- NSComboBox scans the entered text to see if it matches one of the items and returns the index of that item if it does; find out how to suppress this so that it returns -1 unless the item was chosen from the list (like the other platforms)
- make sure scrollbars in Listbox work identically on all platforms (specifically the existence and autohiding of both horizontal and vertical scrollbars)
- I think the behavior is, for the most part, a platform detail; perhaps a better option is to simply dictate the autohiding of scrollbars for both Listbox and Area (this will also let us consolidate scroll view code in GTK+ and Mac OS X)
- make sure mouse events don't trigger if the control size is larger than the Area size and the mouse event happens outside the Area range on all platforms
- formalize what happens if Modifiers by themselves are held
- OS X: find out if multiple DIFFERENT modifiers released at once produces multiple events
- in general, figure out what to do on multiple events, period
- OS X: handle Insert/Help key change in a sane and deterministic way
- will need old and new Mac keyboards...
- should pressing modifier+key in the keyboard test mark the key alone as pressed as well? I'm leaning toward no, in which case make sure this behavior exists on all platforms
- 64-bit crashes in malloc in wine with heap corruption warnings aplenty during DLL loading; in windows 7 it works fine
- 32-bit: it works, but if I save the class name converted to UTF-16 beforehand, wine indicates that the class name is replaced with the window title, so something there is wrong...
- https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/NSScrollViewGuide/Articles/Creating.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003226-SW4 the warning about pixel alignment may or may not be heeded, not sure
- frame sizes are a bit of a hack: the preferred size of a NSScrollView is the preferred size of its document view; the frameSize method described on the above link might be better but a real solution is optimal
- when resizing a GTK+ window smaller than a certain size, the controls inside will start clipping in bizarre ways (progress bars/entry lines will just cut off; editable comboboxes will stretch slightly longer than noneditable ones; the horizontal scrollbar in Area will disappear smoothly; etc.)
- TODO find out if this is a problem on the GTK+/Wayland side (no initial window-configure event?)
- redrawing Areas on Windows seems to be flaky: make the window small, scroll, then make it large again and watch the vertical corruption (alternatively "especially after changing the Area size to something larger than the window size and then resizing the window(???)")
- make sure keyboard events on numpad off on all platforms don't switch between controls
- for our two custom window classes on Windows, we should allocate extra space in the window class's info structure and then use SetWindowLongPtrW() during WM_CREATE to store the sysData and not have to make a new window class each time; this might also fix the s != nil && s.hwnd != 0 special cases in the Area WndProc if done right
- despite us explicitly clearing the clip area on Windows, Area still doesn't seem to draw alpha bits correctly... it appears as if we are drawing over the existing image each time
- pressing global keycodes (including kwin's zoom in/out) when running the keyboard test in wine causes the Area to lose keyboard focus; this doesn't happen on the GTK+ version (fix the Windows version to behave like the GTK+ version)
- cast all objc_msgSend() direct invocations to the approrpiate types; this is how you're supposed to do things: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/CocoaTouch64BitGuide/ConvertingYourAppto64-Bit/ConvertingYourAppto64-Bit.html http://lists.apple.com/archives/objc-language/2014/Jan/msg00011.html http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2006/Feb/msg00753.html and many others
- Area drawing assumes that i.Pix[0] is the first pixel; this might not be the case (and the current documentation for AreaHandler.Paint() allows it). Fix it.
- on windows 7, progress bars seem to animate from 0 -> pos when you turn off marquee mode and set pos; see if that's documented or if I'm doing something wrong
- clean up windows struct field names (holdover from when the intent was to make a wrapper lib first and then use it rather than using the windows API directly)