mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
454 lines
15 KiB
454 lines
15 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
prefix = sys.argv[1]
state_types = dict()
udata_types = dict()
blocks = list()
ids = dict()
def rewrite_cpp(s):
t = list()
i = 0
while i < len(s):
if s[i] in ("'", '"') and i + 1 < len(s):
j = i + 1
while j + 1 < len(s) and s[j] != s[i]:
if s[j] == '\\' and j + 1 < len(s):
j += 1
j += 1
i = j + 1
if s[i] in ('$', '\\') and i + 1 < len(s):
j = i + 1
while True:
if j == len(s):
j -= 1
if ord('a') <= ord(s[j]) <= ord('z'):
j += 1
if ord('A') <= ord(s[j]) <= ord('Z'):
j += 1
if ord('0') <= ord(s[j]) <= ord('9'):
j += 1
if s[j] == '_':
j += 1
j -= 1
n = s[i:j+1]
i = j + 1
if n[0] == '$':
v = "id_d_" + n[1:]
v = "id_b_" + n[1:]
if v not in ids:
ids[v] = n
assert ids[v] == n
if s[i] == "\t":
t.append(" ")
i += 1
return "".join(t)
with open("%s.pmg" % prefix, "r") as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == "": break
line = line.strip()
cmd = line.split()
if len(cmd) == 0 or cmd[0].startswith("//"): continue
cmd = cmd[0]
if cmd == "state":
m = re.match(r"^state\s+<(.*?)>\s+(([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\s+)*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)\s*$", line)
assert m
type_str = m.group(1)
states_str = m.group(2)
for s in re.split(r"\s+", states_str):
assert s not in state_types
state_types[s] = type_str
if cmd == "udata":
m = re.match(r"^udata\s+<(.*?)>\s+(([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\s+)*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)\s*$", line)
assert m
type_str = m.group(1)
udatas_str = m.group(2)
for s in re.split(r"\s+", udatas_str):
assert s not in udata_types
udata_types[s] = type_str
if cmd == "match":
block = dict()
block["type"] = "match"
line = line.split()
assert len(line) == 2
assert line[1] not in state_types
block["cell"] = line[1]
state_types[line[1]] = "Cell*";
block["if"] = list()
block["select"] = list()
block["index"] = list()
block["filter"] = list()
block["optional"] = False
while True:
l = f.readline()
assert l != ""
a = l.split()
if len(a) == 0 or a[0].startswith("//"): continue
if a[0] == "endmatch": break
if a[0] == "if":
b = l.lstrip()[2:]
if a[0] == "select":
b = l.lstrip()[6:]
if a[0] == "index":
m = re.match(r"^\s*index\s+<(.*?)>\s+(.*?)\s*===\s*(.*?)\s*$", l)
assert m
block["index"].append((m.group(1), rewrite_cpp(m.group(2)), rewrite_cpp(m.group(3))))
if a[0] == "filter":
b = l.lstrip()[6:]
if a[0] == "optional":
block["optional"] = True
assert False
if cmd == "code":
block = dict()
block["type"] = "code"
block["code"] = list()
block["states"] = set()
for s in line.split()[1:]:
assert s in state_types
while True:
l = f.readline()
assert l != ""
a = l.split()
if len(a) == 0: continue
if a[0] == "endcode": break
with open("%s_pm.h" % prefix, "w") as f:
print("// Generated by pmgen.py from {}.pgm".format(prefix), file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("#include \"kernel/yosys.h\"", file=f)
print("#include \"kernel/sigtools.h\"", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("struct {}_pm {{".format(prefix), file=f)
print(" Module *module;", file=f)
print(" SigMap sigmap;", file=f)
print(" std::function<void()> on_accept;".format(prefix), file=f)
print("", file=f)
for index in range(len(blocks)):
block = blocks[index]
if block["type"] == "match":
index_types = list()
for entry in block["index"]:
print(" typedef std::tuple<{}> index_{}_key_type;".format(", ".join(index_types), index), file=f)
print(" dict<index_{}_key_type, vector<Cell*>> index_{};".format(index, index), file=f)
print(" dict<SigBit, pool<Cell*>> sigusers;", file=f)
print(" pool<Cell*> blacklist_cells;", file=f)
print(" int rollback;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" struct state_t {", file=f)
for s, t in sorted(state_types.items()):
print(" {} {};".format(t, s), file=f)
print(" } st;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" struct udata_t {", file=f)
for s, t in sorted(udata_types.items()):
print(" {} {};".format(t, s), file=f)
print(" } ud;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for v, n in sorted(ids.items()):
if n[0] == "\\":
print(" IdString {}{{\"\\{}\"}};".format(v, n), file=f)
print(" IdString {}{{\"{}\"}};".format(v, n), file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" void add_siguser(const SigSpec &sig, Cell *cell) {", file=f)
print(" for (auto bit : sigmap(sig)) {", file=f)
print(" if (bit.wire == nullptr) continue;", file=f)
print(" if (sigusers.count(bit) == 0 && bit.wire->port_id)", file=f)
print(" sigusers[bit].insert(nullptr);", file=f)
print(" sigusers[bit].insert(cell);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" void blacklist(Cell *cell) {", file=f)
print(" if (cell != nullptr)", file=f)
print(" blacklist_cells.insert(cell);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" void check_blacklist() {", file=f)
for index in range(len(blocks)):
block = blocks[index]
if block["type"] == "match":
print(" if (st.{} != nullptr && blacklist_cells.count(st.{})) {{".format(block["cell"], block["cell"]), file=f)
print(" rollback = {};".format(index+1), file=f)
print(" return;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" rollback = 0;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" SigSpec port(Cell *cell, IdString portname) {", file=f)
print(" return sigmap(cell->getPort(portname));", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" Const param(Cell *cell, IdString paramname) {", file=f)
