mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
391 lines
9.7 KiB
391 lines
9.7 KiB
(* abc9_lut=1 *)
module NX_LUT(input I1, I2, I3, I4, output O);
parameter lut_table = 16'h0000;
wire [7:0] s1 = I4 ? lut_table[15:8] : lut_table[7:0];
wire [3:0] s2 = I3 ? s1[7:4] : s1[3:0];
wire [1:0] s3 = I2 ? s2[3:2] : s2[1:0];
assign O = I1 ? s3[1] : s3[0];
(* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *)
module NX_DFF(input I, CK, L, R, output reg O);
parameter dff_ctxt = 1'bx;
parameter dff_edge = 1'b0;
parameter dff_init = 1'b0;
parameter dff_load = 1'b0;
parameter dff_sync = 1'b0;
parameter dff_type = 1'b0;
initial begin
O = dff_ctxt;
wire clock = CK ^ dff_edge;
wire load = dff_load ? L : 1'b1;
wire async_reset = !dff_sync && dff_init && R;
wire sync_reset = dff_sync && dff_init && R;
always @(posedge clock, posedge async_reset)
if (async_reset) O <= dff_type;
else if (sync_reset) O <= dff_type;
else if (load) O <= I;
(* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *)
module NX_CY(input A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, (* abc9_carry *) input CI, output S1, S2, S3, S4, (* abc9_carry *) output CO);
parameter add_carry = 0;
wire CI_1;
wire CO1, CO2, CO3;
assign CI_1 = (add_carry==2) ? CI : ((add_carry==1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
assign { CO1, S1 } = A1 + B1 + CI_1;
assign { CO2, S2 } = A2 + B2 + CO1;
assign { CO3, S3 } = A3 + B3 + CO2;
assign { CO, S4 } = A4 + B4 + CO3;
module NX_IOB(I, C, T, O, IO);
input C;
input I;
(* iopad_external_pin *)
inout IO;
output O;
input T;
parameter differential = "";
parameter drive = "";
parameter dynDrive = "";
parameter dynInput = "";
parameter dynTerm = "";
parameter extra = 3;
parameter inputDelayLine = "";
parameter inputDelayOn = "";
parameter inputSignalSlope = "";
parameter location = "";
parameter locked = 1'b0;
parameter outputCapacity = "";
parameter outputDelayLine = "";
parameter outputDelayOn = "";
parameter slewRate = "";
parameter standard = "";
parameter termination = "";
parameter terminationReference = "";
parameter turbo = "";
parameter weakTermination = "";
assign O = IO;
assign IO = C ? I : 1'bz;
module NX_IOB_I(C, T, IO, O);
input C;
(* iopad_external_pin *)
input IO;
output O;
input T;
parameter differential = "";
parameter drive = "";
parameter dynDrive = "";
parameter dynInput = "";
parameter dynTerm = "";
parameter extra = 1;
parameter inputDelayLine = "";
parameter inputDelayOn = "";
parameter inputSignalSlope = "";
parameter location = "";
parameter locked = 1'b0;
parameter outputCapacity = "";
parameter outputDelayLine = "";
parameter outputDelayOn = "";
parameter slewRate = "";
parameter standard = "";
parameter termination = "";
parameter terminationReference = "";
parameter turbo = "";
parameter weakTermination = "";
assign O = IO;
module NX_IOB_O(I, C, T, IO);
input C;
input I;
(* iopad_external_pin *)
output IO;
input T;
parameter differential = "";
parameter drive = "";
