
376 lines
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This file contains some very brief documentation on things like programming APIs.
Also consult the Yosys manual and the section about programming in the presentation.
(Both can be downloaded as PDF from the yosys webpage.)
--snip-- only the lines below this mark are included in the yosys manual --snip--
Getting Started
Outline of a Yosys command
Here is a the C++ code for a "hello_world" Yosys command (hello.cc):
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
struct HelloWorldPass : public Pass {
HelloWorldPass() : Pass("hello_world") { }
virtual void execute(vector<string>, Design*) {
log("Hello World!\n");
} HelloWorldPass;
This can be built into a Yosys module using the following command:
yosys-config --exec --cxx --cxxflags --ldflags -o hello.so -shared hello.cc --ldlibs
Or short:
yosys-config --build hello.so hello.cc
And then executed using the following command:
yosys -m hello.so -p hello_world
Yosys Data Structures
Here is a short list of data structures that you should make yourself familiar
with before you write C++ code for Yosys. The following data structures are all
defined when "kernel/yosys.h" is included and USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE is used.
1. Yosys Container Classes
Yosys uses dict<K, T> and pool<T> as main container classes. dict<K, T> is
essentially a replacement for std::unordered_map<K, T> and pool<T> is a
replacement for std::unordered_set<T>. The main characteristics are:
- dict<K, T> and pool<T> are about 2x faster than the std containers
- references to elements in a dict<K, T> or pool<T> are invalidated by
insert and remove operations (similar to std::vector<T> on push_back()).
- some iterators are invalidated by erase(). specifically, iterators
that have not passed the erased element yet are invalidated. (erase()
itself returns valid iterator to the next element.)
- no iterators are invalidated by insert(). elements are inserted at
begin(). i.e. only a new iterator that starts at begin() will see the
inserted elements.
- the method .count(key, iterator) is like .count(key) but only
considers elements that can be reached via the iterator.
- iterators can be compared. it1 < it2 means that the position of t2
can be reached via t1 but not vice versa.
- the method .sort() can be used to sort the elements in the container
the container stays sorted until elements are added or removed.
- dict<K, T> and pool<T> will have the same order of iteration across
all compilers, standard libraries and architectures.
In addition to dict<K, T> and pool<T> there is also an idict<K> that
creates a bijective map from K to the integers. For example:
idict<string, 42> si;
log("%d\n", si("hello")); // will print 42
log("%d\n", si("world")); // will print 43
log("%d\n", si.at("world")); // will print 43
log("%d\n", si.at("dummy")); // will throw exception
log("%s\n", si[42].c_str())); // will print hello
log("%s\n", si[43].c_str())); // will print world
log("%s\n", si[44].c_str())); // will throw exception
It is not possible to remove elements from an idict.
2. Standard STL data types
In Yosys we use std::vector<T> and std::string whenever applicable. When
dict<K, T> and pool<T> are not suitable then std::map<K, T> and std::set<T>
are used instead.
The types std::vector<T> and std::string are also available as vector<T>
and string in the Yosys namespace.
3. RTLIL objects
The current design (essentially a collection of modules, each defined by a
netlist) is stored in memory using RTLIL object (declared in kernel/rtlil.h,
automatically included by kernel/yosys.h). You should glance over at least
the declarations for the following types in kernel/rtlil.h:
This is a handle for an identifier (e.g. cell or wire name).
It feels a lot like a std::string, but is only a single int
in size. (The actual string is stored in a global lookup
A single signal bit. I.e. either a constant state (0, 1,
x, z) or a single bit from a wire.
Essentially a vector of SigBits.
The building blocks of the netlist in a module.
The module is a container with connected cells and wires
in it. The design is a container with modules in it.
All this types are also available without the RTLIL:: prefix in the Yosys
4. SigMap and other Helper Classes
There are a couple of additional helper classes that are in wide use
in Yosys. Most importantly there is SigMap (declared in kernel/sigtools.h).
