// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-Only /* * Copyright (C) 2022 Sean Anderson * * This roughly follows the design of XAPP225. However, we use a 2x rate DDR * clock instead of two clocks 90 degrees out of phase. Yosys/nextpnr cannot * guarantee the phase relationship of any clocks, even those from the same * PLL. Because of this, we assume that rx_clk_250 and rx_clk_125 are unrelated. */ `include "common.vh" `include "io.vh" `timescale 1ns/1ps module pmd_io ( input tx_clk, input rx_clk_250, input rx_clk_125, input signal_detect, input rx, output reg tx, /* PMD */ output signal_status, input pmd_data_tx, output reg [1:0] pmd_data_rx, output reg [1:0] pmd_data_rx_valid ); reg [1:0] rx_p, rx_n; reg [3:0] sd_delay; `ifdef SYNTHESIS SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(`PIN_OUTPUT_NEVER | `PIN_INPUT_REGISTERED), .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVDS_INPUT") ) signal_detect_pin ( .PACKAGE_PIN(signal_detect), .INPUT_CLK(rx_clk_125), .D_IN_0(sd_delay[0]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(`PIN_OUTPUT_NEVER | `PIN_INPUT_DDR), .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVDS_INPUT") ) data_rx_pin ( .PACKAGE_PIN(rx), .INPUT_CLK(rx_clk_250), .D_IN_0(rx_p[0]), .D_IN_1(rx_n[0]) ); `else always @(posedge rx_clk_125) sd_delay[0] <= signal_detect; always @(posedge rx_clk_250) rx_p[0] <= rx; always @(negedge rx_clk_250) rx_n[0] <= rx; `endif /* * Delay signal status until the known good data has had a chance to * make it through the pipeline. This isn't necessary for real hardware * (since signal status is asserted long after we have good data), but * it helps out during simulation. It also helps avoid metastability. */ always @(posedge rx_clk_125) sd_delay[3:1] <= sd_delay[2:0]; assign signal_status = sd_delay[3]; /* * Get things into the rx_clk_250 domain so that we sample posedge before * negedge. Without this we can have a negedge which happens before the * posedge. */ always @(posedge rx_clk_250) begin rx_p[1] <= rx_p[0]; rx_n[1] <= rx_n[0]; end reg [2:0] rx_a, rx_b, rx_c, rx_d; /* Get everything in the rx_clk_125 domain */ always @(posedge rx_clk_125) begin rx_a[0] <= rx_p[1]; rx_b[0] <= rx_n[1]; end always @(negedge rx_clk_125) begin rx_c[0] <= rx_p[1]; rx_d[0] <= rx_n[1]; end /* * Buffer things a bit. We wait a cycle to avoid metastability. After * that, we need two cycles of history to detect edges. */ always @(posedge rx_clk_125) begin rx_a[2:1] <= rx_a[1:0]; rx_b[2:1] <= rx_b[1:0]; rx_c[2:1] <= rx_c[1:0]; rx_d[2:1] <= rx_d[1:0]; end localparam A = 0; localparam B = 1; localparam C = 2; localparam D = 3; reg [1:0] state, state_next; initial state = A; reg valid, valid_next; initial valid = 0; reg [1:0] pmd_data_rx_next, pmd_data_rx_valid_next; reg [3:0] rx_r, rx_f; always @(*) begin rx_r = { rx_a[1] & ~rx_a[2], rx_b[1] & ~rx_b[2], rx_c[1] & ~rx_c[2], rx_d[1] & ~rx_d[2] }; rx_f = { ~rx_a[1] & rx_a[2], ~rx_b[1] & rx_b[2], ~rx_c[1] & rx_c[2], ~rx_d[1] & rx_d[2] }; state_next = state; valid_next = 1; if (rx_r == 4'b1111 || rx_f == 4'b1111) state_next = C; else if (rx_r == 4'b1000 || rx_f == 4'b1000) state_next = D; else if (rx_r == 4'b1100 || rx_f == 4'b1100) state_next = A; else if (rx_r == 4'b1110 || rx_f == 4'b1110) state_next = B; else valid_next = valid; if (!signal_status) begin state_next = A; valid_next = 0; end pmd_data_rx_next[0] = rx_d[2]; pmd_data_rx_valid_next = 1; case (state_next) A: begin pmd_data_rx_next[1] = rx_a[2]; if (state == D) pmd_data_rx_valid_next = 0; end B: begin pmd_data_rx_next[1] = rx_b[2]; end C: begin pmd_data_rx_next[1] = rx_c[2]; end D: begin pmd_data_rx_next[1] = rx_d[2]; if (state == A) begin pmd_data_rx_next[1] = rx_a[2]; pmd_data_rx_valid_next = 2; end end endcase if (!valid_next) pmd_data_rx_valid_next = 0; end always @(posedge rx_clk_125) begin state <= state_next; valid <= valid_next; pmd_data_rx <= pmd_data_rx_next; pmd_data_rx_valid <= pmd_data_rx_valid_next; end `ifdef SYNTHESIS SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(`PIN_OUTPUT_ALWAYS | `PIN_OUTPUT_REGISTERED), ) data_txp_pin ( .PACKAGE_PIN(tx), .OUTPUT_CLK(rx_clk_125), .D_OUT_0(pmd_data_tx) ); `else always @(posedge tx_clk) tx <= pmd_data_tx; `endif `ifndef SYNTHESIS reg [255:0] state_text; input [13:0] delay; always @(*) begin case (state) A: state_text = "A"; B: state_text = "B"; C: state_text = "C"; D: state_text = "D"; endcase end `endif `DUMP(0) endmodule