpers Documentation<BR><BR>
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Inst ( model
, name
, map = myMap
Instantiation of an instance. The type of the instance is given by the \verb-model- parameter. The connexions are made thanks to the \verb-map- parameters.
\item \verb-model- : Name of the mastercell of the instance to create (mandatory argument)
\item \verb-name- : Name of the instance (optional)\\
When this argument is not defined, the instance has a name created by default. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a layout as well. Indeed, the placement of the instances is much easier when the conceptor has chosen himself the name f the instances.
\item \verb-map- : Dictionnary for connexions in order to make the netlist\\
\item \verb-_name- : Name of the instance (the name given as parameter if there's one, a name created otherwise)
\item \verb-_model- : Name of the model given as argument
\item \verb-_real_model- : Name of the model created thanks to \verb-_model- and all the parameters
\item \verb-_map- : Dictionnary \verb-map- given at the instanciation
\item \verb-_param- : Dictionnary \verb-param- given at the instanciation
\item \verb-_st_cell- : The stratus cell which the instance is instanciated in
\item \verb-_st_masterCell- : The stratus master cell of the instance\\
\indent For placement :
\item \verb-_plac- : tells if the instance is placed or not (UNPLACED by default)
\item \verb-_x-, \verb-_y- : the coordinates of the instance (only for placed instances)
\item \verb-_sym- : the symetry of the instance (only for placed instances)\\
\indent And, in connection with Hurricane :
\item \verb-_hur_instance- : The hurricane instance (None by default)
\item \verb-_hur_masterCell- : The Hurricane master cell of the instance (None by default)
\item Delete : Deletion of the Hurricane instance
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
class myClass ( Model ) :
exemple = myClass ( name, param )
Every cell made is a class herited from class \verb-Model-.\\
\indent Some methods have to be created, like \verb-Interface-, \verb-Netlist- ... Some methods are inherited from the class \verb-Model-.
\item \verb-name- : The name of the cell (which is the name of the files which will be created)
\item \verb-param- : A dictionnary which gives all the parameters useful in order to create the cell
\item \verb-_name- : Name of the cell
\item \verb-_st_insts- : List of all the instances of the cell
\item \verb-_st_ports- : List of all the external nets of the cell (except for alimentations and clock)
\item \verb-_st_sigs- : List of all the internal nets of the cell
\item \verb-_st_vdds-, \verb-_st_vsss- : Two tabs of the nets which are instancied as \verb-VddIn- and \verb-VssIn-
\item \verb-_st_cks- : List of all the nets which are instancied as \verb-CkIn-
\item \verb-_st_merge- : List of all the internal nets which have to be merged
\item \verb-_param- : The map given as argument at the creation of the cell
\item \verb-_underCells- : List of all the instances which are cells that have to be created
\item \verb-_and-, \verb-_or-, \verb-_xor-, \verb-_not-, \verb-_buff-, \verb-_mux-, \verb-_reg-, \verb-_shift-, \verb-_comp-, \verb-_add-, \verb-_mult-, \verb-_div- : tells which generator to use when using overloard
\item \verb-_NB_INST- : The number of instances of the cell (useful in order to automatically give a name to the instances)
\item \verb-_TAB_NETS_OUT- and \verb-_TAB_NETS_CAT- : Lists of all the nets automatically created
\item \verb-_insref- : The reference instance (for placement)\\
\indent And, in connection with Hurricane :
\item \verb-_hur_cell- : The hurricane cell (None by default)
\item \verb-_db- : The database
\item \verb-_lib0- : \verb-self._db.Get_CATA_LIB ( 0 )-
\item \verb-_nb_alims_verticales-, \verb-_nb_pins-, \verb-_nb_vdd_pins-, \verb-_nb_vss_pins-, \verb-standard_instances_list-, \verb-pad_north-, \verb-pad_south-, \verb-pad_east-, \verb-pad_west- : all place and route stuffs ...
Methods of class \verb-Model- are listed below :
\item \verb-HurricanePlug- : Creates the Hurricane cell thanks to the stratus cell.\\Before calling this method, only the stratus cell is created, after this method, both cells are created. This method has to be called before View and Save, and before Layout.
\item \verb-View- : Opens/Refreshes the editor in order to see the created layout
\item \verb-Quit- : Finishes a cell without saving
\item \verb-Save- : Saves the created cell\\If several cells have been created, they are all going to be saved in separated files\\
Some of those methods have to be defined in order to create a new cell :
\item \verb-Interface- : Description of the external ports of the cell
\item \verb-Netlist- : Description of the netlist of the cell
\item \verb-Layout- : Description of the layout of the cell
\item \verb-Vbe- : Description of the behavior of the cell
\item \verb-Pattern- : Description of the patterns in order to test the cell
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
netInput = SignalIn ( name, arity )
Instanciation of net. Differents kind of nets are listed below :
\item \verb-SignalIn- : Creation of an input port
\item \verb-SignalOut- : Creation of an output port
\item \verb-SignalInOut- : Creation of an inout port
\item \verb-SignalUnknown- : Creation of an input/output port which direction is not defined
\item \verb-TriState- : Creation of a tristate port
\item \verb-CkIn- : Creation of a clock port
\item \verb-VddIn- : Creation of the vdd alimentation
\item \verb-VssIn- : Creation of the vss alimentation
\item \verb-Signal- : Creation of an internal net
\item \verb-name- : Name of the net (mandatory argument)
\item \verb-arity- : Arity of the net (mandatory argument)
\item \verb-indice- : For buses only : the LSB bit (optional argument : set to 0 by default)\\
\indent Only \verb-CkIn, -\verb-VddIn- and \verb-VssIn- do not have the same parameters : there is only the \verb-name- parameter (they are 1 bit nets).
\item \verb-_name- : Name of the net
\item \verb-_arity- : Arity of the net (by default set to 0)
\item \verb-_ind- : LSB of the net
\item \verb-_ext- : Tells if the net is external or not (True/False)
\item \verb-_direct- : If the net is external, tells the direction ("IN", "OUT", "INOUT", "TRISTATE", "UNKNOWN")
\item \verb-_h_type- : If the net is an alimentation or a clock, tells the type ("POWER", "GROUND", "CLOCK")
\item \verb-_type- : The arithmetic type of the net ( "nr" )
\item \verb-_st_cell- : The stratus cell which the net is instanciated in
\item \verb-_real_net- : If the net is a part of a net (Sig) it is the real net corresponding
\item \verb-_alias- : [] by default. When the net has an alias, it's a tab. Each element of the tab correspond to a bit of the net (from the LSB to the MSB), it'a a dictionnary : the only key is the net which this net is an alias from, the value is the bit of the net
\item \verb-_to_merge- : [] by default. The same as \_alias
\item \verb-_to_cat- : [] by default. The same as \_alias\\
\indent And, in connection with Hurricane :
\item \verb-_hur_net- : A tab with all the hurricane nets corresponding to the stratus net ; From the LSB to the MSB (for example, with a 1 bit net, one gets the hurricane net by doing : \verb-net._hur_net[0]- ).
