Split the placement routine
* Separate global and detailed placement * Options provided by the main routine
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,9 +54,17 @@ namespace {
using coloquinte::float_t;
using coloquinte::point;
// Options for both placers
unsigned const SteinerModel = 0x0001;
// Options for the global placer
unsigned const ForceUniformDensity = 0x0010;
unsigned const UpdateLB = 0x0020;
unsigned const UpdateUB = 0x0040;
//inline bool isNan( const float_t& f ) { return (f != f); }
// Options for the detailed placer
unsigned const UpdateDetailed = 0x0100;
unsigned const NonConvexOpt = 0x0200;
string extractInstanceName ( const RoutingPad* rp )
@ -574,126 +582,40 @@ namespace Etesian {
void EtesianEngine::place ()
void EtesianEngine::preplace (){
using namespace coloquinte::gp;
using namespace coloquinte::dp;
getConfiguration()->print( getCell() );
if (getCell()->getAbutmentBox().isEmpty()) setDefaultAb();
Effort placementEffort = getPlaceEffort();
GraphicUpdate placementUpdate = getUpdateConf();
Density densityConf = getSpreadingConf();
cmess1 << " o Running Coloquinte." << endl;
cmess1 << " o Global placement." << endl;
cmess2 << " - Computing initial placement..." << endl;
cmess2 << setfill('0') << right;
double sliceHeight = getSliceHeight() / getPitch();
time_t startTime = time(NULL);
time_t timeDelta;
ostringstream label;
cmess2 << " o Initial wirelength " << get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit, _placementLB) << "." << endl;
// Perform a very quick legalization pass
cmess2 << " o Simple legalization." << endl;
auto first_legalizer = region_distribution::uniform_density_distribution(_surface, _circuit, _placementLB);
get_rough_legalization( _circuit, _placementUB, first_legalizer);
timeDelta = time(NULL) - startTime;
cmess2 << " - Elapsed time:" << timeDelta
<< " HPWL:" << get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementUB )
<< "\n "
<< "- Linear Disrupt.:" << get_mean_linear_disruption ( _circuit, _placementLB, _placementUB )
<< " Quad. Disrupt.:" << get_mean_quadratic_disruption( _circuit, _placementLB, _placementUB )
<< endl;
_placementLB = _placementUB;
if(placementUpdate == UpdateAll)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
// Early topology-independent solution + negligible pulling forces to avoid dumb solutions
// Early topology-independent solution with a star model + negligible pulling forces to avoid dumb solutions
// Spreads well to help subsequent optimization passes
cmess2 << " o Star (*) Optimization." << endl;
auto solv = get_star_linear_system( _circuit, _placementLB, 1.0, 0, 10000)
auto solv = get_star_linear_system( _circuit, _placementLB, 1.0, 0, 10) // Limit the number of pins: don't want big awful nets with high weight
+ get_pulling_forces( _circuit, _placementUB, 1000000.0);
solve_linear_system( _circuit, _placementLB, solv, 200 );
_progressReport2( startTime, " [--]" );
if(placementUpdate <= LowerBound)
_updatePlacement( _placementLB );
cmess2 << " o Simple legalization." << endl;
auto snd_legalizer = region_distribution::uniform_density_distribution(_surface, _circuit, _placementLB);
get_rough_legalization( _circuit, _placementUB, snd_legalizer);
if(placementUpdate == UpdateAll)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
* Schedule the penalty during global placement to achieve uniform improvement
* Currently, the metric considered is the ratio legalized HPWL/optimized HPWL
* Other ones, like the disruption itself, may be considered
float_t minPenaltyIncrease, maxPenaltyIncrease, targetImprovement;
if(placementEffort == Fast){
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.005f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.08f;
targetImprovement = 0.05f; // 5/100 per iteration
else if(placementEffort == Standard){
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.001f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.04f;
targetImprovement = 0.02f; // 2/100 per iteration
else if(placementEffort == High){
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.0005f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.02f;
targetImprovement = 0.01f; // 1/100 per iteration
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.0002f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.01f;
