// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-Only /* * Copyright (C) 2022 Sean Anderson <seanga2@gmail.com> * * This is a 100M, Half-duplex MAC (or most of the TX side, anyway). It takes * an AXI stream of input data, appends the FCS, and drives the MII. The first * 57 bytes of data are stored to allow retrying upon collisions. * * The following diagram shows two frames, one under 56 bytes, and another * greater than 64 bytes. It is adapted from figure 4-5, but reworked to * remove complications added for 1000M, and to show the important state * transitions. * * | PREAMBLE | DATA_EARLY | PAD_EARLY | PAD_LATE | FCS | * | PREAMBLE | DATA_EARLY | DATA_MIDDLE | DATA_LATE | FCS | * |<-- Slot time -->| * |<-- Minimum frame size -->| */ module axis_mii_tx ( input clk, rst, /* MII */ output reg mii_tx_ce, output reg mii_tx_en, output reg [3:0] mii_txd, input mii_col, input mii_crs, /* AXI Stream */ input [7:0] axis_data, input axis_valid, output axis_ready, input axis_last, input axis_err, /* Use a slot time of one octet for backoff; test purposes only */ input short_backoff, /* Enable Half-Duplex */ input half_duplex, /* Clause 4 TransmitStatus */ output reg transmit_ok, output reg gave_up, output reg late_collision, output reg underflow ); /* * The inter-packet states. In IPG_EARLY, any assertion of CRS will * reset the state counter. In IPG_LATE, CRS is ignored. However, if * there is no packet waiting and CRS is asserted, then it will * transition back to IPG_EARLY. Interestingly, IPG_EARLY_BYTES can be * reduced to 0 if desired, removing this functionality altogether. * Similarly, we go directly to IPG_LATE after transmitting a packet. */ localparam IPG_EARLY = 0; localparam IPG_LATE = 1; /* * The preamble state. Even if we have a collision, we still transmit * the full preamble before jamming. */ localparam PREAMBLE = 2; /* * The states used to transmit data. They are divided as follows: * - DATA_EARLY: Collisions during this state are early, and we need * to pad to the minimum frame size. * - DATA_MIDDLE: Collisions during this state are late, but we * still need to pad to the minimum frame size. * - DATA_LATE: Collisions are late, and we don't need to pad. * An important consideration here is the management of the done * signal. It must be asserted whenever we transition from early * collisions to late collisions. */ localparam DATA_EARLY = 3; localparam DATA_MIDDLE = 4; localparam DATA_LATE = 5; /* * Padding states: * - PAD_EARLY: If we get a collision we jam and retry. * - PAD_LATE: Collisions are late. */ localparam PAD_EARLY = 6; localparam PAD_LATE = 7; /* * Transmit the FCS. */ localparam FCS = 8; /* * Because bytes are sent over the MII one byte-time after the state * machine moves on, we can have a late collision even after the FCS * state is done. To detect this, we use an additional state which is * either the first byte of the jam sequence or the first byte of the * IPG, depending on whether we get a collision. */ localparam IPG_OR_JAM = 9; /* * The various jam sequences. They all send the same jam pattern, but * differ on what happens next. JAM_FAIL just goes straight to the * IPG. JAM_DRAIN goes to DRAIN. JAM_RETRY goes to BACKOFF if we still * have retries, or to DRAIN if we don't. */ localparam JAM_RETRY = 10; localparam JAM_DRAIN = 11; localparam JAM_FAIL = 12; /* * Drain the replay buffer and whatever is feeding it until we get to * the last byte. */ localparam DRAIN = 13; /* * Perform backoff. The amount is set by JAM_RETRY. */ localparam BACKOFF = 14; localparam PREAMBLE_BYTES = 8; localparam FCS_BYTES = 4; localparam JAM_BYTES = 4; localparam SLOT_BYTES = 64; localparam MIN_FRAME_BYTES = 64; localparam IPG_BYTES = 12; parameter IPG_EARLY_BYTES = 8; localparam IPG_LATE_BYTES = IPG_BYTES - IPG_EARLY_BYTES; /* +1 since we transition 8 bit times earlier than the MII */ localparam DATA_EARLY_BYTES = SLOT_BYTES - PREAMBLE_BYTES + 1; localparam DATA_MIDDLE_BYTES = MIN_FRAME_BYTES - DATA_EARLY_BYTES - FCS_BYTES; localparam PAD_LATE_BYTES = DATA_MIDDLE_BYTES; localparam MAX_RETRIES = 16; parameter MII_100_RATIO = 5; localparam DATA_PREAMBLE = 8'h55; localparam DATA_SFD = 8'hd5; parameter DATA_JAM = 8'hff; parameter DATA_PAD = 8'h00; localparam CRC_INIT = 32'hffffffff; reg [7:0] data, data_next; reg [31:0] crc_state, crc_state_next, crc_state_out; lfsr #( .LFSR_WIDTH(32), .LFSR_POLY(32'h04c11db7), .LFSR_CONFIG("GALOIS"), .REVERSE(1), .DATA_WIDTH(8), .STYLE("REDUCTION") ) crc ( .data_in(data), .state_in(crc_state), .state_out(crc_state_out) ); wire [7:0] buf_data; wire buf_err, buf_valid, buf_last; reg buf_ready, buf_ready_next, replay, replay_next, done, done_next; axis_replay_buffer #( .DATA_WIDTH(9), .BUF_SIZE(DATA_EARLY_BYTES) ) replay_buffer ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .s_axis_data({ axis_data, axis_err }), .s_axis_valid(axis_valid), .s_axis_ready(axis_ready), .s_axis_last(axis_last), .m_axis_data({ buf_data, buf_err }), .m_axis_valid(buf_valid), .m_axis_ready(buf_ready), .m_axis_last(buf_last), .replay(replay), .done(done) ); reg [2:0] mii_tx_counter, mii_tx_counter_next; reg mii_tx_ce_next, mii_tx_ce_next_next, mii_tx_ce_next_next_next; reg mii_tx_en_next; reg do_crc, do_crc_next, do_state, odd, odd_next, collision, collision_next; reg [3:0] state, state_next, retries, retries_next; reg [5:0] state_counter, state_counter_next; reg [9:0] lfsr, lfsr_next, backoff, backoff_next; reg transmit_ok_next, gave_up_next, late_collision_next; reg underflow_next, err, err_next; always @(*) begin mii_tx_ce_next_next_next = 0; mii_tx_counter_next = mii_tx_counter - 1; if (!mii_tx_counter) begin mii_tx_ce_next_next_next = 1; mii_tx_counter_next = MII_100_RATIO - 1; end do_crc_next = 0; crc_state_next = crc_state; if (do_crc) crc_state_next = crc_state_out; lfsr_next = { lfsr[8:0], lfsr[9] ^ lfsr[6] }; case (retries) 15: backoff_next = lfsr[ 0]; 14: backoff_next = lfsr[1:0]; 13: backoff_next = lfsr[2:0]; 12: backoff_next = lfsr[3:0]; 11: backoff_next = lfsr[4:0]; 10: backoff_next = lfsr[5:0]; 9: backoff_next = lfsr[6:0]; 8: backoff_next = lfsr[7:0]; 7: backoff_next = lfsr[8:0]; 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0: backoff_next = lfsr[9:0]; endcase odd_next = odd ^ mii_tx_ce_next; mii_tx_en_next = mii_tx_en; do_state = 0; state_next = state; state_counter_next = state_counter; if (mii_tx_ce_next && odd) begin do_state = 1; state_counter_next = state_counter - 1; end err_next = 0; if (buf_ready && buf_valid && buf_err) err_next = 1; transmit_ok_next = 0; gave_up_next = 0; late_collision_next = 0; underflow_next = 0; buf_ready_next = 0; data_next = data; replay_next = 0; done_next = 0; retries_next = retries; collision_next = collision || (half_duplex && mii_col); case (state) IPG_EARLY: begin collision_next = 0; crc_state_next = CRC_INIT; if (mii_crs) state_counter_next = IPG_EARLY_BYTES - 1; if (do_state) begin mii_tx_en_next = 0; if (!state_counter && !mii_crs) begin state_counter_next = IPG_LATE_BYTES - 1; state_next = IPG_LATE; end end end IPG_LATE: begin collision_next = 0; crc_state_next = CRC_INIT; if (do_state && !state_counter) begin state_counter_next = state_counter; if (buf_valid) begin state_next = PREAMBLE; state_counter_next = PREAMBLE_BYTES - 1; end else if (half_duplex && mii_crs) begin state_next = IPG_EARLY; state_counter_next = IPG_EARLY_BYTES - 1; end end end PREAMBLE: begin crc_state_next = CRC_INIT; if (do_state) begin mii_tx_en_next = 1; data_next = DATA_PREAMBLE; if (!state_counter) begin data_next = DATA_SFD; state_next = DATA_EARLY; state_counter_next = DATA_EARLY_BYTES - 1; if (collision_next) begin state_next = JAM_RETRY; state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; end end end end DATA_EARLY, DATA_MIDDLE, DATA_LATE: begin buf_ready_next = mii_tx_ce_next_next && odd; if (do_state) begin data_next = buf_data; do_crc_next = 1; case (state) DATA_EARLY: begin if (!state_counter) begin if (buf_last) state_next = PAD_LATE; else state_next = DATA_MIDDLE; state_counter_next = DATA_MIDDLE_BYTES - 1; done_next = 1; end else if (buf_last) begin state_next = PAD_EARLY; end end DATA_MIDDLE: begin if (!state_counter) begin if (buf_last) state_next = FCS; else state_next = DATA_LATE; state_counter_next = FCS_BYTES - 1; end else if (buf_last) begin state_next = PAD_LATE; end end DATA_LATE: begin if (buf_last) state_next = FCS; state_counter_next = FCS_BYTES - 1; end endcase if (!buf_valid) begin if (buf_last) state_next = JAM_FAIL; else state_next = JAM_DRAIN; state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; underflow_next = 1; if (state == DATA_EARLY) done_next = 1; end if (collision_next) begin underflow_next = 0; if (state == DATA_EARLY) begin state_next = JAM_RETRY; done_next = 0; end else begin if (buf_last) state_next = JAM_FAIL; else state_next = JAM_DRAIN; late_collision_next = 1; end state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; end end if (err) begin state_next = JAM_DRAIN; state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; underflow_next = 1; if (state == DATA_EARLY) done_next = 1; end end PAD_EARLY, PAD_LATE: begin if (do_state) begin data_next = DATA_PAD; do_crc_next = 1; if (collision_next) begin if (state == PAD_EARLY) begin state_next = JAM_RETRY; end else begin state_next = JAM_FAIL; late_collision_next = 1; end state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; end else if (!state_counter) begin if (state == PAD_EARLY) begin state_next = PAD_LATE; state_counter_next = PAD_LATE_BYTES - 1; done_next = 1; end else begin state_next = FCS; state_counter_next = FCS_BYTES - 1; end end end if (err) begin state_next = JAM_FAIL; state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; underflow_next = 1; if (state == PAD_EARLY) done_next = 1; end end FCS: begin if (do_state) begin case (state_counter[1:0]) 2'd3: data_next = ~crc_state[7:0]; 2'd2: data_next = ~crc_state[15:8]; 2'd1: data_next = ~crc_state[23:16]; 2'd0: begin data_next = ~crc_state[31:24]; state_next = IPG_OR_JAM; end endcase if (collision_next) begin state_next = JAM_FAIL; state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; late_collision_next = 1; transmit_ok_next = 0; end end if (err) begin state_next = JAM_FAIL; state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 1; underflow_next = 1; end end IPG_OR_JAM: begin