
285 lines
6.3 KiB

package shell
import "fmt"
import "strings"
import "time"
import "os"
import "os/exec"
import "bufio"
import "bytes"
import "io"
// import "io/ioutil"
import ""
import ""
// import "log"
import log ""
// TODO: look at
// use go-cmd instead here?
var callback func(interface{}, int)
var shellStdout *os.File
var shellStderr *os.File
var spewOn bool = false
var quiet bool = false
var msecDelay int = 20 // number of milliseconds to delay between reads with no data
var bytesBuffer bytes.Buffer
var bytesSplice []byte
func handleError(c interface{}, ret int) {
log.Debug("shell.Run() Returned", ret)
if (callback != nil) {
callback(c, ret)
func init() {
callback = nil
func InitCallback(f func(interface{}, int)) {
callback = f
// this means it won't copy all the output to STDOUT
func Quiet(q bool) {
quiet = q
func Script(cmds string) int {
// split on new lines (while we are at it, handle stupid windows text files
lines := strings.Split(strings.Replace(cmds, "\r\n", "\n", -1), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
line = Chomp(line) // this is like 'chomp' in perl
log.Println("LINE:", line)
return 0
func SpewOn() {
spewOn = true
func SetDelayInMsec(msecs int) {
msecDelay = msecs
func SetStdout(newout *os.File) {
shellStdout = newout
func SetStderr(newerr *os.File) {
shellStderr = newerr
// NOTE: this might cause problems:
// always remove the newlines at the end ?
func Run(cmdline string) string {
log.Println("shell.Run() START " + cmdline)
cmd := Chomp(cmdline) // this is like 'chomp' in perl
cmdArgs := strings.Fields(cmd)
if (len(cmdArgs) == 0) {
handleError(fmt.Errorf("cmdline == ''"), 0)
log.Debug("END ", cmd)
return "" // nothing to do
if (cmdArgs[0] == "cd") {
if (len(cmdArgs) > 1) {
log.Println("os.Chdir()", cmd)
handleError(nil, 0)
log.Debug("END ", cmd)
return "" // nothing to do
process := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:len(cmdArgs)]...)
pstdout, _ := process.StdoutPipe()
pstderr, _ := process.StderrPipe()
if (spewOn) {
if (shellStdout == nil) {
shellStdout = os.Stdout
f := bufio.NewWriter(shellStdout)
newreader := bufio.NewReader(pstdout)
nbr := nbreader.NewNBReader(newreader, 1024)
tmp := bufio.NewReader(pstderr)
go nonBlockingReader(tmp, shellStderr, f)
totalCount := 0
var dead bool = false
for (dead == false) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(msecDelay) * time.Millisecond) // only check the buffer 500 times a second
// log.Println("sleep done")
var empty bool = false
// tight loop that reads 1K at a time until buffer is empty
for (empty == false) {
oneByte := make([]byte, 1024)
count, err := nbr.Read(oneByte)
totalCount += count
if (err != nil) {
log.Debug("Read() count = ", count, "err = ", err)
oneByte = make([]byte, 1024)
count, err = nbr.Read(oneByte)
log.Debug("STDOUT: count = ", count)
if (quiet == false) {
empty = true
dead = true
// f.Write([]byte(string(oneByte)))
if (count == 0) {
empty = true
} else {
log.Debug("STDOUT: count = ", count)
io.WriteString(&bytesBuffer, string(oneByte))
if (quiet == false) {
if (totalCount != 0) {
log.Debug("STDOUT: totalCount = ", totalCount)
totalCount = 0
err := process.Wait()
if err != nil {
if (spewOn) {
// this panics: spew.Dump(err.(*exec.ExitError))
// stuff := err.(*exec.ExitError)
log.Debug("ERROR ", err.Error())
log.Debug("END ", cmdline)
handleError(err, -1)
return ""
// log.Println("shell.Run() END buf =", bytesBuffer)
// convert this to a byte array and then trip NULLs
// WTF this copies nulls with b.String() is fucking insanly stupid
byteSlice := bytesBuffer.Bytes()
b := bytes.Trim(byteSlice, "\x00")
log.Debug("shell.Run() END b =", b)
// reset the bytesBuffer
// NOTE: this might cause problems:
// this removes the newlines at the end
tmp2 := string(b)
tmp2 = strings.TrimSuffix(tmp2, "\n")
handleError(nil, 0)
log.Println("shell.Run() END ", cmdline)
return Chomp(b)
func Daemon(cmdline string, timeout time.Duration) int {
for {
// pass in two file handles (1 read, 1 write)
func nonBlockingReader(buffReader *bufio.Reader, writeFileHandle *os.File, stdout *bufio.Writer) {
// newreader := bufio.NewReader(readFileHandle)
// create a nonblocking GO reader
nbr := nbreader.NewNBReader(buffReader, 1024)
for {
// defer buffReader.Close()
// defer writeFileHandle.Flush()
defer writeFileHandle.Close()
totalCount := 0
for {
oneByte := make([]byte, 1024)
count, err := nbr.Read(oneByte)
if (err != nil) {
log.Debug("count, err =", count, err)
handleError(err, -1)
totalCount += count
if (count == 0) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(msecDelay) * time.Millisecond) // without this delay this will peg the CPU
if (totalCount != 0) {
log.Debug("STDERR: totalCount = ", totalCount)
totalCount = 0
} else {
log.Debug("STDERR: count = ", count)
if (quiet == false) {
// run something and never return from it
// TODO: pass STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN correctly
// TODO: figure out how to nohup the process and exit
func Exec(cmdline string) {
log.Println("shell.Run() START " + cmdline)
cmd := Chomp(cmdline) // this is like 'chomp' in perl
cmdArgs := strings.Fields(cmd)
process := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:len(cmdArgs)]...)
err := process.Wait()
log.Println("shell.Exec() err =", err)
// return true if the filename exists
func Exists(filename string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(filename)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// return true if the filename exists
func Dir(dirname string) bool {
info, err := os.Stat(dirname)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return info.IsDir()