\item \verb-Buffer- : Instanciation of a Buffer
\item \verb-Shift- : Instanciation of a shifter
\item \verb-Mux- : Instanciation of a multiplexor
\item \verb-Reg- : Instanciation of a register
\item \verb-Eq/Ne- : Instanciation of comparison generator
\item \verb-Extend- : A net is extended
\item \verb-Alias- : A net is an alias of another net
\item \verb-Delete- : Deletion of the Hurricane nets\\
\indent And the overloards :
\item \_\_init\_\_ : Initialisation of nets
\item \_\_le\_\_ : initialisation of a net thanks to <= notation
\item \_\_getitem\_\_, \_\_geslice\_\_ : Creation of "Sig" nets : which are part of nets (use of \verb-[]- and \verb-[:]-)
\item \_\_and\_\_, \_\_or\_\_, \_\_xor\_\_, \_\_invert\_\_ : boolean operation with \&, |, \^ , ~
\item \_\_add\_\_, \_\_mul\_\_, \_\_div\_\_ : arithmetic operators with +, * and /
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
Stratus -- Procedural design language based upon \emph{Python}
\emph{Stratus} is a set of \emph{Python} methods/functions dedicated to procedural generation purposes. From a user point of view, \emph{Stratus} is a circuit's description language that allows \emph{Python} programming flow control, variable use, and specialized functions in order to handle vlsi objects.\\
\indent Based upon the \emph{Hurricane} data structures, the \emph{Stratus} language gives the user the ability to describe netlist and layout views.
\subsubsection{Creation of a cell}
A cell is a hierachical structural description of a circuit in terms of ports (I/Os), signals (nets) and instances :
\item Method \verb-Interface-
\item LogicIn
\item LogicOut
\item LogicInOut
\item TriState
\item VddIn
\item VssIn
\item Method \verb-Netlist-
\item Signal
\item Inst
\item Facilities : \&, |, +, Mux, Shift, Eq/Ne ...
\item Method \verb-Layout-
\item Place, PlaceTop, PlaceBottom, PlaceRight, PlaceLeft
\item SetRefIns
\item DefAb, ResizeAb
\item PlaceCentric
\item PlaceGlue, FillCell
\item PadNorth, PadSouth, PadEast, PadWest
\item AlimVerticalRail, AlimHorizontalRail
\item AlimConnectors
\item PowerRing
\item RouteCk
\item Method \verb-Pattern-
\item Method \verb-View-
\item Method \verb-Save-
\subsubsection{Syntax highlighting}
This chapter describes what to do to have the right syntax highlighting when using vi.
\item Commands to do when you want to change once the coloration of your file :
:syntax off
:source /asim/coriolis/share/etc/stratus.vim
\item Modification of your .vimrc in order to have the syntax highlighting each time you open a file :
syntax off
autocmd BufRead,BufNewfile *.py so /asim/coriolis/share/etc/stratus.vim
syntax on
\subsubsection{Environment variables}
\item CRL\_IN\_LO, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_OUT\_LO, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_IN\_PH, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_OUT\_PH, default value : \verb-def-
\item CRL\_CATA\_LIB, default value : \verb-.-
\item CRL\_CATAL\_NAME, default value : \verb-CATAL-
A \emph{Stratus} file must have a .py extension and must begin as follow :
from stratus import *
\indent In order to execute a \emph{Stratus} file (named \verb-file- for example), one has two choices :
\indent Or :
chmod u+x
\indent The names used in \emph{Stratus}, as arguments to \emph{Stratus} functions, should be alphanumerical, including the underscore. The arguments of \emph{Stratus} are case sensitive, so \textsc{VDD} is not equivalent to \textsc{vdd}.\\
\indent Vectorized connectors or signal can be used using the \textsc{[n:m]} construct.\\
You can see a concrete example at : \hyperref[ref]{\emph{A concrete example}}{}{Example}{secexample}
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Place and Route}}{}{Place and Route}{secroute}
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\subsubsection{See Also}
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\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1}{Class Model}{}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.1}{Synopsys}{section.1}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.2}{Description}{section.1}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.3}{Parameters}{section.1}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.4}{Attributes}{section.1}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.5}{Methods}{section.1}
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2}{Nets}{}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.1}{Synopsys}{section.2}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.2}{Description}{section.2}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3}{Parameters}{section.2}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.4}{Attributes}{section.2}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.5}{Methods}{section.2}
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3}{Instances}{}
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\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.3.2}{Description}{section.3}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.3.3}{Parameters}{section.3}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.3.4}{Attributes}{section.3}
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.3.5}{Methods}{section.3}
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00010000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="secmodel"></A>
Class Model
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00011000000000000000">
class myClass ( Model ) :
exemple = myClass ( name, param )
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00012000000000000000">
Every cell made is a class herited from class <code>Model</code>.
Some methods have to be created, like <code>Interface</code>, <code>Netlist</code> ... Some methods are inherited from the class <code>Model</code>.
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00013000000000000000">
<LI><code>name</code> : The name of the cell (which is the name of the files which will be created)
<LI><code>param</code> : A dictionnary which gives all the parameters useful in order to create the cell
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00014000000000000000">
<LI><code>_name</code> : Name of the cell
<LI><code>_st_insts</code> : List of all the instances of the cell
<LI><code>_st_ports</code> : List of all the external nets of the cell (except for alimentations and clock)
<LI><code>_st_sigs</code> : List of all the internal nets of the cell
<LI><code>_st_vdds</code>, <code>_st_vsss</code> : Two tabs of the nets which are instancied as <code>VddIn</code> and <code>VssIn</code>
<LI><code>_st_cks</code> : List of all the nets which are instancied as <code>CkIn</code>
<LI><code>_st_merge</code> : List of all the internal nets which have to be merged
<LI><code>_param</code> : The map given as argument at the creation of the cell
<LI><code>_underCells</code> : List of all the instances which are cells that have to be created
<LI><code>_and</code>, <code>_or</code>, <code>_xor</code>, <code>_not</code>, <code>_buff</code>, <code>_mux</code>, <code>_reg</code>, <code>_shift</code>, <code>_comp</code>, <code>_add</code>, <code>_mult</code>, <code>_div</code> : tells which generator to use when using overloard
<LI><code>_NB_INST</code> : The number of instances of the cell (useful in order to automatically give a name to the instances)
<LI><code>_TAB_NETS_OUT</code> and <code>_TAB_NETS_CAT</code> : Lists of all the nets automatically created
<LI><code>_insref</code> : The reference instance (for placement)
And, in connection with Hurricane :
<LI><code>_hur_cell</code> : The hurricane cell (None by default)
<LI><code>_db</code> : The database
<LI><code>_lib0</code> : <code>self._db.Get_CATA_LIB ( 0 )</code>
<LI><code>_nb_alims_verticales</code>, <code>_nb_pins</code>, <code>_nb_vdd_pins</code>, <code>_nb_vss_pins</code>, <code>standard_instances_list</code>, <code>pad_north</code>, <code>pad_south</code>, <code>pad_east</code>, <code>pad_west</code> : all place and route stuffs ...
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00015000000000000000">
Methods of class <code>Model</code> are listed below :
<LI><code>HurricanePlug</code> : Creates the Hurricane cell thanks to the stratus cell.
Before calling this method, only the stratus cell is created, after this method, both cells are created. This method has to be called before View and Save, and before Layout.
