Add post-synthesis simulation support

This adds support for running testbenches post-synethesis. Simulating
this way should (hopefully) catch most synthesis/simulation mismatches.

Signed-off-by: Sean Anderson <>
This commit is contained in:
Sean Anderson 2022-08-06 16:05:09 -04:00
parent 6d7847c35f
commit 6ffb3481fe
1 changed files with 33 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -14,12 +14,29 @@ all: rtl/pcs.asc
%.json: %.v
$(SYNTH) -q -E $@.d -p "synth_ice40 -top top" -b json -o $@ -f verilog $<
$(SYNTH) -q -E $@.d -p "synth_ice40 -top $(*F)" -b json -o $@ -f verilog $< %.json %.v
( grep timescale $*.v && echo '`include "common.vh"' && \
$(SYNTH) -q -b verilog -f json $< ) | sed 's/endmodule/`DUMP(1)\n\0/g' > $@
IFLAGS := -g2012 -Wall
define run-icarus =
$(ICARUS) $(IFLAGS) -I$(<D) -M$@.pre -s $(TOP) -o $@ $< $(EXTRA_V) && \
( echo -n "$@: " && tr '\n' ' ' ) < $@.pre > $@.d; RET=$$?; rm -f $@.pre; exit $$RET
%.vvp: TOP = $(*F)
%.vvp: %.v
echo "+timescale+1ns/1ns" | \
$(ICARUS) -Wall -c /dev/stdin -I$(<D) -M$@.pre -s $(*F) -o $@ $< && \
( echo -n "$@: " && tr '\n' ' ' ) < $@.pre > $@.d; RET=$$?; rm -f $@.pre; exit $$RET
$(run-icarus) TOP = $(*F) EXTRA_V := $(shell $(SYNTH)-config --datdir)/ice40/cells_sim.v
# Don't warn about unused SB_IO ports IFLAGS += -Wno-portbind
%.asc: %.json
$(PNR) --pcf-allow-unconstrained --freq 125 --hx8k --package ct256 --json $< --asc $@
@ -27,16 +44,23 @@ FORCE:
-include $(wildcard rtl/*.d)
export LIBPYTHON_LOC := $(shell cocotb-config --libpython)
VVPARGS := -M $(shell cocotb-config --lib-dir)
VVPARGS += -m $(shell cocotb-config --lib-name vpi icarus)
VVPFLAGS := -M $(shell cocotb-config --lib-dir)
VVPFLAGS += -m $(shell cocotb-config --lib-name vpi icarus)
define run-vvp =
MODULE=tb.$* $(VVP) $(VVPFLAGS) $< -fst +vcd=$@
%.fst: rtl/%.vvp tb/ FORCE
MODULE=tb.$* $(VVP) $(VVPARGS) $< -fst +vcd=$@
$(run-vvp) rtl/ tb/ FORCE
.PHONY: test
test: test_pcs
test: $(addsuffix .fst,pcs pmd) $(addsuffix .post.fst,pcs pmd)
.PHONY: clean
rm *.fst
cd rtl && rm -f *.json *.asc *.vvp *.d *.pre
cd rtl && rm -f *.json *.asc *.pre *.vvp *.d *.post.v