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// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-Only OR CERN-OHL-S-2.0
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
* Copyright (C) 2022 Sean Anderson <>
`include "common.vh"
`include "pcs.vh"
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module pcs_rx_bits (
input clk,
* Whether to start a new frame using the last value of @unaligned
* (instead of @aligned). This will adjust the alignment of @aligned.
* Should be a combinatorial input.
input start,
* Fill the input buffer with 1s. This will take effect the cycle
* after it is asserted. It is possible that an overlapping R/J will
* not be detected, but any legal (non-overlapping) R/J will be
* detected properly. Should be a combinatorial input.
input flush,
* The input bits from the PMA. The @bits[1] should be the
* oldest bit. If only one bit is valid, then @bits[1] will be
* considered valid. There cannot be more than two valid bits in one
* cycle.
input [1:0] bits, bits_valid,
* Whether there was activity detected, as defined by When
* this signal is asserted, then @unaligned contains valid code groups
* (such as /I/J/).
output reg activity,
* Whether there are at least 10 1s in the input buffer, aligned
* or unaligned. This signal may be used to detect the end of a carrier
* event, as defined by
output reg idle,
* Whether @aligned contains valid code groups. This signal will be
* asserted (on average) every 5 clock cycles, and can be used as
* a clock enable.
output reg indicate,
* The output bits from the alignment process. Despite the name, both
* code groups are aligned. @unaligned assumes that we are not
* receiving and tries to detect a new start of stream. @aligned
* assumes that we are receiving and bases the alignment of its code
* group off of a previous start of stream.
output reg [9:0] aligned, unaligned
reg activity_next, idle_next, indicate_next;
reg [9:0] aligned_next, unaligned_next;
/* A shift buffer containing the previous values of @bits. */
reg [9:0] buffer, buffer_next;
initial buffer = { `CODE_I, `CODE_I };
* The buffer combined with the new bits (e.g. the total set of bits we
* have to work with)
wire [11:0] raw_bits = { buffer, bits };
/* buffer_next before being shifted by bits_valid */
reg [11:0] buffer_next_raw;
* The number of bits left to receive for the current code group.
* A value of 0 (or 1 if @bits_valid is 2) indicates that the current
* code group will be finished this cycle, and that @indicate_next will be
* set.
reg [2:0] bits_remaining, bits_remaining_next;
initial bits_remaining = 4;
* Whether the last unaligned code group had an "extra" valid bit. If
* this was the case, then the buffer will already contain an extra
* valid bit of the next code group.
reg extra, extra_next;
/* Detect an IJ pair (or a false carrier) */
function start_ij(input [9:0] bits);
start_ij = !(&bits[9:2]) && !bits[0];
always @(*) begin
idle_next = idle;
if (bits_valid != 0)
idle_next = &raw_bits[10:1];
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if (bits_valid & 2)
idle_next = idle_next || &raw_bits[9:0];
buffer_next_raw = raw_bits;
if (flush)
buffer_next_raw = { 9'h1FF, extra ? buffer[0] : 1'b1, bits };
/* buffer_next = buffer_next_raw << bits_valid */
if (bits_valid == 0)
buffer_next = buffer_next_raw[11:2];
else if (bits_valid == 1)
buffer_next = buffer_next_raw[10:1];
buffer_next = buffer_next_raw[9:0];
/* bits_remaining_next = (bits_remaining - bits_valid) % 5 */
if (bits_valid > bits_remaining)
bits_remaining_next = 5 + bits_remaining - bits_valid;
bits_remaining_next = bits_remaining - bits_valid;
if (start)
bits_remaining_next = 4 - bits_valid - extra;
/* indicate = bits_remaining < bits_remaining_next */
indicate_next = 0;
if (bits_valid != 0)
indicate_next = bits_remaining == 0;
if (bits_valid & 2)
indicate_next = indicate_next || bits_remaining == 1;
* If we are re-aligning, then indicate will not be valid
* (since it is using the old alignment). There should always
* be at least 3 clock cycles between indicates, so it's safe
* to just ignore it.
if (start)
indicate_next = 0;
aligned_next = raw_bits[10:1];
if (bits_valid & 2 && bits_remaining & 1)
aligned_next = raw_bits[9:0];
activity_next = 0;
extra_next = 0;
unaligned_next = raw_bits[10:1];
if (bits_valid == 1) begin
activity_next = start_ij(raw_bits[10:1]);
end else if (bits_valid & 2) begin
if (start_ij(raw_bits[10:1])) begin
activity_next = 1;
extra_next = 1;
end else if (start_ij(raw_bits[9:0])) begin
activity_next = 1;
unaligned_next = raw_bits[9:0];
* If we are flushing then activity is based on stale data.
* Ignore it so we don't accidentally detect activity for data
* we are going to flush anyway.
