// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-Only OR CERN-OHL-S-2.0 /* * Copyright (C) 2022 Sean Anderson */ `include "common.vh" module mdio ( input clk, input ce, input mdi, output reg mdo, output reg mdo_valid, input ack, err, output cyc, output reg stb, we, output reg [4:0] addr, output reg [15:0] data_write, input [15:0] data_read ); parameter [PHYAD_BITS-1:0] ADDRESS = 0; localparam IDLE = 0; localparam PREAMBLE = 1; localparam ST = 2; localparam OP = 3; localparam PHYAD = 4; localparam REGAD = 5; localparam TA = 6; localparam DATA = 7; localparam PREAMBLE_BITS = 32; localparam OP_BITS = 2; localparam PHYAD_BITS = 5; localparam REGAD_BITS = 5; localparam TA_BITS = 2; localparam DATA_BITS = 16; localparam OP_READ = 2'b10; localparam OP_WRITE = 2'b01; reg mdo_next, mdo_valid_next; reg stb_next, we_next; initial stb = 0; reg [4:0] addr_next; reg [15:0] data_next; reg bad, bad_next, saved_err, saved_err_next; reg [2:0] state, state_next; reg [4:0] state_counter, state_counter_next; initial state = IDLE; /* * NB: stb_next and data_next are assigned to stb and data_write every * clock, whereas the other signals are only assigned if ce is high. * This ensures that no duplicate reads/writes are issued, and that * data_read is sampled promptly. However, it also means that any * assignments to these regs in the state machine must be qualified * by ce. */ always @(*) begin mdo_next = 1'bX; mdo_valid_next = 0; stb_next = stb; we_next = we; addr_next = addr; data_next = data_write; saved_err_next = saved_err; if (stb && (ack || err)) begin stb_next = 0; if (err) saved_err_next = 1; else data_next = data_read; end state_next = state; state_counter_next = state_counter - 1; bad_next = bad; case (state) IDLE: begin bad_next = 0; state_counter_next = PREAMBLE_BITS - 1; if (mdi) state_next = PREAMBLE; end PREAMBLE: begin if (!state_counter) state_counter_next = 0; if (!mdi) begin if (state_counter) state_next = IDLE; else state_next = ST; end end ST: begin if (!mdi) bad_next = 1; state_next = OP; state_counter_next = OP_BITS - 1; end OP: begin /* This is a bit of an abuse of we :) */ we_next = mdi; /* Accordingly, cancel any outstanding transactions */ stb_next = 0; saved_err_next = 0; if (!state_counter) begin case ({ we, mdi }) OP_READ: we_next = 0; OP_WRITE: we_next = 1; default: bad_next = 1; endcase state_next = PHYAD; state_counter_next = PHYAD_BITS - 1; end end PHYAD: begin if (mdi != ADDRESS[state_counter]) bad_next = 1; if (!state_counter) begin state_next = REGAD; state_counter_next = REGAD_BITS - 1; end end REGAD: begin addr_next = { addr[3:0], mdi }; if (!state_counter) begin if (ce && !we && !bad) stb_next = 1; state_next = TA; state_counter_next = TA_BITS - 1; end end TA: begin if (!state_counter) begin if (!we && !bad) begin mdo_next = 0; mdo_valid_next = 1; if (stb || saved_err) begin /* No response */ if (ce) stb_next = 0; bad_next = 1; mdo_valid_next = 0; end end state_next = DATA; state_counter_next = DATA_BITS - 1; end end DATA: begin if (ce && we) begin data_next = { data_write[14:0], mdi }; end else if (!bad) begin /* More data_write abuse */ mdo_next = data_write[15]; mdo_valid_next = 1; if (ce) data_next = { data_write[14:0], 1'bX }; end if (!state_counter) begin if (ce && we && !bad) stb_next = 1; bad_next = 0; state_next = IDLE; end end endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin stb <= stb_next; data_write <= data_next; saved_err <= saved_err_next; if (ce) begin mdo <= mdo_next; mdo_valid <= mdo_valid_next; we <= we_next; addr <= addr_next; state <= state_next; state_counter <= state_counter_next; bad <= bad_next; end end /* No multi-beat transactions */ assign cyc = stb; `ifndef SYNTHESIS reg [255:0] state_text; always @(*) begin case (state) IDLE: state_text = "IDLE"; PREAMBLE: state_text = "PREAMBLE"; ST: state_text = "ST"; OP: state_text = "OP"; PHYAD: state_text = "PHYAD"; REGAD: state_text = "REGAD"; TA: state_text = "TA"; DATA: state_text = "DATA"; endcase end `endif endmodule