targetImprovement = 0.005f; // 5/1000 per iteration
_progressReport2(" [--]" );
float_t pullingForce = minPenaltyIncrease;
float_t penaltyIncrease = minPenaltyIncrease;
void EtesianEngine::globalPlace ( float initPenalty, float minDisruption, float targetImprovement, float minInc, float maxInc, unsigned options ){
using namespace coloquinte::gp;
float_t penaltyIncrease = minInc;
float_t linearDisruption = get_mean_linear_disruption(_circuit, _placementLB, _placementUB);
float_t currentDisruption = static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementLB )) / static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementUB ));
float_t pullingForce = initPenalty;
float_t upperWL = static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit, _placementUB)),
lowerWL = static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit, _placementLB));
float_t prevOptRatio = lowerWL / upperWL;
index_t i=0;
// Get the system to optimize (tolerance, maximum and minimum pin counts)
// and the pulling forces (threshold distance)
auto solv = get_HPWLF_linear_system ( _circuit, _placementLB, 0.5 * sliceHeight, 2, 100000 )
+ get_linear_pulling_forces( _circuit, _placementUB, _placementLB, pullingForce, 2.0f * linearDisruption);
solve_linear_system( _circuit, _placementLB, solv, 400 ); // number of iterations
_progressReport2( startTime, " Linear." );
// Optimize orientation sometimes
if (i%5 == 0) {
optimize_exact_orientations( _circuit, _placementLB );
_progressReport2( startTime, " Orient." );
if(placementUpdate <= LowerBound)
_updatePlacement( _placementLB );
// Create a legalizer and bipartition it until we have sufficient precision
auto legalizer = densityConf == ForceUniform ?
auto legalizer = (options & ForceUniformDensity) != 0 ?
region_distribution::uniform_density_distribution(_surface, _circuit, _placementLB)
: region_distribution::full_density_distribution(_surface, _circuit, _placementLB);
// Until there is about 10 standard cells per region
@ -708,84 +630,197 @@ namespace Etesian {
// Keep the orientation between LB and UB
_placementUB = _placementLB;
// Update UB
get_rough_legalization( _circuit, _placementUB, legalizer );
label << " [" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << i << "] Bipart.";
_progressReport1( startTime, label.str() );
if(placementUpdate == UpdateAll)
if(options & UpdateUB)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
float_t newDisruption = static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementLB )) / static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementUB ));
ostringstream label;
label << " [" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << i << "] Bipart.";
_progressReport1(label.str() );
penaltyIncrease = std::min(maxPenaltyIncrease, std::max(minPenaltyIncrease,
penaltyIncrease * std::sqrt( targetImprovement / (newDisruption - currentDisruption) )
) );
currentDisruption = newDisruption;
upperWL = static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit, _placementUB));
float_t legRatio = lowerWL / upperWL;
// Get the system to optimize (tolerance, maximum and minimum pin counts)
// and the pulling forces (threshold distance)
auto opt_problem = (options & SteinerModel) ?
get_RSMT_linear_system ( _circuit, _placementLB, minDisruption, 2, 100000 )
: get_HPWLF_linear_system ( _circuit, _placementLB, minDisruption, 2, 100000 );
auto solv = opt_problem
+ get_linear_pulling_forces( _circuit, _placementUB, _placementLB, pullingForce, 2.0f * linearDisruption);
solve_linear_system( _circuit, _placementLB, solv, 200 ); // 200 iterations
_progressReport2(" Linear." );
if(options & UpdateLB)
_updatePlacement( _placementLB );
// First way to exit the loop: the legalization is close enough to the previous result
linearDisruption = get_mean_linear_disruption(_circuit, _placementLB, _placementUB);
cparanoid << " Pulling force: " << pullingForce << " Increase: " << penaltyIncrease << endl;
if(linearDisruption <= minDisruption)
// Optimize orientation sometimes
if (i%5 == 0) {
optimize_exact_orientations( _circuit, _placementLB );
_progressReport2(" Orient." );
lowerWL = static_cast<float_t>(get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit, _placementLB));
float_t optRatio = lowerWL / upperWL;
