// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-Only /* * Copyright (C) 2022 Sean Anderson */ `include "common.vh" `timescale 1ns/1ps module phy_core ( input clk, /* "PMD" */ output tx_data, input [1:0] rx_data, input [1:0] rx_data_valid, input signal_status, /* "MII" */ input tx_ce, input tx_en, input [3:0] txd, input tx_er, output rx_ce, output rx_dv, output [3:0] rxd, output rx_er, output reg crs, output reg col, /* Control/status */ input loopback, input coltest, input link_monitor_test_mode, input descrambler_test_mode, output locked, output reg link_status, output receiving, output reg false_carrier, output reg symbol_error ); wire tx_bits, transmitting; pcs_tx pcs_tx ( .clk(clk), .ce(tx_ce), .enable(tx_en), .data(txd), .err(tx_er), .bits(tx_bits), .link_status(link_status), .tx(transmitting) ); scramble scrambler ( .clk(clk), .unscrambled(tx_bits), .scrambled(tx_data) ); reg descrambler_enable, loopback_last; initial loopback_last = 0; wire [1:0] rx_bits, rx_bits_valid; /* Force desynchronization when entering/exiting loopback */ always @(*) begin if (loopback) descrambler_enable = loopback_last; else descrambler_enable = signal_status && !loopback_last; end always @(posedge clk) loopback_last <= loopback; descramble descrambler ( .clk(clk), .signal_status(descrambler_enable), .scrambled(rx_data), .scrambled_valid(rx_data_valid), .descrambled(rx_bits), .descrambled_valid(rx_bits_valid), .test_mode(descrambler_test_mode), .locked(locked) ); /* * $ scripts/lfsr.py 0x12000 41250 16 * * 41250 cycles or 330 us at 125MHz */ localparam STABILIZE_VALUE = 17'h1590c; /* 16 cycles; there's no instability while testing */ localparam TEST_STABILIZE_VALUE = 17'h038e3; reg link_status_next; initial link_status = 0; reg [16:0] stabilize_timer, stabilize_timer_next; initial stabilize_timer = STABILIZE_VALUE; /* * Link monitor process; this is the entirety of the (section 24.3) PMA * * Section specifies that link_status is to be set to OK when * stabilize_timer completes. However, I have also included whether * the descrambler is locked. I think this matches the intent of the * signal, which indicates whether "the receive channel is intact and * enabled for reception." */ always @(*) begin link_status_next = 0; stabilize_timer_next = stabilize_timer; if (signal_status) begin if (&stabilize_timer) begin link_status_next = locked; end else begin stabilize_timer_next[0] = stabilize_timer[16] ^ stabilize_timer[13]; stabilize_timer_next[16:1] = stabilize_timer[15:0]; end end else if (link_monitor_test_mode) begin stabilize_timer_next = TEST_STABILIZE_VALUE; end else begin stabilize_timer_next = STABILIZE_VALUE; end if (loopback) stabilize_timer_next = 17'h1ffff; end always @(posedge clk) begin stabilize_timer <= stabilize_timer_next; link_status <= link_status_next; end pcs_rx pcs_rx ( .clk(clk), .ce(rx_ce), .valid(rx_dv), .data(rxd), .err(rx_er), .bits(rx_bits), .bits_valid(rx_bits_valid), .link_status(link_status), .rx(receiving) ); /* * NB: CRS and COL are not required to be in any particular clock * domain (not that it matters). */ always @(*) begin crs = transmitting || receiving; col = transmitting && receiving; if (coltest) col = transmitting; else if (loopback) col = 0; false_carrier = 0; symbol_error = 0; if (rx_ce && rx_er) begin if (rx_dv) symbol_error = 1; else false_carrier = 1; end end endmodule