parameter dynDrive = "";
parameter dynInput = "";
parameter dynTerm = "";
parameter extra = 2;
parameter inputDelayLine = "";
parameter inputDelayOn = "";
parameter inputSignalSlope = "";
parameter location = "";
parameter locked = 1'b0;
parameter outputCapacity = "";
parameter outputDelayLine = "";
parameter outputDelayOn = "";
parameter slewRate = "";
parameter standard = "";
parameter termination = "";
parameter terminationReference = "";
parameter turbo = "";
parameter weakTermination = "";
assign IO = C ? I : 1'bz;
(* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *)
module NX_CY_1BIT(CI, A, B, S, CO);
(* abc9_carry *)
input CI;
input A;
input B;
output S;
(* abc9_carry *)
output CO;
parameter first = 1'b0;
assign {CO, S} = A + B + CI;
module NX_BD(I, O);
input I;
output O;
parameter mode = "global_lowskew";
assign O = I;
module NX_BFF(I, O);
input I;
output O;
assign O = I;
module NX_BFR(I, O);
input I;
output O;
parameter data_inv = 1'b0;
parameter iobname = "";
parameter location = "";
parameter mode = 0;
parameter path = 0;
parameter ring = 0;
assign O = data_inv ? ~I : I;
(* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *)
module NX_RAM(ACK, ACKC, ACKD, ACKR, BCK, BCKC, BCKD, BCKR, AI1, AI2, AI3, AI4, AI5, AI6, AI7, AI8, AI9, AI10, AI11, AI12, AI13
, AI14, AI15, AI16, AI17, AI18, AI19, AI20, AI21, AI22, AI23, AI24, BI1, BI2, BI3, BI4, BI5, BI6, BI7, BI8, BI9, BI10
, BI11, BI12, BI13, BI14, BI15, BI16, BI17, BI18, BI19, BI20, BI21, BI22, BI23, BI24, ACOR, AERR, BCOR, BERR, AO1, AO2, AO3
, AO4, AO5, AO6, AO7, AO8, AO9, AO10, AO11, AO12, AO13, AO14, AO15, AO16, AO17, AO18, AO19, AO20, AO21, AO22, AO23, AO24
, BO1, BO2, BO3, BO4, BO5, BO6, BO7, BO8, BO9, BO10, BO11, BO12, BO13, BO14, BO15, BO16, BO17, BO18, BO19, BO20, BO21
, BO22, BO23, BO24, AA1, AA2, AA3, AA4, AA5, AA6, AA7, AA8, AA9, AA10, AA11, AA12, AA13, AA14, AA15, AA16, ACS, AWE
, AR, BA1, BA2, BA3, BA4, BA5, BA6, BA7, BA8, BA9, BA10, BA11, BA12, BA13, BA14, BA15, BA16, BCS, BWE, BR);
input AA1;
input AA10;
input AA11;
input AA12;
input AA13;
input AA14;
input AA15;
input AA16;
input AA2;
input AA3;
input AA4;
input AA5;
input AA6;
input AA7;
input AA8;
input AA9;
input ACK;
input ACKC;
input ACKD;
input ACKR;
output ACOR;
input ACS;
output AERR;
input AI1;
input AI10;
input AI11;
input AI12;
input AI13;
input AI14;
input AI15;
input AI16;
input AI17;
input AI18;
input AI19;
input AI2;
input AI20;
input AI21;
input AI22;
input AI23;
input AI24;
input AI3;
input AI4;
input AI5;
input AI6;
input AI7;
input AI8;
input AI9;
output reg AO1;
output reg AO10;
output reg AO11;
output reg AO12;
output reg AO13;
output reg AO14;
output reg AO15;
output reg AO16;
output reg AO17;
output reg AO18;
output reg AO19;
output reg AO2;
output reg AO20;
output reg AO21;
output reg AO22;
output reg AO23;
output reg AO24;
output reg AO3;
output reg AO4;
output reg AO5;
output reg AO6;
output reg AO7;
output reg AO8;
output reg AO9;
