More control migration.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// Label is a Control that represents a line of text that cannot be
// interacted with. TODO rest of documentation.
type Label struct {
c *C.uiControl
l *C.uiLabel
// NewLabel creates a new Label with the given text.
func NewLabel(text string) *Label {
l := new(Label)
ctext := C.CString(text)
l.l = C.uiNewLabel(ctext)
l.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(l.l))
return l
// Destroy destroys the Label.
func (l *Label) Destroy() {
// LibuiControl returns the libui uiControl pointer that backs
// the Window. This is only used by package ui itself and should
// not be called by programs.
func (l *Label) LibuiControl() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(l.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Label.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API STATIC
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkLabel.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSTextField.
func (l *Label) Handle() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(l.c))
// Show shows the Label.
func (l *Label) Show() {
// Hide hides the Label.
func (l *Label) Hide() {
// Enable enables the Label.
func (l *Label) Enable() {
// Disable disables the Label.
func (l *Label) Disable() {
// Text returns the Label's text.
func (l *Label) Text() string {
ctext := C.uiLabelText(l.l)
text := C.GoString(ctext)
return text
// SetText sets the Label's text to text.
func (l *Label) SetText(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
C.uiLabelSetText(l.l, ctext)
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// ProgressBar is a Control that represents a horizontal bar that
// is filled in progressively over time as a process completes.
type ProgressBar struct {
c *C.uiControl
p *C.uiProgressBar
// NewProgressBar creates a new ProgressBar.
func NewProgressBar() *ProgressBar {
p := new(ProgressBar)
p.p = C.uiNewProgressBar()
p.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(p.p))
return p
// Destroy destroys the ProgressBar.
func (p *ProgressBar) Destroy() {
// LibuiControl returns the libui uiControl pointer that backs
// the Window. This is only used by package ui itself and should
// not be called by programs.
func (p *ProgressBar) LibuiControl() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this ProgressBar.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API
// PROGRESS_CLASS class (as provided by Common Controls
// version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkProgressBar.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSProgressIndicator.
func (p *ProgressBar) Handle() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(p.c))
// Show shows the ProgressBar.
func (p *ProgressBar) Show() {
// Hide hides the ProgressBar.
func (p *ProgressBar) Hide() {
// Enable enables the ProgressBar.
func (p *ProgressBar) Enable() {
// Disable disables the ProgressBar.
func (p *ProgressBar) Disable() {
// TODO Value
// SetValue sets the ProgressBar's currently displayed percentage
// to value. value must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
func (p *ProgressBar) SetValue(value int) {
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// RadioButtons is a Control that represents a set of checkable
// buttons from which exactly one may be chosen by the user.
type RadioButtons struct {
c *C.uiControl
r *C.uiRadioButtons
// NewRadioButtons creates a new RadioButtons.
func NewRadioButtons() *RadioButtons {
r := new(RadioButtons)
r.r = C.uiNewRadioButtons()
r.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(r.r))
return r
// Destroy destroys the RadioButtons.
func (r *RadioButtons) Destroy() {
// LibuiControl returns the libui uiControl pointer that backs
// the Window. This is only used by package ui itself and should
// not be called by programs.
func (r *RadioButtons) LibuiControl() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this RadioButtons.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a libui-internal class; its
// child windows are instances of the standard Windows API
// BUTTON class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkBox containing GtkRadioButtons.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSView with each radio button as a NSButton subview.
func (r *RadioButtons) Handle() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(r.c))
// Show shows the RadioButtons.
func (r *RadioButtons) Show() {
// Hide hides the RadioButtons.
func (r *RadioButtons) Hide() {
// Enable enables the RadioButtons.
func (r *RadioButtons) Enable() {
// Disable disables the RadioButtons.
func (r *RadioButtons) Disable() {
// Append adds the named button to the end of the RadioButtons.
