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  • windows: windows key handling is just wrong; figure out how to avoid (especially since Windows intercepts that key by default)
  • redrawing controls after a window resize on Windows does not work properly
  • when adding IsDialogMessage() find out if that make sthe area in the area bounds test automatically focused


  • double-check to make sure MouseEvent.Held[] is sorted on Unix after we figure out how to detect buttons above button 5
  • sizing with client-side decorations (Wayland) don't work
    • several people suggested connecting to size-allocate of the GtkLayout, but then I can wind up in a situation where there's extra padding or border space in the direction I resized
  • [12:55] pietro10: I meant to mention: 1073): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:72:20: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'. twice.
  • figure out why Page Up/Page Down does tab stops


  • document that Area.SetAreaSize() will repaint the whole Area
    • make sure this happens on both GTK+ and Mac OS X (it does happen on Windows already)