input AR;
input AWE;
input BA1;
input BA10;
input BA11;
input BA12;
input BA13;
input BA14;
input BA15;
input BA16;
input BA2;
input BA3;
input BA4;
input BA5;
input BA6;
input BA7;
input BA8;
input BA9;
input BCK;
input BCKC;
input BCKD;
input BCKR;
output BCOR;
input BCS;
output BERR;
input BI1;
input BI10;
input BI11;
input BI12;
input BI13;
input BI14;
input BI15;
input BI16;
input BI17;
input BI18;
input BI19;
input BI2;
input BI20;
input BI21;
input BI22;
input BI23;
input BI24;
input BI3;
input BI4;
input BI5;
input BI6;
input BI7;
input BI8;
input BI9;
output reg BO1;
output reg BO10;
output reg BO11;
output reg BO12;
output reg BO13;
output reg BO14;
output reg BO15;
output reg BO16;
output reg BO17;
output reg BO18;
output reg BO19;
output reg BO2;
output reg BO20;
output reg BO21;
output reg BO22;
output reg BO23;
output reg BO24;
output reg BO3;
output reg BO4;
output reg BO5;
output reg BO6;
output reg BO7;
output reg BO8;
output reg BO9;
input BR;
input BWE;
parameter mcka_edge = 1'b0;
parameter mckb_edge = 1'b0;
parameter mem_ctxt = "";
parameter pcka_edge = 1'b0;
parameter pckb_edge = 1'b0;
parameter pipe_ia = 1'b0;
parameter pipe_ib = 1'b0;
parameter pipe_oa = 1'b0;
parameter pipe_ob = 1'b0;
parameter raw_config0 = 4'b0000;
parameter raw_config1 = 16'b0000000000000000;
//parameter raw_l_enable = 1'b0;
//parameter raw_l_extend = 4'b0000;
//parameter raw_u_enable = 1'b0;
//parameter raw_u_extend = 8'b00000000;
parameter std_mode = "";
reg [24-1:0] mem [2048-1:0]; // 48 Kbit of memory
/*integer i;
initial begin
for (i = 0; i < 2048; i = i + 1)
mem[i] = 24'b0;
wire [15:0] AA = { AA16, AA15, AA14, AA13, AA12, AA11, AA10, AA9, AA8, AA7, AA6, AA5, AA4, AA3, AA2, AA1 };
wire [23:0] AI = { AI24, AI23, AI22, AI21, AI20, AI19, AI18, AI17, AI16, AI15, AI14, AI13, AI12, AI11, AI10, AI9, AI8, AI7, AI6, AI5, AI4, AI3, AI2, AI1 };
wire [23:0] AO = { AO24, AO23, AO22, AO21, AO20, AO19, AO18, AO17, AO16, AO15, AO14, AO13, AO12, AO11, AO10, AO9, AO8, AO7, AO6, AO5, AO4, AO3, AO2, AO1 };
wire [15:0] BA = { BA16, BA15, BA14, BA13, BA12, BA11, BA10, BA9, BA8, BA7, BA6, BA5, BA4, BA3, BA2, BA1 };
wire [23:0] BI = { BI24, BI23, BI22, BI21, BI20, BI19, BI18, BI17, BI16, BI15, BI14, BI13, BI12, BI11, BI10, BI9, BI8, BI7, BI6, BI5, BI4, BI3, BI2, BI1 };
wire [23:0] BO = { BO24, BO23, BO22, BO21, BO20, BO19, BO18, BO17, BO16, BO15, BO14, BO13, BO12, BO11, BO10, BO9, BO8, BO7, BO6, BO5, BO4, BO3, BO2, BO1 };
always @(posedge ACK)
if (AWE)
mem[AA[10:0]] <= AI;
{ AO24, AO23, AO22, AO21, AO20, AO19, AO18, AO17, AO16, AO15, AO14, AO13, AO12, AO11, AO10, AO9, AO8, AO7, AO6, AO5, AO4, AO3, AO2, AO1 } <= mem[AA[10:0]];
assign ACOR = 1'b0;
assign AERR = 1'b0;
always @(posedge BCK)
if (BWE)
mem[BA[10:0]] <= BI;
{ BO24, BO23, BO22, BO21, BO20, BO19, BO18, BO17, BO16, BO15, BO14, BO13, BO12, BO11, BO10, BO9, BO8, BO7, BO6, BO5, BO4, BO3, BO2, BO1 } <= mem[BA[10:0]];
assign BCOR = 1'b0;
assign BERR = 1'b0;