<LI><code>View</code> : Opens/Refreshes the editor in order to see the created layout
<LI><code>Quit</code> : Finishes a cell without saving
<LI><code>Save</code> : Saves the created cell
If several cells have been created, they are all going to be saved in separated files
Some of those methods have to be defined in order to create a new cell :
<LI><code>Interface</code> : Description of the external ports of the cell
<LI><code>Netlist</code> : Description of the netlist of the cell
<LI><code>Layout</code> : Description of the layout of the cell
<LI><code>Vbe</code> : Description of the behavior of the cell
<LI><code>Pattern</code> : Description of the patterns in order to test the cell
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00020000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="secnet"></A>
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00021000000000000000">
netInput = LogicIn ( name, arity )
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00022000000000000000">
Instanciation of net. Differents kind of nets are listed below :
<LI><code>LogicIn</code> : Creation of an input port
<LI><code>LogicOut</code> : Creation of an output port
<LI><code>LogicInOut</code> : Creation of an inout port
<LI><code>LogicUnknown</code> : Creation of an input/output port which direction is not defined
<LI><code>TriState</code> : Creation of a tristate port
<LI><code>CkIn</code> : Creation of a clock port
<LI><code>VddIn</code> : Creation of the vdd alimentation
<LI><code>VssIn</code> : Creation of the vss alimentation
<LI><code>Signal</code> : Creation of an internal net
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00023000000000000000">
<LI><code>name</code> : Name of the net (mandatory argument)
<LI><code>arity</code> : Arity of the net (mandatory argument)
<LI><code>indice</code> : For buses only : the LSB bit (optional argument : set to 0 by default)
Only <code>CkIn, </code><code>VddIn</code> and <code>VssIn</code> do not have the same parameters : there is only the <code>name</code> parameter (they are 1 bit nets).
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00024000000000000000">
<LI><code>_name</code> : Name of the net
<LI><code>_arity</code> : Arity of the net (by default set to 0)
<LI><code>_ind</code> : LSB of the net
<LI><code>_ext</code> : Tells if the net is external or not (True/False)
<LI><code>_direct</code> : If the net is external, tells the direction ("IN", "OUT", "INOUT", "TRISTATE", "UNKNOWN")
<LI><code>_h_type</code> : If the net is an alimentation or a clock, tells the type ("POWER", "GROUND", "CLOCK")
<LI><code>_type</code> : The arithmetic type of the net ( "nr" )
<LI><code>_st_cell</code> : The stratus cell which the net is instanciated in
<LI><code>_real_net</code> : If the net is a part of a net (Sig) it is the real net corresponding
<LI><code>_alias</code> : [] by default. When the net has an alias, it's a tab. Each element of the tab correspond to a bit of the net (from the LSB to the MSB), it'a a dictionnary : the only key is the net which this net is an alias from, the value is the bit of the net
<LI><code>_to_merge</code> : [] by default. The same as _alias
<LI><code>_to_cat</code> : [] by default. The same as _alias
And, in connection with Hurricane :
<LI><code>_hur_net</code> : A tab with all the hurricane nets corresponding to the stratus net ; From the LSB to the MSB (for example, with a 1 bit net, one gets the hurricane net by doing : <code>net._hur_net[0]</code> ).
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00025000000000000000">
<LI><code>Buffer</code> : Instanciation of a Buffer
<LI><code>Shift</code> : Instanciation of a shifter
<LI><code>Mux</code> : Instanciation of a multiplexor
<LI><code>Reg</code> : Instanciation of a register
<LI><code>Eq/Ne</code> : Instanciation of comparison generator
<LI><code>Extend</code> : A net is extended
<LI><code>Alias</code> : A net is an alias of another net
<LI><code>Delete</code> : Deletion of the Hurricane nets
And the overloards :
<LI>__init__ : Initialisation of nets
<LI>__le__ : initialisation of a net thanks to <= notation
<LI>__getitem__, __geslice__ : Creation of "Sig" nets : which are part of nets (use of <code>[]</code> and <code>[:]</code>)
<LI>__and__, __or__, __xor__, __invert__ : boolean operation with &, |, ,
<LI>__add__, __mul__, __div__ : arithmetic operators with +, * and /
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<td align="center" width="34%"><A HREF="stratus.html">Stratus Developper's Manual</A></td>
<td align="right" width="33%"><A HREF="node3.html">Instances</A></td>
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Sophie <small>BELLOEIL</small><br>20051116.1
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LaTeX2HTML 2002-2-1 (1.70),
original version by: Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
* revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Instances">
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00030000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="secinst"></A>
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00031000000000000000">
Inst ( model
, name
, param = myParam
, map = myMap
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00032000000000000000">
Instantiation of an instance. The type of the instance is given by the <code>model</code> parameter. The connexions are made thanks to the <code>map</code> parameters.
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00033000000000000000">
<LI><code>model</code> : Name of the mastercell of the instance to create (mandatory argument)
<LI><code>name</code> : Name of the instance (optional)
When this argument is not defined, the instance has a name created by default. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a layout as well. Indeed, the placement of the instances is much easier when the conceptor has chosen himself the name f the instances.
<LI><code>param</code> : Dictionnary for parameters of the mastercell (optional : only for mastercells which require it)
<LI><code>map</code> : Dictionnary for connexions in order to make the netlist
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00034000000000000000">
<LI><code>_name</code> : Name of the instance (the name given as parameter if there's one, a name created otherwise)
<LI><code>_model</code> : Name of the model given as argument
<LI><code>_real_model</code> : Name of the model created thanks to <code>_model</code> and all the parameters
<LI><code>_map</code> : Dictionnary <code>map</code> given at the instanciation
<LI><code>_param</code> : Dictionnary <code>param</code> given at the instanciation
<LI><code>_st_cell</code> : The stratus cell which the instance is instanciated in
<LI><code>_st_masterCell</code> : The stratus master cell of the instance
For placement :
<LI><code>_plac</code> : tells if the instance is placed or not (UNPLACED by default)
<LI><code>_x</code>, <code>_y</code> : the coordinates of the instance (only for placed instances)
<LI><code>_sym</code> : the symetry of the instance (only for placed instances)
And, in connection with Hurricane :
<LI><code>_hur_instance</code> : The hurricane instance (None by default)
<LI><code>_hur_masterCell</code> : The Hurricane master cell of the instance (None by default)
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00035000000000000000">
<LI>Delete : Deletion of the Hurricane instance
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Sophie <small>BELLOEIL</small><br>20051116.1
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original version by: Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
* revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>Stratus Developper's Manual</TITLE>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Stratus Developper's Manual">
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Stratus Developper's Manual</H1>
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<P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>Sophie Belloeil</STRONG></P>
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. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B>Next</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
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my $s;
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#. "\n<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> $t_title </th></tr>"
. "\n<tr>"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B>Previous</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B>Next</B>" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
. "\n</tr><tr>\n"
# ... and the ``previous'' title
. "<td align=\"left\" width=\"33%\">"
. "</td>\n"
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
. "<td align=\"center\" width=\"34%\">"
. ($UP_TITLE ? "$UP_TITLE" : " ")
. "</td>\n"
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
. "<td align=\"right\" width=\"33%\">"
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# remove these; they are unnecessary and cause errors from validation
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return "\n"
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sub bot_navigation_panel {
return "\n<p>\n"
. make_bot_nav_panel()
. "\n";
$ADDRESS = "Sophie <small>BELLOEIL</small><br>20051116.1";
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1; # This must be the last line
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man_dpgenbuse.tex \
man_dpgenconst.tex \
man_dpgendff.tex \
man_dpgendfft.tex \
man_dpgenfifo.tex \
man_dpgeninv.tex \
man_dpgenmux2.tex \
man_dpgennand2mask.tex \
man_dpgennand2.tex \
man_dpgennand3.tex \
man_dpgennand4.tex \
man_dpgennbuse.tex \
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man_dpgennul.tex \
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\date {}
\title {Dpgen generators User's Manual}
\author {Sophie Belloeil}
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<LI><A class="entry" HREF="dpgen/index.html">DpGen</A><BR>Data-Path Macro-Blocs Generators<BR><BR>
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenAdsb2f -- Adder/Substractor Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenAdsb2f', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits adder/substractor named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : First operand (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : Second operand (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : Output operand (ouput, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{add\_sub} : Select addition or substraction (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{c31} : Sarry out. In unsigned mode, this is the overflow (output, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{c30} : Used to compute overflow in signed mode : \verb-overflow = c31 xor c30- (output, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item If the \verb-add_sub- signal is set to \verb-zero-, an addition is performed, otherwise it's a substraction.