* Schedule the penalty during global placement to achieve uniform improvement
* Currently, the metric considered is the ratio optimized HPWL/legalized HPWL
* Other ones, like the disruption itself, may be considered
penaltyIncrease = std::min(maxInc, std::max(minInc,
penaltyIncrease * std::sqrt( targetImprovement / (optRatio - prevOptRatio) )
) );
cparanoid << " L/U ratio: " << 100*optRatio << "% (previous: " << 100*prevOptRatio << "%)\n"
<< " Pulling force: " << pullingForce << " Increase: " << penaltyIncrease << endl;
pullingForce += penaltyIncrease;
}while(linearDisruption >= 0.5 * sliceHeight and currentDisruption <= 0.9);
prevOptRatio = optRatio;
cmess1 << " o Detailed Placement." << endl;
index_t detailedIterations;
if(placementEffort == Fast)
detailedIterations = 1;
else if(placementEffort == Standard)
detailedIterations = 3;
else if(placementEffort == High)
detailedIterations = 5;
detailedIterations = 8;
for ( index_t i=0; i<detailedIterations; ++i ){
// Second way to exit the loop: UB and LB difference is <10%
}while(prevOptRatio <= 0.9);
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
void EtesianEngine::detailedPlace ( int iterations, int effort, unsigned options ){
using namespace coloquinte::gp;
using namespace coloquinte::dp;
int_t sliceHeight = getSliceHeight() / getPitch();
for ( int i=0; i<iterations; ++i ){
ostringstream label;
label << " [" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << i << "]";
optimize_x_orientations( _circuit, _placementUB ); // Don't disrupt VDD/VSS connections in a row
_progressReport1( startTime, label.str()+" Oriented ......." );
if(placementUpdate <= LowerBound)
_progressReport1(label.str()+" Oriented ......." );
if(options & UpdateDetailed)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
auto legalizer = legalize( _circuit, _placementUB, _surface, sliceHeight );
coloquinte::dp::get_result( _circuit, legalizer, _placementUB );
_progressReport1( startTime, " Legalized ......" );
if(placementUpdate <= LowerBound)
_progressReport1(" Legalized ......" );
if(options & UpdateDetailed)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
row_compatible_orientation( _circuit, legalizer, true );
swaps_global_HPWL( _circuit, legalizer, 3, 4 );
coloquinte::dp::get_result( _circuit, legalizer, _placementUB );
_progressReport1( startTime, " Global Swaps ..." );
if(placementUpdate <= LowerBound)
_progressReport1(" Global Swaps ..." );
if(options & UpdateDetailed)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
if(options & SteinerModel)
OSRP_noncvx_RSMT( _circuit, legalizer );
OSRP_convex_HPWL( _circuit, legalizer );
//OSRP_noncvx_RSMT( _circuit, legalizer );
coloquinte::dp::get_result( _circuit, legalizer, _placementUB );
_progressReport1( startTime, " Row Optimization" );
if(placementUpdate == UpdateAll)
_progressReport1(" Row Optimization" );
if(options & UpdateDetailed)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
swaps_row_convex_HPWL( _circuit, legalizer, 4 );
//swaps_row_noncvx_RSMT( _circuit, legalizer, 4 );
if(options & SteinerModel)
swaps_row_noncvx_RSMT( _circuit, legalizer, effort+2 );
swaps_row_convex_HPWL( _circuit, legalizer, effort+2 );
coloquinte::dp::get_result( _circuit, legalizer, _placementUB );
_progressReport1( startTime, " Local Swaps ...." );
if(placementUpdate <= LowerBound)
_progressReport1(" Local Swaps ...." );
if(options & UpdateDetailed)
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
if (i == detailedIterations-1) {
swaps_row_convex_RSMT( _circuit, legalizer, 4 );
if (i == iterations-1) {
//swaps_row_convex_RSMT( _circuit, legalizer, 4 );
row_compatible_orientation( _circuit, legalizer, true );
coloquinte::dp::get_result( _circuit, legalizer, _placementUB );
verify_placement_legality( _circuit, _placementUB, _surface );
_progressReport1( startTime, " Final Legalize ." );
_progressReport1(" Final Legalize ." );
_updatePlacement( _placementUB );
void EtesianEngine::place ()
getConfiguration()->print( getCell() );
if (getCell()->getAbutmentBox().isEmpty()) setDefaultAb();
Effort placementEffort = getPlaceEffort();
GraphicUpdate placementUpdate = getUpdateConf();
Density densityConf = getSpreadingConf();
double sliceHeight = getSliceHeight() / getPitch();
cmess1 << " o Running Coloquinte." << endl;
