Line: 13: incorrect codeowner user: nakengelhardt Line: 13: no users/groups matched Line: 14: incorrect codeowner user: whitequark Line: 14: no users/groups matched Line: 15: incorrect codeowner user: whitequark Line: 15: no users/groups matched Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: whitequark Line: 16: no users/groups matched Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: whitequark Line: 17: no users/groups matched Line: 18: incorrect codeowner user: whitequark Line: 18: no users/groups matched Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: eddiehung Line: 19: no users/groups matched Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: eddiehung Line: 20: no users/groups matched Line: 30: incorrect codeowner user: zachjs Line: 30: no users/groups matched Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: zachjs Line: 31: no users/groups matched Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: ZirconiumX Line: 33: no users/groups matched Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: pepijndevos Line: 34: no users/groups matched Line: 37: incorrect codeowner user: btut Line: 37: no users/groups matched Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: ucbjrl Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: azidar Line: 39: no users/groups matched Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: boqwxp Line: 41: no users/groups matched Line: 42: incorrect codeowner user: boqwxp Line: 42: no users/groups matched Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: boqwxp Line: 43: no users/groups matched Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: boqwxp Line: 44: no users/groups matched

45 lines
1.5 KiB

# Register yourself here to be notified about modifications
# for any files you have an interest in/know your way around.
# Each line is a file pattern followed by one or more users.
# Both github usernames and email addresses are supported.
# Order is important; the last matching pattern takes the most
# precedence. Previous matches will not be applied.
# PATH (can use glob) USERNAME(S)
passes/cmds/scratchpad.cc @nakengelhardt
frontends/rpc/ @whitequark
backends/cxxrtl/ @whitequark
passes/cmds/bugpoint.cc @whitequark
passes/techmap/flowmap.cc @whitequark
passes/opt/opt_lut.cc @whitequark
passes/techmap/abc9*.cc @eddiehung
backends/aiger/xaiger.cc @eddiehung
## External Contributors
# Only users with write permission to the repository get review
# requests automatically, but we add information for other
# contributors here too, so we know who to ask to take a look.
# These still override previous lines, so be careful not to
# accidentally disable any of the above rules.
frontends/verilog/ @zachjs
frontends/ast/ @zachjs
techlibs/intel_alm/ @ZirconiumX
techlibs/gowin/ @pepijndevos
# pyosys
misc/*.py @btut
backends/firrtl @ucbjrl @azidar
passes/sat/qbfsat.cc @boqwxp
passes/sat/qbfsat.h @boqwxp
passes/cmds/exec.cc @boqwxp
passes/cmds/printattrs.cc @boqwxp