\item Operation can be either signed or unsigned. In unsigned mode \verb-c31- is the overflow ; in signed mode you have to compute overflow by \emph{XORing} \verb-c31- and \verb-c30-
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_ADSB2F ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
|||| = SignalIn ( "as", 1 )
self.c0 = SignalOut ( "c0", 1 )
self.c1 = SignalOut ( "c1", 1 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenAdsb2f', 'adder_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'adder_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'add_sub' :
, 'q' : self.out
, 'c30' : self.c0
, 'c31' : self.c1
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenAnd2 -- And2 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenAnd2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs AND with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0 and i1
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_and2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenAnd2', 'and2_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'and2_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'q' : self.out
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenAnd3 -- And3 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenAnd3', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits three inputs AND with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional): Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False): In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False): In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0 and i1 and i2
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_and3 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 16 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 16 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 16 )
self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 16 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenAnd3', "and3_16"
, param = { 'nbit' : 16
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'and3_16', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'q' : self.out
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref (0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenAnd4 -- And4 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenAnd4', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits four inputs AND with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item Terminal Names :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i3} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0 and i1 and i2 and i3
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_and4 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 2 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 2 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 2 )
self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 2 )
self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 2 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenAnd4', 'and4_2'
, param = { 'nbit' : 2
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'and4_2', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'i3' : self.in4
, 'q' : self.out
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenBuff -- Buffer Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenBuff', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits inverter with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2, 4 or 8
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_buff ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 32 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 32 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenBuff', 'buff_32'
, param = { 'nbit' : 32
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'buff_32', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'q' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenBuse -- Tristate Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenBuse', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits tristate named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{cmd} : select ( 1 bit )
\item \textbf{i0} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{q} : output ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nts:BLOCK(cmd = '1') BEGIN
q <= GUARDED i0;
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_buse ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 8 )
self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenBuse', 'buse_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'buse_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'cmd' : self.cmd
, 'q' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenConst -- Constant Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenConst', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'const' : constVal
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits constant named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{q} : the constant (output, \verb-n- bit)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit } (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{const} (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
q <= constVal
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_const ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 32 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenConst', 'const_0x0000ffff'
, param = { 'nbit' : 32
, 'const' : "0x0000FFFF"
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'const_0x0000ffff', 'inst'
, map = { 'q' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenDff -- Dynamic Flip-Flop Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenDff', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a n bits dynamic flip-flop named \verb-modelname-. The two latches of this flip-flop are dynamic, i.e. the data is stored in a capacitor.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{wen} : write enable (1 bit)
\item \textbf{ck} : clock signal (1 bit)
\item \textbf{i0} : data input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item When wen is set to \verb-one-, enables the writing of the flip-flop
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_dff ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenDff', 'dff_4'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'dff_4', 'inst'
, map = { "wen" : self.wen
, "ck" :
, "i0" : self.i
, "q" : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenDfft -- Dynamic Flip-Flop with Scan-Path Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenDfft', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a n bits dynamic flip-flop with scan-path named \verb-modelname-. The two latches of this flip-flop are dynamic, i.e. the data is stored in a capacitor.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{scan} : scan-path mode (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{scin} : scan path in (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{wen} : write enable (1 bit)
\item \textbf{ck} : clock signal (1 bit)
\item \textbf{i0} : data input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item When scan is set to \verb-one-, it enables the scan-path mode. Note that in scan-path mode, the wen signal is not effective
\item scin is the input of the scan-path. This terminal is different from \verb-i0[0]-. The scout is q[N-1] (in the following example this is \verb-q[31]-)
\item When wen is set to \verb-one- enables the writing of the flip-flop
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_dfft ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.scan = SignalIn ( "scin", 1 )
self.scin = SignalIn ( "scan", 1 )
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenDfft', 'dfft_4'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'dfft_4', 'inst'
, map = { "wen" : self.wen
, "ck" :
, "scan" : self.scan
, "scin" : self.scin
, "i0" : self.i
, "q" : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenFifo -- Fifo Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenFifo', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'nword' : regNumber
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a FIFO of \verb-regNumber- words of \verb-n- bits named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{ck} : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{reset} : reset signal (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{r} : read requested (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{w} : write requested (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{rok} : read acknowledge (output, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{wok} : write acknowledge (output, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{sel} : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{datain0} : first write bus (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{datain1} : second write bus (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{dataout} : read bus (output, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words (even, between 2 and 64)
\item \textbf{nword} (mandatory) : Defines the number of words (even, between 4 and 32)
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item datain0 and datain1 : the two write busses. Only one is used to actually write the FIFO, it is selected by the sel signal.
\item sel : when set to \verb-zero- the datain0 is used to write the register word, otherwise it will be datain1.
\item r, rok : set r when a word is requested, rok tells that a word has effectively been popped (rok == not empty).
\item w, wok : set w when a word is pushed, wok tells that the word has effectively been pushed (wok == not full).
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_fifo ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.reset = SignalIn ( "reset", 1 )
self.r = SignalIn ( "r", 1 )
self.w = SignalIn ( "w", 1 )
self.rok = SignalInOut ( "rok", 1 )
self.wok = SignalInOut ( "wok", 1 )
self.sel = SignalIn ( "sel", 1 )
self.datain0 = SignalIn ( "datain0", 4 )
self.datain1 = SignalIn ( "datain1", 4 )
self.dataout = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenFifo', 'fifo_4_16'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'nword' : 16
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'fifo_4_16', 'inst'
, map = { 'ck' :
, 'reset' : self.reset
, 'r' : self.r
, 'w' : self.w
, 'rok' : self.rok
, 'wok' : self.wok
, 'sel' : self.sel
, 'datain0' : self.datain0
, 'datain1' : self.datain1
, 'dataout' : self.dataout
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenInv -- Inverter Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenInv', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits inverter with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1, 2, 4 or 8
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_inv ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 54 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 54 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenInv', 'inv_54'
, param = { 'nbit' : 54
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'inv_54', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenMux2 -- Multiplexer Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenMux2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs multiplexer with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{cmd} : select ( 1 bit )
\item \textbf{i0} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{i1} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{q} : output ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{nbit\_cmd} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= WITH cmd SELECT i0 WHEN '0',
i1 WHEN '1';
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_mux2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenMux2', 'mux2_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'mux2_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'cmd' : self.cmd
, 'q' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNand2 -- Nand2 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs NAND with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 and i1 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nand2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand2', 'nand2_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nand2_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNand2mask -- Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand2mask', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'const' : constVal
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits conditionnal NAND mask named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{cmd} : mask control ( 1 bit )
\item \textbf{i0} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{nq} : output ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{const} (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item If the \verb-cmd- signal is set to \verb-zero-, the mask is NOT applied, so the whole operator behaves like an inverter.
\item If the \verb-cmd- signal is set to \verb-one-, the mask is applied, the output is the \emph{complemented} result of the input value \emph{ANDed} with the mask (suplied by \verb-constVal-).
\item The constant \verb-constVal- is given to the macro-generator call, therefore the value cannot be changed afterward : it's hard wired in the operator.
\item A common error is to give a real constant for the \verb-constVal- argument. Be aware that it is a character string.
