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provisions for controls that cannot be grown? especiailly for windows
LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX has the 10.11 SDK; see if we can knock it down to 10.7 too; OS version is fine
- apply the OS version stuff to the test program and examples too
- what about micro versions (10.7.x)? force 10.7.0?
go through ALL the objective-c objects we create and make sure we are using the proper ownership (alloc/init and new are owned by us, all class method constructors are autoreleased - thanks mikeash)
on OS X, edit shortcuts like command-C working require that the menu entries be defined, or so it seems, even for NSAlert
- other platforms?
make sure all OS X event handlers that use target-action set the action to NULL when the target is unset
provide a way to get the currently selected uiTab page? set?
add uiPi for portability; compare against:
- M_PI on all systems with different requirements
- _GNU_SOURCE on unix
- _USE_MATH_DEFINES on windows
- G_PI on GLib
- XM_PI from DirectX
- Go math.Pi
- M_PI on all systems with different requirements
make it so that the windows cntrols only register a resize if their new minimum size is larger than their current size to easen the effect of flicker
- it won't remove that outright, but it'll help
add an option to the test program to run page7b as an independent test in its own window
- same for page7c
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/12/57833.aspx provide a DEF file on Windows
all ports: update state when adding a control to a parent
should uiWindowsSizing be computed against the window handle, not the parent?
DPI awareness on windows
consider calling setAppleMenu: for the application menu; it doesn't seem to make much of a difference but
MAYBE readd lifetime handling/destruction blocking
related? [12:25] And the blue outline on those buttons [ALL clicked buttons on Windows 7] won't go away
- I get this too
- not anymore
- I get this too
SWP_NOCOPYBITS to avoid button redraw issues on Windows when not in tab, but only when making resize faster
secondary side alignment control in uiBox
Windows: don't abort if a cleanup function fails?
32-bit Mac OS X support (requires lots of code changes)
- change the build system to be more receptive to arch changes
notes to self
explicitly document label position at top-left corner
explicitly document that if number of radio buttons >= 1 there will always be a selection
mark that uiControlShow() on a uiWindow() will bring to front and give keyboard focus because of OS X
- make sure ShowWindow() is sufficient for zorder on Windows
document that you CAN use InsertAt functions to insert at the first invalid index, even if the array is empty
note that uiTabInsertAt() does NOT change the current tab page (it may change its index if inserting before the current page)
note that the default action for uiWindowOnClosing() is to return 0 (keep the window open)
note that uiInitOptions should be initialized to zero
explicitly document that uiCheckboxSetChecked() and uiEntrySetText() do not fire uiCheckboxOnToggled() and uiEntryOnChanged(), respectively
note that if a menu is requested on systems with menubars on windows but no menus are defined, the result is a blank menubar, with whatever that means left up to the OS to decide
note that handling of multiple consecutive separators in menus, leading separators in menus, and trailing separators in menus are all OS-defined
note that uiDrawMatrixInvert() does not change the matrix if it fails
note that the use of strings that are not strictly valid UTF-8 results in undefined behavior
test RTL
- automate RTL
build optimizations
use http://www.appveyor.com/ to do Windows build CI since people want CI
consider just having the windows backend in C++
- consider having it all in C++