// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-Only /* * Copyright (C) 2022 Sean Anderson <seanga2@gmail.com> */ `include "common.vh" `include "io.vh" module mdio_io ( input clk, input mdc, inout mdio, output reg mdio_oe, input mdo, input mdo_valid, output reg ce, output reg mdi ); wire ce_next; reg mdi_next; reg [1:0] last_mdc; /* Two clock delay to allow the level shifter to reverse direction */ reg [2:0] oe; initial oe = 0; `ifdef SYNTHESIS SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(`PIN_OUTPUT_NEVER | `PIN_INPUT_REGISTERED) ) mdc_pin ( .PACKAGE_PIN(mdc), .INPUT_CLK(clk), .D_IN_0(last_mdc[0]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(`PIN_OUTPUT_REGISTERED | `PIN_OUTPUT_ENABLE | `PIN_INPUT_REGISTERED) ) mdio_pin ( .PACKAGE_PIN(mdio), .INPUT_CLK(clk), .OUTPUT_CLK(clk), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(oe[2]), .D_OUT_0(mdo), .D_IN_0(mdi_next), ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(`PIN_OUTPUT_ALWAYS | `PIN_OUTPUT_REGISTERED) ) mdio_oe_pin ( .PACKAGE_PIN(mdio_oe), .OUTPUT_CLK(clk), .D_OUT_0(mdo_valid), ); `else reg mdio_next; always @(posedge clk) begin last_mdc[0] <= mdc; mdi_next <= mdio; mdio_next <= mdo; mdio_oe <= mdo_valid; end assign mdio = oe[2] ? mdio_next : 1'bZ; `endif assign ce_next = last_mdc[0] && !last_mdc[1]; always @(posedge clk) begin mdi <= mdi_next; last_mdc[1] <= last_mdc[0]; ce <= ce_next; if (mdo_valid) oe <= { oe[1:0], mdo_valid }; else oe <= 0; end endmodule