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not(i0) WHEN '0',
not(i0 and constVal) WHEN '1';
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nand2mask ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 32 )
self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 32 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand2mask', 'nand2mask_0x0000ffff'
, param = { 'nbit' : 32
, 'const' : "0x0000FFFF"
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nand2mask_0x0000ffff', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'cmd' : self.cmd
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNand3 -- Nand3 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand3', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits three inputs NAND with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 and i1 and i2 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nand3 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 20 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 20 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 20 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 20 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand3', 'nand3_20'
, param = { 'nbit' : 20
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nand3_20', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNand4 -- Nand4 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand4', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits four inputs NAND with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i3} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 and i1 and i2 and i3 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nand4 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 9 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 9 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 9 )
self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 9 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 9 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNand4', 'nand4_9'
, param = { 'nbit' : 9
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nand4_9', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'i3' : self.in4
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNbuse -- Tristate Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNbuse', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : true
, 'behavioral' : true
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits tristate with an complemented output named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{cmd} : select ( 1 bit )
\item \textbf{i0} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{nq} : output ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nts:BLOCK(cmd = '1') BEGIN
nq <= GUARDED not(i0);
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nbuse ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 29 )
self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 29 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNbuse', 'nbuse29'
, param = { 'nbit' : 29
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nbuse29', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'cmd' : self.cmd
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNmux2 -- Multiplexer Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNmux2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs multiplexer named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{cmd} : select ( 1 bit )
\item \textbf{i0} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{i1} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{nq} : output ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not i0 WHEN '0',
not i1 WHEN '1';
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nmux2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 5 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 5 )
self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 5 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNmux2', 'nmux2_5'
, param = { 'nbit' : 5
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nmux2_5', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'cmd' : self.cmd
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNor2 -- Nor2 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs NOR with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 or i1 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nor2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor2', 'nor2_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nor2_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNor2mask -- Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor2mask', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'const' : constVal
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits conditionnal NOR mask named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{cmd} : mask control ( 1 bit )
\item \textbf{i0} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{nq} : output ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{const} (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item If the \verb-cmd- signal is set to \verb-zero-, the mask is NOT applied, so the whole operator behaves like an inverter.
\item If the \verb-cmd- signal is set to \verb-one-, the mask is applied, the output is the \emph{complemented} result of the input value \emph{ORed} with the mask (suplied by \verb-constVal-).
\item The constant \verb-constVal- is given to the macro-generator call, therefore the value cannot be changed afterward : it's hard wired in the operator.
\item A common error is to give a real constant for the \verb-constVal- argument. Be aware that it is a character string.
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not(i0) WHEN '0',
not(i0 or constVal) WHEN '1';
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nor2mask ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 8 )
self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor2mask', 'nor2mask_000111'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'const' : "0b000111"
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nor2mask_000111', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'cmd' : self.cmd
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNor3 -- Nor3 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor3', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits three inputs NOR with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 or i1 or i2 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nor3 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 3 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 3 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 3 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "out", 3 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor3', 'nor3_3'
, param = { 'nbit' : 3
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nor3_3', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNor4 -- Nor4 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor4', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits four inputs NOR with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i3} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nor4 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 15 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 15 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 15 )
self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 15 )
self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 15 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNor4', 'nor4_15'
, param = { 'nbit' : 15
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nor4_15', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'i3' : self.in4
, 'nq' : self.out
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenNul -- Zero Detector Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenNul', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits zero detector named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : value to check (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : null flag (1 bit)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
q <= '1' WHEN ( i0 = X"00000000" ) ELSE '0';
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_nul ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 1 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenNul', 'nul_4'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'nul_4', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'nul' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenOr2 -- Or2 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenOr2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs OR with an output power of \verb-drive- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the a map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, the \verb-drive- is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0 or i1
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_or2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenOr2', 'or2_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'or2_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'q' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenOr3 -- Or3 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenOr3', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits three inputs OR with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0 or i1 or i2
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_or3 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 5 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 5 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 5 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 5 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenOr3', 'or3_5'
, param = { 'nbit' : 5
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'or3_5', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'q' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenOr4 -- Or4 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenOr4', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits four inputs OR with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i2} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i3} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0 or i1 or i2 or i3
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_or4 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 16 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 16 )
self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 16 )
self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 16 )
self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 16 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenOr4', 'or4_16'
, param = { 'nbit' : 16
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'or4_16', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'i2' : self.in3
, 'i3' : self.in4
, 'q' : self.out
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenRam -- RAM Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenRam', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'nword' : regNumber
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a RAM of \verb-regNumber- words of \verb-n- bits named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{ck} : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{w} : write requested (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{selram} : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{ad} : the address (input, \verb-Y- bits)
\item \textbf{datain} : write bus (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{dataout} : read bus (output, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{nword} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
% \item Behavior :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_ram ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.w = SignalIn ( "w", 1 )
self.selram = SignalIn ( "selram", 1 )
|||| = SignalIn ( "ad", 5 )
self.datain = SignalIn ( "datain", 32 )
self.dataout = TriState ( "dataout", 32 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenRam', 'ram_32_32'
, param = { 'nbit' : 32
, 'nword' : 32
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'ram_32_32', 'inst'
, map = { 'ck' :
, 'w' : self.w
, 'selram' : self.selram
, 'ad' :
, 'datain' : self.datain
, 'dataout' : self.dataout
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenRf1, DpgenRf1r0 -- Register File Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenRf1', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'nword' : regNumber
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a register file of \verb-regNumber- words of \verb-n- bits without decoder named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{ckok} : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{sel} : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{selr} : the decoded read address (input, \verb-regNumber- bits)
\item \textbf{selw} : the decoded write address (input, \verb-regNumber- bits)
\item \textbf{datain0} : first write bus (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{datain1} : second write bus (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{dataout} : read bus (output, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words (even, between 2 and 64)
\item \textbf{nword} (mandatory) : Defines the number of the words (even, between 4 and 32)
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item datain0 and datain1 are the two write busses. Only one is used to actually write the register word, it is selected by the sel signal.
\item When sel is set to zero datain0 is used to write the register word, otherwise it will be datain1
\item selr, selw : this register file have no decoder, so selr have a bus width equal to \verb-regNumber-. One bit for each word
\item The DpgenRf1r0 variant differs from the DpgenRf1 in that the register of address zero is stuck to zero. You can write into it, it will not change the value. When read, it will always return zero
% \item Behavior :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_rf1 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.sel = SignalIn ( "sel", 1 )
self.selr = SignalIn ( "selr", 16 )
self.selw = SignalIn ( "selw", 16 )
self.datain0 = SignalIn ( "datain0", 4 )
self.datain1 = SignalIn ( "datain1", 4 )
self.dataout = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenRf1', 'rf1_4_16'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'nword' : 16
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'rf1_4_16', 'inst'
, map = { 'ck' :
, 'sel' : self.sel
, 'selr' : self.selr
, 'selw' : self.selw
, 'datain0' : self.datain0
, 'datain1' : self.datain1
, 'dataout' : self.dataout
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenRf1d, DpgenRf1dr0 -- Register File with Decoder Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenRf1d', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'nword' : regNumber
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a register file of \verb-regNumber- words of \verb-n- bits with decoder named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{ck} : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{sel} : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{wen} : write enable (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{ren} : read enable (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{adr} : the read address (input, \verb-Y- bits)
\item \textbf{adw} : the write address (input, \verb-Y- bits)
\item \textbf{datain0} : first write bus (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{datain1} : second write bus (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{dataout} : read bus (output, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words (even, between 2 and 64)
\item \textbf{nword} (mandatory) : Defines the number of the words (even, between 6 and 32)
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item datain0 and datain1 are the two write busses. Only one is used to actually write the register word, it is selected by the sel signal.
