Pietro Gagliardi
Actually make the prefsize_windows.go change from the previous commit.
2014-06-09 16:48:04 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Removed TODO about GetDC() vs GetWindowDC() in prefsize_windows.go; the latter includes the non-client area, which we won't bother with.
2014-06-09 16:45:06 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Set Area's preferred size in the documentation and on Windows and Mac OS X.
2014-06-06 23:03:29 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added a link to the older Layout page on MSDN to prefsize_windows.go.
2014-06-04 12:29:07 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Rolled back the Windows horizontally scrolling Listbox changes because I can't seem to get it to work on Mac OS X (and keeping that code there is inefficient); removed the guarantee of horizontal scrollbars in Listbox and made that a future plan. Both the Windows and the non-working Mac OS X code is in unmigrated/hscrolllistbox.go (and the unmigrated/ folder will be renamed shortly).
2014-04-13 13:00:07 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added horizontal scrollbars to Listboxes on Windows. Also fixed typos and bugs in Windows sysData.selectedTexts().
2014-04-13 02:57:35 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
"Fixed" the zero-size Combobox drop-down on Windows by having Windows fix it for us (and since we did everything we need to do to get it to fix it for us, it was already fixed!).
2014-04-10 12:53:23 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Adjusted Button and Combobox sizes on Windows to be better...
2014-04-03 21:00:38 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Switched to calling the Windows MulDiv() function instead of reimplementing it ourselves in prefsize_windows.go.
2014-04-02 10:43:28 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Changed the font loading on Windows to always load the control font unless a flag to not load any font is set; when menus and statusbars are added, they need special casing. This also means the preferred size calculations reads controlFont directly (it will need the same change).
2014-04-01 21:24:20 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Fixed Windows control sizing: turns out simply calling GetTextMetrics() was not enough, as the GetDC() functions don't load the control font into the DC; we have to do it ourselves with SelectObject() (according to GetTextMetrics()'s docs on MSDN). Upon re-evaluation, the only things that need custom fonts are menus and statusbars; I don't know if menus can be done with the standard contorls and statusbars change the font of all controls inside... so how fonts are handled in classData needs to change now.
2014-04-01 21:17:27 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Separated file creation dates from the package comment.
2014-03-12 21:55:45 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Changed Windows sysData.preferredSize() to panic on error, since the other platforms don't return explicit errors either.
2014-03-09 19:34:43 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added most of the Windows implementation of ProgressBar. Now to grab the comctl32.dll stuff.
2014-02-25 01:02:16 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Quick documentation change in prefsize_windows.go.
2014-02-24 15:02:58 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Some notes on the last few changes.
2014-02-24 14:17:37 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
And the uitask message fixed was the issue all along. Now it works.
2014-02-24 14:16:05 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Oh right derp, preferredSize() is running on uitask already; don't use the dispatch channel. Almost working...
2014-02-24 14:12:02 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added Windows preferred size code. It doesn't work right now; both GetDC() and GetWindowDC() are not returning at all on both wine and Windows XP; need to debug (print guards are included).
2014-02-24 13:22:59 -05:00 |