GITCOMMIT = $(shell git rev-list -1 HEAD) GOVERSION = $(shell go version | cut -d' ' -f 3) BUILDTIME = $(shell date -u --iso-8601=seconds) VERSION = $(shell cat resources/VERSION) # PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH go version run: new-build ~/go/bin/debian-gui new-build: # go mod edit -replace # go mod edit -replace # to update go.mod to master: # go get go install -ldflags " \ -X main.GITCOMMIT=${GITCOMMIT} \ -X main.GOVERSION='${GOVERSION}' \ -X main.BUILDTIME='${BUILDTIME}' \ -X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" # to build the old way build: GO111MODULE="off" go install -ldflags " \ -X main.GITCOMMIT=${GITCOMMIT} \ -X main.GOVERSION='${GOVERSION}' \ -X main.BUILDTIME='${BUILDTIME}' \ -X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" goreleaser: # go install goreleaser release godoc: godoc -http=:6060 gomod-update: wit go update gomod-init: go mod init go mod tidy gomod-clean: rm -f go.* sudo: new-build sudo ~/go/bin/debian-gui # # debug using 'delve' debug: dlv debug push: wit git push prep: apt install -y libgtk-3-dev apt install -y libappindicator3-dev apt install -y xterm tag-version: # git push --delete origin v0.6.15 # to delete a tag upstream git diff --quiet # go build # just an extra check to make sure the damn thing builds git tag v${VERSION} git push --tags icon: # go get -v # go install echo "//+build linux darwin" > icon.go echo >> icon.go cat resources/wit-logo4.png | 2goarray myIcon main >> icon.go # a custom go target name generate: go generate build-all: GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o bin/linux.x32.bin GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=386 go build -o bin/freebsd.x32.bin GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 go build -o bin/darwin.x32.bin # build-darwin: env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build build-windows: env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build gaper: # 'gaper' is a simple and smart golang tool that just rebuilds every time you change a file # go get -u gaper node002: new-build strip ~/go/bin/debian-gui -ssh root@node002 rm /root/debian-gui scp ~/go/bin/debian-gui root@node002: ssh -X root@node002 /root/debian-gui