\item When sel is set to zero datain0 is used to write the register word, otherwise it will be datain1
\item adr, adw : the width (Y) of those signals is computed from regNumber : \verb-Y = log2(regNumber)-
\item wen and ren : write enable and read enable, allows reading and writing when sets to \verb-one-
\item The DpgenRf1dr0 variant differs from the DpgenRf1d in that the register of address zero is stuck to zero. You can write into it, it will not change the value. When read, it will always return zero
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_rf1d ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.sel = SignalIn ( "sel", 1 )
self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
|||| = SignalIn ( "ren", 1 )
self.adr = SignalIn ( "adr", 4 )
self.adw = SignalIn ( "adw", 4 )
self.datain0 = SignalIn ( "datain0", 4 )
self.datain1 = SignalIn ( "datain1", 4 )
self.dataout = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenRf1d', 'rf1d_4_16'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'nword' : 16
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'rf1d_4_16', 'inst'
, map = { 'ck' :
, 'sel' : self.sel
, 'wen' : self.wen
, 'ren' :
, 'adr' : self.adr
, 'adw' : self.adw
, 'datain0' : self.datain0
, 'datain1' : self.datain1
, 'dataout' : self.dataout
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenRom2 -- 2 words ROM Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenRom2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'val0' : constVal0
, 'val1' : constVal1
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits 2 words optimized ROM named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{sel0} : address of the value (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{q} : the selected word (output, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{val0} (mandatory) : Defines the first word
\item \textbf{val1} (mandatory) : Defines the second word
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
q <= WITH sel0 SELECT
constVal0 WHEN B"0",
constVal1 WHEN B"1";
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_rom2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.sel0 = SignalIn ( "sel0", 1 )
self.q = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenRom2', 'rom2_0b1010_0b1100'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'val0' : "0b1010"
, 'val1' : "0b1100"
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'rom2_0b1010_0b1100', 'inst'
, map = { 'sel0' : self.sel0
, 'q' : self.q
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenRom4 -- 4 words ROM Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenRom4', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'val0' : constVal0
, 'val1' : constVal1
, 'val2' : constVal2
, 'val3' : constVal3
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits 4 words optimized ROM named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{sel1} : upper bit of the address of the value (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{sel0} : lower bit of the address of the value (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{q} : the selected word (output, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{val0} (mandatory) : Defines the first word
\item \textbf{val1} (mandatory) : Defines the second word
\item \textbf{val2} (mandatory) : Defines the third word
\item \textbf{val3} (mandatory) : Defines the fourth word
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
q <= WITH sel1 & sel0 SELECT constVal0 WHEN B"00",
constVal1 WHEN B"01",
constVal2 WHEN B"10",
constVal3 WHEN B"11";
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_rom4 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.sel0 = SignalIn ( "sel0", 1 )
self.sel1 = SignalIn ( "sel1", 1 )
self.q = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenRom4', 'rom4_0b1010_0b1100_0b1111_0b0001'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'val0' : "0b1010"
, 'val1' : "0b1100"
, 'val2' : "0b1111"
, 'val3' : "0b0001"
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'rom4_0b1010_0b1100_0b1111_0b0001', 'inst'
, map = { 'sel0' : self.sel0
, 'sel1' : self.sel1
, 'q' : self.q
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenSff -- Static Flip-Flop Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenSff', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a n bits static flip-flop named \verb-modelname-. The two latches of this flip-flop are static, i.e. each one is made of two interters looped together.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{wen} : write enable (1 bit)
\item \textbf{ck} : clock signal (1 bit)
\item \textbf{i0} : data input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item When wen is set to \verb-one-, enables the writing of the flip-flop
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_sff ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenSff', 'sff_4'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'sff_4', 'inst'
, map = { "wen" : self.wen
, "ck" :
, "i0" : self.i
, "q" : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenSfft -- Static Flip-Flop with Scan-Path Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenSfft', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a n bits static flip-flop with scan-path named \verb-modelname-. The two latches of this flip-flop are static i.e. each one is made of two interters looped togethers.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{scan} : scan-path mode (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{scin} : scan path in (input, 1 bit)
\item \textbf{wen} : write enable (1 bit)
\item \textbf{ck} : clock signal (1 bit)
\item \textbf{i0} : data input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the a map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item When scan is set to \verb-one-, it enables the scan-path mode. Note that in scan-path mode, the wen signal is not effective
\item scin : the input of the scan-path. This terminal is different from \verb-i0[0]-. The scout is \verb-q[N--\verb-1]- (in the following example this is \verb-q[3]-)
\item When wen is set to \verb-one-, it enables the writing of the flip-flop
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
% \begin{verbatim}
% \end{verbatim}
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_sfft ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.scan = SignalIn ( "scin", 1 )
self.scin = SignalIn ( "scan", 1 )
|||| = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
self.i = SignalIn ( "in", 4 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "out", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenSfft', 'sfft_4'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'sfft_4', 'inst'
, map = { "wen" : self.wen
, "ck" :
, "scan" : self.scan
, "scin" : self.scin
, "i0" : self.i
, "q" : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenShift -- Shifter Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenShift', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits shifter named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{op} : select the kind of shift (input, 2 bits)
\item \textbf{shamt} : the shift amount (input, \verb-Y- bits)
\item \textbf{i} : value to shift (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{o} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item If the \verb-op[0]- signal is set to \verb-one-, performs a right shift, performs a left shift otherwise.
\item If the \verb-op[1]- signal is set to \verb-one-, performs an arithmetic shift (only meaningful in case of a right shift).
\item shamt : specifies the shift amount. The width of this signal (\verb-Y-) is computed from the operator's width : \verb-Y = ceil(log2(n)) -- 1
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_shifter ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.instop = SignalIn ( "instop", 2 )
self.instshamt = SignalIn ( "instshamt", 2 )
self.insti = SignalIn ( "insti", 4 )
self.insto = SignalOut ( "insto", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenShifter', 'shifter_4'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'shifter_4', 'inst'
, map = { 'op' : self.instop
, 'shamt' : self.instshamt
, 'i' : self.insti
, 'o' : self.insto
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenShrot -- Shift/Rotation Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenShrot', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'physical' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits shift/rotation operator named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{op} : select the kind of shift/rotation (input, 3 bits)
\item \textbf{shamt} : the shift amount (input, \verb-Y- bits)
\item \textbf{i} : value to shift (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{o} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item If the \verb-op[0]- signal is set to \verb-one-, performs a right shift/rotation , otherwise left shift/rotation occurs.
\item If the \verb-op[1]- signal is set to \verb-one-, performs an arithmetic shift (only meaningful in case of a right shift).
\item If the \verb-op[2]- signal is set to \verb-one-, performs a rotation, otherwise performs a shift..
\item \verb-shamt- specifies the shift amount. The width of this signal (\verb-Y-) is computed from the operator's width : \verb-Y = ceil(log2(n))- - 1
% \item \textbf{Behavior} :
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_shrot ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.rotop = SignalIn ( "rotop", 3 )
self.instshamt = SignalIn ( "instshamt", 2 )
self.insti = SignalIn ( "insti", 4 )
self.insto = SignalOut ( "insto", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenShrot', 'shrot_4'
, param = { 'nbit' : 4
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'shrot_4', 'inst'
, map = { 'op' : self.rotop
, 'shamt' : self.instshamt
, 'i' : self.insti
, 'o' : self.insto
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenXnor2 -- Xnor2 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs XNOR with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{nq} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 1 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= not ( i0 xor i1 )
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_xnor2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2', 'xnor2_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'xnor2_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenXnor2mask -- Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2mask', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'const' : constVal
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits conditionnal XNOR mask named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{cmd} : mask control ( 1 bit )
\item \textbf{i0} : input ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{nq} : output ( \verb-n- bits )
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{const} (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
\item \textbf{physical} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optional, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{How it works} :
\item If the \verb-cmd- signal is set to \verb-zero-, the mask is NOT applied, so the whole operator behaves like an inverter.
