244 lines
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244 lines
6.3 KiB
package main
import (
func (w *guiWidget) doWidgetClick() {
switch w.WidgetType {
case widget.Root:
log.Log(GOCUI, "doWidgetClick()", w.String())
wRoot := me.treeRoot.TK.(*guiWidget)
wRoot.redoWindows(0, 0)
case widget.Flag:
log.Log(GOCUI, "doWidgetClick() FLAG widget name =", w.String())
log.Log(GOCUI, "doWidgetClick() if this is the dropdown menu, handle it here?")
case widget.Window:
log.Log(GOCUI, "doWidgetClick() START on window", w.String())
// if the user clicked on the current window, do nothing
/* Ignore this for now and redraw the window anyway
if me.currentWindow == w {
if !w.active {
// if there is a current window, hide it
if me.currentWindow != nil {
me.currentWindow.isCurrent = false
// now set this window as the current window
me.currentWindow = w
me.currentWindow.isCurrent = true
// draw the current window
log.Log(GOCUI, "doWidgetClick() set currentWindow to", w.String())
w.DrawAt(3, 2)
w.placeWidgets(3, 2) // compute the sizes & places for each widget
w.active = false
showDebug = true
case widget.Group:
if w.active {
w.active = false
w.placeWidgets(w.startW, w.startH)
} else {
w.active = true
for _, child := range w.children {
// w.dumpTree("click end")
case widget.Checkbox:
if w.node.State.Checked {
log.Log(WARN, "checkbox is being set to false")
w.node.State.Checked = false
} else {
log.Log(WARN, "checkbox is being set to true")
w.node.State.Checked = true
case widget.Grid:
newR := w.realGocuiSize()
// w,h := n.logicalSize()
// w := newR.w1 - newR.w0
// h := newR.h1 - newR.h0
w.placeGrid(newR.w0, newR.h0)
case widget.Box:
// w.showWidgetPlacement(logNow, "drawTree()")
if w.node.State.Direction == widget.Horizontal {
log.Log(GOCUI, "BOX IS HORIZONTAL", w.String())
} else {
log.Log(GOCUI, "BOX IS VERTICAL", w.String())
w.placeWidgets(w.startW, w.startH)
case widget.Button:
// doUserEvent(n)
case widget.Combobox:
log.Log(GOCUI, "do the combobox here")
me.dropdownW = w
case widget.Dropdown:
log.Log(GOCUI, "do the dropdown here")
me.dropdownW = w
func click(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
mouseW, mouseH := me.baseGui.MousePosition()
log.Log(GOCUI, "click() START gocui name:", v.Name(), mouseW, mouseH)
w := findUnderMouse()
// if the dropdown view is visible, process it no matter what
if me.dropdownV.Visible() {
me.dropdownV.dropdownClicked(mouseW, mouseH)
if w == me.dropdownV {
return nil
if w == nil {
log.Error(errors.New("click() could not find widget for view =" + v.Name()))
} else {
log.Log(GOCUI, "click() Found widget =", w.node.WidgetId, w.String(), ",", w.labelN)
rootTK := me.treeRoot.TK.(*guiWidget)
realTK := rootTK.findWidgetByView(v)
if realTK == nil {
log.Error(errors.New("toolkit click() out of reality with gocui. v.Name() not in binary tree " + v.Name()))
log.Log(GOCUI, "click() END FAILURE ON gocui v.Name =", v.Name())
// return nil // otherwise gocui exits
// double check the widget view really still exists
nameTK := rootTK.findWidgetByName(v.Name())
if nameTK == nil {
log.Error(errors.New("toolkit click() out of reality with gocui. v.Name() not in binary tree " + v.Name()))
return nil
if nameTK.v == nil {
log.Log(GOCUI, "click() maybe this widget has had it's view distroyed?", nameTK.cuiName, nameTK.WidgetType)
log.Log(GOCUI, "yep. it's gone now")
return nil
// SetCurrentView dies if it's sent an non-existent view
if _, err := g.SetCurrentView(v.Name()); err != nil {
log.Log(GOCUI, "click() END v.Name =", v.Name(), "err =", err)
// return err // return causes gocui.MainLoop() to exit. Do we ever want that to happen here?
return nil
log.Log(GOCUI, "click() END gocui name:", v.Name())
return nil
func findUnderMouse() *guiWidget {
var widgets []*guiWidget
var f func(w *guiWidget)
w, h := me.baseGui.MousePosition()
// find buttons that are below where the mouse button click
f = func(widget *guiWidget) {
// ignore widgets that are not visible
if widget.Visible() {
if (widget.gocuiSize.w0 <= w) && (w <= widget.gocuiSize.w1) &&
(widget.gocuiSize.h0 <= h) && (h <= widget.gocuiSize.h1) {
widgets = append(widgets, widget)
for _, child := range widget.children {
rootW := me.treeRoot.TK.(*guiWidget)
// search through all the widgets that were below the mouse click
var found *guiWidget
for _, w := range widgets {
// prioritize window buttons. This means if some code covers
// up the window widgets, then it will ignore everything else
// and allow the user (hopefully) to redraw or switch windows
// TODO: display the window widgets on top
if w.WidgetType == widget.Window {
return w
// return anything else that is interactive
for _, w := range widgets {
if w.WidgetType == widget.Button {
return w
if w.WidgetType == widget.Combobox {
return w
if w.WidgetType == widget.Checkbox {
return w
w.showWidgetPlacement("findUnderMouse() found something unknown")
found = w
// maybe something else was found
return found
// find the widget under the mouse click
func ctrlDown(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
var found *guiWidget
// var widgets []*node
// var f func (n *node)
found = findUnderMouse()
if me.ctrlDown == nil {
var tk *guiWidget
tk = me.ctrlDown.TK.(*guiWidget)
tk.labelN = found.String()
tk.cuiName = "ctrlDown"
// me.ctrlDown.parent = me.rootNode
var tk *guiWidget
tk = me.ctrlDown.TK.(*guiWidget)
if found == nil {
found = me.treeRoot.TK.(*guiWidget)
tk.labelN = found.String()
newR := found.realGocuiSize()
tk.gocuiSize.w0 = newR.w0
tk.gocuiSize.h0 = newR.h0
tk.gocuiSize.w1 = newR.w1
tk.gocuiSize.h1 = newR.h1
return nil