cmess2 << " - Computing initial placement..." << endl;
cmess2 << setfill('0') << right;
float_t minPenaltyIncrease, maxPenaltyIncrease, targetImprovement;
int detailedIterations, detailedEffort;
unsigned globalOptions=0, detailedOptions=0;
if(placementUpdate == UpdateAll){
globalOptions |= (UpdateUB | UpdateLB);
detailedOptions |= UpdateDetailed;
else if(placementUpdate == LowerBound){
globalOptions |= UpdateLB;
if(densityConf == ForceUniform)
globalOptions |= ForceUniformDensity;
if(placementEffort == Fast){
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.005f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.08f;
targetImprovement = 0.05f; // 5/100 per iteration
detailedIterations = 1;
detailedEffort = 0;
else if(placementEffort == Standard){
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.001f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.04f;
targetImprovement = 0.02f; // 2/100 per iteration
detailedIterations = 2;
detailedEffort = 1;
else if(placementEffort == High){
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.0005f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.02f;
targetImprovement = 0.01f; // 1/100 per iteration
detailedIterations = 4;
detailedEffort = 2;
minPenaltyIncrease = 0.0002f;
maxPenaltyIncrease = 0.01f;
targetImprovement = 0.005f; // 5/1000 per iteration
detailedIterations = 7;
detailedEffort = 3;
cmess1 << " o Global placement." << endl;
globalPlace(minPenaltyIncrease, sliceHeight, targetImprovement, minPenaltyIncrease, maxPenaltyIncrease, globalOptions);
cmess1 << " o Detailed Placement." << endl;
detailedPlace(detailedIterations, detailedEffort, detailedOptions);
cmess2 << " o Adding feed cells." << endl;
@ -794,9 +829,9 @@ namespace Etesian {
printMeasures( "total" );
cmess1 << ::Dots::asString
( " - HPWL", DbU::getValueString( (DbU::Unit)get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit,_placementUB )*getPitch() ) ) << endl;
( " - HPWL", DbU::getValueString( (DbU::Unit)coloquinte::gp::get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit,_placementUB )*getPitch() ) ) << endl;
cmess1 << ::Dots::asString
( " - RMST", DbU::getValueString( (DbU::Unit)get_RSMT_wirelength(_circuit,_placementUB )*getPitch() ) ) << endl;
( " - RMST", DbU::getValueString( (DbU::Unit)coloquinte::gp::get_RSMT_wirelength(_circuit,_placementUB )*getPitch() ) ) << endl;
_placed = true;
@ -804,7 +839,7 @@ namespace Etesian {
void EtesianEngine::_progressReport1 ( time_t startTime, string label ) const
void EtesianEngine::_progressReport1 ( string label ) const
size_t w = label.size();
string indent ( w, ' ' );
@ -814,7 +849,7 @@ namespace Etesian {
ostringstream elapsed;
elapsed << " dTime:" << setw(5) << (time(NULL) - startTime) << "s ";
//elapsed << " dTime:" << setw(5) << _timer.getCombTime() << "s ";
cmess2 << label << elapsed.str()
<< " HPWL:" << coloquinte::gp::get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementUB )
@ -827,7 +862,7 @@ namespace Etesian {
void EtesianEngine::_progressReport2 ( time_t startTime, string label ) const
void EtesianEngine::_progressReport2 ( string label ) const
size_t w = label.size();
string indent ( w, ' ' );
@ -837,7 +872,7 @@ namespace Etesian {
ostringstream elapsed;
elapsed << " dTime:" << setw(5) << (time(NULL) - startTime) << "s ";
//elapsed << " dTime:" << setw(5) << _timer.getCombTime() << "s ";
cmess2 << label << elapsed.str()
<< " HPWL:" << coloquinte::gp::get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementLB )
@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ namespace Etesian {
void setDefaultAb ();
void resetPlacement ();
void toColoquinte ();
void preplace ();
void globalPlace ( float initPenalty, float minDisruption, float targetImprovement, float minInc, float maxInc, unsigned options=0 );
void detailedPlace ( int iterations, int effort, unsigned options=0 );
void place ();
inline void useFeed ( Cell* );
size_t findYSpin ();
@ -113,8 +116,8 @@ namespace Etesian {
EtesianEngine& operator= ( const EtesianEngine& );
void _updatePlacement ( const coloquinte::placement_t& );
void _progressReport1 ( time_t startTime, string label ) const;
void _progressReport2 ( time_t startTime, string label ) const;
void _progressReport1 ( string label ) const;
void _progressReport2 ( string label ) const;
Reference in New Issue