\item If the \verb-cmd- signal is set to \verb-one-, the mask is applied, the output is the \emph{complemented} result of the input value \emph{XORed} with the mask (suplied by \verb-constVal-).
\item The constant \verb-constVal- is given to the macro-generator call, therefore the value cannot be changed afterward : it's hard wired in the operator.
\item A common error is to give a real constant for the \verb-constVal- argument. Be aware that it is a character string.
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not(i0) WHEN '0',
not(i0 xor constVal) WHEN '1';
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_xnor2mask ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 8 )
self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2mask', 'xnor2mask_0b000111'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'const' : "0b000111"
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'xnor2mask_0b000111', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.i
, 'cmd' : self.cmd
, 'nq' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\item \textbf{Name} : DpgenXor2 -- Xor2 Macro-Generator
\item \textbf{Synopsys} :
Generate ( 'DpgenXor2', modelname
, param = { 'nbit' : n
, 'drive' : d
, 'physical' : True
, 'behavioral' : True
\item \textbf{Description} : Generates a \verb-n- bits two inputs XOR with an output power of \verb-d- named \verb-modelname-.
\item \textbf{Terminal Names} :
\item \textbf{i0} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{i1} : input (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{q} : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item \textbf{vdd} : power
\item \textbf{vss} : ground
\item \textbf{Parameters} : Parameters are given in the map \verb-param-.
\item \textbf{nbit} (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
\item \textbf{drive} (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
\item Valid drive are : 2 or 4
\item If this parameter is not defined, it's value is the smallest one permitted
\item \textbf{physical} (optionnal, default value : False) : In order to generate a layout
\item \textbf{behavioral} (optionnal, default value : False) : In order to generate a behavior
\item \textbf{Behavior} :
nq <= i0 xor i1
\item \textbf{Example} :
from stratus import *
class inst_xor2 ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Generate ( 'DpgenXor2', 'xor2_8'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8
, 'physical' : True
self.I = Inst ( 'xor2_8', 'inst'
, map = { 'i0' : self.in1
, 'i1' : self.in2
, 'q' : self.o
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
def Layout ( self ) :
Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<LI><A CLASS="entry" HREF="stratus/index.html">Stratus</A><BR>Netlist / Layout description language<BR><BR>
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Alias -- A net has an "alias name"
\verb-myNet.Alias ( net )-
This method is applied to a net. This net has an "alias name".
\item \verb-net- : a net which is going to be an alias for the net which this method is applied to
class myripple ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.a = LogicIn ( "a", 4 )
self.b = LogicIn ( "b", 4 )
self.cin = LogicIn ( "cin", 1 )
self.sout = LogicOut ( "sout", 4 )
self.cout = LogicOut ( "cout", 1 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VddIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
c_temp = Signal ( "c_temp", 5 )
self.cin.Alias ( c_temp[0] )
self.cout.Alias ( c_temp[4] )
for i in range ( 4 ) :
Inst ( "Fulladder"
, map = { 'a' : self.a[i]
, 'b' : self.b[i]
, 'cin' : c_temp[i]
, 'sout' : self.sout[i]
, 'cout' : c_temp[i+1]
, 'vdd' : self.vdd
, 'vss' : self.vss
\indent The net \verb-cin- has the alias \verb-c_temp[0]- and the net cout has the alias \verb-c_temp[4]-. Thanks to this method, all the instanciations can be done in one unique \verb-for- loop.
\subsubsection{See Also}
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
AlimConnectors -- Creation of connectors at the periphery of the core of a circuit
This function creates the connectors in Alu 1 at the periphery of the core.
%Some errors may occur :
%\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] AlimConnectors : can't get net ...-
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
AlimVerticalRail, AlimHorizontalRail -- Placement of a vertical/horizontal alimentation call back
AlimVerticalRail ( nb )
These functions place a vertical/horizontal alimentation call back. It's position is given by the parameter given.
\item \verb-nb- : coordinate of the rail
\item For AlimVerticalRail, \verb-nb- is in pitches i.e. 5 lambdas
\item For AlimHorizontalRail, \verb-nb- is in slices i.e. 50 lambdas
AlimVerticalRail ( 50 )
AlimVerticalRail ( 150 )
AlimHorizontalRail ( 10 )
Some errors may occur :
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] AlimHorizontalRail :-\\\verb-Illegal argument y, y must be between ... and ...-\\The argument given is wrong : the call back would not be in the abutment box.
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Placement of cells :-\\\verb-please check your file of layout with DRUC.-\\The placement of the cell needs to be correct in order to place a call back. Check the errors of placement.
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Alimentation connectors}}{}{Alimentation connectors}{secconnectors}
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Most common arithmetic operators can be instantiated without the \verb-Inst- constructor.
Arithmetical operators are listed below :
\item \verb-Addition- : \verb-q <= i0 + i1-
\item \verb-Substraction- : \verb-q <= i0- - \verb-i1-
\item \verb-Multiplication- : \verb-q <= i0 * i1-
\item \verb-Division- : \verb-q <= i0 / i1-
\subsubsection{Generators to instantiate}
One can choose the generator to be used. Some methods are applied to the cell and set the generator used when using overloard.
\indent Methods are :
\item \verb-SetAdd- (for addition and substraction)
\item \verb-SetMult-
\item \verb-SetDiv-
\indent The generators used by default are :
\item \verb-Addition- : Slansky adder
\item \verb-Substraction- : Slansky adder + inversor + cin = '1'
\item \verb-Multiplication- : CA2 multiplier (signed, modified booth/Wallace tree)
\item \verb-Division- : not available yet
class essai ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.A = LogicIn ( "a", 4 )
self.B = LogicIn ( "b", 4 )
self.S = LogicOut ( "s", 4 )
self.T = LogicOut ( "t", 8 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
self.S <= self.A + self.B
self.T <= self.A * self.B
Some errors may occur :
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] + : the nets must have the same lenght.-\\When one uses arithmetic expressions, one has to check that the sizes of both nets are equivalent.
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] : there is no alim.-\\The cell being created does not have the alimentation nets. The instanciation is impossible.
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a multiplexor}}{}{Multiplexor}{secmux}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a shifter}}{}{Shifter}{secshift}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a register}}{}{Reg}{secreg}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of constants}}{}{Constant}{secconstant}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Boolean operations}}{}{Boolean}{secbool}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Comparison operations}}{}{Comparison}{seccomp}
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Most common boolean operators can be instantiated without the \verb-Inst- constructor.
Boolean operators are listed below :
\item \verb-And2- : \verb-q <= i0 & i1-
\item \verb-Or2- : \verb-q <= i0 | i1-
\item \verb-Xor2- : \verb-q <= i0 ^ i1-
\item \verb-Inv- : \verb-q <= ~i0-
\subsubsection{Generators to instantiate}
One can choose the generator to be used. Some methods are applied to the cell and set the generator used when using \verb-&-, \verb-|-, \verb-^- and \verb-~-. The generators used by default are the ones from the virtual library.\\
\indent Methods are :
\item \verb-SetAnd-
\item \verb-SetOr-
\item \verb-SetXor-
\item \verb-SetNot-
class essai ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.A = LogicIn ( "a", 4 )
self.B = LogicIn ( "b", 4 )
self.B = LogicIn ( "c", 4 )
self.S = LogicOut ( "s", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
self.S <= ( ~self.A & self.B ) | self.C
Some errors may occur :
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] & : the nets must have the same lenght.-\\When one uses boolean expressions, one has to check that the sizes of both nets are equivalent.
