// Although most code from WIT.COM Inc is under the GPL // This code is more generic because it must be able // to be used in any GUI plugin package tree import ( "go.wit.com/lib/protobuf/guipb" "go.wit.com/log" "go.wit.com/widget" ) // everything from the application goes through here func (me *TreeInfo) doAction(a widget.Action) { if a.ActionType == widget.ToolkitInit { log.Log(TREE, "tree.doAction() trapped ToolkitInit finally!") a.WidgetType = widget.Root n := addNode(&a) me.Add(n) log.Log(TREE, "tree.doAction() init() me.treeRoot") if me.ToolkitInit == nil { log.Log(TREE, "tree.doAction() ToolkitInit() was called before plugin had a chance to initialize") log.Log(TREE, "tree.doAction() TODO: fix channel to pause") return } log.Log(TREE, "tree.doAction() doing ToolkitInit()") me.ToolkitInit() return } if a.TablePB != nil { log.Log(TREE, "tree: got a TablePB") me.doTable(a) return } if a.WidgetId == 0 { if treeRoot == nil { log.Log(TREE, "tree.doAction() yes, treeRoot is nil. add here") } } n := treeRoot.FindWidgetId(a.WidgetId) switch a.ActionType { case widget.Add: if n == nil { n := me.AddNode(&a) me.Add(n) return } if a.WidgetId == 0 { // this is ok. This is the binary tree base and it's already initialized. This happens on startup return } // this shouldn't really happen. It's good to print a warning so the plugin code can be debugged log.Log(TREEWARN, "attempting to re-add widget", a.WidgetId, a.WidgetType, a.ActionType) return } if n == nil { // log.Log(TREEWARN, "tree.FindWidgetId() n == nil", a.WidgetId, a.WidgetType, a.ActionType) // log.Log(TREEWARN, "tree.FindWidgetId() n == nil", a.State.CurrentS) // log.Log(TREEWARN, "tree.FindWidgetId() n == nil. A bug in your application?") log.Log(TREEWARN, "tree.doAction() bug in gui. trying to do action", a.ActionType, "before widget init() wId =", a.WidgetId) if a.WidgetId == 0 { log.Log(TREEWARN, "tree.doAction() bug in gui. on wId zero. is treeRoot nil?") if treeRoot == nil { log.Log(TREEWARN, "tree.doAction() yes, treeRoot is nil") } } return } switch a.ActionType { case widget.SetText: log.Log(TREE, "tree.SetText() a.State.CurrentS =", a.State.CurrentS) log.Log(TREE, "tree.SetText() a.State.DefaultS =", a.State.DefaultS) log.Log(TREE, "tree.SetText() a.State.NewString =", a.State.NewString) switch n.WidgetType { case widget.Dropdown: me.SetText(n, a.State.NewString) case widget.Combobox: me.SetText(n, a.State.NewString) case widget.Textbox: me.SetText(n, a.State.NewString) case widget.Window: me.SetTitle(n, a.State.Label) default: // buttons, checkboxes, groups, etc me.SetLabel(n, a.State.Label) } case widget.AddText: switch n.WidgetType { case widget.Dropdown: n.ddStrings = append(n.ddStrings, a.State.NewString) me.AddText(n, a.State.NewString) case widget.Combobox: n.ddStrings = append(n.ddStrings, a.State.NewString) me.AddText(n, a.State.NewString) default: log.Log(TREEWARN, "AddText() not supported on widget", n.WidgetType, n.String()) } case widget.Checked: switch n.WidgetType { case widget.Checkbox: if me.SetChecked == nil { log.Log(TREEWARN, "SetChecked() == nil in toolkit", me.PluginName) } else { me.SetChecked(n, a.State.Checked) } default: log.Log(TREEWARN, "SetChecked() not supported on widget", n.WidgetType, n.String()) } case widget.Show: if n.WidgetType == widget.Table { t, err := loadTable(&a) if err != nil { log.Info("unmarshal data failed", err) return } if t == nil { log.Info("unmarshal data failed table == nil") } else { me.ShowTable(nil) } } else { n.State.Hidden = false me.Show(n) } case widget.Hide: n.State.Hidden = true me.Hide(n) log.Info("tree: doing hide here on", a.WidgetId, n.WidgetType) case widget.Enable: n.State.Enable = true me.Enable(n) case widget.Disable: n.State.Enable = false me.Disable(n) case widget.Delete: if me.Hide == nil { log.Info("toolkit doesn't know how to Hide() widgets") } else { me.Hide(n) } me.DeleteNode(n) // now remove the child from the parent default: log.Log(TREEWARN, "tree.Action() unknown action", a.ActionType, "on wId", a.WidgetId) // me.NodeAction(n, a.ActionType) } } func loadTable(a *widget.Action) (*guipb.Tables, error) { var t *guipb.Tables err := t.Unmarshal(a.TablePB) /* test := NewRepos() if test.Uuid != all.Uuid { log.Log(WARN, "uuids do not match", test.Uuid, all.Uuid) deleteProtobufFile(cfgname) } if test.Version != all.Version { log.Log(WARN, "versions do not match", test.Version, all.Version) deleteProtobufFile(cfgname) } */ // log.Log(INFO, cfgname, "protobuf versions and uuid match", all.Uuid, all.Version) return t, err }