
83 lines
2.4 KiB

package tree
import (
func (me *TreeInfo) AddNode(a *widget.Action) *Node {
if me.TryLock() {
defer me.Unlock()
} else {
log.Log(TREE, "mutex lock was already held before AddNode()")
return addNode(a)
func addNode(a *widget.Action) *Node {
n := new(Node)
n.WidgetType = a.WidgetType
n.WidgetId = a.WidgetId
n.ParentId = a.ParentId
n.State = a.State
n.State.Enable = a.State.Enable
// n.Strings = make(map[string]int)
// slices.Reverse(lines)
// dropdown strings
n.ddStrings = make([]string, 0)
for _, s := range a.State.Strings {
n.ddStrings = append(n.ddStrings, s)
if a.WidgetType == widget.Root {
log.Log(TREE, "AddNode() Root")
n.Parent = n
treeRoot = n
return n
if treeRoot.FindWidgetId(a.WidgetId) != nil {
// ignore these errors for now
log.Log(TREE, "AddNode() WidgetId already exists", a.WidgetId)
log.Log(TREE, "TODO: figure out what to do here probably this is a Show() / Hide() issue")
return treeRoot.FindWidgetId(a.WidgetId)
// add this new widget on the binary tree
p := treeRoot.FindWidgetId(a.ParentId)
n.Parent = p
if n.Parent == nil {
log.Log(TREEWARN, "AddNode() ERROR n.Parent == nil n =", n.WidgetId, n.WidgetType, n.GetProgName())
log.Log(TREEWARN, "AddNode() ERROR n.Parent == nil a =", a.WidgetId, a.WidgetType, a.State.ProgName)
log.Log(TREEWARN, "AddNode() ERROR n.Parent == nil =", a.ParentId)
return n
log.Log(TREE, "AddNode() Adding to parent =", p.ParentId, p.WidgetType, p.GetProgName())
log.Log(TREE, "AddNode() Adding child =", n.ParentId, n.WidgetType, n.GetProgName())
p.children = append(p.children, n)
return n
func (me *TreeInfo) DeleteNode(n *Node) {
log.Log(TREE, "DeleteNode() before lock n =", n.WidgetId, n.GetProgName())
if me.TryLock() {
defer me.Unlock()
} else {
log.Info("TREE: mutex lock was already held before DeleteNode()")
p := n.Parent
log.Log(TREE, "DeleteNode() parent =", p.WidgetId, p.GetProgName())
for i, child := range p.children {
log.Log(TREE, "parent has child:", i, child.WidgetId, child.GetProgName())
if n == child {
log.Log(TREE, "Found child ==", i, child.WidgetId, child.GetProgName())
log.Log(TREE, "Found n ==", i, n.WidgetId, n.GetProgName())
p.children = append(p.children[:i], p.children[i+1:]...)
for i, child := range p.children {
log.Log(TREE, "parent now has child:", i, child.WidgetId, child.GetProgName())