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] : there is no alim.-\\The cell being created does not have the alimentation nets. The instanciation is impossible.
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a multiplexor}}{}{Multiplexor}{secmux}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a shifter}}{}{Shifter}{secshift}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a register}}{}{Reg}{secreg}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of constants}}{}{Constant}{secconstant}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Arithmetical operations}}{}{Arithmetic}{secarithmetic}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Comparison operations}}{}{Comparison}{seccomp}
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Buffer -- Easy way to instantiate a buffer
netOut <= netIn.Buffer()
This method is a method of net. The net which this method is applied to is the input net of the buffer. The method returns a net : the output net.\\
\indent Note that it is possible to change the generator instanciated with the \verb-SetBuff- method.
class essai ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.A = LogicIn ( "a", 4 )
self.S = LogicOut ( "s", 4 )
self.Vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.Vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
self.S <= self.A.Buffer()
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a multiplexor}}{}{Multiplexor}{secmux}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a shifter}}{}{Shifter}{secshift}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a register}}{}{Reg}{secreg}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of constants}}{}{Constant}{secconstant}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Boolean operations}}{}{Boolean}{secbool}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Arithmetical operations}}{}{Arithmetic}{secarithmetic}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Comparison operations}}{}{Comparison}{seccomp}
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Cat -- Concatenation of nets
Cat ( net1, net2 )
Concatenation of nets. The nets are given as parameters, the concatenation starts with the MSB.
\item \verb-nets- : list of nets to be concatened (tuple or array)
myNet <= Cat ( A, B )
\indent Or :
tab = []
tab.append ( A )
tab.append ( B )
myNet <= Cat ( tab )
\indent If A and B are 2 bits nets, the net \verb-myNet- will be such as :
myNet[3] = A[1]
myNet[2] = A[0]
myNet[1] = B[1]
myNet[0] = B[0]
\subsubsection{See Also}
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Eq/Ne : Easy way to test the value of the nets
netOut <= net.Eq ( "n" )
Comparaison functions are listed below :
\item \verb-Eq- : returns \verb-true- if the value of the net is equal to \verb-n-.
\item \verb-Ne- : returns \verb-true- if the value of the net is different from \verb-n-.
\indent Note that it is possible to change the generator instanciated with the \verb-SetComp- method.
The constant given as argument must be a string representing :
\item A decimal number
\item A binary number : the string must begin with "0b"
\item An hexadecimal number : the string must begin with "0x"
class essai ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.A = LogicIn ( "a", 4 )
self.S = LogicOut ( "s", 1 )
self.T = LogicOut ( "t", 1 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
self.S <= self.A.Eq ( "4" )
self.T <= self.A.Ne ( "1" )
Some errors may occur :
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Eq : the number does not match with the net's lenght.-\\When one uses comparaison functions on one net, one has to check that the number corresponds to the size of the net.
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Eq :-\\\verb-the argument must be a string representing a number in decimal, binary (0b) or hexa (0x).-\\The string given as argument does not have the right form.
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a multiplexor}}{}{Multipliexor}{secmux}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a shifter}}{Shifter}{}{secshift}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a register}}{}{Reg}{secreg}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of constants}}{Constant}{}{secconstant}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Boolean operations}}{}{Boolean}{secbool}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Arithmetical operations}}{}{Arithmetic}{secarithmetic}
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
Constant -- Easy way to instantiate constants
netOne <= One ( 2 )
net8 <= "8"
These functions simplify the way to instanciate constants.
\item The functions \verb-One- and\verb-Zero- permits to initialise all the bits of a net to 'one' or 'zero'.
\item The instanciation of a constant thanks to a string can be done in decimal, hecadecimal or binary.
\item For \verb-One- and \verb-Zero- :
\item \verb-n- : the arity of the net
\item For the instanciation of a constant :
\item the constant given must be a string representing :
\item A decimal number
\item A binary number : the string must begin with "0b"
\item An hexadecimal number : the string must begin with "0x"
class essai ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.Ones = LogicOut ( "ones", 2 )
self.Zeros = LogicOut ( "zeros", 4 )
self.Eight = LogicOut ( "eight", 4 )
self.Twentu = LogicOut ( "twenty", 5 )
self.Two = LogicOut ( "two", 5 )
self.Vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.Vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
self.Ones <= One ( 2 )
self.Zero <= Zero ( 4 )
self.Eight <= "8"
self.Twenty <= "0x14"
self.Two <= "0b10"
Some errors may occur :
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Const :-\\\verb-the argument must be a string representing a number in decimal, binary (0b) or hexa (0x).-\\The string given as argument does not have the right form.
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a multiplexor}}{}{Multiplexor}{secmux}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a shifter}}{}{Shifter}{secshift}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a register}}{}{Reg}{secreg}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Boolean operations}}{}{Boolean}{secbool}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Arithmetical operations}}{}{Arithmetic}{secarithmetic}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Comparison operations}}{}{Comparison}{seccomp}
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
DefAb -- Creates the abutment box of the current cell
DefAb ( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
This function creates the abutment box of the current cell.\\
\indent Note that one does not have to call this function before saving in order to create the abutment box. The abutment box is created nevertheless (given to placed instances). This function is usefull if one wants to create an abutment before placing the instances.
\item \verb-( x1, y1)- : coordinates of the bottom left corner of the created abutment box.
\item \verb-( x2, y2)- : coordinates of the top right corner of the created abutment box.
DefAb ( 0, 0, 500, 100 )
Place ( Inv, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
Some errors may occur :
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] DefAb : an abutment box already exists.-\\\verb- Maybe you should use ResizeAb function.-\\One has called DefAb but the current cell already has an abutment box.\\In order to modify the current abutment box, the function to call is ResizeAb.
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] DefAb :-\\\verb-Coordinates of an abutment Box in y must be multiple of the slice.-\\\verb-Coordinates of an abutment Box in x must be multiple of the pitch.-\\One has called DefAb with non authorized values.
\subsubsection{See Also}
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
\item Name : DpgenAdsb2f -- Adder/Substractor Macro-Generator
\item Description : Generates a \verb-n- bits adder/substractor named \verb-modelname-.
\item How it works :
\item if the \verb-add_sub- signal is set to \verb-zero- an addition is performed, otherwise it's a substraction.
\item Operation can be either signed or unsigned. In unsigned mode \verb-c31- is the overflow. in signed mode you have to compute overflow by \emph{XORing} \verb-c31- and \verb-c30-
\item Terminal Names :
\item add\_sub : select addition or substraction (input, 1 bit)
\item c31 : carry out. In unsigned mode, this is the overflow (output, 1 bit)
\item c30 : used to compute overflow in signed mode : \verb-overflow = c31 xor c30- (output, 1 bit)
\item i0 : first operand (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item i1 : second operand (input, \verb-n- bits)
\item q : output (\verb-n- bits)
\item vdd : power
\item vss : ground
\item Parameters : Parameters are given with a map called \verb-param-.
\item nbit : Defines the size of the generator
% \item Behavior :
\item Example :
class myClass ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self._in = LogicIn ( "in", 8 )
self._in2 = LogicIn ( "in2", 8 )
self._out = LogicOut ( "out", 8 )
self._as = LogicIn ( "as", 1 )
self._c0 = LogicOut ( "c0", 1 )
self._c1 = LogicOut ( "c1", 1 )
self._vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self._vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
Inst ( 'DpgenAdsb2f'
, param = { 'nbit' : 8 }
, map = { 'i0' : self._in
, 'i1' : self._in2
, 'add_sub' : self._as
, 'q' : self._out
, 'c30' : self._c0
, 'c31' : self._c1
, 'vdd' : self._vdd
, 'vss' : self._vss
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