// If this button is the first button, it is automatically selected.
func (r *RadioButtons) Append(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
C.uiRadioButtonsAppend(r.r, ctext)
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// Separator is a Control that represents a horizontal line that
// visually separates controls.
type Separator struct {
c *C.uiControl
s *C.uiSeparator
// NewSeparator creates a new horizontal Separator.
func NewHorizontalSeparator() *Separator {
s := new(Separator)
s.s = C.uiNewHorizontalSeparator()
s.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(s.s))
return s
// Destroy destroys the Separator.
func (s *Separator) Destroy() {
// LibuiControl returns the libui uiControl pointer that backs
// the Window. This is only used by package ui itself and should
// not be called by programs.
func (s *Separator) LibuiControl() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Separator.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API STATIC
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkSeparator.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSBox.
func (s *Separator) Handle() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(s.c))
// Show shows the Separator.
func (s *Separator) Show() {
// Hide hides the Separator.
func (s *Separator) Hide() {
// Enable enables the Separator.
func (s *Separator) Enable() {
// Disable disables the Separator.
func (s *Separator) Disable() {
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
// extern void doSliderOnChanged(uiSlider *, void *);
// static inline void realuiSliderOnChanged(uiSlider *b)
// {
// uiSliderOnChanged(b, doSliderOnChanged, NULL);
// }
import "C"
// no need to lock this; only the GUI thread can access it
var sliders = make(map[*C.uiSlider]*Slider)
// Slider is a Control that represents a horizontal bar that represents
// a range of integers. The user can drag a pointer on the bar to
// select an integer.
type Slider struct {
c *C.uiControl
s *C.uiSlider
onChanged func(*Slider)
// NewSlider creates a new Slider. If min >= max, they are swapped.
func NewSlider(min int, max int) *Slider {
s := new(Slider)
s.s = C.uiNewSlider(C.intmax_t(min), C.intmax_t(max))
s.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(s.s))
sliders[s.s] = s
return s
// Destroy destroys the Slider.
func (s *Slider) Destroy() {
delete(sliders, s.s)
// LibuiControl returns the libui uiControl pointer that backs
// the Window. This is only used by package ui itself and should
// not be called by programs.
func (s *Slider) LibuiControl() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Slider.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API
// TRACKBAR_CLASS class (as provided by Common Controls
// version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkScale.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSSlider.
func (s *Slider) Handle() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(s.c))
// Show shows the Slider.
func (s *Slider) Show() {
// Hide hides the Slider.
func (s *Slider) Hide() {
// Enable enables the Slider.
func (s *Slider) Enable() {
// Disable disables the Slider.
func (s *Slider) Disable() {
// Value returns the Slider's current value.
func (s *Slider) Value() int {
return int(C.uiSliderValue(s.s))
// SetText sets the Slider's current value to value.
func (s *Slider) SetValue(value int) {
C.uiSliderSetValue(s.s, C.intmax_t(value))
// OnChanged registers f to be run when the user changes the value
// of the Slider. Only one function can be registered at a time.
func (s *Slider) OnChanged(f func(*Slider)) {
s.onChanged = f
//export doSliderOnChanged
func doSliderOnChanged(ss *C.uiSlider, data unsafe.Pointer) {
s := sliders[ss]
if s.onChanged != nil {
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
// extern void doSpinboxOnChanged(uiSpinbox *, void *);
// static inline void realuiSpinboxOnChanged(uiSpinbox *b)
// {
// uiSpinboxOnChanged(b, doSpinboxOnChanged, NULL);
// }
import "C"
// no need to lock this; only the GUI thread can access it
var spinboxes = make(map[*C.uiSpinbox]*Spinbox)
// Spinbox is a Control that represents a space where the user can
// enter integers. The space also comes with buttons to add or
// subtract 1 from the integer.
type Spinbox struct {
c *C.uiControl
s *C.uiSpinbox
onChanged func(*Spinbox)
// NewSpinbox creates a new Spinbox. If min >= max, they are swapped.
func NewSpinbox(min int, max int) *Spinbox {
s := new(Spinbox)
s.s = C.uiNewSpinbox(C.intmax_t(min), C.intmax_t(max))
s.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(s.s))
spinboxes[s.s] = s
return s
// Destroy destroys the Spinbox.
func (s *Spinbox) Destroy() {
delete(spinboxes, s.s)
// LibuiControl returns the libui uiControl pointer that backs
// the Window. This is only used by package ui itself and should
// not be called by programs.
func (s *Spinbox) LibuiControl() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Spinbox.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API EDIT
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6). Due to
// various limitations which affect the lifetime of the associated
// Common Controls version 6 UPDOWN_CLASS window that
// provides the buttons, there is no way to access it.
