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83 lines
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- DateTime Picker
- ListView for Tables
- either Property Sheets or Tabs for Tabs
- either Rebar or Toolbar for Toolbars
- Status Bar
- Tooltip (should be a property of each control)
- Trackbar for Sliders
- cannot automatically snap to custom step; need to do it manually
- Tree View
- Up-Down Control for Spinners
- maybe:
- swap ComboBox for ComboBoxEx (probably only if requested enough)
- IP Address control (iff GTK+ and Cocoa have it; maybe not necessary if we allow arbitrary target addresses?)
- ListView for its Icon View?
- something similar to Task Dialog might be useful to have as a convenience template later
- commcntl.h has stuff on a font control that isn't documented?
- actually not a control, but localization support: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb775454%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
- GtkCalendar for date selection (TODO doesn't handle times)
- GtkNotebook for Tabs
- GtkScale for Sliders
- cannot automatically snap to INTEGERS (let alone to custom steps); need to do it manually
- natural size is 0x0 for some reason
- GtkSpinButton for Spinners
- GtkStatusBar
- GtkToolbar
- maybe:
- GtkFontButton would be nice but unless ComboBoxEx provides it Windows doesn't
- same for GtkColorButton
- GtkIconView
- GtkSeparator (I think Windows makes this a mode of Static controls?)
- notes to self:
- groupbox is GtkFrame
- GtkTreeView can do tree views and Tables
- NSDatePicker for date/time selection
- NSOutlineView for tree views
- NSSlider for Sliders
- NSStatusBar
- NSStepper for Spinners
- TODO does this require me to manually pair it with a single-line text entry field?
- NSTabView for Tabs
- NSTableView for Tables
- NSToolbar
- maybe:
- NSBrowser seems nice...???
- NSCollectionView for Icon View?
- NSColorWell is the color button
- NSOpenGLView for OpenGL; need to see how much OpenGL-specific stuff I need to expose
- NSRuleEditor/NSPredicateEditor look nice too but
- notes to self:
- groupbox is NSBox
- don't look at NSForm; though it arranges in the ideal form layout, it only allows single-line text entry fields as controls
- what does NSPathControl look like?
# Slider Capabilities
Capability | Windows | GTK+ | Cocoa
----- | ----- | ----- | -----
Data Type | int | float | float
Can Simulate ints? | yes | TODO | TODO
Mouse Step Snap | 1, fixed | something; likely 0.1 but not sure | yes (`setAllowsTickMarkValuesOnly:`); caveat: must specify an exact number of ticks (see below)
Keyboard Step Snap | configurable | configurable | TODO (same as mouse?)
Current Value Display | tooltip during drag | label, always visible | TODO
Tooltips? | TODO | TODO | TODO
Ticks | configurable display, configurable interval | TODO | configurable display; configurable COUNT (not interval!)
Can Catch Mouse Events to Snap? | I think this is how to do it | TODO | TODO
Preferred Size | given in UI guidelines | natural: 0x0; minimum: TODO | TODO
# Spinner Capabilities
Capability | Windows | GTK+ | Cocoa
----- | ----- | ----- | -----
Data Type | int | float | flaot
Can Simulate ints? | yes | yes | TODO
Mouse Step Snap | 1, fixed | configurable | configurable
Keyboard Step Snap | 1, fixed | configurable (uses same value as mouse) | TODO (same as mouse?)
Can Catch Events To Snap? | TODO | no need | TODO
Preferred Size | TODO | TODO | TODO