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if (flush)
activity_next = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
buffer <= buffer_next;
bits_remaining <= bits_remaining_next;
extra <= extra_next;
activity <= activity_next;
idle <= idle_next;
indicate <= indicate_next;
aligned <= aligned_next;
unaligned <= unaligned_next;
/* Receive process */
module pcs_rx (
/* MII */
input clk,
output reg ce,
output reg valid,
output reg [3:0] data,
output reg err,
/* PMA */
input [1:0] bits,
input [1:0] bits_valid,
input link_status,
/* Internal */
output reg rx,
output reg false_carrier
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
localparam IDLE = 0;
localparam START_J = 1;
localparam START_K = 2;
localparam BAD_SSD = 3;
localparam DATA = 4;
localparam PREMATURE = 5;
localparam FAILED = 6;
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
reg start, flush;
wire activity, idle, indicate;
wire [9:0] aligned, unaligned;
reg [3:0] data_next;
reg ce_next, valid_next, err_next;
reg [2:0] state, state_next;
initial state = IDLE;
/* Whether we are aligned and receiving */
reg rx_next, false_carrier_next;
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
pcs_rx_bits rx_bits (
always @(*) begin
case (aligned[9:5])
`CODE_0: data_next = 4'h0;
`CODE_1: data_next = 4'h1;
`CODE_2: data_next = 4'h2;
`CODE_3: data_next = 4'h3;
`CODE_4: data_next = 4'h4;
`CODE_5: data_next = 4'h5;
`CODE_6: data_next = 4'h6;
`CODE_7: data_next = 4'h7;
`CODE_8: data_next = 4'h8;
`CODE_9: data_next = 4'h9;
`CODE_A: data_next = 4'hA;
`CODE_B: data_next = 4'hB;
`CODE_C: data_next = 4'hC;
`CODE_D: data_next = 4'hD;
`CODE_E: data_next = 4'hE;
`CODE_F: data_next = 4'hF;
`CODE_J: data_next = 4'h5;
`CODE_K: data_next = 4'h5;
/* This doesn't do anything :( */
default: data_next = 4'hX;
start = 0;
* XXX: flush (unlike everything else here) is combinatorial;
* we should only flush if we are actually evaluating the
* state.
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
flush = 0;
rx_next = rx;
ce_next = indicate;
state_next = state;
valid_next = valid;
err_next = 0;
false_carrier_next = 0;
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
`define BAD_SSD begin \
state_next = BAD_SSD; \
data_next = 4'b1110; \
err_next = 1; \
case (state)
/* These two states evaluate continuously */
IDLE: begin
rx_next = 0;
valid_next = 0;
if (activity) begin
start = 1;
rx_next = 1;
ce_next = 0;
if (unaligned == { `CODE_I, `CODE_J })
state_next = START_J;
else begin
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false_carrier_next = 1;
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BAD_SSD: begin
if (idle)
state_next = IDLE;
/* These states transition only on indicate */
START_J: begin
if (aligned[4:0] == `CODE_K) begin
state_next = START_K;
valid_next = 1;
end else begin
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false_carrier_next = indicate;
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if (!indicate)
state_next = START_J;
START_K: begin
if (indicate)
state_next = DATA;
DATA: begin
case (aligned[9:5])
if (aligned[4:0] == `CODE_R) begin
if (indicate)
flush = 1;
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state_next = IDLE;
valid_next = 0;
end else begin
err_next = 1;
`CODE_I: begin
err_next = 1;
if (aligned[4:0] == `CODE_I)
state_next = PREMATURE;
2022-05-15 21:52:26 -05:00
err_next = 1;
if (!indicate)
state_next = DATA;
valid_next = 0;
if (indicate)
state_next = IDLE;
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FAILED: begin
err_next = 1;
rx_next = 0;
if (indicate)
state_next = IDLE;
if (!link_status) begin
flush = 1;
if (indicate && valid_next) begin
state_next = FAILED;
err_next = 1;
end else begin
state_next = IDLE;
always @(posedge clk) begin
rx <= rx_next;
state <= state_next;
ce <= ce_next;
false_carrier <= false_carrier_next;
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if (ce_next) begin
data <= data_next;
valid <= valid_next;
err <= err_next;
wire [4:0] aligned_hi = aligned[9:5];
wire [4:0] aligned_lo = aligned[4:0];
wire [4:0] unaligned_hi = unaligned[9:5];
wire [4:0] unaligned_lo = unaligned[4:0];
reg [255:0] state_text;
always @(*) begin
case (state)
IDLE: state_text = "IDLE";
START_J: state_text = "START_J";
START_K: state_text = "START_K";
BAD_SSD: state_text = "BAD_SSD";
DATA: state_text = "DATA";
PREMATURE: state_text = "PREMATURE";
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FAILED: state_text = "FAILED";