print(" return cell->getParam(paramname);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" int nusers(const SigSpec &sig) {", file=f)
print(" pool<Cell*> users;", file=f)
print(" for (auto bit : sigmap(sig))", file=f)
print(" for (auto user : sigusers[bit])", file=f)
print(" users.insert(user);", file=f)
print(" return GetSize(users);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" {}_pm(Module *module, const vector<Cell*> &cells) :".format(prefix), file=f)
print(" module(module), sigmap(module) {", file=f)
for s, t in sorted(udata_types.items()):
if t.endswith("*"):
print(" ud.{} = nullptr;".format(s), file=f)
print(" ud.{} = {}();".format(s, t), file=f)
print(" for (auto cell : module->cells()) {", file=f)
print(" for (auto &conn : cell->connections())", file=f)
print(" add_siguser(conn.second, cell);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" for (auto cell : cells) {", file=f)
for index in range(len(blocks)):
block = blocks[index]
if block["type"] == "match":
print(" do {", file=f)
print(" Cell *{} = cell;".format(block["cell"]), file=f)
for expr in block["select"]:
print(" if (!({})) break;".format(expr), file=f)
print(" index_{}_key_type key;".format(index), file=f)
for field, entry in enumerate(block["index"]):
print(" std::get<{}>(key) = {};".format(field, entry[1]), file=f)
print(" index_{}[key].push_back(cell);".format(index), file=f)
print(" } while (0);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" void run(std::function<void()> on_accept_f) {{".format(prefix), file=f)
print(" on_accept = on_accept_f;", file=f)
print(" rollback = 0;", file=f)
for s, t in sorted(state_types.items()):
if t.endswith("*"):
print(" st.{} = nullptr;".format(s), file=f)
print(" st.{} = {}();".format(s, t), file=f)
print(" block_0();", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for index in range(len(blocks)):
block = blocks[index]
print(" void block_{}() {{".format(index), file=f)
const_st = set()
nonconst_st = set()
restore_st = set()
for i in range(index):
if blocks[i]["type"] == "code":
for s in blocks[i]["states"]:
elif blocks[i]["type"] == "match":
assert False
if block["type"] == "code":
for s in block["states"]:
if s in const_st:
elif block["type"] == "match":
s = block["cell"]
assert s not in const_st
assert False
for s in sorted(const_st):
t = state_types[s]
if t.endswith("*"):
print(" {} const &{} YS_ATTRIBUTE(unused) = st.{};".format(t, s, s), file=f)
print(" const {} &{} YS_ATTRIBUTE(unused) = st.{};".format(t, s, s), file=f)
for s in sorted(nonconst_st):
t = state_types[s]
print(" {} &{} YS_ATTRIBUTE(unused) = st.{};".format(t, s, s), file=f)
if len(restore_st):
print("", file=f)
for s in sorted(restore_st):
t = state_types[s]
print(" {} backup_{} = {};".format(t, s, s), file=f)
if block["type"] == "code":
print("", file=f)
print(" do {", file=f)
print("#define reject do { check_blacklist(); goto rollback_label; } while(0)", file=f)
print("#define accept do { on_accept(); check_blacklist(); if (rollback) goto rollback_label; } while(0)", file=f)
print("#define branch do {{ block_{}(); }} while(0)".format(index+1), file=f)
for line in block["code"]:
print(" " + line, file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
print("#undef reject", file=f)
print("#undef accept", file=f)
print("#undef branch", file=f)
print(" } while (0);", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("rollback_label:", file=f)
print(" YS_ATTRIBUTE(unused);", file=f)
if len(restore_st) or len(nonconst_st):
print("", file=f)
for s in sorted(restore_st):
t = state_types[s]
print(" {} = backup_{};".format(s, s), file=f)
for s in sorted(nonconst_st):
if s not in restore_st:
t = state_types[s]
if t.endswith("*"):
print(" {} = nullptr;".format(s), file=f)
print(" {} = {}();".format(s, t), file=f)
elif block["type"] == "match":
assert len(restore_st) == 0
if len(block["if"]):
for expr in block["if"]:
print("", file=f)
print(" if (!({})) {{".format(expr), file=f)
print(" {} = nullptr;".format(block["cell"]), file=f)
print(" block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
print(" return;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" index_{}_key_type key;".format(index), file=f)
for field, entry in enumerate(block["index"]):
print(" std::get<{}>(key) = {};".format(field, entry[2]), file=f)
print(" const vector<Cell*> &cells = index_{}[key];".format(index), file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" for (int idx = 0; idx < GetSize(cells); idx++) {", file=f)
print(" {} = cells[idx];".format(block["cell"]), file=f)
for expr in block["filter"]:
print(" if (!({})) continue;".format(expr), file=f)
print(" block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
print(" if (rollback) {", file=f)
print(" if (rollback != {}) {{".format(index+1), file=f)
print(" {} = nullptr;".format(block["cell"]), file=f)
print(" return;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" rollback = 0;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" {} = nullptr;".format(block["cell"]), file=f)
if block["optional"]:
print(" block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
assert False
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" void block_{}() {{".format(len(blocks)), file=f)
print(" on_accept();", file=f)
print(" check_blacklist();", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("};", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END", file=f)
# pp.pprint(blocks)