When a design has many wires in it that are connected to each other, then a
single signal bit can have multiple valid names. The SigMap object can be used
to map SigSpecs or SigBits to unique SigSpecs and SigBits that consistently
only use one wire from such a group of connected wires. For example:
SigBit a = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
SigBit b = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
module->connect(a, b);
log("%d\n", a == b); // will print 0
SigMap sigmap(module);
log("%d\n", sigmap(a) == sigmap(b)); // will print 1
Example Code
The following yosys commands are a good starting point if you are looking for examples
of how to use the Yosys API:
Notes on the existing codebase
For historical reasons not all parts of Yosys adhere to the current coding
style. When adding code to existing parts of the system, adhere to this guide
for the new code instead of trying to mimic the style of the surrounding code.
Coding Style
Formatting of code
- Yosys code is using tabs for indentation. Tabs are 8 characters.
- A continuation of a statement in the following line is indented by
two additional tabs.
- Lines are as long as you want them to be. A good rule of thumb is
to break lines at about column 150.
- Opening braces can be put on the same or next line as the statement
opening the block (if, switch, for, while, do). Put the opening brace
on its own line for larger blocks, especially blocks that contains
blank lines.
- Otherwise stick to the Linux Kernel Coding Stlye:
C++ Langugage
Yosys is written in C++11. At the moment only constructs supported by
gcc 4.6 are allowed in Yosys code. This will change in future releases.
In general Yosys uses "int" instead of "size_t". To avoid compiler
warnings for implicit type casts, always use "GetSize(foobar)" instead
of "foobar.size()". (GetSize() is defined in kernel/yosys.h)
Use range-based for loops whenever applicable.
--snap-- only the lines above this mark are included in the yosys manual --snap--
Creating the Visual Studio Template Project
1. Create an empty Visual C++ Win32 Console App project
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
Open New Project Wizard (File -> New Project..)
Project Name: YosysVS
Solution Name: YosysVS
[X] Create directory for solution
[ ] Add to source control
[X] Console applications
[X] Empty Projcect
[ ] SDL checks
2. Open YosysVS Project Properties
Select Configuration: All Configurations
C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
Add: ..\yosys
C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions
3. Resulting file system tree:
4. Zip YosysVS as YosysVS-Tpl-v1.zip
Checklist for adding internal cell types
Things to do right away:
- Add to kernel/celltypes.h (incl. eval() handling for non-mem cells)
- Add to InternalCellChecker::check() in kernel/rtlil.cc
- Add to techlibs/common/simlib.v
- Add to techlibs/common/techmap.v
Things to do after finalizing the cell interface:
- Add support to kernel/satgen.h for the new cell type
- Add to manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex (or just add a fixme to the bottom)
- Maybe add support to the verilog backend for dumping such cells as expression
Checklist for creating Yosys releases
Update the CHANGELOG file:
cd ~yosys
gitk &
Update and check documentation:
cd ~yosys
make update-manual
make manual
- sanity check the figures in the appnotes and presentation
- if there are any odd things -> investigate
- make cosmetic changes to the .tex files if necessary
cd ~yosys
vi README CodingReadme
- is the information provided in those file still up to date
Then with default config setting:
cd ~yosys
make vgtest
cd ~yosys
./yosys -p 'proc; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
./yosys -p 'proc; opt; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
./yosys -p 'synth; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
./yosys -p 'synth_xilinx -top up3down5; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
cd ~yosys/techlibs/cmos
bash testbench.sh
cd ~yosys/techlibs/xilinx/example_basys3
bash run.sh
Test building plugins with various of the standard passes:
yosys-config --build test.so equiv_simple.cc
- also check the code examples in CodingReadme
And if a version of the verific library is currently available:
cd ~yosys
cat frontends/verific/build_amd64.txt
- follow instructions
cd frontends/verific
../../yosys test_navre.ys
Finally run all tests with "make config-{clang,gcc,gcc-4.6}":
cd ~yosys
make clean
make test
make vloghtb
make install
cd ~yosys-bigsim
make clean
make full
cd ~vloghammer
make purge gen_issues gen_samples
make SYN_LIST="yosys" SIM_LIST="icarus yosim verilator" REPORT_FULL=1 world
chromium-browser report.html
- set YOSYS_VER to x.y.z in Makefile
- update version string in CHANGELOG
git commit -am "Yosys x.y.z"
- push tag to github
- post changelog on github
- post short release note on reddit
Updating the website:
cd ~yosys
make manual
make install
- update pdf files on the website
cd ~yosys-web
make update_cmd
make update_show
git commit -am update
make push