
648 B

  • all SendMessage() calls
  • BM_GETCHECK (sysData.isChecked())
  • WM_GETTEXTLENGTH (LRESULT is unsinged so) (sysData.text())
  • WM_GETTEXT (WM_GETTEXTLENGTH docs say its result may be larger than the actual length, so we can't use that) (sysData.text())
  • CB_GETCURSEL/LB_GETCURSEL (sysData.selectedIndex())
  • LB_GETSELCOUNT/LB_GETSELITEMS (LB_ERR is returned if this is a single-selection listbox; are there actual errors?) (sysData.selectedIndices())
  • LB_GETTEXTLEN/LB_GETTEXT (LB_ERR is returned if the given index is invalid, but since we get indices from LB_GETSELITEMS this shouldn't happen; are there actual errors?) (sysData.selectedTexts())