if (do_state) begin data_next = DATA_JAM; if (collision_next) begin state_next = JAM_FAIL; state_counter_next = JAM_BYTES - 2; late_collision_next = 1; end else begin mii_tx_en_next = 0; state_next = IPG_LATE; state_counter_next = IPG_BYTES - 2; transmit_ok_next = 1; retries_next = MAX_RETRIES - 1; end end end JAM_RETRY, JAM_DRAIN, JAM_FAIL: begin if (do_state) data_next = DATA_JAM; if (do_state && !state_counter) begin if (state == JAM_RETRY && retries) begin state_next = BACKOFF; /* * A value of 0 would otherwise mean * "wait one slot time", so start at * the "end" of a slot time so we * don't wait for no reason. */ state_counter_next = 0; replay_next = 1; retries_next = retries - 1; end else begin state_counter_next = IPG_BYTES - 1; if (state == JAM_FAIL) begin state_next = IPG_LATE; mii_tx_en_next = 0; end else begin state_next = DRAIN; end retries_next = MAX_RETRIES - 1; if (state == JAM_RETRY) begin gave_up_next = 1; done_next = 1; end end end end DRAIN: begin if (buf_ready && buf_valid && buf_last) begin if (half_duplex) begin state_next = IPG_EARLY; state_counter_next = IPG_EARLY_BYTES - 1; end else begin state_next = IPG_LATE; state_counter_next = IPG_BYTES - 1; end end else begin buf_ready_next = 1; end if (do_state) mii_tx_en_next = 0; end BACKOFF: begin backoff_next = backoff; if (mii_tx_ce_next && odd) begin mii_tx_en_next = 0; if (!state_counter) begin backoff_next = backoff - 1; if (short_backoff) state_counter_next = 0; else state_counter_next = SLOT_BYTES - 1; if (!backoff) begin state_next = IPG_EARLY; state_counter_next = IPG_EARLY_BYTES - 1; end end end end endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin do_crc <= do_crc_next; data <= data_next; mii_txd <= odd_next ? data_next[7:4] : data_next[3:0]; backoff <= backoff_next; crc_state <= crc_state_next; collision <= collision_next; end always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin if (rst) begin mii_tx_counter <= MII_100_RATIO; mii_tx_ce <= 0; mii_tx_ce_next <= 0; mii_tx_ce_next_next <= 0; mii_tx_en <= 0; odd <= 0; state <= IPG_EARLY; state_counter <= IPG_EARLY_BYTES - 1; retries <= MAX_RETRIES - 1; lfsr <= 10'h3ff; transmit_ok <= 0; gave_up <= 0; late_collision <= 0; underflow <= 0; buf_ready <= 0; err <= 0; done <= 0; replay <= 0; end else begin mii_tx_counter <= mii_tx_counter_next; mii_tx_ce <= mii_tx_ce_next; mii_tx_ce_next <= mii_tx_ce_next_next; mii_tx_ce_next_next <= mii_tx_ce_next_next_next; mii_tx_en <= mii_tx_en_next; odd <= odd_next; state <= state_next; state_counter <= state_counter_next; retries <= retries_next; lfsr <= lfsr_next; transmit_ok <= transmit_ok_next; gave_up <= gave_up_next; late_collision <= late_collision_next; underflow <= underflow_next; buf_ready <= buf_ready_next; err <= err_next; done <= done_next; replay <= replay_next; end end `ifndef SYNTHESIS reg [255:0] state_text; always @(*) begin case (state) IPG_EARLY: state_text = "IPG_EARLY"; IPG_LATE: state_text = "IPG_LATE"; PREAMBLE: state_text = "PREAMBLE"; DATA_EARLY: state_text = "DATA_EARLY"; DATA_MIDDLE: state_text = "DATA_MIDDLE"; DATA_LATE: state_text = "DATA_LATE"; PAD_EARLY: state_text = "PAD_EARLY"; PAD_LATE: state_text = "PAD_LATE"; FCS: state_text = "FCS"; IPG_OR_JAM: state_text = "IPG_OR_JAM"; JAM_RETRY: state_text = "JAM_RETRY"; JAM_DRAIN: state_text = "JAM_DRAIN"; JAM_FAIL: state_text = "JAM_FAIL"; DRAIN: state_text = "DRAIN"; BACKOFF: state_text = "BACKOFF"; endcase end `endif endmodule