// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "os" "runtime/debug" "go.wit.com/log" "go.wit.com/toolkits/tree" ) // sets defaults and establishes communication // to this toolkit from the wit/gui golang package func init() { log.Log(INFO, "Init() of awesome-gocui") // init the config struct default values Set(&me, "default") // Set(&me, "dense") me.myTree = tree.New() me.myTree.PluginName = "gocui" me.myTree.ActionFromChannel = action // pluginChan = make(chan widget.Action) log.Log(NOW, "Init() start pluginChan") // go catchActionChannel() log.Sleep(.1) // probably not needed, but in here for now under development go mainGogui() log.Sleep(.1) // probably not needed, but in here for now under development } func standardExit() { log.Log(NOW, "standardExit() doing baseGui.Close()") me.baseGui.Close() log.Log(NOW, "standardExit() doing outf.Close()") outf.Close() // log(true, "standardExit() setOutput(os.Stdout)") // setOutput(os.Stdout) log.Log(NOW, "standardExit() send back Quit()") // go sendBackQuit() // don't stall here in case the // induces a delay in case the callback channel is broken log.Sleep(1) log.Log(NOW, "standardExit() exit()") os.Exit(0) } func standardClose() { log.Log(NOW, "standardExit() doing baseGui.Close()") me.baseGui.Close() log.Log(NOW, "standardExit() doing outf.Close()") outf.Close() os.Stdin = os.Stdin os.Stdout = os.Stdout os.Stderr = os.Stderr log.Log(NOW, "standardExit() send back Quit()") } var outf *os.File func main() { } var origStdout *os.File var origStderr *os.File func mainGogui() { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Warn("YAHOOOO Recovered in guiMain application:", r) log.Warn("Recovered from panic:", r) me.baseGui.Close() log.Sleep(3) os.Stdout = origStdout os.Stderr = origStderr me.myTree.SendToolkitPanic() log.Warn("Stack trace:") debug.PrintStack() panic("BUMMER") return } }() var err error log.Log(INFO, "main() start Init()") outf, err = os.OpenFile("/tmp/witgui.log", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { log.Error(err, "error opening file: %v") os.Exit(0) } origStdout = os.Stdout os.Stdout = outf defer outf.Close() // setOutput(outf) // log("This is a test log entry") ferr, _ := os.OpenFile("/tmp/witgui.err", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0664) origStderr = os.Stderr os.Stderr = ferr gocuiMain() }