Pietro Gagliardi
Removed most, if not all, of the objc_msgSend() wrappers.
2014-05-15 20:24:01 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Removed all the objc_getClass() and sel_getUid() calls from the Go code on Mac OS X. Also got rid of a forgotten objc_msgSend(). Now comes the Objective-C half...
2014-05-15 20:14:44 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated everything else to Objective-C native; fixed a few things I missed along the way.
2014-05-15 19:55:16 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated prefsize_darwin.go to plain Objective-C. Not much left...!
2014-05-15 19:21:54 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated dialog_darwin.go to use Objective-C directly.
2014-05-15 19:08:24 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated the new Objective-C-based Mac OS X Listbox code in and got rid of things preventing the darwin/386 build otherwise. 10.6 doesn't show the NSObservedObjectKey link error, but shows a crapton more, so this is gonna be a fun bug report... I'll use contrived examples and provide the new build logs based on this commit in the meantime as well.
2014-05-15 17:27:47 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-05-14 23:21:17 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated listbox_darwin.go to using Objective-C directly instead of through the runtime. Due to linking issues on Mac OS X 10.6, I haven't made this live yet; I need to repair my 10.6 setup before I can actually test. This won't be done before midnight, so preemptive commit. The new listbox_darwin.go is lbnew.
2014-05-13 23:35:04 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-05-13 23:34:09 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs.
2014-05-13 12:02:35 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Removed the class creation at runtime stuff and its residue from the Go files. This also cleans up the initialization stuff on the Go side too.
2014-05-13 09:40:19 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Moved area_darwin.go to direct Objective-C use.
2014-05-13 09:33:37 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Moved uitask_darwin.go to be Objective-C-based. Both delegate_darwin.go and uitask_darwin.go will share the same .m file.
2014-05-13 08:14:28 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Started conversion of delegate_darwin.go to use Objective-C directly.
2014-05-13 07:56:37 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Finished migrating sysdata_darwin.go away from calling objc_msgSend() directly. initWithDummyFrame() is still there as other files use it.
2014-05-13 07:09:22 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Further refactoring and de-runtime-izing of sysdata_darwin.go. These changes currently untested.
2014-05-12 23:55:56 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-05-12 19:41:38 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs.
2014-05-12 19:36:02 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Converted most of sysdata_darwin.go to regular Objective-C. I'll also standardize the interface for transferring integer values between Objective-C and Go so that they use intptr_t and uintptr_t everywhere, rather than those two in some places and uint64_t/int64_t in others.
2014-05-12 19:34:13 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Began the migration to native Objective-C by moving the NSWindow functions and some of the shared helper routines.
2014-05-12 15:15:26 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Handled AreaHandler.Mouse()'s handled return properly on Mac OS X. Also fixed some typos in objc_darwin.h.
2014-05-12 12:28:33 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Fixed Mac OS X Area mouse drags being reported outside the actual Area.
2014-05-12 11:34:24 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Replaced the horribly memory-inefficient NSIndexSet operation to get the list of selected indices in the Mac OS X Listbox with a far simpler option that avoids deferring some of the work (apart from objc_msgSend() calls) to cgo and the use of reflect.SliceHeader at all! It just grabs the indices from the NSIndexSet one at a time using the previous index as an anchor.
2014-05-12 02:06:05 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-05-11 23:31:14 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Replaced the hackish indeterminate progress bar animation on Mac OS X (which didn't work on 10.6) with calls to startAnimation: and stopAnimation:; I have no idea how I missed those the first time. Thanks to stal[DirectX] in irc.freenode.net/#macdev for pointing those out to me.
2014-05-11 21:31:20 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs and future plans.
2014-05-11 11:22:15 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Consistency change: all Windows API structure field names now match case-wise (some were forcibly exported in the past for historical reasons: I originally started package ui by trying to write a Windows API wrapper, but decided to ditch that and just use the Windows API directly from package ui). Also more TODOs.
2014-05-11 11:11:57 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added some more exposition to a comment in bleh_darwin.m regarding tracking area options.
2014-05-10 21:04:02 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added tracking areas to Area on Mac OS X so mouse move events can work; they work now.
2014-05-10 21:03:04 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Preparation for adding tracking areas to Mac OS X Areas: we need to now pass in the sysData to each control's make() function so Area can save the tracking area somewhere (this will also come in handy when I change alternate from a bool to an integer index).
2014-05-10 14:59:11 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Documented the xxxMouseDragged: behavior in the Mac OS X source code.
2014-05-10 14:31:22 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Documented dragging issues caused by how Mac OS X handles mouse events; also determined that multiple buttons held at once only generates one mouseDragged: signal.
2014-05-10 14:27:29 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Still more TODOs.
2014-05-10 02:34:08 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs.
2014-05-10 02:17:23 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs, now that I have Mac OS X 10.6 working as well.
2014-05-08 22:23:13 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Switched TableView proposal from <tt>...</tt> to <tt><ins>...</ins></tt> to make those parts distinct from code blocks.
2014-05-08 16:38:46 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Fixed <tt> breakup in tableviewproposal.md.
2014-05-08 16:37:15 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
github strips style="..." from Markdown, so switch to <tt>...</tt> for the TableView proposal.
2014-05-08 16:35:14 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added a TableView proposal.
2014-05-08 12:45:14 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Fixed dragging at all in Mac OS X Areas; now we just have to work out all the other kinks...
2014-05-07 19:40:46 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Completed extending of mouse buttons to the system's limit; defined (as undefined) the mouse drag behavior for buttons >= 3; implemented all that on the GTK+ side, and decided to have MouseEvents.Held[] be sorted (documentation only for now; need to check the code to make sure it follows). Good Lord...
2014-05-07 17:51:04 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs... sigh...
2014-05-07 16:47:27 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs.
2014-05-06 20:46:41 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Removed TODO from area_darwin.go about extra mouse button handling; turns out it works as expected right out of the gate... for the most part.
2014-05-06 20:36:31 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-05-03 11:27:48 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More TODOs.
2014-05-02 12:58:08 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-05-02 11:05:01 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-05-02 10:12:20 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added comment explaining the use of -[NSWindow setContentSize:] in Mac OS X sysData.setWindowSize().
2014-05-01 13:13:10 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More future plans.
2014-04-30 15:07:07 -04:00 |