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Swarm TODO

Sprint plan


  • forwarding only (no recursive lookup and no connecting to new nodes, only working with active peers)


  • integrate new p2p
  • write unit tests for protocol and netstore (without protocol)
  • rework protocol errors using errs after PR merged
  • integrate new p2p or develop branch after p2p merge
  • integrate cademlia into hive / peer pool with new p2p
  • work out timeouts and timeout encoding
  • cli tools
  • url bar and proxy


  • hooking into DPA local API
  • running as a daemon accepting request via socket?



  • encryption gateway to incentivise encryption of public content
  • xor encryption with random chunks
  • in-memory encryption keys
  • originator encryption for private content


  • DAPP API - js integration (Fabian, Alex)
  • mist dapp storage scheme, url->hash mapping (Fabian, Alex) URL scheme

Discuss alternatives

I suggest we each pick 2/3 and read up on their project status, features, useability, objectives, etc

  • Is it even worth it to reinvent/reimplement the wheel?
  • what features do we want now and in future
  • roadmap


  • storage economy, incentivisation, examples: -- content owner pays recurring ether fee for storage. -- scheme to reward content owner each time content is accessed. i.e accessing content would requires fee. this would reward popular content. should be optional though.
  • dht - chain interaction
  • proof of custody https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F81ulKEZFPIGNEVRsx0H1gl2YRtf0mUMsX011BzSjnY/edit
  • proof of resources http://systemdocs.maidsafe.net/content/system_components/proof_of_resources.html
  • nonoutsourceable proofs of storage as mining criteria
  • proof of storage capacity directly rewarded by contract
  • streaming, hash chains
  • routing and learning graph traversal
  • minimising hops
  • forwarding strategies, optimising dispersion of requests
  • lifetime of requests, renewals (repeated retrieval requests), expiry, reposting (repeated storage request)
  • redundancy - store same data in multiple nodes (e.g 4x)
  • the more accessed a content is, the more available it should be, should increase performance for popular content.


  • full table homogeneous nodes network size vs density vs table size expected row-sizes
  • forwarding strategy vs latency vs traffic
  • stable table, dropout rate vs routing optimisation by precalculating subtables for all peers. expected distance change (proximity delta) per hop


How far does the analogy go?

swarm of bees a decentralised network of peers
living in a hive form a distributed preimage archive
where they where they
gather pollen gather data chunks which they
to produce honey transform into a longer data stream (document)
they consume and store they serve and store
buzzing bzz using bzz as their communications protocol