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkSpinButton.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSView that contains a NSTextField
// and a NSStepper as subviews.
func (s *Spinbox) Handle() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(s.c))
// Show shows the Spinbox.
func (s *Spinbox) Show() {
// Hide hides the Spinbox.
func (s *Spinbox) Hide() {
// Enable enables the Spinbox.
func (s *Spinbox) Enable() {
// Disable disables the Spinbox.
func (s *Spinbox) Disable() {
// Value returns the Spinbox's current value.
func (s *Spinbox) Value() int {
return int(C.uiSpinboxValue(s.s))
// SetText sets the Spinbox's current value to value.
func (s *Spinbox) SetValue(value int) {
C.uiSpinboxSetValue(s.s, C.intmax_t(value))
// OnChanged registers f to be run when the user changes the value
// of the Spinbox. Only one function can be registered at a time.
func (s *Spinbox) OnChanged(f func(*Spinbox)) {
s.onChanged = f
//export doSpinboxOnChanged
func doSpinboxOnChanged(ss *C.uiSpinbox, data unsafe.Pointer) {
s := spinboxes[ss]
if s.onChanged != nil {
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ func (c *Combobox) Selected() int {
return int(C.uiComboboxSelected(c.c))
return int(C.uiComboboxSelected(c.c))
// SetChecked sets the currently select item in the Combobox
// SetSelected sets the currently selected item in the Combobox
// to index. If index is -1 no item will be selected.
// to index. If index is -1 no item will be selected.
func (c *Combobox) SetSelected(index int) {
func (c *Combobox) SetSelected(index int) {
C.uiComboboxSetSelected(c.c, C.intmax_t(index))
// OnSelected registers f to be run when the user selects an item in
// OnSelected registers f to be run when the user selects an item in
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func (d *DateTimePicker) OnChanged(f func(*DateTimePicker)) {
//export doDateTimePickerOnChanged
//export doDateTimePickerOnChanged
func doDateTimePickerOnChanged(dd *C.uiDateTimePicker, data unsafe.Pointer) {
func doDateTimePickerOnChanged(dd *C.uiDateTimePicker, data unsafe.Pointer) {
d := ControlFromLibui(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dd)).(*DateTimePicker)
d := ControlFromLibui(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dd))).(*DateTimePicker)
if d.onChanged != nil {
if d.onChanged != nil {
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// Label is a Control that represents a line of text that cannot be
// interacted with.
type Label struct {
l *C.uiLabel
// NewLabel creates a new Label with the given text.
func NewLabel(text string) *Label {
l := new(Label)
ctext := C.CString(text)
l.l = C.uiNewLabel(ctext)
l.ControlBase = NewControlBase(l, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(l.l)))
return l
// Text returns the Label's text.
func (l *Label) Text() string {
ctext := C.uiLabelText(l.l)
text := C.GoString(ctext)
return text
// SetText sets the Label's text to text.
func (l *Label) SetText(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
C.uiLabelSetText(l.l, ctext)
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// ProgressBar is a Control that represents a horizontal bar that
// is filled in progressively over time as a process completes.
type ProgressBar struct {
p *C.uiProgressBar
// NewProgressBar creates a new ProgressBar.
func NewProgressBar() *ProgressBar {
p := new(ProgressBar)
p.p = C.uiNewProgressBar()
p.ControlBase = NewControlBase(p, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p.p)))
return p
// Value returns the value currently shown in the ProgressBar.
func (p *ProgressBar) Value() int {
return int(C.uiProgressBarValue(p.p))
// SetValue sets the ProgressBar's currently displayed percentage
// to value. value must be between 0 and 100 inclusive, or -1 for
// an indeterminate progressbar.
func (p *ProgressBar) SetValue(value int) {
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
// extern void doRadioButtonsOnSelected(uiRadioButtons *, void *);
import "C"
// RadioButtons is a Control that represents a set of checkable
// buttons from which exactly one may be chosen by the user.
type RadioButtons struct {
r *C.uiRadioButtons
onSelected func(*RadioButtons)
// NewRadioButtons creates a new RadioButtons.
func NewRadioButtons() *RadioButtons {
r := new(RadioButtons)
r.r = C.uiNewRadioButtons()
C.uiRadioButtonsOnChanged(r.r, C.doRadioButtonsOnChanged, nil)
r.ControlBase = NewControlBase(r, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r.r)))
return r
// Append adds the named button to the end of the RadioButtons.
