mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
286 lines
8.3 KiB
286 lines
8.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import subprocess
from select import select
from time import time
class smtio:
def __init__(self, solver=None, debug_print=None, debug_file=None, timeinfo=None, opts=None):
if opts is not None:
self.solver = opts.solver
self.debug_print = opts.debug_print
self.debug_file = opts.debug_file
self.timeinfo = opts.timeinfo
self.solver = "z3"
self.debug_print = False
self.debug_file = None
self.timeinfo = True
if solver is not None:
self.solver = solver
if debug_print is not None:
self.debug_print = debug_print
if debug_file is not None:
self.debug_file = debug_file
if timeinfo is not None:
self.timeinfo = timeinfo
if self.solver == "yices":
popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2', '--incremental']
if self.solver == "z3":
popen_vargs = ['z3', '-smt2', '-in']
if self.solver == "cvc4":
popen_vargs = ['cvc4', '--incremental', '--lang', 'smt2']
if self.solver == "mathsat":
popen_vargs = ['mathsat']
self.p = subprocess.Popen(popen_vargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
self.start_time = time()
def setup(self, logic="ALL", info=None):
self.write("(set-logic %s)" % logic)
if info is not None:
self.write("(set-info :source |%s|)" % info)
self.write("(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.5)")
self.write("(set-info :category \"industrial\")")
def timestamp(self):
secs = int(time() - self.start_time)
return "+ %6d %3d:%02d:%02d " % (secs, secs // (60*60), (secs // 60) % 60, secs % 60)
def write(self, stmt):
stmt = stmt.strip()
if self.debug_print:
print("> %s" % stmt)
if self.debug_file:
print(stmt, file=self.debug_file)
self.p.stdin.write(bytes(stmt + "\n", "ascii"))
def read(self):
stmt = []
count_brackets = 0
while True:
line = self.p.stdout.readline().decode("ascii").strip()
count_brackets += line.count("(")
count_brackets -= line.count(")")
if self.debug_print:
print("< %s" % line)
if count_brackets == 0:
if not self.p.poll():
print("SMT Solver terminated unexpectedly: %s" % "".join(stmt))
stmt = "".join(stmt)
if stmt.startswith("(error"):
print("SMT Solver Error: %s" % stmt, file=sys.stderr)
return stmt
def check_sat(self):
if self.debug_print:
print("> (check-sat)")
if self.debug_file:
print("; running check-sat..", file=self.debug_file)
self.p.stdin.write(bytes("(check-sat)\n", "ascii"))
if self.timeinfo:
i = 0
s = "/-\|"
count = 0
num_bs = 0
while select([self.p.stdout], [], [], 0.1) == ([], [], []):
count += 1
if count < 25:
if count % 10 == 0 or count == 25:
secs = count // 10
if secs < 60:
m = "(%d seconds)" % secs
elif secs < 60*60:
m = "(%d seconds -- %d:%02d)" % (secs, secs // 60, secs % 60)
m = "(%d seconds -- %d:%02d:%02d)" % (secs, secs // (60*60), (secs // 60) % 60, secs % 60)
print("%s %s %c" % ("\b \b" * num_bs, m, s[i]), end="", file=sys.stderr)
num_bs = len(m) + 3
print("\b" + s[i], end="", file=sys.stderr)
i = (i + 1) % len(s)
if num_bs != 0:
print("\b \b" * num_bs, end="", file=sys.stderr)
result = self.read()
if self.debug_file:
print("(set-info :status %s)" % result, file=self.debug_file)
print("(check-sat)", file=self.debug_file)
return result
def parse(self, stmt):
def worker(stmt):
if stmt[0] == '(':
expr = []
cursor = 1
while stmt[cursor] != ')':
el, le = worker(stmt[cursor:])
cursor += le
return expr, cursor+1
if stmt[0] == '|':
expr = "|"
cursor = 1
while stmt[cursor] != '|':
expr += stmt[cursor]
cursor += 1
expr += "|"
return expr, cursor+1
if stmt[0] in [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
el, le = worker(stmt[1:])
return el, le+1
expr = ""
cursor = 0
while stmt[cursor] not in ["(", ")", "|", " ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
expr += stmt[cursor]
cursor += 1
return expr, cursor
return worker(stmt)[0]
def bv2hex(self, v):
if v == "true": return "1"
if v == "false": return "0"
h = ""
while len(v) > 2:
d = 0
if len(v) > 0 and v[-1] == "1": d += 1
if len(v) > 1 and v[-2] == "1": d += 2
if len(v) > 2 and v[-3] == "1": d += 4
if len(v) > 3 and v[-4] == "1": d += 8
h = hex(d)[2:] + h
if len(v) < 4: break
v = v[:-4]
return h
def bv2bin(self, v):
if v == "true": return "1"
if v == "false": return "0"
return v[2:]
def get(self, expr):
self.write("(get-value (%s))" % (expr))
return self.parse(self.read())[0][1]
def get_net(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
return self.get("(|%s_n %s| %s)" % (mod_name, net_name, state_name))
def get_net_bool(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
v = self.get_net(mod_name, net_name, state_name)
assert v in ["true", "false"]
return 1 if v == "true" else 0
def get_net_hex(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
return self.bv2hex(self.get_net(mod_name, net_name, state_name))
def get_net_bin(self, mod_name, net_name, state_name):
return self.bv2bin(self.get_net(mod_name, net_name, state_name))
def wait(self):
class smtopts:
def __init__(self):
self.optstr = "s:d:vp"
self.solver = "z3"
self.debug_print = False
self.debug_file = None
self.timeinfo = True
def handle(self, o, a):
if o == "-s":
self.solver = a
elif o == "-v":
self.debug_print = True
elif o == "-p":
self.timeinfo = True
elif o == "-d":
self.debug_file = open(a, "w")
return False
return True
def helpmsg(self):
return """
-s <solver>
set SMT solver: z3, cvc4, yices, mathsat
default: z3
enable debug output
disable timer display during solving
-d <filename>
write smt2 statements to file
class mkvcd:
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
self.t = -1
self.nets = dict()
def add_net(self, name, width):
assert self.t == -1
key = "n%d" % len(self.nets)
self.nets[name] = (key, width)
def set_net(self, name, bits):
assert name in self.nets
assert self.t >= 0
print("b%s %s" % (bits, self.nets[name][0]), file=self.f)
def set_time(self, t):
assert t >= self.t
if t != self.t:
if self.t == -1:
for name in sorted(self.nets):
key, width = self.nets[name]
print("$var wire %d %s %s $end" % (width, key, name), file=self.f)
print("$enddefinitions $end", file=self.f)
self.t = t
assert self.t >= 0
print("#%d" % self.t, file=self.f)