// If this button is the first button, it is automatically selected.
func (r *RadioButtons) Append(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
C.uiRadioButtonsAppend(r.r, ctext)
// Selected returns the index of the currently selected option in the
// RadioButtons, or -1 if there are no items.
func (r *RadioButtons) Selected() int {
return int(C.uiRadioButtonsSelected(r.r))
// SetSelected sets the currently selected option in the RadioButtons
// to index.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetSelected(index int) {
// OnSelected registers f to be run when the user selects an option in
// the RadioButtons. Only one function can be registered at a time.
func (r *RadioButtons) OnSelected(f func(*RadioButtons)) {
r.onSelected = f
//export doRadioButtonsOnSelected
func doRadioButtonsOnSelected(rr *C.uiRadioButtons, data unsafe.Pointer) {
r := ControlFromLibui(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rr))).(*RadioButtons)
if r.onSelected != nil {
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// Separator is a Control that represents a horizontal line that
// visually separates controls.
type Separator struct {
s *C.uiSeparator
// NewHorizontalSeparator creates a new horizontal Separator.
func NewHorizontalSeparator() *Separator {
s := new(Separator)
s.s = C.uiNewHorizontalSeparator()
s.ControlBase = NewControlBase(s, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.s)))
return s
// NewVerticalSeparator creates a new vertical Separator.
func NewVerticalSeparator() *Separator {
s := new(Separator)
s.s = C.uiNewVerticalSeparator()
s.ControlBase = NewControlBase(s, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.s)))
return s
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
// extern void doSliderOnChanged(uiSlider *, void *);
import "C"
// Slider is a Control that represents a horizontal bar that represents
// a range of integers. The user can drag a pointer on the bar to
// select an integer.
type Slider struct {
s *C.uiSlider
onChanged func(*Slider)
// NewSlider creates a new Slider. If min >= max, they are swapped.
func NewSlider(min int, max int) *Slider {
s := new(Slider)
s.s = C.uiNewSlider(,
C.uiSliderOnChanged(s.s, C.doSliderOnChanged, nil)
s.ControlBase = NewControlBase(s, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.s)))
return s
// Value returns the Slider's current value.
func (s *Slider) Value() int {
return int(C.uiSliderValue(s.s))
// SetValue sets the Slider's current value to value.
func (s *Slider) SetValue(value int) {
C.uiSliderSetValue(s.s, C.intmax_t(value))
// OnChanged registers f to be run when the user changes the value
// of the Slider. Only one function can be registered at a time.
func (s *Slider) OnChanged(f func(*Slider)) {
s.onChanged = f
//export doSliderOnChanged
func doSliderOnChanged(ss *C.uiSlider, data unsafe.Pointer) {
s := ControlFromLibui(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ss))).(*Slider)
if s.onChanged != nil {
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include "ui.h"
// extern void doSpinboxOnChanged(uiSpinbox *, void *);
import "C"
// Spinbox is a Control that represents a space where the user can
// enter integers. The space also comes with buttons to add or
// subtract 1 from the integer.
type Spinbox struct {
s *C.uiSpinbox
onChanged func(*Spinbox)
// NewSpinbox creates a new Spinbox. If min >= max, they are swapped.
func NewSpinbox(min int, max int) *Spinbox {
s := new(Spinbox)
s.s = C.uiNewSpinbox(,
C.uiSpinboxOnChanged(s.s, C.doSpinboxOnChanged, nil)
s.ControlBase = NewControlBase(s, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.s)))
return s
// Value returns the Spinbox's current value.
func (s *Spinbox) Value() int {
return int(C.uiSpinboxValue(s.s))
// SetValue sets the Spinbox's current value to value.
func (s *Spinbox) SetValue(value int) {
C.uiSpinboxSetValue(s.s, C.intmax_t(value))
// OnChanged registers f to be run when the user changes the value
// of the Spinbox. Only one function can be registered at a time.
func (s *Spinbox) OnChanged(f func(*Spinbox)) {
s.onChanged = f
//export doSpinboxOnChanged
func doSpinboxOnChanged(ss *C.uiSpinbox, data unsafe.Pointer) {
s := ControlFromLibui(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ss))).(*Spinbox)
if s.onChanged != nil {
Reference in New Issue